Quotes of note
Em & Lo, EmandLo.com Editors
Fiber is one of the best-kept sex-tip secrets. A daily dose of psyllium husk powder in your morning O.J. can really make your bathroom experience so much more pleasant: it keeps everything neat and tidy. And when you feel clean inside and out (not to mention a little lighter), you'll feel more confident having your nooks and crannies intimately explored -- whether or not backdoor play is on the menu.
Fiber is one of the best-kept sex-tip secrets. A daily dose of psyllium husk powder in your morning O.J. can really make your bathroom experience so much more pleasant: it keeps everything neat and tidy. And when you feel clean inside and out (not to mention a little lighter), you'll feel more confident having your nooks and crannies intimately explored -- whether or not backdoor play is on the menu.
13 years ago
Sucking your bf’s dick in the shower while he washes his hair is both hot and time efficient.