The Best Summer Job Ever

Most men are filled with fantasies of older women from the moment they first develop an interest in sex. Whether it's a hot older neighbor, a schoolteacher, or your best friend's mom. This is my take on this familiar theme and I hope you all enjoy. I try to avoid breaking my stories up, but in this case it just kept growing and growing until it had to be submitted in sections. Even broken into chapters they're lengthy stories. As always I remind you all to practice safe sex even though my characters don't. Comments, good or bad, are always welcomed.


Reading through the paper I had circled a few ads that looked promising and was planning to start calling them when I turned to the last page and saw the perfect job. I had just gotten home from my second year of college the week before and was looking for a summer job. There was an ad from a lady who was looking for someone to fill in for her regular gardener who would be away until the fall. I was studying botany in college and the lady described her place as a large planted property with a wide variety of plants that required expert care. I'd worked summer jobs gardening jobs with the city throughout high school and that was part of what got me interested in studying plants as a career. The thought of being able to work outside all summer instead of being stuck in some store at the mall was appealing so I gave her a call right away dialing the number in the ad.

"Hello, could I speak with Mrs. Swanson please?" I said reading her last name from the ad.

"Speaking," she said after a brief pause.

"Hi my name is Dan. I'm calling about your ad in the paper today. I was hoping the position was still open," I said.

"It is..." she answered, "But you sound a little young. It's a big property and there are a lot of plants to care for," she said with obvious doubt in her voice.

"I think I can do it ma'am. At least let me come for an interview before you make up your mind," I said hoping she'd give me a chance.

"Well ok but first you'll have to stop calling me ma'am," she laughed in a warm, rich tone. "It's Mrs. Swanson or Ellen if you want. Come by this afternoon and we can go over your credentials."

Wearing a shirt and tie for the interview and had my mother drop me off at what can be best described as The Swanson Estate. It was close enough that I'd be able to bike to work all summer, though for today I got a ride figuring sweat stains might not make the best first impression. I hit the intercom and waited a minute or two until a woman's voice answered and opened the security gate. As I walked the long driveway up to her mansion I was having second thoughts already. The brick wall topped with wrought iron stretched out of sight on either side into to a mini forest of trees and I noticed the immaculate green lawn that covered acre upon acre. Proudly, I noted that I knew most of the plants on sight but the sheer size of the property was quickly dawning on me.

I rang the doorbell and was greeted by her housekeeper. She brought me inside and ushered me to a sitting room where ice water and tea were waiting. I accepted a glass of water and looked around nervously afraid to move. The furniture in this room was probably worth more than my parent's house. 'What would happen if I broke something here?' I thought shuddering to think what it might cost to replace things.

"Hello there Dan," she said sweeping into the room smelling of sweet perfume. Being a horny young man, I noticed was how attractive she was the moment she entered. She looked to be in her late thirties and had her dark brown hair with lighter highlights cut just above her chin. Big brown eyes and a nose that looked a little large for a woman gave an alluring boldness to her features. A necklace of gold and what I thought were sapphires circled her neck and a matching bracelet that looked very expensive but not gaudy. The watch she wore glittered with jewels as did the rings on her fingers. She wore a sleeveless light blue top that showed off her tan and had thicker upper arms than you'd generally see on a younger woman. I studied her nice large breasts and wide c***dbearing hips beneath the black skirt she wore with an approving eye. Finally, there were her darkly tanned legs ended in a pair of open toes shoes. "I hope you weren't waiting long," she said as I stood to shake her hand.

"Not at all Mrs. Swanson," I said noticing she was just a couple of inches shorter than my six foot one frame. Damn this is what a proper trophy wife is supposed to look like.

"Please sit down," she said with a warm smile. "Still think you can handle it after getting a look at the grounds?" she asked laughing at my stunned expression.

"Well it's bigger than I thought, but I'm willing to give it a try if you'll have me," I said trying to sound confident.

"Then tell me why you think you can do this job," she said pouring a cup of tea for herself.

Handing her my resume, I started by telling her about my three summers of working with the city parks division. I told her about my major in college and my career plans once I graduated, adding some general things about being hard working and dependable. But what really impressed her was when I mentioned the wind damage to one of her trees I had noticed on the walk to the house that would need some attention soon or the tree would be in danger of being lost.

"My gardener left it like that before he went away for the summer and told me not to hire anyone who didn't see it on the way in. I've lost track of the number of people who've been in for an interview but you're the first to mention it. I'm still worried that you're a little inexperienced but I'll give you a chance. If everything goes smoothly for the first week I'll hire you for the summer. Come by Monday morning at eight and I'll introduce you to your crew," she said with a smile.

"Crew?" I asked with a surprised look.

"You didn't think I expected you to handle all of this by yourself did you?" she said chuckling. "I'll still want to see you getting your hands dirty but you'll be the supervisor of over the others. They're all hard workers but none of them know how to manage the property."

"I'll see you Monday morning at eight then," I said, relived I wouldn't be alone but worried over managing the rest of the staff at the same time.

Monday morning was bright and sunny. I left my house at seven on my mountain bike to make sure I was there in plenty of time. Arriving twenty minutes early, I was let in by the housekeeper to wait inside. Looked around the front rooms of the house, I marveled again at the rich furnishings and stunning artwork. I couldn't begin to guess what some of this stuff must be worth.

"Good morning Dan," she said from behind me.

