Becoming Julie, Part 3 (mast, smoking fetish)
Becoming Julie, part 3 – The Later Teen Years
So now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom has not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.
Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and 30-somethings he was friends with would gather there most evenings on a friend’s 1st floor outdoor patio, and talk and drink and etc. I enjoyed playing Frisbee with the mostly older folks, and got pretty good at it. You really had to watch for the edge of the hill, though! I took many a tumble form the 15-foot, but smooth grassy embankment!
Anyway, one of the friends in the group was letting an exchange student from England stay in her apartment with her. Catherine (never Cathy or Kat, always Catherine) was tall, probably close to six feet. She hand a slender, toned, athletic body, with breasts that were a bit outsized for her, probably at least D-cups, but considering her height, most likely DD or Es. (It was a long time ago, forgive me.) Regardless, one Saturday morning when my Dad was at work, I wandered over to the communal area. No one was there but Catherine, and I noticed she was doing yoga. As luck would have it, Mom had enrolled us in a yoga class, so I knew a few basic moves. Without saying anything, I took a place on the grass near enough her to see, but not so close as to disturb her or offend. I did some stretches, and the “Salute to the Sun” (I think?) and a few more things. But all the while I was watching lovely Catherine! Her long lean body was supple as it was beautiful! Her boobs must have been encased in a super-strong sports bra, for they didn’t flop around at all when she moved. Of course, having fluid movements, nut jumping around, that probably helped as well. A light sheen of sweat was visible on the neck and chest and face, and I could hear her measured breathing, along with a few deep inhales and an explosive exhale or two at times. He long straight naturally-light blonde hair was tied back in a long ponytail, and that was the only part of her that was moving in an uncontrolled manner, sweeping down to brush her breasts and arms and back as she moved through her paces. I finished up what little I knew how to do, and sat down cross-legged, just watching her, drinking in her beauty. In a few more minutes, she closed her session also, and looked over at me and said, “Hi Tony, I didn’t know you knew how to do yoga!” I mumbled something about not being very good at it, but she replied that I had done a great job. She walked over and extended a hand to help pull me to my feet, which I took eagerly, feeling a thrill run through me as I grasped her slightly sweaty but firm, warm, muscular hand. She gave me a hug, and my face barely came higher than her boobs, and I didn’t mind that at all! She relaxed the hug and stepped back, and said, “We’ll have to be yoga buddies. I try to get out early Saturday mornings … but if I am up partying too hard Friday night, it isn’t always easy!” I told her I would really like that. She smiled and waved and walked back towards her apartment. Was I in heaven! A sexy busty blonde wanted me as a buddy! I went home and showered, and of course masturbated to the recent memory. To be her friend, to do yoga with her, to dance with her (slow dancing), to be intimate with her, in bed, her laughing at my youthful eagerness, me intent on pleasuring her with my fingers and tongue … me BEING her, tall and strong and sexy and busty, with Godiva-like hair! Mmm, why did the fantasies keep returning to that end?
Another friend od Dad’s was an older woman, who really liked Dad, although Dad was (a bit chauvinistically, I see now) aiming for a girlfriend younger than himself. Ida was middle-aged and had not had the easiest of lives, but had a decent government job. She was of average height, had quite a few wrinkles on her face and neck and arms. She dressed nicely, and did a fair job with her makeup. But the one thing which piqued my interest was this. She smoked Tall 120s, in the black package. I had never seen a 120mm cigarette before! They were so very sexy, in that black packaging with gold (?) detailing. All white, so long, so sensuous! She took moderately deep drags, and didn’t hold the smoke too long, so her exhales were thick and dense and white and GORGEOUS! She apparently did not know there was such a thing as a smoking fetish, because she would usually turn her head and exhale away from whatever group she was sitting with, or perhaps she was just being polite. Regardless, she provoked may erections from me with her smoking. Dad never invited her to our apartment, so I never got to see her smoking exceptionally close, like at the same table just an arm length’s away. But once as things were wrapping up one evening, and people were gathering their purses or drink cans and glasses and etc., there was the sound of a car crash on the other side of the apartment building. Dad told me to go back to our apartment because he didn’t want me to see any gore if there were injuries. All the adults ran to the scene, leaving me alone … except for the lighter (black Bic) and the half-full pack of Tall 120s Ida has left behind on the table in the excitement! I took both items and went back to our apartment, just as Dad had told me to do, and hid my treasure in my sock drawer. (Not a big risk since I folded our laundry and we each ut our own stuff away.)
