TUP 16: Televised punishment

Trumped Up Punishments 16 – Charlotte’s ordeal: Televised punishment

Charlotte woke up after a restless night. She was known as the school rebel, and had been due to be punished at a punishment assembly open to the paying public the night before. Fortunately proceedings had been delayed – two boys had been severely punished, and to top it all, had been arrested just as their ordeal appeared to be over. Their case had been expedited for trial, but they would have another two weeks at least to wait before they would find out their fate – most likely they would be castrated under the new Lex Weinstein or ‘Weinstein statute’, which allowed this severe punishment in cases supported by incontrovertible evidence. Indeed, the new statute allowed the jury to order a full penectomy in cases of violent raipe. Charlotte, a good feminist, thought they deserved at least to be castrated, but their troubles were not really at the forefront of her mind. Mr. Barton, the new Headmaster of her school, Millennium High, had become increasingly extreme in the punishments he meted out; lately, punishing pupils had been used to raise funds for the school by allowing rich donors to prescribe punishments for money, and by selling tickets to punishments assemblies to members of the general public.

Charlotte was a High School freshman, or ‘freshwoman’ as she preferred. She had found the transition from her old school difficult – all her friends had gone to private school, and she hadn’t been able to go with them because her parents had lost all their money when her father had been charged with insider trading. He was now in jail, awaiting trial, and she was at this shitty school run by a clearly deranged headmaster. It didn’t help that her politics were far removed from the politics of the average Millennium High student – she did not make any friends, and became conspicuous as someone who simply did not play along with school rules. She did not do any of her assigned homework, refused to answer in class and started playing practical jokes. The result was an unprecedented 45 demerits. She knew that the punishment had been postponed, not cancelled. During the lunchbreak, she had been told to report to the staff room where she would be told her fate.

Her Mum drove her to school. “Ok, good luck today, darling. I wish I could take you out of school, but we just haven’t got the money any more. I am sure you will be able to cope, and hopefully it will teach you to behave better from now on.”

During morning lessons, Charlie and Steve were the main topic of conversation. The rumor was that their punishment would be broadcast nationwide by a new cable channel, ‘The Punishment Network’, an off-shoot of Fox News. The legislation allowing punishments imposed by State and Federal courts to be televised was awaiting the President’s signature – the question was if he would get to it before Charlie and Steve were to be castrated. Everybody seemed to assume that the verdict was a foregone conclusion.

At lunchtime Charlotte was waiting outside the staff room to be called in, dressed in a demure grey skirt, blouse and cardigan. When she was called in, she was surprised that the staff room had been set up almost like a courtroom – with five teachers and two student reps sitting as judges. Mr. Barton was, of course, presiding.

“Miss Gray, thanks for joining us.” Like she’d had an alternative! “We have spent the last hour deliberating the most suitable punishment to inflict on you. You will be punished at the next regular punishment assembly, but not by punishment machine. Your punishment will be executed by five of your male fellow pupils: two freshmen and one each from grades 10 to 12, in fact, the best male students from each year. Each will castigate a different part of your body: your back, your bottom, your breasts, your entire front and your sex. Choice of implement and number of strokes or lashes will be determined by punishment wheel, the executioner will be selected by lot. We have further decided that the entire event will be filmed and the resulting video made available on the school’s intranet. Do you accept the punishment?”

Charlotte didn’t have a choice and nodded.

“In that case I have a proposition for you. We have been asked by the new Fox Punishment Network (FPN) whether we will allow them to broadcast any of our punishment assemblies. While the “Corporal Punishment Broadcast Act” is not yet in force, we cannot allow them to do so without the consent of the students being punished. However, they have offered the school the sum of half a million dollars – we are prepared to pay you ten percent of this should you agree.”

Charlotte thought quickly. $50k would be very useful for her family – she might even be able to transfer to private school with that kind of money. Her punishment was going to be videoed anyway – and the footage would be on the net forever. So the downside was actually quite small. So she agreed.

“That’s very good of you. One thing I forgot to mention is that a camera team from FPN will be shadowing you for the entire day on Thursday – they want to show a short documentary about you prior to the live broadcast of your punishment. I assume that will not be a problem?”