"Morning Mrs. S," I said sounding like a character in a TV show from the 60s. I'd been thinking about her all weekend and was nervous around her now. She looked sexy again today in a red sleeveless pantsuit.

"Come with me I'll show you the work shed and all the tools," she said leading the way.

The back part of the estate was even bigger than the front. She pointed out a few things to me as she led me to the large tool shed where there were two riding mowers and two golf carts plus an endless array of hedge trimmers, weed cutters, and other tools. There were plenty of pots and bags of soil, grass seed, and fertilizers. There was even an attached greenhouse where new plants and seedlings could be given a good head start prior to planting.

"You'll be in charge of ordering supplies too," she said after I had looked around. "Just order whatever you need and send me the bill when it gets here. Ray left a list of numbers to all the best suppliers in town by the phone. They'll usually deliver the same day if you call in the morning. Don't worry about what it might cost, just get whatever you think is needed."

"Ok" I said stunned by the responsibility she was placing on me. "But when you say don't worry about the costs?"

"I mean don't worry at all. When it comes to the garden I'll spare no expense. I'll be hosting my annual garden party at the end of July and I want everything to look perfect no matter what it costs," she said placing her hand on my shoulder with a soft touch. "Now the men are here so you should probably put them to work. I'll be watching you closely this week to make sure you can handle it. I'll want you to come talk to me at end of each day and we'll go over what you did."

That first day was one of the most hectic in my life. There were four men in my crew and realized I didn't have any plan for what they should do yet. I started by asking each what he was best at and was pleased the idea had come to me. Two I put on mowing right away, figuring it would keep them busy most of the day. Another was sent to check the large rock garden I had seen for weeds and told him to water while he was there. The last I took with me in a cart to check on the damaged tree I had notice when I first came there. We finished with the tree in no time and I sent him to water the flowers as I drove around surveying the property. When I got back to the shed I noticed there was a nice big map of the estate with lots of notes written on it by Ray. I studied it for a while planning tomorrow's work in much better detail and then went through the inventory adding a few items to my first list of things to order.

So far things seemed to be going smoothly, then the men started showing up at the shed asking what they should do next or needing me to come take a look a problem. One had found caterpillars on some of the flowering trees and another had found large patch of grass on the back lawn that was overrun with weeds. I called an exterminator right away to take care of the pests and inspected the weed problem. My lunch hour was spent touring the grounds again looking for other places to put the men to work in the afternoon.

By the time four o'clock rolled around I was relieved the day was over. I hadn't eaten yet and quickly ate what I had brought for lunch before heading inside to meet with Mrs. Swanson. After telling her what we had done today she seemed genuinely pleased, but pointed out a few things I should have thought of that would need to be done tomorrow.

"Well done Dan," she said with a smile. "Tomorrow I want to start discussing the fountain and gazebo area out by the east wing. I want to completely change the look there for this year's party. I'll see you tomorrow," she said touching my shoulder again as she showed me out.

On the ride home my mind was filled with thoughts of the garden and what to do with the gazebo area. Mrs. Swanson's face would drift into my mind as well and found myself remembering her touch on my shoulder. At first I was sure it was just her being friendly but found the more I thought about it the more it seemed out of place. Finally, I decided it was my horny imagination and burgeoning crush on her that has made far more out of it than it was. That evening in my room I spent hours organizing tasks for the staff tomorrow and drawing up three different plans for the fountain and gazebo area. I wanted to make sure I was able to keep the job all summer and hoped the extra preparation would pay off.

The next day ran much more smoothly. I set the men working right away on a long list of tasks I had prioritized the night before. Helping out where I felt I was needed most, I took time to check in with each of them throughout the day. Ray had trained them well and they all worked hard so they rarely needed me to point anything out to them. It was my job to notice the details and make sure the whole garden came together into one stunning picture. That afternoon it started raining just after two and Mrs. Swanson sent the rest of the staff home for the day but promised they'd get paid their full hours anyway. She wanted me to stay so we could go over the plans for the garden together.

"Anytime it starts to rain late in the day like that you can send the guys home and I'll pay them for the time missed," she said leading me to her office. "So did you have a chance to think about the fresh landscaping for the garden yet?"

"I drew up a few things," I said passing her a folder from my knapsack.

"Oh my Daniel they're beautiful. When did you come up with all of these?" she said laying them out side by side on her desk and studying them one at a time.

"Last night. They're still a little rough but I think they'll give us a few ideas to build on. Unless you had something different in mind?" I said.

"They're amazing," she said with a wide smile. "I might have to get some new fountains and gazebos to do all three. What king of plants are these here?" she asked pointing to one of my drawings.

I came around the desk and leaned over her shoulder going over each one. My drawing set was in my bag, so I took it out and altered them as we went. She was ecstatic with what I had come up with and kept saying how it would be hard to decide with three wonderful designs to choose from now. By the time we were done I realized how close I was to her, bent down with my face next to hers. I found myself studying the line of her neck and starring down into her tanned cleavage as my cock jumped in my pants. Mrs. Swanson noticed the closeness too and suddenly we fell into an awkward silence as I backed away and sat down again. I thought I recognized the look she was giving me and was sure she must be having ideas of her own.

"So what does your husband do?" I asked nervously trying to cut the tension and remind myself she was a married woman at the same time.

