It started as a quiet night at home

This is the true story of one of her recent "dates".
I've given up on writing them and posting them in chronological order. This was a few weeks ago now.

A quiet night at home

It was a quiet night at home. We slide into "pajama and sci-fi" mode pretty early if there isn't anything else going on.
We were watching Lost Girl (yay for Canadian fantasy/sci-fi). She was a little distracted and talking away on KIK (which has been a great app for communicating but keeping those communications separate from vanilla every day messages).

She has 3 different smiles when she's on her phone. I can tell what she's doing just by the smile she gets. She has the "I just read something hilarious on facebook" smile for most things. And she has this sort of half distracted smile when she's playing one of her phone app games. And then there's the "sexting smile". It's a little wicked, it's sexy as hell, it makes me squirm, and even when she's sitting still it's like she's wiggling a little when she has that smile.

And that's the one she has right now.

She's quiet for a few moments, not texting anymore, but thinking, and then finally she says
"I need to ask you a serious question, and you need to answer honestly. Not just what would be hot, but an honest for real answer"
"Okay, I will"
"What if I wanted to meet him tonight? He said he's willing to meet halfway, and I think I want to see him tonight."
"Are you sure? It seems sudden. If it's what you want, then I'm okay with it"
"I'm sure. But you need to be sure too. I can still say 'no' if you're not 100% okay with this."
"I'm 100% okay with this, lets do it. When do you need to get ready?"
"Pretty much right now".

So we paused our sci-fi evening and started getting her ready.
While she's in the shower I pick out a few dresses and skirts for her to wear. She rejects them all and decides to go with a cute little black skirt and an extremely nerdy - but nicely tight fitting - top. And ya, that's the better choice over all. I pick out a pair of matching bra and panties for her, they are teal and lacy and she looks absolutely delicious in them. She approves my choice and slides them on.

She leaves fairly quickly, again making sure to load me up with kisses and "I love you"s to get me through the evening.

She's going to be driving about an hour away to meet him. She's only gone that far once before. As a bit of a safety measure we use the gps on her phone so I can see where she is. I've got mixed feelings about doing that.

First and foremost, for safety
reasons it's a must. But I'll admit, it's also a bit of a voyeuristic turn on. With as good as the gps apps are now, I can pretty much tell what part of the building she's in. I can tell when she's in the lobby of the motel versus her hotel room. And I'll be honest, that's a turn on. But it feels a bit intrusive too. I trust her completely. This whole thing is like an emotional trust fall over a bottomless pit with rusty spikes at the the bottom (I know... I know... a bottomless pit can't have rusty spikes at the bottom - it's a metaphor, just roll with it). And I don't want her to think that the gps thing is to keep tabs on her. Also, under that layer even, I feel a little bit more involved somehow. That's the feeling I understand the least. But there it is under it all.

On the drive down she calls me and puts me on speaker phone. She's worked up and we find ourselves talking dirty. She talked through a very dirty fantasy with me. One we haven't really talked about before. It's one that pushes the boundaries a bit more again. She makes me cum as we talk about it. It's not one we're quite ready to share yet, but maybe another day I'll write that one out. She reminds me how many men she is going to make cum today, and I can hear in her voice how proud she is of that. I joke and tell her maybe that needs to become a daily goal. I can hear the smirk in her voice when she says "maybe it will be".

(from here on I'm relying on the story as she told it to me later. So if either of you read this, and if i missed any fun or important details, feel free to add anything)

When she gets to the hotel she does her naughty little check in routine.
The clerk asks "What are you doing here in town?"
She says "I'm here to meet a man." and smiles into the silence afterwards.
So she adds "If possible, I'd like a room as far away from anyone else if you have it. Maybe in a corner where our loud noise won't bother anyone else."

They meet in the lobby and decide to go to a little bar and pizza place nearby.
I can see on the gps that she's not at the hotel and I text her just to make sure everything is okay.
She lets me know that things are fine, going great in fact.

In the bar they flirt shamelessly, publicly. Her hands were on him, running up his leg, feeling how hard he was through his jeans.