Charlotte shook her head, though she wasn’t enthused. She had always dreamed to be on TV one day – but this was not how she had envisaged it!

As she started her afternoon classes, people avoided asking her what her fate would be, and she certainly wasn’t going to volunteer the information. They would all find out soon enough!

On Thursday, a Fox News van was outside Charlotte’s house. As she exited her front door, a reporter got out of the van and offered her a lift. She got into the car. The journalist introduced himself as Todd Styler, until recently a reporter for Fox News, now the commissioning editor of FPN. “Very nice to meet you. I knew from your pictures that you were a stunning beauty, but you are even more impressive in person.”

As they were driving towards the school, Mr. Styler was explaining what would happen during the day: “We will keep a discrete camera team with you all day, and may interview some of your friends and classmates, as well as your teachers. The idea is that we get a complete picture of who you are, in a way, our viewers will know you personally when you step onto the stage on Monday. I would also like to interview you at some stage today – Mr. Barton says that you have a free period just after lunch. Would that be a good time?”

“Of course, that would suit me well”, Charlotte said politely.
The van deposited Charlotte and her ‘discrete’ camera crew (two cameramen and a woman reporter) outside the school gate. Mr. Styler made his way to the Headmaster’s office while Charlotte, trailed by the crew, went to class. First period was history. The crew was interviewing her classmates – not particularly subtly – after the lesson, the woman reporter, her name was Trixie, intercepted Mr. Shaw, the teacher, on his way out and she and one cameraman left with him.

The other cameraman asked Charlotte to walk to her next class as normal, while pointing out interesting facts about the school on the way. “There are no interesting facts about the school”, she replied, rather snippily.

“Well, one interesting thing about it is its discipline regime. It was the first school in the country to change it to the full allowed limit under the Executive Order. How do the students feel about this?”

“I, for one, am obviously not a fan!” said Charlotte, “but then I would say that. The fact is that most students, particularly male students, really enjoy the punishment assemblies. I must admit that I loved seeing some school bullies punished and humiliated – one in particular, who had been harassing me. But a lot of us feel that discipline is no longer the motive – the school is using punishment assemblies as a convenient way to make money. You will probably cut that out, though, given that you are involved, too.”

“Well, we’ll see. Where are assemblies held?”

“Over there – in the main theater. It was built for drama – now it is used just for punishment assemblies.”

“Have you been punished there before now?”

“I have not been punished at all yet. Somehow, I always slipped through the net. I had too many demerits for a ‘regular’ assembly – you know, where up to ten students are punished at the same time by punishment machine. I was to be punished last week, but it all took longer than planned, and my punishment was adjourned.”

“But you have been in the audience?”

“Of course; attendance is compulsory.”

“And everyone has to strip when they are being punished?”

“Not everyone, but it seems to be the norm. In fact, I can only remember one boy who was spanked on his underpants. Everyone else had to lose all or most of their clothing.”

“Pretty extreme.”

“Well, you get used to it. Like you get used to most things.”

They had now arrived at Charlotte’s next class-room and the cameraman took up a ‘discrete’ position to shoot ‘ordinary classroom’ sequences.

After lunch, Charlotte followed Trixie into an empty classroom where a semi-circle of chairs had been set up, with the blackboard in the background. She was told to take one of the middle chairs – soon, a number of boys came into the room. Two of them she knew – Otto and Ralf, two boys from her own year. The others were older, and she knew only one of them: Jonathan, the senior, who had helped with punishments the week before. It dawned on her that these were her executioners!

Trixie was not joined by Mr. Styler who addressed everyone:

“Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. You will all be the protagonists on Monday, and our audience would like to get to know you a little bit. Could you each just tell us your name, year, and age?”

“I am Ken, I’m a sophomore and I’m 15.”

“Otto, Freshman, 14.”

“Jonathan, Senior, 18.”

“Charlotte, Freshwoman, 14.”

“Ralf, Freshman, 13.”

“John, Junior, 16.”