"His little slut of a secretary the last time I checked," she said in a voice full of venom. "I'm sorry," she said when she saw the shocked look on my face. "We've been divorced for over a year now. I caught him cheating on me and ended it. I should have corrected you when you first started calling me Mrs. Swanson but I didn't want to bring it up."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said feeling horrible for having reminded her of such pain.

"Don't be. I knew he'd been unfaithful for years but when I caught him with her in our own bed that was it," she said looking upset. "Besides I got the house and took him for half of what he's worth," she added with a triumphant smile. "I helped build the company too, so it was no less than I deserved. It was really hard on our daughter Jessica though," she said pointing to a picture on her desk. Her daughter was a stunning beauty with long flowing brown hair that was a shade lighter than her mother's, the same gorgeous eyes, and a dark tan of her own. She looked to be about my age. "She just finished high school and is off on a tour of Europe with her friends. She'll be back later in the summer," she said when saw me staring at the picture.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare. I mean your daughter is very pretty. I..." I was starting to panic. The longer I spoke, the worse it sounded.

"Relax Daniel," she said touching my arm. "She could do a lot worse than a handsome, hard working young man like you. You'd be a big improvement over the kind of boys she normally dates."

"I..." what the fuck was I supposed to say to that?

"I'm making you uncomfortable aren't I?" she said looking at me. "I'm sorry hon. Let me give you a ride home," she offered. "We can take my ex-husband's truck for your bike. I don't even like the damn thing but insisted on getting it in the settlement because I knew he loved it," she said with a wicked laugh. She ushered me downstairs with her hand resting on my lower back causing all sorts of thoughts to run though my mind.

"What an amazing ride," I said looking at the tricked out Hummer she called a truck.

"Here," she said tossing me the keys.

"No way!" I said.

"You have your license don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well then take me for a ride," she said smiling.

Driving the Hummer home was a blast. The envious stares men gave me at I drove by brought a wide smile to my face. I was getting a small taste of what it must feel like to be filthy rich. When we pulled up to my driveway I felt a huge disappointment at having to get out from behind the wheel. She must have noticed because she told me I could use it to run to the garden center if I needed to pick up something right away, laughing when I said I might need to go everyday for the rest of the summer in that case.

The rest of the week flew by as I eagerly anticipated Friday afternoon when I would get to cash that first big check. Mrs. or I should say Ms. Swanson became increasing friendly towards me during the week and I was getting the feeling she found the idea she might turn on a young guy like me thrilling. She was a generous boss and the job paid far better than any other I ever had. By the end of the summer, I should be able to afford a decent car. It might not be a Hummer but it would be mine. The housekeeper came down with paychecks for the men at quitting time on Friday, but Ms. Swanson wanted to see me out by the pool before I left.

Ms. Swanson was swimming when I got there and I tried in vain not to notice her body as she swam long graceful laps. My god she looked fantastic in her one-piece suit. Her long legs kicked behind her and I noticed how the cut of the suit had ridden up to expose a good portion of her round ass above her shapely legs. On the latest lap she was swimming back towards me face up, her breasts taking turns thrusting out of the water as she kicked.

"There you are Daniel," she said wiping the water from her face. "Pass me a towel would you hon?" she said as she climbed out of the pool.

"Here you go," I said trying not to stare. The white suit was practically transparent when wet. Leaning back with her arms over her head to wringing the water from her hair caused her breasts strain against the swimsuit with her dark, erect nipples clearly outlined. I took a quick look and the studied the ground noticing her slipping her fingers inside the leg of the suit to pull the material out around her hips. She dried herself smiling, as if listening to a private joke, while I watched her beautiful body bounce and jiggle beneath the towel. Thankfully she slipped on a full-length robe and sat down at a patio table with a pitcher of iced tea and her purse on it.

"It's payday," she said with a smile as she took my paycheck out of her purse. "I put a little bonus on there for all your hard work and for agreeing to stay on the full summer," she said as she passed it to me.

"Ms. Swanson this is far too much," I said when I saw the amount. The "little bonus" was a full weeks worth of extra pay.

"Please Daniel you earned it," she said smiling. "And no more of these Ms. Swansons it makes me feel old. Call me Ellen from now on."

"Alright Ellen then," I said smiling back. "But it's still too much."

"Well I think you've earned every penny," she said offering me a drink. I stayed for over an hour discussing the plan for next week with her but politely declined when she invited me to stay for supper, the disappointed look on her face making me regret is as soon as I had said it. Too many conflicting thoughts were running through mind at the time. On the way home I cursed my stupidity as I imagined what it would be like to fuck her all over the pool deck. I'd had a few girlfriends in high school and had lost my virginity with the one I dated for most of junior and senior year. There had been more during my first two years of college but nothing long-term, just a couple one or two week flings and the occasional drunken chance encounter.

The more I thought about it the more I realized how stupid the idea of her being interested in the college k** she hired to be her gardener was. Ellen was a beautiful mature woman who live an extravagant lifestyle I could only dream of. For years she'd been married to a rich and powerful businessman, what did I think she saw in me? Surely there had to be a long line of suitors waiting for their chance with an attractive middle aged divorcee like her and they all had a lot more to offer than me. That still didn't stop me from jerking off in the shower while thinking about her wearing that swimsuit as soon as I got home. By Monday morning I'd already loss track of how many times I made myself cum while fantasizing about her.

