(LMW3 Blog) I like white men

I May Be Black But I Like White Men.
There I said it.
I am into interracial relationships. It's not that I won't give black men a chance. Some are very attractive. But white men (and I'm sorry to say this) have priorty. Unless of course the black man is Tyrese Gibson. That is one sexy Motha Flucker. I'll have your babies sweety!!! But for some reason, I just have this crazy attraction to white men. And this is sad because there are hardly any white men in Saint Vincent and we do not attract many tourists from around the world who i could meet up with. And from what i see on the internet and on dating applications like Tinder is a lot of white men don't care for black women I've seen people say "I'm looking for a girlfriend. no black girls please." and it just hurts me. I need a white man to like black women but i don't want him to treat us like we are 'the final frontier'. I don't want a white guy to get with me just so he can tell his friends "I got with a black chick." That's just as bad as not liking black women at all. Even though white men are sexy to me, that does not mean that I don't give other races a chance or find men from other races attractive. Just like some of you men like light skinned black girls more than dark skinned black girls. It's an attraction thing. It catches your eye but it isn't what makes your decision on whether or not you want to be with that person (or at least it shouldn't). It's merely the first thing that attracts you. After that, it's all about personality and level headedness. Does any of this make sense?
Published by LMW3
7 years ago
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knackigerBursche 7 years ago
good text
WhiteBoy4Ebony 7 years ago
Black women ♡♡♡
2damnhorny 7 years ago
well I like women ~ all colors ~ black is beautiful
enjoy my video ? you're welcome to message me
TwoPintsOfLarger 7 years ago
Yes that actually makes perfect sense. As a white man the prefers black women (again the attraction thing). Black women are often times stringer than white/asian/hispanic women in several respects. But there are quite a few who have stereotypical/Bias opinions towards them or "don't want daddy to find out". In all personal honesty and experience the color of your skin means nothing of you as a person. It has nothing to do with how you were raised or your personal perspective. Though yes there are several differences between races. Hell, half the people I work with in the navy are black. Most of our electricians, utilities men and equipment operators are black. I often get caught up in "racist" conversation because I am not as boisterous as several of these individuals are and am seen as "the cocky, rich white boy that's too god for blacks".
shantelleross 7 years ago
Omg, I can relate to you so much girl. I'm a college basketball player, and I am so attracted to white guys. It's so crazy because my teammates or friends always be like so your racist against your own race, it's nothing like that. I have been attracted to white guys for the longest, I have no clue why, don't get me wrong I like some black guys. I feel like white guys feel black girls wouldn't date white guys. Ummm hecky no I love me some white guys. What do you think is a good way to let a white guy know that you are attracted to them?
ChelseaBadBoy 7 years ago

JustTooDangerous 7 years ago
They do say once you go white you see the light
filiep 7 years ago
Makes lot of senses
Love a black girl !