“We’ll start with you, Charlotte. How many of these do you know?”

“I know Ralf and Otto, because I have classes with them. I know Jonathan because he has been administering punishments in assemblies in the past. He is the second-best pupil in the school, but I do not know him personally. I do not know any of the others, except by sight.”

“Why are you in trouble?”

“Well, I never really liked this school. I wasn’t meant to come here. I thought the lessons were infantile, boring. I didn’t like the school, and I made no secret of it. So the school, or its pupils, did not like me in return. I guess I should not have been surprised about this.”

“What do your classmates think of Charlotte? Ralf?”

“Well, she’s a bit of a stuck-up bitch. She thinks she’s something better. She deserves what’s coming to her.”


“I agree. I asked her out when she first arrived, just to show her how welcome she was. And she is also seriously good looking, of course. But she told me she wouldn’t date me if I was the last boy alive – she didn’t like nerds, she said. Well, I have a date with her now!”

“Speaking of which, I understand that you will be selected by chance – which session would you like to do and why? You first, Otto!”

“I would like to whip her tits!”

“Ralf?” “Me, too!”

“Ken?” “Her entire front, I think, but I’ll take what I get!”

“John?” “Her crotch!”

“Jonathan?” “I really don’t mind. I would like a heavy implement, though.”

“What are your thoughts as you hear them describe what they want to do to you, Charlotte?” “I have to be honest, it scares the shit out of me.”

“Do you resent them?” “Yes, of course. I wish the tables were turned, but there is no way I can avoid this.”

“One last question for the boys: do you have any experience administering punishment? I mean, it’s not easy to inflict maximum pain.”

Ken replied on behalf of everyone. “Jonathan is the only one with experience. We are all going to be trained tomorrow night and all day Sunday. The school security guards used to be in the army, responsible for training army recruits. They will be our instructors.”

“That’s reassuring. We are looking forward to a great show. Thank you all for this interview. We will see you all again on Monday! Charlotte, please stay behind for a private interview.”

The boys were now leaving the room, Charlotte stayed put. “Just a few questions for our viewers. You are just f******n, so I assume you are still a virgin?” “Yes.” “Have you seen a penis before?” “Yes, at the first punishment assembly”. “But you haven’t touched one?” “Yes, I have. We were allowed to touch the penises of boys being punished at the first punishment assembly, and at the one last week.”

“Have you been intimate with a boy yet?” “Well, I let my first boyfriend get to first base, but that’s it.” “How do you feel about the whole country seeing you naked next week?” “How do you think I feel?”

“Thank you, Charlotte. I’ll hand you back to Trixie.”

The crew followed Charlotte around for the rest of the day, focused on her when she was asked a question (which she actually answered – she did not want any more demerits!), when a test was returned (which she had flunked) and so on. At the end of the day, she was given a ride home and the camera team asked to see her room and house, meet her parents. She said that only her Mum was there, and Trixie appeared to accept this.

The next few days passed rapidly. On Saturday night, Charlotte carefully shaved her pubic area, and then waxed the freshly shaven area to make extra sure that she would not fall foul of the school rules for girls on demerits. She kept telling herself that at least the assembly was taking place at 9am in the morning – very few people would be watching as it would be 7am on the West Coast, and only 10am on the East Coast. To distract herself, she switched on the TV. Trump was being interviewed on Fox News.

“I, errr, agree with the Attorney General that sexual harassment is a serious crime, but also that falsely accusing someone of sexual harassment is very serious. There is seriousness and seriousness. I do not think that I will veto the Act, but I need to take more advice. I like to have all the facts, you know, the best facts, beautiful facts.”

“Thank you, Mr. President, I agree entirely. Stay with us to hear the President’s views on homosexual pornography.”

