R.I.P. August Ames

Only recently heard the tragic news surrounding August Ames' apparent suicide. Always heartbreaking whenever a life is lost; Let alone in that fashion. All we can hope from such a sad occurrence in the business of pleasure - Is that those of us who love August's chosen profession - Porn - And those of us who loved her can take something positive from her loss. It's important that lessons be learned from her tragedy. Namely; That we all need to make sure we give extra thought to what we post online - On porn sites; And elsewhere online. We have a right to our sexual preferences; But we also need to be respectful of others' sexual preferences, and their equal right to them. We all need to be more mindful of the fact that, as much with regard to sex as with anything else - and perhaps moreso, There can be a fine line between expression and abuse. And one can only hope that more people come to understand that nothing anyone does online is worth taking a life over - Their own; Or anyone else's. The vast majority of us who understand that need to do whatever we can to make sure no one else ever comes to believe otherwise.

Both the porn industry and it's worldwide community of fans is a poor, and potentially very harmful, forum for intolerance. I should be clear that, based on reports of events surrounding her death; I don't think that's at all what August Ames was trying to do. And the most tragic reports would indicate that the response to her expression of her own preferences did cross the line of abuse. August was not one of my absolute favorites in porn; But like many of her fans of multiple preferences, I certainly found her beautiful; And several of her performances certainly brought me tremendous pleasure during her career. The fact that she did bring so many pleasure is legacy enough for her; But I think the best way all those who appreciate the industry she was a part of can honor her memory is by vigilantly keeping perspective on what we consume online; And being more sensitive to the fact that others may not share that perspective. Sorry to get so PC here; Normally, Xhamster is the last place I would - But this was such a shocking story involving such a big star in porn; That I felt compelled to say my peace. R.I.P. August.
Published by Pervton50
7 years ago
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