The next Saturday Dad had to work, I took the lighter and the Talls to a remote corner of the apartment complex, where there were woods that were just out of direct view of any of the apartment buildings, across a big parking lot. I carefully took a Tall from the pack, noting with pleasure how long it looked as it slid from the package into the strong morning light, the white paper practically glowing. My breath was already causing small puffs of steam, since it was late fall now, and the temp was about 40 degrees. I carefully put the cigarette to my lips, flicked the lighter, and touched the flame to the tip. I inhaled cautiously, and was quite surprised by the heat of the draw, even before the smoke really filled my mouth. Of course, as you probably will have guessed, the first puff make me cough something fierce … but I wanted to try again, so I even more cautiously took a second drag, making sure to hold the smoke in my mouth only, not trying to breathe any of it into my lungs. I was rewarded by the thick hot smoke seeming to fil my mouth like a squirt from a whipped cream can, but hot and thick and … tobacco-y, not cold or sweet at all. I tried an exhale, and chuffed out a small but white cloud. I was smoking! My cock was hard now. My third try I took in the same mouthful, but remembered to purse my lips before I exhaled. I saw a plume of white smoke about 5 feet long issue from my lips, just like pretty women’s exhales looked! I rubbed my cock through my pants. I dumped the ash (hate the look of a long ash), and took another puff, the biggest I could hold in my mouth, and immediately tilted my head back like a sexy woman does, and blew a thick cone-shaped plume out at least six feet long! As I did so, I ejaculated in my pants, shuddering through one of the strongest orgasms of my life! It was all I could do to not drop the cigarette in the undergrowth and start a fire! Oh my, I was smoking like a sexy bimbo, and after less than half a cigarette, it actually tasted good! The head rush from the nicotine was nothing like anything I’d ever felt before! It was amazing! No wonder smoking women looked so sexy, the HAD to FEEL sexy taking part in this wonderful naughty pastime! I dug a hole with the heel of my shoe and carefully put out the cigarette and buried it completely (like anyone would wonder what a cigarette was doing crushed out on the ground! Ha!)
I realized that my shorts were full of my cum, and there was nothing I could do about it. Damn! I pulled my pants away from my underwear as far as I could in front of me. I walked a little hunched over back to our apartment, he head hanging down and forward, so my protuberant pants would not be so noticeable. When I got home, I his my treasures, immediately threw my clothes in the washer (with some other dirty clothes), to get the smell of smoke washed away, and jumped into the shower, to get the smell of smoke out of my hair and to get the cum washed off my crotch! Even with the guilt (I knew then and know now how unhealthy smoking is), as I rubbed the bar on soap on my cock and sticky pubic hair, I began to get another erection! I was surprised, since the previous orgasm was so recent and so strong! But not one to pass up a chance, I grabbed the can of shaving cream (Dad shaved in the shower) and squirted out a handful into my excited hand. Immediately it reminded me of the thick smoke I had just exhaled! I rubbed it on my cock and balls and started stroking off fast and hard! I started saying out loud, “I’m a sexy smoker, I’m a sexy smoker” as I masturbated. Surprising even myself, my other hand had drifted my to my breast and was trying to cup it, make it feel big in my hands, and eventually I started pinching my nipple, causing just a tiny bit of pain, but making my cock swell even bigger! “sexy smoker, sexy smoker, it’s going to make my TITS grow!” I said, when the orgasm hit me again! For the second orgasm in a day (much less an hour) this one was huge as well, Seven or eight strong spurts hit the wall of the shower, underneath the shower head, so the water didn’t wash them away. My knees were weak and trembling, as I came down from my high. I washed off the cum and shaving cream from my crotch, and stood there naked, dripping wet, with one very drained dick and one slightly sore breast and nipple. The sperm was slowly oozing down the shower wall. I reached out and rubbed it on the tile with one finger. It was thick and warm and slick. It was nice and white, too, which reminded me of the shaving cream and smoke. For a second I wanted to bring my finger to my lips and taste that sexy juice … but for whatever reason that time, I did not do so. Instead, I washed the shower wall with the handheld shower head, and went and brushed my teeth (and gargled with mouthwash), got dressed, watched some TV, had lunch, and generally just basked in my newly-performed fetish.
