Masturbation quiz

Are you male or female? Male
Age? 34
At what age did you start masturbating? 10-11
How many times a week do you masturbate? 7-9 times a week
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Once

Where do you masturbate:

In bed? Yes
In the shower? Occasionally
In the bath? Yes
Outdoors? Rarely, but have done in the past
At work? Yes at my old job.
Every room in the house? Yes!

What do you fantasize about when you play:

A significant other? Yes
A friend? Happened
A friend's spouse? No
A stranger? If Celebrities counts.
A co-worker? Yes.
A member of the same sex? No.
A member of the opposite sex? Yes
A past lover? No.

What position do you play in:

On your back? Yes.
Standing? Yes.
Kneeling? Has happened
Sitting? Yes,
Lying on tummy? No.

How do you play:

With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? No.
With water from bath? No.
Written erotica? Occasionally.
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Yes.
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? Happens

What is your favorite porn:

Straight sex between man and woman? Yes.
Gay or lesbian sex? Lesbian sometimes.
Group sex or orgie? Yes.
Blow jobs/oral sex? Yes.
Cumshots? Yes, love watching bukkakes.
Age play? Sure.
S&M? Yes.
Role playing? Yes.
Kinky? Happens.

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? Yes.
A chat room dialogue? Yes.
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes.

Have you ever:

Been caught masturbating? Yes.
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? No
Masturbated in a group? Yes.
Masturbated for a photo? Yes.
Masturbated for a webcam? No.
Masturbated for a video? No.

Do you ever:

Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? No.
insert something or play with your ass? No.
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? No.
Use pain as a method of playing? No.

Final questions:

Do you taste your cum? Very rarely!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday.
Are you wet or hard now? Strangely no.
Are you going to masturbate now? Probably.
Are you a masturbation addict depends on definition but most likely Not.
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? Sometimes.
What is the most you have played in one go? 7 or 8 times
Published by 7Space
7 years ago
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Är du man eller kvinna? ManligĂ„lder? 60
Vid vilken Älder började du onanera? 12

Hur mÄnga gÄnger i veckan onanerar du? 7-8 gÄnger per vecka

Hur mÄnga gÄnger orgasmerar du varje gÄng du spelar med dig sjÀlv? 1-2

Var onanerar du:
I sÀngen? Ja

I duschen? Ibland

i badet? Inget

utomhus? SĂ€llan, men har gjort det tidigare

PĂ„ jobbet? Ofc

Varje rum i huset? Ja
Vad fantiserar du om nÀr du spelar:
En viktig annan? Ja

En vÀn? Nej

En vÀns make? ja
En frÀmling? KÀndisar

En medarbetare? Ja.

En medlem av samma kön? ja
En medlem av motsatt kön? Ja

En tidigare Àlskare? Nej.
Vilken position spelar du i:
PĂ„ ryggen? Ja.

StÄende? Ja.

KnÀböjande? Inget

sittande? Den mest

liggande pÄ magen? Nej.
Hur spelar du:
Med vÀnster hand? Ja

Med höger hand? Ja

Med en leksak? ja.

Med vatten frÄn badet? nej
Skriftlig erotik? Ibland.

Bilder? Ofta

filmklipp online? Ja.

Videoklipp? Ja

NÄgot pÄ TV? Nej
Vad Àr din favoritporr:
Rak sex mellan man och kvinna? Ja.

Gay eller lesbisk sex? gay
gruppsex eller orgie? Ja.

BlÄsjobb / oralsex? Ja.

Cumshots? Ja, Àlskar att se ryck och handjob

Ålder spela? SĂ€ker.

S&M? nej
Rollspel? nej
Kinky? Nope
Har du nÄgonsin onanerat till:
E-postmeddelanden? Nej

En chattrumsdialog? Ja.

Utbytta historier eller bilder? Ja.
Har du nÄgonsin:
FĂ„ngat dig att onanera? ja
onanerad för en man / kvinna? nej
Masturbated för samma kön? Ja

Onanerade i en grupp? nej.

Onanerade för ett foto? Ja.

Onanerad för en webbkamera? Ja

Masturbated för en video? Ja
Har du nÄgonsin:
Lek med bröstvÄrtor / bröst nÀr du onanerar? ja.

SÀtt in nÄgot eller leka med din röv? ja.

För in nÄgot i munnen nÀr du onanerar? ja.

AnvÀnd smÀrta som spelmetod? Nej
Slutliga frÄgor:
Smakar du din sperma? ofta
nÀr senast du onanerade? nu
Är du vĂ„t eller hĂ„rd nu?  ja

kommer du att onanera nu? Förmodligen.

Är du en onani missbrukare ja.

TĂ€nder det dig att prata om onani? alltid.

Vad Àr det mesta du har spelat pÄ en gÄng? 2 gÄnger
mruminski84 5 years ago
Are you male or female? Male
Age? 27
At what age did you start masturbating? 12
How many times a week do you masturbate? 4-5 tmes a week
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Every

Where do you masturbate:

In bed? Yes
In the shower? Occasionally
In the bath? No
Outdoors? Rarely, but have done in the past
At work? Ofc
Every room in the house? Yes

What do you fantasize about when you play:

A significant other? Yes
A friend? No 
A friend's spouse? No
A stranger? Celebs
A co-worker? Yes.
A member of the same sex? No.
A member of the opposite sex? Yes
A past lover? No.

What position do you play in:

On your back? Yes.
Standing? Yes.
Kneeling? No
Sitting? The most
Lying on tummy? No.

How do you play:

With left hand? Yes
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? No.
With water from bath? Yes
Written erotica? Occasionally.
Pictures? Often
Movie clips online? Yes.
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? No

What is your favorite porn:

Straight sex between man and woman? Yes.
Gay or lesbian sex? No
Group sex or orgie? Yes.
Blow jobs/oral sex? Yes.
Cumshots? Yes, love watching jerking and handjob
Age play? Sure.
S&M? Yes.
Role playing? Yes.
Kinky? Nope

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? No
A chat room dialogue? Yes.
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes.

Have you ever:

Been caught masturbating? No
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? Yes.
Masturbated for a photo? Yes.
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes

Do you ever:

Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? No.
insert something or play with your ass? No.
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? No.
Use pain as a method of playing? No.

Final questions:

Do you taste your cum? Never
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday
Are you wet or hard now? Strangely yes
Are you going to masturbate now? Probably.
Are you a masturbation addict depends on definition but most likely Not.
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? Sometimes.
What is the most you have played in one go? 2 times
bernhardz 5 years ago
Do you taste your cum? ofta och andras med mums
bernhardz 5 years ago
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes mÀn