The second week I settled into he job gaining in confidence daily. I was quickly learning everything there was to know about the property and spent a little time each day with the guys showing them what to look for as they walked or rode around the grounds. Anytime my new eyes and ears brought something to my attention that I had missed, I beamed like a proud parent. Soon Ellen was telling me I was doing as good a job as Ray had ever managed and though I doubted that was true it made me feel good anyway.

The other thing that changed that second week was where I'd meet Ellen for the daily wrap up. Every day at four she had me come see her on the pool deck where she was either swimming or soaking up the sun when I arrived. Seeing her in bathing suits that seemed to get skimpier by the day was driving me insane. I began dreading and craving those end of the day meetings at the same time. By Wednesday, a bikini had replaced the relatively modest one-piece suits and by Thursday the bikini had shrunk a size or two. On payday I walked towards the pool full of nervous anticipation, wondering what she'd be wearing today.

When she came into view lying face up on her patio bed I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping. Her plain black bikini was the smallest yet by far. The narrow triangles that stretched across her breasts barely obscured her nipples from view and left tit flesh hanging out in all directions. The bottom wasn't much bigger and showed off a wide expanse of bare sun browned skin. I could tell she must have shaved or waxed nearly all her pubic hair recently because I was looking right where it should be and there was none. The thin layer of body fat she carried only added to the smoking hot curves. As good as she looked in her bikini, I knew she'd be the envy of many younger women on the beach, never mind how jealous women her own age might be.

"Hi Daniel," she smiled opening her eyes and shielding them from the sun with her hand when she heard me approach. "I'll get your check for you in a minute but I have a favor to ask first. Could you put some lotion on my back for me?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"I... I... lotion... sure..." I stammered. She was all but laughing at me knowing the hopeless position she'd put me in.

"It's there on the table," she said pointing as she turned over on all fours, arching her back and stretching like a cat. The back of her bikini bottom left most of her round, sexy ass exposed and threatened to slide in between her cheeks any second now. "Come on Daniel I don't want to burn," she said lying flat again as she kicked her legs, the calves bouncing off her thighs.

"Ok," I said as my voice cracked embarrassingly and I cleared my throat. I lifted the bottle of suntan lotion and inhaled its coconut fragrance as I squirt some into the palm of my hand. With a deep breath I started near her ankles and rubbed in it as far as her knee on one leg and then the other relishing the feel of her silky smooth skin. The sun-warmed skin of her body glistened wherever my touch strayed. Progress slowed to a crawl when I neared mid thigh. I had climbed onto the sun bed with her, one knee on either side of her body, so I could reach her more easily. My cock was a rigid pole inside my shorts tenting them at the front noticeably. Studying her legs intently, I noticed some faint stretch marks on her inner thighs that reminded me that she was old enough to be my mother and still looked this good. If anything they made me want to fuck her even more. Stopping three quarters of the way up her thighs, I skipped over the rest of her legs and ass to start on her lower back.

"You missed a spot hon," she said looking over her shoulder to take my hand near the wrist and place it on the half naked globe of her ass. "That's better," she sighed. "I wouldn't want to get a sunburn there."

"Ms. Swanson..." I said nervously as I rubbed her nice full ass ready to cum in my pants. "What about your housekeeper?"

"Ellen," she said feigning irritation. "I already sent Gloria home for the night, but you can ask her next week if she needs help with her tan," she said slyly knowing that's not what I meant. "You're doing fine hon. You can get my back now," she said as if nothing was amiss while untying her top. "I hate tan lines," she added tossing it aside as I stared at the sides of her large breasts as they pressed into the cushion.

"Alright," I said as I squeezed and huge glob of the lotion on her back and spread it as fast as I could, knowing I had to get the fuck out of there. I was ready to pull my cock out and jerk off all over her back if this went on much longer.

"Where are you going?" she said turning to grab at my arm and "accidentally" taking my cock in her hand instead. "Oh my! Did I cause that?" she asked with a hand over her mouth to hide a smile she tried to make innocent looking.

"Uh... no... I... I don't know..." I mumbled. Why was she still holding on to it?

"Well let me take care of it for you anyway," she said as she squirmed onto her back. The sight of her beautiful tits was mesmerizing as she brazenly pulled my shorts down. "Oh my indeed!" she exclaimed seeing my fully erect eight plus inches of thick cock. "Mmmm... now that looks delicious!" she said leaning forward with tongue extend, jerking it in a firm grip.

Ellen looked ready to devour my cock whole but never got the chance. As soon and she started to stroke it, it went off blowing cum all over the place. It splashed against her forehead and cheek, a shocked expression forming on her face. She recovered from the surprise and aimed it towards her mouth the next stream glancing off her lips, before she readjusted and the next one bounced off her tongue to rattle down her throat as a sputtering cough came from her. The last few spurts landed on her chin, neck, and chest as she continued to jerk it instinctively. I watched it run down her face for a moment to drip onto her tits and panicked when she made eye contact with me.

"Sorry," I said quickly as I jumped up and started running, struggling to pull my shorts up as I went. I was so ashamed that the only thought that went through my mind was to get away from there as quickly as possible.

"Wait! Please Daniel don't go!" she yelled trying to catch me as I easily outran her barefooted pursuit. Hopping on my bike I raced out of there peddling hard all the way home.

