Slaves of the Amethyst.

Slaves of the Amethyst

This is my new project. To be more accurate, it's a very old project brought back to life. Some years ago I wrote an enormously long and intricate fantasy saga called “Slaves of the Amethyst”. It was, undoubtedly, the most ambitious and challenging thing I had ever written and for a long time I was terrified about releasing it to the general public. It sat on my computer hard drive like a guilty secret and I dared reveal it to nobody.

Even after I began, tentatively, to allow people to sample my writing, “Slaves of the Amethyst” remained buried away in the closet. Eventually I tested the waters by posting excerpts from the saga in my Xhamster blog. A few people (very few!) read it and, although their comments were generally favourable, their positive feedback was insufficient to bolster my courage enough to think of publishing it. The whole massive tome went back in the closet and there it stayed.

A few years later, my xHamster friends urged me to publish some of my writing and finally, after much soul searching drama, I released my novel “Toggenburg” and found out that the world was not going to end after all. Encouraged by this, I published more and more of my work until, by this month, I had over a dozen published works to my credit. Yet still the slaves of the purple eyed lady remained hidden; my dark secret.
I don't know why I was so frightened about releasing this b**st. I think perhaps I had put so much of myself into the novel that it made me feel vulnerable to allow others to peek inside. It was a very special world to me... a dark fantasy of my very own in which I explored my own sexuality and emotions. Revealing it felt a little like undressing in public and throwing myself naked to the crowd to do as they wished with.

But “Slaves” refused to go away and nagged at the back of my mind like some caged a****l rattling the bars and demanding its freedom. Now at last, after years of procrastination, I have taken a bite of the bullet and begun to unleash it. It is, naturally, far too long for release as a single book and so I have chopped it into manageable sections and begun to release it as a series. The first two volumes, “The Valley and the Vicar's Daughter” and “The Manor and the Maiden Bound” were published this month past.

At this point I would normally scribble down a brief synopsis of the plot and some idea of the subject but, in this case, I hardly know where to begin. The saga starts off as a sexual fantasy and evolves in layer upon layer of magnitude into a sweeping and multi-faceted story of rich complexity with dozens of characters each involved in their own part of a greater meta story.

The first two parts I have published are deceptively simple. They mostly concern the coming of my central character, Jennifer, to the imaginary valley of Mathomdale and the beginnings of her enlightenment and entrapment. She is, in these early parts, a naive character being drawn into a strange world she can barely begin to understand; a world commanded by a sub-culture of human beings of extraordinary nature dedicated in slavery to their charismatic Mistress and the ideals of the Goddess, their symbolic female deity. These are the first brush strokes of a richly decorated canvas; the starting points of a story which I hope will captivate and move my readers. This then is “Slaves of the Amethyst” and, in my case, the world might end after all.

Michaela x

Both books are available at
Published by Mikebasil
7 years ago
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