They sat beside eachother on the same side of the booth and she turned sideways, pulling her skirt up. He ran his big hands up and under her skirt, fingering her there in a booth. She made sure to tell me how big his hands are. She said she was so wet and so ready to have him take her back to the room. She started getting impatient, trying to get the waitress to bring them their check quicker so that they could go back to the motel. I can' picture it, when she gets excited she's like a k** again waiting impatiently on christmas morning. Patience isn't one of her strong suits. I can see her rubbing him through his pants, I can here her making that hungry horny little noise she makes. I can imagine his hands moving up under her skirt and I can hear that noise she makes when she's that wet and touched, her hips moving towards his hands as her eyes get that ravenous look.

Apparently there's a story about her being excited enough that she made ice fly out of her glass and across the table when they were trying to get the attention of the waitress. And from what she told me, the waitress plainly knew they he was touching her there in the booth.

As they walked across the parking lot back to the hotel he flipped her skirt up, exposing those teal lacy panties I picked out. He said something complimentary, and again i can just see her smile. The "what are you doing bad boy.... but you don't have to stop" smile.

She told me the little details of what happened back in the hotel room in bits and pieces.
She said that he took her panties off so slowly she thought she was going to go mad. And that by the time they were off she was so ready to feel him inside her.

She told me that he wore button-fly jeans and she started getting frustrated trying to get his cock out of them quicker.

She said that he manhandled her in a way that I don't. He picked her up and put her on the bathroom counter.
When he had her on the bathroom counter he put both of her legs up on his shoulders, he ate her out for a while like that. .

Then he carried her to the bed and threw her onto it. He held her legs and put her in positions that he wanted her in.

After he carried her to the bed and threw her down he came alongside the bed and pushed his cock into her mouth. She doesn't give me blowjobs often. I give her oral pleasure a lot.... As often as possible and most times we make love. But she doesn't give me blowjobs often (I'm not complaining, I would happily spend every moment for the rest of my life with my face between her thighs). So I can imagine that part was a little challenging for her.

She told me about how he tightly grabbed her hair and pulled her into a kiss.

She told me that the first time he entered her she was on her back on the bed while he held her legs up and pushed himself deep into her. Filling my wife with his cock as she lay there on her back in a motel room.

And she told me that he came in her three times that night before she came home.

She told me those details and any others she could remember after she was home and we were in bed together.
"I've never been fucked like that in my entire life" she said early when we got home
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that", she immediately followed, a genuine look of concern in her eyes.

"No babe" I said holding her, "that's what this is all about. that was the goal we set out with. And there's not even a shred of me that regrets it. I want you to always tell me."

(heads up, not-sexy-part incoming)
We talk about "the sliver". It's the thing we watch for. That fear that any of these adventures could embed a sliver under the skin of our marriage. Something small that we don't even notice right away other that the faint sting. Not the good sting of a spanking or erotic slapping, the bad sting of a true injury. We are constantly vigilant, worried that some small sliver we don't pull out immediately could in time become infected and grow. It's become almost a code word for us. "Checking for slivers" has become an exercise. It's not always easy, they can be hard to find. And digging them out isn't so easy either. But it's essential if this thing is going to keep going for us.

So after the sex, after I came so hard I literally soaked the shirt I was wearing, and we're still not sure where the rest went.... After we were coming down (And now that I we know the signs to look for, I absolutely get some shade of "sub-drop" after these experiences) we talked and held each other and checked for slivers. But there were none. In the end it was just a wonderful, erotic, safe experience for both of us, all three of us even.
Published by cthulhuCouple
7 years ago
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Fred-the-Great 3 years ago
Not my thing. Donā€™t understand it.Ā 
funlvnguy 3 years ago
very enjoyable and interesting reading
qubec 5 years ago
I read it all and read last part twice (heads up, not-sexy-part incoming), u both r amazing ....... how u coordinate each other and take care is really good..... very good......!
But dear MILF listen .....I want to fuck u hard.....! :wink:
pyro1017 6 years ago
AWESOME!!!! and yes, she made me cum!
ladboy19 6 years ago
SO awesome! You two sound like a lot of fun.Ā 
Wow that was really hot! And I love how much effort u 2 make to make sure everything is okĀ 
gworm 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks for sharing that. I'm glad she had Grand fuck!
I'm looking forward to reading of more adventures!