When I got home I headed straight to my room, locking the door behind me. I felt physically ill. How was I supposed to go to work on Monday morning after that? I cursed myself over and over for ruining my one chance with Ms. Swanson. Who knows how far things might have gone if my body would have cooperated. I should have at least fondled her tits when I had the chance. Now I kept picturing her laughing and smiling at me when she saw me again. I'd cum all over her face without warning. I was sure she'd been so insulted that I'd be lucky not to get fired. Thinking about her incredibly hot body as I lay in bed pondering my demise, I had a huge hard on again the moment I started to picture her magnificent breasts. I beat off and was disgusted over how easily I was able to hold my load now, it sure would have been nice if I could have done that earlier. All weekend I moped around the house, jerking off to her constantly and trying to decide what to do. By Sunday night I wanted to fuck her more than ever but was intent on quitting the job to avoid the embarrassment of seeing her again.

Monday morning arrived far too soon. I told my dad I was feeling too sick to go to work when he came to see why I wasn't up yet. Waiting until my parents had left for work before getting up to call Ms. Swanson I went to the phone and dialed her number. I'd been planning to tell her I was quitting but at the last moment I decided to just tell her I was sick today and deal with the bigger problem later. I was hoping her housekeeper would answer as the phone rang.

"Hello?" it was Ms. Swanson.

"Hi Ms. Swanson. I'm feeling sick today and won't be coming in," I said in a low tired voice.

"Well ok if you're sick Dan. Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

"I don't think so," I said seeing no point in lying to her, maybe I could get this over with today after all.

"Oh Daniel I'm so sorry. Please come over and well talk about what happened," she said sounding sad.

"I don't think that would be a good idea either. Goodbye Ms. Swanson," I said with finality in my voice, hanging up before she could respond.

I sulked around the house all day. As much as I hated to lose the great job, I just couldn't bring myself to face her again. She'd practically thrown herself at me, no doubt thinking I was some sort of young stud who could satisfy all her womanly desires. For her trouble she'd gotten a face full of cum and a huge disappointment. The more I thought about it, the happier I became knowing it was behind me. Even though the rest of the jobs I'd been considering were nowhere near as good, at least I wouldn't have to see a woman I'd become infatuated with look at me in disgust. As I sat on the couch watching trashy daytime TV I heard the doorbell ring.

"Ms. Swanson," I said in surprise, not wanting to make eye contact. "You shouldn't have come here." At least she was dressed conservatively today I noticed.

"I brought your pay check from last week," she said. "Can we talk? Please I feel horrible about what happened."

"You feel horrible?" I said incredulously.

"Yes," she said pushing inside. "Here," she said passing me an envelope with my name on it. "Can we sit down and talk about this or not?"

"Sure," I nodded leading her to the kitchen where we sat at the breakfast table.

"What I did was inexcusable Dan," she said. "All week I played games with you trying to get you to notice me. Anytime I saw you looking at my saggy middle-aged body it made me feel young again, it made me feel good for the first time in years. Suddenly I wasn't just the woman who'd just been traded in for a newer model anymore. The thought that a handsome young man like you might still be interested in me made me so... so... horny," she said looking embarrassed to say the word. "I lost control of myself. I was stupid to think you'd want anything to do with me. I bet you have pretty young girls calling you constantly and here I flirting with you all the time," she finished with a scoffing laugh.

"Ms. Swanson you're a beautiful woman..." I started to say.

"That's sweet of you to say," she said smiling at me. "What happened, happened. I know I won't be able to forget it," she continued as her eyes flashed every so briefly down to my crotch. "I hope you can come back and work for me despite what I did to you. You've been doing a great job and I was really looking forward to seeing what the garden would look like for the party this year."

"I liked the job," I said truthfully.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked looking so hopeful that I couldn't bring myself to say no.

"You'll see me tomorrow," I agreed as she practically skipped out of our house in glee.

Returning to work the next day, I felt guilty over letting her take all the blame for what happened the week before. She might have initiated things but I wanted it just as bad as she did. With a missed day to make up for I worked extra hard all week to make up for it. The men had done a reasonable job in my absence on Monday, but most of the things I'd made mental notes to take care of after the weekend still needed to be done. I also wanted to place orders for some exotic plants we were going to use for the fresh landscaping around the gazebo and fountain so they'd be here in plenty of time. Ms. Swanson and I still met everyday, but our meetings took place in her office now and her swimwear was replaced by modest businesswoman attire.

"Thank you Gloria you can head home for the day," Ms. Swanson said that Friday, dismissing her housekeeper as I came into the office for the end of week meeting. "Have a seat," she said smiling up at me from her desk.

"We got all caught up with what I wanted to accomplish this week," I said happily. "The guys worked really hard."

"I'm sure they did, but I understand you skipped lunch all week," she said as I wondered how she knew. "That wasn't necessary Dan but it tells me I made the right choice when I hired you. How are the plans coming for the remodeling job?"

"So far so good," I said. She had finally decided on which of my modified original designs to go with a few days ago. "It'll be tight but we have just over five weeks to put it together."

"I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out," she said. "Here's your check, see you next week."

"Ms. Swanson," I said still sitting. I didn't want to leave before clearing the air between us. "Thank you for giving me another chance," I said hesitantly.

"I didn't get where I am today by giving up that easily," she said smiling again. "I guess my determination to get what I want brings out the best and the worst in me," her smile quickly disappeared as her face turned somber.

"I wanted to talk about what happened last week Ms. Swanson," I said finding a hidden reserve of courage.

"Can't we just leave it behind us?" she said her lip quivering.