The channel switched to commercial – it was self-promoting its new network, the FPN: “Tomorrow at 10am EST, 7am PST, our first live broadcast of a public punishment session carried out in Bismarck, ND: a piece of white trash is given a well-deserved punishment as decided upon by her school’s authorities …” Footage of Charlotte walking into school appeared … then a voiceover informed the audience that her father was a well-known criminal serving jail time … then it cut to Mr. Barton who had re-enacted the pronouncement of the sentence for the benefit of the cameras, then there was a short excerpt from the interview of Charlotte along with her five ‘executioners’ … her saying how scared she was, and Ralf saying that he would like to whip her breasts … then the logo ‘FPN’ in gothic script filled the screen, before a commercial for Wells Fargo started.

Charlotte did not sleep well that night.

The next morning she reported to the school office where two security guard took charge of her. They took her to a room backstage. She could hear Mr. Styler’s voice: “I would be very grateful for audience participation – please shout and get involved, applaud where appropriate. I know that normally you would now be watching punishment machines doing their work, but that will have to wait until after the broadcast, which will begin in thirty seconds.”

She could then hear her voice as the screens showed the live programming of FPN: “To be honest, it scares the shit out of me.”

Then Mr. Styler: “And now, live from the school theater of Millennium High in Bismarck, ND: the punishment of freshman Charlotte Gray. Welcome, thank you for joining us. Our viewers have already met the main protagonists, but we shall now welcome them to the stage: Charlotte’s executioners!”

Classical music, in fact, the ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ filled the hall and the name of each boy was announced as he entered the stage.
“And now, to undergo her well-deserved punishment, here is Charlotte Gray herself!”

The two guards signaled her to get up, she obeyed – a door opened, blinding light, and she walked out on stage. Loud applause from the audience.

Mr. Styles approached her with a microphone. Surely, he was not going to interview her now? But, of course, he was: “Charlotte, I hope you feel well and are prepared for your punishment?” She didn’t respond. “Would you like to take this opportunity to say sorry to your teachers and classmates, and to thank the five boys who are going to help you back onto the path of righteousness?” She remained silent. “That’s too bad. Had you done so, all your punishments this morning would have been halved. We will now proceed.”

Suspenseful music filled the room. “Please move to the center of the stage.” There was a semicircle of five chairs, with the five boys that were going to punish her in them, and a red x in the center indicating where she was to stand. Once she was there, a spotlight illuminated her – she could not see the audience, just blinding light.

“For your first punishment, your bottom will be beaten. Please turn around and show it to the audience and the viewers at home.”

Charlotte was wearing a navy skirt – she wasn’t sure if she was meant to lift it to show her panties or whether she should just turn and bend forward. She threw a questioning glance in the direction of Mr. Styles, but he seemed not to understand her confusion. So she turned around and bend forward, giving the audience some idea of what her bottom looked like.

“Remain in that position. We will now randomly determine who will administer the beating.”

The spotlight that was illuminating Charlotte went dark. Instead, the five boys, sitting in a semi-circle around her, were each in the center of a spotlight. Then they went out, the spotlight started rotating, illuminating one boy at a time, in a random order, until it stopped on Otto.

“Otto will beat Miss Gray’s bottom. Please walk over to the implement wheel.” The wheel had a number of symbols on it – whips with numbers, indicating their thickness, canes, also with numbers, and a few question marks. Otto spun the wheel, and it landed on a question mark.

“This means that Otto gets to choose his favorite implement”, said Mr. Styles. Here’s what’s offer!”

Carl wheeled a cart onto stage – it had whips, canes, cables, wires and a number of paddles on it. Otto chose a particularly heavy paddle.

“Now, Otto, please turn the punishment wheel.” The numbers on the wheel ranged from 1 to 200. Otto spun it, and it landed on 21.

“Miss Gray, please take off your skirt and hand it to Otto.” Charlotte obeyed. “Now, in a second Otto will pull your panties down and the beating will start. First, this message!”

Charlotte was left standing on stage in her panties, bending forward. Mr. Styles explained what would happen next. “When we are back on, Otto will pull down her panties immediately. The camera will then focus on her bottom. Otto will then pull apart her cheeks, revealing her bottom hole to the camera. He will hold her open like that for at least five seconds – thereafter he will stop once she asks him to punish her. Understood?”

“Yes, understood’, said both Charlotte and Otto.

