A few Q's answered ;)

Ok had about a few messages asking how i became deaf in the first place. So have decided to do a follow up my 1st blog post to explain and i can always link it if i get asked again rather than go into auto type my history mode

I contracted bacterial meningitis when is was almost 4 years old. I can't remember much about it, other than everything seemed to speed up and i couldn't control my breathing and I remember flicking through pages of my comics and annuals but not really reading or looking at the pictures and feeling scared. It felt like a fever but its very hard to explain or put into words

After being taken to doctors in evening and being initially misdiagnosed things got worse through the night and by early hours of the morning my parents decided to take me straight to the hospital

Long story short I almost died haha but survived with some minor facial palsy and eventually hearing loss that became worse from the infection and because i was misdiagnosed, only thing i can describe it to is when u put your head down in a bath and eventually there's a pop and u can hear sounds but not clearly.

Spent next 2 years in and out of hospital having different types of coclear implants and electrodes fused, with various degree's of success and could still hear sound

then in my teens or maybe just before i had an infection that pretty much destroyed what was left of my nerves in the ear and became profoundly deaf and my speech started to deteriorate pretty quickly from then on

Now the world is a very quiet place (probably sounds good to some of you? haha) but sometimes when i dream i can hear and talk like i used to, which apparently isn't as weird as it sounds after speaking to my speech ther****t

So there you go this is as much for me as it is for anyone reading it but feel free to comment I know potentially i could be shot down for being so open but I've spent most of my life being bullied and its only made me more determined and stronger as a person

Dj x
Published by demi98
7 years ago
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boateman47 6 months ago
So you can't Hear Yourself when Your Cumming and Shouting Fuck me Deeper. Should I Slap your Ass when I'm Filling your Hot Pussy. Just SAYING 😍😍😍😍😍😍
freeads2004 1 year ago
I'm hearing but can sign and lip-read - in the past when dreaming I've signed to robins in the trees!  DaddyBear :bouquet:
EatHotAss69 2 years ago
Feel comfortable about yourself no matter what others say about you. There is nobody perfect in this world and i find that people who make fun of what others look like are the most ugliest people who have no right too make fun of anybody
donutbob 2 years ago
My Dad got meningitis when he was 2 and became deaf as well. My mum was born profoundly deaf, so I grew up speaking sign language at home 
Malkith78 3 years ago
Only low-lives and assholes bulles people for disabilities. Cool hat you're open about it.
donutbob 3 years ago
My dad became deaf from meningitis aged 2. my mum was born profoundly deaf, so I grew up using sign language. Thank you for sharing this on here
Cupido_Tyrant 3 years ago
thank you for sharing. very brave and its great you're open about it. all the best
Keep fighting Demi.. most people with hearing dont listen... you are a wonderful person for sharing..
You have only my admiration and respect for posting both of these blogs. I hadn't been aware of it, so I can only see you in a on even more positive light, in top of the weight loss you were aiming to get your confidence from Demi.....X
badave 5 years ago
Good for you Demi keep your spirits up and enjoy life
chrisukbishare 5 years ago
Thank you for sharing. Being deaf is a challenge. Being alone is a bigger challenge. I hope xhamster is finding you some beatiful people to enjoy. Do you sign, lipread, or have another way to connect ? 
Ute_66 5 years ago
Don’t let the bullies win, be yourself and carry on doing what you do clearly there jealous of some! 
mattissa 5 years ago
What doesnt kill us makes us stronger xxxxwell done sexy arse xxxx
Tigerman33 5 years ago
Well done for writing this.x
You're a hero x
kevinjc 6 years ago
good of you demi darling you are as much as a girl than any of those vile people are babe you are one in a million 
xander763 7 years ago
you are who you are let those who cant understand what you have gone through,,,,move along and bully someone else
BasGuy 7 years ago
Fuck the bullies Dj, you are doing an amazing thing by being so honest and open
billybull1 7 years ago
You are still an awesome woman
Bertie54 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about the bullying. it's brave of you to "speak" up like this.
You've really come so far and I know you'll go even further. Fuck those bullies because your determination is what matters. By the way, You are Beautiful and you can have a conversation with me anything whenever you like.I was also bullied a lot growing up.
bgomax 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your story with us, onwards and upwards you've come this far, take care
jackrussell578 7 years ago
by being here and getting on with life uve baton the bullies
labdog79 7 years ago
shame about being bullied no one deserves that, nice to meet a nice honest person for a change
Fuck the bullies and you are doing an amazing thing by being so honest and open and you are very well loved on here
Tigerman33 7 years ago
You're awesome.
Maniac-77 7 years ago
Your determination is extraordinary ... keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars .....
billybull1 7 years ago
You're an exceptional person
bobbintazz 7 years ago
so sorry but your my meat now xxx
spikeulike 7 years ago
I think you are an incredibly brave - not to mention unbelievably sexy - young woman!! Never let the bullies win - you are so much better than them! Well done you!!! It has genuinely been a pleasure to get to know you Demi! I look forward to speaking more - and hearing lots more about you.....