"I..." I wanted to let her know it wasn't her fault but she cut me off.

"Just let it go! Do you think I like being reminded how I practically ****d a man half my age?" she started out angry and ended with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Ellen..." I said softly calling her by name for the first time since the incident last week. "You didn't do anything wrong. I don't think there's anyway you could have wanted something to happen between us more than I did," I said touching her arm.

"I was the one who came onto you," she sobbed. "All you did was fall into my slutty trap."

"All I did? How about checking out your body every chance I've had since the day we met? How about fantasizing about you and jerking off all the time? How about cumming all over your beautiful face? I was the one who ruined everything," I said opening up and telling her everything.

"Is that why you ran off?" she asked as I nodded sadly. "Did you think I didn't want you after that? If you think I was disappointed because you..."

"Blew my load?" I said finishing for her as she started laughing and I soon joined in.

"Oh Daniel. Honey I was thrilled to know I could still do that to a man. My ex-husband could barely get it up for years. I was looking forward to making it happen again," she said touching my arm in comfort now. "You could have done it again right?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Three or four times after I got home and had a chance to think about your body," I told her, nodding when she looked into my eyes to see if I was being truthful.

The look she was giving me was so full of lust that I knew exactly what she wanted. As I stood up and circled the desk our eyes remained locked. I went around behind her and put my hands on her shoulders massaging them firmly. Leaning back, eyes closed now, she sighed and brushed her soft warm cheek against my arm. I started to unbutton her blazer button by button forcing myself to go slowly. She shrugged out of the coat and slipped it off dropping it to the floor. Bending low I brought my lips to hers, kissing her deeply and forcing my tongue into her open mouth. Seizing her plain white blouse near the collar with both hands I ripped it wide open sending the buttons clattering to the floor. Reaching inside her bra I pulled her tits up and out of the cups to hang over top of it. Pinching the nipples hard I spun her around in her chair and began sucking at them until they were stiff and slippery.

She ran her hands over my stomach and chest feeling the young body that beneath my dirty t-shirt. When she slid a hand inside my shirt I stripped it off for her and watched her smile widen over what she saw. I'd seen a couple of family pictures around that included her overweight and balding ex-husband so I wasn't surprised to see her licking her lips at the sight of me. Even for a young college student I knew I was in rare shape and must have looked like an adonis to her. I'd been on the soccer and swim teams throughout high school and had developed a strong, lean body as a result. At college I made the varsity soccer squad as a walk on and was in the best shape of my life thanks to our coach's obsession with fitness training. My chest was still virtually hairless, but there was a line of dark hair on my flat stomach that led down into the waistband of my shorts. Her eyes followed the trail of hair, knowing it led to the treasure she wanted. I let her take her time exploring my fit frame, but grabbed her hand when she tried to undo my shorts and pulled her to her feet forcefully.

Slamming my forearm down on her desk I swept it clear with a single pass. Pushing her onto her back I groped her tits again while sliding her skirt up until it bunched around her waist. Her flimsy silk panties barely covered her juicy cunt, but it was still far too much for my taste. I hooked my middle finger under the wet crotch wiggling my bent knuckle between her lips a moment before removing them in one smooth motion. Her head rolled to one side as she looked up at me and brought her feet up to plant them flat on the desk. She slid her ass forward until her pussy was at the edge of the desk and spread wide for me to admire. The skin between her legs was completely smooth without a single hair in sight. I knew she went to the best beauty salon in town and they did a remarkable job keeping her legs and lower body hair free. It looked liker her pussy had been well fucked over the years, but far from worn out. The thick outer lips were a little darker than her well-tanned skin even and loose enough that they hung open to show the lighter pink folds inside.

Sitting in her chair I pulled myself close to the desk, eager to taste Ellen's pussy. I ran my hands from her knees down the inside of her silky smooth legs until one rested on each side framing her musky smelling cunt. Bringing my mouth to lips, I nibbled the loose hanging outer flaps of her pussy. Starting at the bottom near her asshole I ravished her pussy with long licks up to the inverted V of skin that covered her clit. My steady girlfriend from high school loved to have me eat her pussy, though she rarely sucked me off in return. Now I was grateful for her selfish cravings as I quickly put the hours of experience to good use with Ellen. Her pussy was rapidly becoming wetter and she'd begun to moan and writhe on the desk as I tried to impress her with every trick I knew, hoping she'd like the same things my old girlfriend had.

After getting her juices flowing I focused my attention near the top of her snatch where I knew she was most sensitive. Pulling her lips wide open with fingers on either side I tongued the slippery pink hole that lead inside her smiling as I thought about sticking my cock in there soon. For now I settled for a few fingers inside her and was surprised by the tight fit, given the looseness of her outer lips. I'd always been careful when first experimenting with my sexual partners in the past, but with Ellen I rammed my fingers in and out of her without restraint, guessing she'd want it hard and fast. I hammered away on her cunt with my fingers as she grunted and shrieked beneath me, trying to nibble her lips as best I could. Stopping only when my forearm was burning from the effort, I paused just a moment to slurp up a taste of her juices and switch hands. Finally she came up off the desk and griped my head tightly as she came shuddering and pulling her knees close to her body.