The suspenseful music came back on, and the screens showed ‘on air’ signs. Everyone in the hall could see the large picture of Charlotte’s panty-clad bottom. Otto now inserted his fingers in the waistband and pulled, revealing to perfectly formed, smooth, white orbs. Otto now put his hands on these, pulling them apart, revealing Charlotte’s anus to the camera. After five seconds of this, Charlotte said: “Otto, please punish me now.” He let go of her cheeks, took a step back and raised the paddle.

The previous weekend, all the boys had been trained to administer punishment effectively, using modified crash dummies as models. Computer screens showed precisely how effective each stroke was, so that the boys could learn how to inflict more pain. Otto had taken everything he had been taught on board. His first whack almost made Charlotte fall over. Her bottom was immediately on fire. Twenty more to go! Whack after whack, administered by her own classmate! Charlotte could not stand the pain. Whack! Whack! Then it was over.

“Well done Otto! That’s a nice, red butt! Give Otto a big hand!” There was loud applause in the theater.

“We will now select the next executioner!” Four spotlights started alternating on the other four boys – Otto’s chair remained in the dark – creating almost a strobe effect. In the end, the light stopped on Ken.

“Ken will now select the implement!” Carl quickly blocked out the three canes that were on the implement wheel. Ken spun the wheel – it landed on a telephone wire.

“This is a very tough implement – let’s hope for Charlotte’s sake that there won’t be too many lashes with it!”

The punishment wheel turned, and landed on 12.

“Ken will now remove your blouse”. Ken started unbuttoning Charlotte’s blouse, touching her breasts no more than necessary for the task. He revealed a white cotton bra, held up by a tiny string across her back, but no straps. The bra was now Charlotte’s only clothing, apart from her white socks. Charlotte was still facing away from the audience and camera, meaning that only the five boys were able to see her shaven pussy.

“Ken will now put cuffs on Charlotte and attach them to the ropes that are now descending from the ceiling.”

Carl, the security guard, handed Ken two metal cuffs – Ken put them on Charlotte and then attached each separately to the dangling ropes. These were immediately pulled up, leaving Charlotte with her arms in the air. Her movement was not restricted: she could still turn, but not run away.

Ken was now handed the wire – he held it in the shape of a loop. A very thin, insulated wire. Ken had been trained in its use the day before; he knew that it needed to be applied with full force and that if properly applied it produced far greater pain than even a bullwhip (at least that’s what the readings on the crash dummies had indicated). However, he knew that achieving this was hard – he had practised, but not always had he been successful in inflicting maximum pain.

The theater was now entirely quiet. My Styles said very softly: “Please start the whipping now.”

Charlotte closed her eyes. She heard everyone in the theater inhale as Ken raised the wire – then he brought it down on her back. It glanced off her, without having much of an impact. He’d been standing too close!

Charlotte was relieved – this was not too bad at all. She’d gotten scared when Mr. Styles had referred to the telephone wire as a ‘very tough implement’ – now she was happy this had come up instead of a whip.

Ken, in the meantime, had taken a step back. He now raised the wire again, and brought it down with full force between Charlotte’s shoulder blades. Charlotte’s scream filled the auditorium, audible over and above the noise now made by the excited audience. A purple welt in the shape of a hangman’s noose appeared on Charlotte’s back, as Ken raised the wire again. Down went his arm: again he had managed to do everything right, just the way he had been shown. He caught part of her neck, as well as her left shoulder blade. The next lash was comparatively feeble – Ken had not pulled back far enough in his excitement. He refocused on his technique for the fifth stroke – successfully, Charlotte’s scream was the loudest yet. The sixth stroke was just as successful. Her back was now criss-crossed with four angry purple welts.

“We will be right back, for the next six lashes, after this message!”

Charlotte had a break, as had Ken, while the commercials that were broadcast to the country were also shown on the big screen. The last one was a call for support by FPN to write to congress and the President to get the ‘Corporal Punishment Broadcast Act onto the statute book. The faces of a number of accused and convicted raipists appeared on the screen, including those of fellow-students Charlie and Steve. The chief editor of FPN appeared, looking grave: “Should these punishments really be administered behind closed doors? The American people deserve better than that. Justice is to be seen to be done! Write to your congressman!”