I did not have many more chances to smoke, as Dad usually didn’t have to work on Saturdays. A few months later, in early Spring, everyone was gathered around outside one evening, in light jackets or sweaters. I was sitting next to Catherine, by the luck of the draw, and she was sitting next to Ida, and Dad was sitting on the other side of Ida. Out of the blue, Catherine turned to Ida and said, “Can I have ne of those?”, referring to Ida’s Tall 120s. Ida said, “Sure, but I didn’t know you smoked?!” Catherine replied, “I don’t really, not more than one or two a month, but they go so well with a beer, and it’s been awhile, so…”, letting her sentence trail off. Ida passed her the pack. Catherine, in a seemingly practiced move, shook the pack with her hand, near her face, and as a cigarette popped out, Catherine trapped it with her teeth. I had never seen such a move before! Schwing, instant erection. Catherine handed the pack back, took the lighter, lit the Tall, and took a hungry, cheek-hollowing drag. She tiled her head back rather quickly (yes!0, making her sexy blonde hair dance a bit, and exhaled the thickest and longest plume of smoke I have ever seen, before or since! It looked to be ten of twelve feet long! Instant HARDER erection! Ida noted the exhale herself, and commented, “Damn, you were really ready for a smoke!” and everyone laughed. Catherine just smiled to herself. About midway through the cigarette, she noticed my staring (I couldn’t help myself), and turned to me and said, “Hey yoga buddy, this is a nasty habit, don’t you ever start, OK?” I promised her I wouldn’t (such a lie, as I already had), but I could not disappoint he girl of my dreams.) Was my masturbation session that night filled with the memories of her smoking? Oh my YES, and many many more like it to come!
Then, as fate would have it, my parents decided to remarry. Which is the grand scheme of things was a good thing, since neither of them had been happier living without the other. Coming back together allowed me to combine my secret ways just as you may imagine it would. I will cover that next time! Stay tuned, and thanks for the comments.
So now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom has not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.
Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and 30-somethings he was friends with would gather there most evenings on a friend’s 1st floor outdoor patio, and talk and drink and etc. I enjoyed playing Frisbee with the mostly older folks, and got pretty good at it. You really had to watch for the edge of the hill, though! I took many a tumble form the 15-foot, but smooth grassy embankment!
Anyway, one of the friends in the group was letting an exchange student from England stay in her apartment with her. Catherine (never Cathy or Kat, always Catherine) was tall, probably close to six feet. She hand a slender, toned, athletic body, with breasts that were a bit outsized for her, probably at least D-cups, but considering her height, most likely DD or Es. (It was a long time ago, forgive me.) Regardless, one Saturday morning when my Dad was at work, I wandered over to the communal area. No one was there but Catherine, and I noticed she was doing yoga. As luck would have it, Mom had enrolled us in a yoga class, so I knew a few basic moves. Without saying anything, I took a place on the grass near enough her to see, but not so close as to disturb her or offend. I did some stretches, and the “Salute to the Sun” (I think?) and a few more things. But all the while I was watching lovely Catherine! Her long lean body was supple as it was beautiful! Her boobs must have been encased in a super-strong sports bra, for they didn’t flop around at all when she moved. Of course, having fluid movements, nut jumping around, that probably helped as well. A light sheen of sweat was visible on the neck and chest and face, and I could hear her measured breathing, along with a few deep inhales and an explosive exhale or two at times. He long straight naturally-light blonde hair was tied back in a long ponytail, and that was the only part of her that was moving in an uncontrolled manner, sweeping down to brush her breasts and arms and back as she moved through her paces. I finished up what little I knew how to do, and sat down cross-legged, just watching her, drinking in her beauty. In a few more minutes, she closed her session also, and looked over at me and said, “Hi Tony, I didn’t know you knew how to do yoga!” I mumbled something about not being very good at it, but she replied that I had done a great job. She walked over and extended a hand to help pull me to my feet, which I took eagerly, feeling a thrill run through me as I grasped her slightly sweaty but firm, warm, muscular hand. She gave me a hug, and my face barely came higher than her boobs, and I didn’t mind that at all! She relaxed the hug and stepped back, and said, “We’ll have to be yoga buddies. I try to get out early Saturday mornings … but if I am up partying too hard Friday night, it isn’t always easy!” I told her I would really like that. She smiled and waved and walked back towards her apartment. Was I in heaven! A sexy busty blonde wanted me as a buddy! I went home and showered, and of course masturbated to the recent memory. To be her friend, to do yoga with her, to dance with her (slow dancing), to be intimate with her, in bed, her laughing at my youthful eagerness, me intent on pleasuring her with my fingers and tongue … me BEING her, tall and strong and sexy and busty, with Godiva-like hair! Mmm, why did the fantasies keep returning to that end?