I smiled at how unbelievably sexy she looked with a glowing sheen of sweat covering her face and chest. One of her bra straps had slipped from her shoulder to swing loosely around her upper arm and her skirt had risen well above her waist, showing off her long legs and womanly hips. Kneading her large tits, I tweaked the stiff dark nipples lifting them to let them jiggle back into place. There was a noticeable sag to them but I found myself turned on their natural imperfections, rather than disappointed that they didn't sit up on her chest like the smaller breasts of the younger women I'd been with. Her breathing was just returning to normal when I lifted her chin and looked deep into her eyes before kissing her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back repeatedly.

"Mmmm... that was so good Daniel. I want you to fuck me. Can you do that for me hon? Can you fuck me now?" she said in a sultry voice. "Please?" she added running a finger in circles on my chest.

"Well I really should get going," I said with a teasing laugh as I looked at the clock.

"Please I want your cock inside me," she said playing along and trying to hold me with her legs.

"I have to go," I replied with a sigh that said I wish I could stay.

"Fuck me right now or you're fired," she shot back with a look that tried to be serious for a moment but the effect was ruined when her face broke into a wide smile.

"Do I get overtime for staying late then?" I asked as I squeezed her breast and kissed her not waiting for an answer.

I'd grown tired of our little game. Pushing her onto her back again I unbuttoned my khaki shorts and dropped them to the floor along with my briefs. Lifting her legs and resting them against my shoulders I lined my cock up with her pussy opening. Sliding inside slowly that first time I pushed into her until I felt my balls brushing against her. Her cunt was wonderfully snug around my shaft, holding me in its sweet wet grip. Turning my head to kiss her leg that ran past my neck, I opened my mouth to suck her fingers that had been dipped in the wetness near the top of her pussy when she offered them to me. Holding her legs just above her knees I began fucking her slowly at first but increasing in speed with every stroke. I wanted to see what she could take and was soon slamming my cock home each time I penetrated her as she grunted beneath me with gritted teeth. I studied her swaying tits wishing I could hold them but kept my hands on her legs to pull her into me with each thrust. Ready to cum after only a few minutes, I did so without reservation this time. I had climbed onto the desk with her doubling her legs back and pumping her pussy full of my cum as she cried out beneath me. When I pulled out of her I watched my thick white seed run from cunt down over her ass. Sitting on her chair, I kicked off my shoes and the clothes around my ankles leaving me completely naked. Ellen rolled towards me and spun to lie lengthways on the desk her legs curled up and hands pressed together, pillowing her head, she looked at me with dreamy eyes.

"Whew," she breathed. "I've been waiting so long for a fucking like that hon. Thank you so much," she said pursing her lips and blowing me a kiss.

"We're just getting started," I said leaning in to collect my kiss. "I need a drink," I said standing up. "I'll meet you in your bedroom."

She hugged me and kissed me again then scurried off with a huge smile on her face. It wasn't until I'd strolled halfway to the kitchen that it dawned on me; I had no idea where her bedroom was in the huge house. In the kitchen I downed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and then took two more and couple of bottles of juice with me thinking Ellen might be thirsty as well. Wandering up the wide pillared stairs that led to the upper floor I guessed that the master bedroom would be in the middle part of the house. I thought about what had just happened as I walked the long hallway towards the double doors at the far end. By the time I reached it my cock was pointing straight out in front of me, renewed thanks to visions of her. I'd guessed right thankfully and as I slipped inside closing the door behind me I heard her calling to me from beyond the open doorway ahead.

The outer part of her bedchamber had a huge plasma TV, an L-shaped sofa and two large comfortable looking chairs. There was a low square coffee table near the sofa and several small end tables spread about with lamps on two of them, a reading desk, and tall bookshelf. Stepping thru the arch I saw her huge canopied bed in the center of the room with a door on either side leading to the massive balcony you could look up at from the pool below. I'd later learn that the other doors on either side led to an on suite bathroom, her vanity room, and a walk in closet that was bigger than any room in my parent's home. I spied a hot tub on one side of the main bedchamber and decided right away we'd be using it before the night was out. On the other side there was a gas fireplace set into the wall.

All of this I noticed in just a few seconds as my eyes were soon focused on her magnificent form. She had stripped naked and lay on the middle of her bed. It hadn't taken long for me to get here but she'd begun idly stroking her pussy as she waited. I started to realize the kind of desire I'd awaken in her. My cock was literally bouncing in excitement at the sight of her in all her naked glory. I couldn't believe how big a fool her husband must have been to give her up.

"Did you miss me?" I asked offering her a bottle of water or juice, passing the water when she pointed to it.

"I did," she said taking a long gulp. "I see someone missed me too," she said looking at my hard, dancing cock.

"He's looking for a warm home," I said looking down as I placed the remaining drinks on the chest at the end of the bed.

"Well lucky him because I have just the place," she grinned up at me.

I slithered onto the foot of the bed and took her right leg in my hands. Squeezing her calf muscle I ran my hands up to her ankle, holding her leg steady. I opened my mouth and sucked on her toes one by one as she giggled on the bed. Licking and sucking each them slowly before switching to her left foot and doing it again, I then kissed my way up her legs until I reached her pussy where I stopped to lick her for a few moments. My tongue ran over the bare skin of her crotch up to her abdomen where I circled her navel a few times. Filling my hands with her large soft breasts I squeezed them repeatedly, then squished them together to lick both deep red, almost purple, nipples at once. Her legs were bent and spread wide now. I could feel the warm wetness of her cunt against my stomach as I leaned on one hip to keep from bending my stiff cock painfully.