Then an aerial shot of Millennium High, and the broadcast from the theater continued. There was a short feedback loop, but then the sound was cut and Mr. Styles asked Ken to continue the punishment: “Six strokes in quick succession now, Ken. Make her dance!”
Ken raised his arm, brought it down. Before Charlotte’s scream had even died down, he hit her again, and again. She was now frantically trying to get away, but only succeeded in turning round, exposing her crotch to the audience in the auditorium and the country for the first time. Ken was in mid-swing, and he hit her side, the loop of the wire actually hit her bra-covered left breast.

Ken pulled back, startled. Charlotte turned back into position, gritting her teeth. WHACK, WHACK! The last two lashes hit home where they were supposed to hit. Ken’s work was done. Loud applause in the auditorium.

Again, strobe lighting, now just with three ‘players’, as the next executioner was randomly selected.

“The lucky winner gets to whip or cane Miss Gray’s breasts”, announced Mr. Styler. The light stopped on Ralf.

“Congratulations, Ralf. Before you turn the implement wheel, please take off the remaining clothes that Miss Gray is wearing, starting with her socks. But we will first turn her around!”

The ropes that tied Charlotte’s hands were now moving along the ceiling – the one holding her right arm to the left, the one holding her left arm to the right. She had to cross her arms, but they kept moving further apart, until she had to turn around, showing her front to the audience for the first time. The TV pictures, shown on the screen behind her, showed a slow pan of her body, starting with her face, moving down to her bra-clad breasts, her taut stomach, then her bare sex. The camera stayed there, while Ralf knelt in front of her in order to take off her socks. She had to raise her feet to this end, revealing a glimpse of her inner folds to the viewers across the country.

“Please now move behind her, getting ready to remove her bra”, said Mr. Styles. “Before you do that, I thought it might be worth mentioning that, according to figures that have just been handed to me, we have just shy of 4 million viewers this morning, which is a new record for this network.” Charlotte could not believe that 4 million people were witnessing her ordeal, and were now going to see her entirely naked.

“We will take a short break. Don’t go away!”

The commercial now advertised a documentary about Millennium High, focusing on the first punishment assemblies and on the raipe of Rebecca Ward by Steve and Charlie. Again, the preview ended with an exhortation to put pressure on congress to enable FPN to show the boys’ just punishment live on air.

“And we’re back. Ralf, do your duty!” Ralf moved behind Charlotte in order to take off her bra, but noticed, to his horror, that it did not have a clasp! It was held in place by elastic! He was at a loss what to do – he did not have that much (well, err, any) experience with bras in any event, and now, in front of 4 million people, this embarrassment. Charlotte realized his predicament and whispered (invisible to the camera, which was showing Ralf’s red and embarrassed face): “Just pull it back and slide the whole thing down my body.” Ralf was so grateful! He pulled it down by the sides, revealing perfect medium sized, firm, pert breasts, pointing slightly upwards, with light brown areolae and erect nipples. She stepped out of the bra and he handed it to Carl.

Now it was time for the implement wheel – it landed on a cat-o-nine-tails. “Interesting,” announced Mr. Styles, “this is actually a genuine antique whip as used in the British navy during the revolutionary wars. The victim had to splice this together himself, and it was then used to take the skin off his back. It is made from very crude rope, and should inflict maximum pain.”

Charlotte almost fainted in horror. Would her perfect breasts, of which she was so proud, ever be the same again? Well, there was nothing she could do about it now. Just pray that the punishment wheel would be kind …

It was. Oh what joy, what relief! It landed on three!

“A lucky escape, Ladies and Gentleman. Don’t go away!”

As a commercial for ‘Neighborhood Farm’ was playing, Mr. Styles approached Ralf. “You have been trained for this!” he whispered. “I saw that she helped you just now – do NOT go easy on her. Unless we see some clear marks, preferably some blood (blaad), the network will sue you for breach of contract an intentional infliction of economic loss – we will take every last penny you and your parents have!”

