Guys with dick pics for their user image

Really guys? That's the best you can do? I hope you realize that you are giving away the milk for free. Not to mention I can't help but look at the picture and see it as a personification of yourself. As if it is the image you want to represent you as an individual.

So it's kind of funny when I get a "hello" message from a penis. One night I'm going to have a nightmare about an army of disembodied penises swarming me, all saying "hello" to me.

But seriously guys... stop with the penis pictures. I've seen gay bars with less dudes obsessing over dicks. Girls don't really care that much about the size of your junk. Nor are we very impressed. See, the thing is... if you have an average sized dick... well then that is great, it's average. Yay. If you have a small dick... okay well then most likely you have a lot of insecurity and you're not gonna be fun to talk to. If you have a big dick... well then you are gonna most likely have a huge ego to go with that huge dick... and to be honest. It's not impressive.

You were born with it. Congratulations. lol. Not to mention big dicks can be TOO big, and an average dick works just as well. So while it is nice that you're proud of your giant manhood, I'd be more impressed if you didn't constantly revolve conversation around it. Like "hey babe you like my huge dick? what do you think of it? would you like that inside you? it's thicker than a soda can. I bet it's bigger than your arm. do you think you could fit it?" and blah blah blah you have a big dick. There is more to you than just a dick (I hope) so please guys, have a personality... have something to say. Don't be a disembodied penis.

Oh, and stop with the abs/chest/arms pics. It's nice to be healthy but all I see is "look at me, I want attention and I have a lot of free time to work out, which means I probably don't have a job or a social life, or my social life basically consists of working out". It also makes you look like you are obsessed with yourself.

So what would I like to see? I don't know... your face? Okay maybe you aren't cool with showing it on a porn site. Then show your body... but with clothing on. Let me see how you dress. Let me see what you do for fun. Put a mask on if you have to. Just keep the penis and abs tucked away... that should be saved for a later time. ;)
Published by flirtyjuli3
13 years ago
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polarbear1983 13 years ago
You've never been short of amazing julie, love the way you just put it all out there.
Big thumbs up :smile:
miles2go 13 years ago
Love that nightmare image of you being swarmed by an army of disembodied cocks, all with a little balloon tag emanating from the tip: "Hello" "Hello" "Hello" "Hello" "Hello" "Hello" "Hello"... lol

Dreams should be made of sweeter stuff!
nola_male4fun 13 years ago
completely I don't want to see cock pics everywhere
Bonejugs 13 years ago
whahaha! i only imagine how obnoxious all the 'dick guys' are that are out there!
muffdan 13 years ago
TJ5000 13 years ago
About time someone said it lol
LOL that is so true about all these idiotic guys using dick pics as the profile picture lol
dparkman 13 years ago
Very insightful!