Another friend od Dad’s was an older woman, who really liked Dad, although Dad was (a bit chauvinistically, I see now) aiming for a girlfriend younger than himself. Ida was middle-aged and had not had the easiest of lives, but had a decent government job. She was of average height, had quite a few wrinkles on her face and neck and arms. She dressed nicely, and did a fair job with her makeup. But the one thing which piqued my interest was this. She smoked Tall 120s, in the black package. I had never seen a 120mm cigarette before! They were so very sexy, in that black packaging with gold (?) detailing. All white, so long, so sensuous! She took moderately deep drags, and didn’t hold the smoke too long, so her exhales were thick and dense and white and GORGEOUS! She apparently did not know there was such a thing as a smoking fetish, because she would usually turn her head and exhale away from whatever group she was sitting with, or perhaps she was just being polite. Regardless, she provoked may erections from me with her smoking. Dad never invited her to our apartment, so I never got to see her smoking exceptionally close, like at the same table just an arm length’s away. But once as things were wrapping up one evening, and people were gathering their purses or drink cans and glasses and etc., there was the sound of a car crash on the other side of the apartment building. Dad told me to go back to our apartment because he didn’t want me to see any gore if there were injuries. All the adults ran to the scene, leaving me alone … except for the lighter (black Bic) and the half-full pack of Tall 120s Ida has left behind on the table in the excitement! I took both items and went back to our apartment, just as Dad had told me to do, and hid my treasure in my sock drawer. (Not a big risk since I folded our laundry and we each ut our own stuff away.)
The next Saturday Dad had to work, I took the lighter and the Talls to a remote corner of the apartment complex, where there were woods that were just out of direct view of any of the apartment buildings, across a big parking lot. I carefully took a Tall from the pack, noting with pleasure how long it looked as it slid from the package into the strong morning light, the white paper practically glowing. My breath was already causing small puffs of steam, since it was late fall now, and the temp was about 40 degrees. I carefully put the cigarette to my lips, flicked the lighter, and touched the flame to the tip. I inhaled cautiously, and was quite surprised by the heat of the draw, even before the smoke really filled my mouth. Of course, as you probably will have guessed, the first puff make me cough something fierce … but I wanted to try again, so I even more cautiously took a second drag, making sure to hold the smoke in my mouth only, not trying to breathe any of it into my lungs. I was rewarded by the thick hot smoke seeming to fil my mouth like a squirt from a whipped cream can, but hot and thick and … tobacco-y, not cold or sweet at all. I tried an exhale, and chuffed out a small but white cloud. I was smoking! My cock was hard now. My third try I took in the same mouthful, but remembered to purse my lips before I exhaled. I saw a plume of white smoke about 5 feet long issue from my lips, just like pretty women’s exhales looked! I rubbed my cock through my pants. I dumped the ash (hate the look of a long ash), and took another puff, the biggest I could hold in my mouth, and immediately tilted my head back like a sexy woman does, and blew a thick cone-shaped plume out at least six feet long! As I did so, I ejaculated in my pants, shuddering through one of the strongest orgasms of my life! It was all I could do to not drop the cigarette in the undergrowth and start a fire! Oh my, I was smoking like a sexy bimbo, and after less than half a cigarette, it actually tasted good! The head rush from the nicotine was nothing like anything I’d ever felt before! It was amazing! No wonder smoking women looked so sexy, the HAD to FEEL sexy taking part in this wonderful naughty pastime! I dug a hole with the heel of my shoe and carefully put out the cigarette and buried it completely (like anyone would wonder what a cigarette was doing crushed out on the ground! Ha!)