Ralf had indeed been planning to go easy on Charlotte (who had been able to overhear the conversation). He threw her a pitying and apologetic glance, she lowered her eyelids in understanding. As the broadcast resumed, her breasts were being shown in full frame.

“Have a good look, viewers – this is the ‘before’ picture. I have a feeling that, even with just three lashes, it is soon going to look very different!”

A drum roll sounded over the speakers – young Ralf raised his arm. He then struck Charlotte’s left breast, but with little force. Even touching the cat hurt his fingers – the material was so coarse, and the knots that had been spliced into each of the nine tails looked vicious. He just felt so sorry for her! But Mr. Styles now cleared his throat in a meaningful way, and shot him a warning glance. He had to put his feelings to one side – his family was not wealthy, and would not be able to afford a lawsuit against a nationwide TV empire!

He now raised his arm again, gritted his teeth, and struck with the full force of his young body. Charlotte screamed louder than ever before, as the vicious knots cut into her tender flesh. The audience roared. The camera focused on her breasts – both had clearly been hit, and there were beads of blood all over them – one for each knot. Ralf felt he had done his duty, so the next strike was lighter again, though, on the already lacerated flesh, it drew another scream from the unfortunate victim.

“Unfortunately for us, this brings this part of the punishment to an end,” announced Mr. Styles. The next round involves Miss Gray being whipped on her front, that is, from her neck down to her feet, including, but not targeting, her breasts and sex. Who will be the lucky winner? Just two to go!”

Jonathan and John – funny, how similar their names were – now were the only two candidates in play. Both were secretly hoping not to be selected, as they hoped to whip Charlotte’s sex. The light stopped on Jonathan this time around, however. He turned the implement wheel – it landed on a light whip. Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief, but then recoiled in horror as the punishment wheel landed on 85. How could she stand that many lashes!

Jonathan was experienced at this sort of thing. He had also been told, in no uncertain terms, not to take too long about it if a high number was selected – time was money, and viewers might quickly get bored. He was thus going to deliver two sets of thirty lashes, followed by one set of twenty, and then five final ones over which he was going to take his time.

He raised his arm and brought it down across her throat, again, again, moving slowly down her body, now hitting her shoulders, she stayed quiet, but her face was contorted in pain, now the top of her breasts, crisscrossing the traces of the cat, she started screaming, again, now full on her breasts, further down, her nipples, down some more. He stayed on her breasts for the rest of the set. Then a break.

He started the next thirty on her breasts again, but then quickly moved down to her midriff, her stomach. Red lines, parallel, with almost surgical precision, attested just how good he was at this. Another break. A set of twenty to go. Her hips. Again. The whip crossed her bald mound, but left no lines on her lips. Faster, faster. Eighty lashes down. Now, take your time over the last five. Let’s see if I can’t hit her lips full on, with the tip. Why should John have all the fun? He took careful aim. Hushed audience. Down came the whip, but he missed – an angry red mark on her thigh. Another try. Closer, but still not close enough. He gave up. The target was too small. Another hard one across her breasts. A scream. That was more like it. Another! Louder scream. One hard on her stomach. And he was done. He handed the whip back to Carl and sat down to applause.

The camera now focused on John. The sixteen year old was pale. He was now going to whip or cane her vagina. He was glad that the theater was dark, apart from the spotlight on Charlotte, so that the millions out there would not see the bulge in his pants. His cock had never been this hard, it was almost painful.

“John, before we untie Charlotte for a moment, please put the cuffs that Carl will hand you on her feet!” John did not need to be asked twice. He knew that Charlotte would soon be on a padded bench, on her back, with her legs tied to ropes dangling from the ceiling – ropes that would pull her legs apart and back, giving him a much more convenient target than Jonathan had had. He looked up her legs as he attached the padded cuffs – this was going to be the most exciting thing he had ever done!

“Before we find out what’s in store for Charlotte to totally repay her debt to her school and to society, here are some messages from our sponsors!”