I realized that my shorts were full of my cum, and there was nothing I could do about it. Damn! I pulled my pants away from my underwear as far as I could in front of me. I walked a little hunched over back to our apartment, he head hanging down and forward, so my protuberant pants would not be so noticeable. When I got home, I his my treasures, immediately threw my clothes in the washer (with some other dirty clothes), to get the smell of smoke washed away, and jumped into the shower, to get the smell of smoke out of my hair and to get the cum washed off my crotch! Even with the guilt (I knew then and know now how unhealthy smoking is), as I rubbed the bar on soap on my cock and sticky pubic hair, I began to get another erection! I was surprised, since the previous orgasm was so recent and so strong! But not one to pass up a chance, I grabbed the can of shaving cream (Dad shaved in the shower) and squirted out a handful into my excited hand. Immediately it reminded me of the thick smoke I had just exhaled! I rubbed it on my cock and balls and started stroking off fast and hard! I started saying out loud, “I’m a sexy smoker, I’m a sexy smoker” as I masturbated. Surprising even myself, my other hand had drifted my to my breast and was trying to cup it, make it feel big in my hands, and eventually I started pinching my nipple, causing just a tiny bit of pain, but making my cock swell even bigger! “sexy smoker, sexy smoker, it’s going to make my TITS grow!” I said, when the orgasm hit me again! For the second orgasm in a day (much less an hour) this one was huge as well, Seven or eight strong spurts hit the wall of the shower, underneath the shower head, so the water didn’t wash them away. My knees were weak and trembling, as I came down from my high. I washed off the cum and shaving cream from my crotch, and stood there naked, dripping wet, with one very drained dick and one slightly sore breast and nipple. The sperm was slowly oozing down the shower wall. I reached out and rubbed it on the tile with one finger. It was thick and warm and slick. It was nice and white, too, which reminded me of the shaving cream and smoke. For a second I wanted to bring my finger to my lips and taste that sexy juice … but for whatever reason that time, I did not do so. Instead, I washed the shower wall with the handheld shower head, and went and brushed my teeth (and gargled with mouthwash), got dressed, watched some TV, had lunch, and generally just basked in my newly-performed fetish.
I did not have many more chances to smoke, as Dad usually didn’t have to work on Saturdays. A few months later, in early Spring, everyone was gathered around outside one evening, in light jackets or sweaters. I was sitting next to Catherine, by the luck of the draw, and she was sitting next to Ida, and Dad was sitting on the other side of Ida. Out of the blue, Catherine turned to Ida and said, “Can I have ne of those?”, referring to Ida’s Tall 120s. Ida said, “Sure, but I didn’t know you smoked?!” Catherine replied, “I don’t really, not more than one or two a month, but they go so well with a beer, and it’s been awhile, so…”, letting her sentence trail off. Ida passed her the pack. Catherine, in a seemingly practiced move, shook the pack with her hand, near her face, and as a cigarette popped out, Catherine trapped it with her teeth. I had never seen such a move before! Schwing, instant erection. Catherine handed the pack back, took the lighter, lit the Tall, and took a hungry, cheek-hollowing drag. She tiled her head back rather quickly (yes!0, making her sexy blonde hair dance a bit, and exhaled the thickest and longest plume of smoke I have ever seen, before or since! It looked to be ten of twelve feet long! Instant HARDER erection! Ida noted the exhale herself, and commented, “Damn, you were really ready for a smoke!” and everyone laughed. Catherine just smiled to herself. About midway through the cigarette, she noticed my staring (I couldn’t help myself), and turned to me and said, “Hey yoga buddy, this is a nasty habit, don’t you ever start, OK?” I promised her I wouldn’t (such a lie, as I already had), but I could not disappoint he girl of my dreams.) Was my masturbation session that night filled with the memories of her smoking? Oh my YES, and many many more like it to come!
Then, as fate would have it, my parents decided to remarry. Which is the grand scheme of things was a good thing, since neither of them had been happier living without the other. Coming back together allowed me to combine my secret ways just as you may imagine it would. I will cover that next time! Stay tuned, and thanks for the comments.
7 years ago