As the network cut to commercial, Trixie came onto the stage and approached Charlotte. She spoke to her quietly, within hearing of the five boys, but not within anybody else’s: “The network has a proposition for you, Charlotte. This is our first live broadcast, so consider it a ‘special offer’. We will pay you another $50,000 if, once we untie you, you walk over to the punishment bench, lie on the back, spread your pussy with your fingers and let the camera focus on it for ten seconds. We then want you to start pleasuring yourself – who knows, you may not be able to do this for some time …” she added with an evil grin. “If you manage to orgasm, we will pay you another $25,000 or halve your remaining punishment – but you have to decide before we turn the wheels!”

Charlotte thought frantically. This was going to be terribly humiliating, but then she was maxed out on humiliation, anyway. This way, she would have at least $100k, enough to go to a reasonably decent private school. This was her ticket out of here! She nodded slowly.

As the broadcast resumed, Mr. Styles announced: “During the break, Miss Gray expressed the wish to be allowed to humiliate herself further – she does not think that her punishment so far really reflects the extent of her misbehavior. She also has asked if she could be allowed to do something that she may not be able to do for the foreseeable future. We were happy to agree to her request before we proceed to the final punishment.”

The ropes were now coming down, and John unhooked her hands, though the cuffs remained on her wrists. Charlotte blushed deeply, but steadily walked over to the punishment bench which was now located in the middle of the semi-circle of chairs. She lay back, her legs on the floor and tightly together. If she glanced back she could see the live broadcast showing her slender, well-toned body lying down, her breasts no longer standing up, but spreading out on her chest, making them appear much smaller than they were. A cough from Mr. Styles. Ok. Yes. It’s time. Slowly, slowly, her hands are moving down to her sex. Nothing for it. She spreads her legs, moves them apart, still feet on the floor. Her fingers now lie on her outer lips, and she moves them apart. A gasp from the audience as both her holes become visible. Very visible, as the camera moves closer. Charlotte is counting: “8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”. She now closes her legs again, her finger starts massaging her outer and inner lips – an orgasm now would be worth $25,000. No pressure! Her other hand caresses her breast, as she gets more and more into it. The broadcasts shows a split screen – her face on one side, eyes closed, getting closer to climax, her pussy on the other.

Mr. Styles’ voice calls her back to reality: “I’m afraid we are out of time. John, please secure her legs!” John connects her leg cuffs with the ropes, which are pulled up and back, spreading her legs wide, showing both holes.

Charlotte was ready to scream again, this time out of sheer frustration. Mr. Styles intervenes: “Before we secure your hands, we will give you another chance to orgasm. If you do manage to orgasm in the next five minutes, we will pay you a large sum of money or halve the remainder of your punishment. Do you agree?” Charlotte nods.

Her fingers dance over her sex, she moans. She enters her vagina with two fingers, rubs vigorously. Finally, it comes over her: she screams out in the best orgasm of her young life.

Mr. Styles asked: “Thank you, that was very impressive. Now, before we turn the wheels, do you want the money or only half the punishment?

This was difficult for Charlotte, but she whispered: “The money!”

The wheel spun and landed on ‘riding crop 2’. It had a small piece of leather at the tip, enabling the person wielding it to deliver a hard blow as well as a kind of whiplash in one motion. The punishment wheel was next. It landed on 42. Charlotte closed her eyes. Mr. Styles had been right: no more orgasms for a while.

John now stood next to her spread legs, while Carl secured her to the bench over her stomach, while also securing her hands to the bench (see picture). John raised the cane, and delivered the first blow straight onto her clit. Her scream filled the room. Again. Again. He now worked his way round her lips and her asshole. She was now screaming continuously. When it was over, the camera zoomed in on her ruined sex – red, black and purple where the colors that predominated. Her eyes were red, cried dry. The camera wandered down her body, showed her bloody breasts … further down … one more look at her sex. It then panned out, showed her in relation to the audience and the theater

Published by Bowstead297
7 years ago
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Spank19681 4 years ago
Nice one! Cheers
BirkeBecker 7 years ago
Excellent story - I wish it was me being punished! I love the way you introduce the characters - the sense of foreboding is palpable! 