"Oh god Daniel stick that big fucking cock back in me," she moaned lustily after I'd played with her tits for a long time.

Taking one of her wrists in each hand I pinned them to the bed above her head kissing her with a mouthful of tongue before licking her armpits causing her to thrash on the bed under my ticklish assault. I eased up on her and looked down between he legs lining my cock up as best I could while still holding her arms tight. When I finally got the head inside after having it slip off her well lubed lips several times I jammed it deep inside and felt her entire body stiffen beneath me. We shared a sloppy kiss as she put her legs behind mine to pull me down into her with each piston like thrust.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh," she grunted. "Fuck me, Daniel fuck meeee! Ooooh right there... ugh... oh yes fuck it! Fuck my pussssssssyyyy!"

What a fucking a****l she was in bed! Maybe her husband had left her before he killed himself trying to keep up? I was the prime of my life and was still having trouble maintaining the pace she wanted. I screwed her as hard as I could and she still asked for more. Sweating profusely and getting winded from pounding into her cunt time and time again I tried my best to quench her thirst for my cock. The sheer carnal indecency of sex with her was electrifying. It made all the other experiences I'd had seem bland and lifeless. Unlike the other women I'd been with she was a confident, experienced lover who made sex a wonderful experience instead of an awkward one. Ellen knew what she wanted in bed and wasn't afraid to ask for it, or take it even. She was opening my eyes to a whole new world of sexual bliss. There was so much she could teach me in bed and I was eager to learn all of it.

"Tell me what you want," I challenged her as I pulled my cock from her lips. "C'mon you dirty old slut tell me," I said slapping her cunt with my throbbing prick.

"I want you to fuck the shit out of me with that magnificent cock!" she screamed.

"Well too bad because there's no more cock for your cunt until you suck it," I said pushing my luck.

"You asked for it now you arrogant little bastard," she said sitting up and snatching my slimy cock so quickly that my eyes widened in shock.

She hit me so fast in the chest with her other hand that she knocked me over on the bed. I turned from my side to my back as she jerked my cock so hard I thought she was going to tear the foreskin right off. The hand job she was giving me filled me with such a combination of terror and desire that I felt my heart start to hammer inside my chest. She spit on the head to keep it lubed and continued to yank back on it forcefully, until I was sure the little flap of skin beneath the head must be ready to snap like an elastic band stretched too far. I tried to take it from her hands but she grabbed my balls and squeezed until debilitating pain shot through my lower abdomen, forcing me to let her have her way with me.

I thought getting in on the dirty talk with her would be fun, but now I didn't know what I had unleashed on myself. Afraid to look at my cock, I was convinced I'd find it horribly disfigured or covered in blood. When she finally took my tortured head between her soft lips her saliva felt like a soothing balm. I'd given a lot of head in my day but had rarely been on the receiving end so I didn't have a lot to compare her to, but if the others had rated a five out of ten, then I needed a brand new scale to measure her talents. She bobbed up and down taking it deeper all the time as I wondered when she'd have to stop. At the same time she caressed my nuts gently now and stroked my shaft in a rotating grip.

When she finally came up for air she rubbed my cock all over her face bouncing it against her lips as she sucked in deep breaths. Taking it back in her mouth, she jammed it straight down her throat until she was making gurgling sounds around my swollen member to my amazement. Un-fucking-believable! I was ready to cum any second now. When she started a swallowing motion with her throat that literally milked my cock I lost it and began spewing my load. I guess she wanted to taste my load before she swallowed it because she extracted me from her throat and teased my pee hole with her tongue as the rest spilled into her mouth. My balls keep contracting, long after they'd run out of ammunition. I felt completely spent, as if every ounce of strength in my body had been contained within that flood of sperm.

"Oh fuck," I breathed. "That was amazing Ellen. I've never felt anything like that. Fucking incredible," she let me babble on sucking away at my shrinking cock that still tingled. "That stuff I said earlier..." I said suddenly feeling bad for what I'd said to her and wanting to apologize.

"I believe it was dirty old slut you called me," she smiled. "I don't care honey, it was just a little dirty talk. It only turned me on more," she said going back to sucking my cock. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew she was shaking my arm and my cock was hard again. "I sucked it, now you have to fuck it," she said rubbing her wet pussy.

"No fuck that turn over this time," I said as she lay on her back again ready for more missionary sex.

"I didn't think you'd want to look at my fat ass as you fucked me," she said sounding like she actually believed what she was saying.

"You can't be serious? With a curvy ass like that you're the hottest MILF I've ever seen," I said in shock.

"MILF?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face as she stared at me from her hands and knees.

"Mother I'd like to fuck," I explained laughing.

"Well this MILF wants someone to shut up and start fucking her," she laughed back.

Her pussy looked so inviting squeezed between her perfectly tanned thighs. I caressed the full globes of her ass and ground my hands into her dripping snatch. She wanted far more than fingers near her entrance though. Lowering her shoulders to her bed, her hands came back to pull her ass cheeks wide open exposing her asshole and spreading her pussy wide. Poking my dick between her lips I started banging her hard again. I'd never been with a woman who liked it so rough before. I could fuck her for all I was worth and she still wanted more. Planting a stinging slap on her ass I wasn't surprised when she humped back at me harder in response and roared at me to go harder. I grabbed hold of her swaying tits and pulled on them sharply each time I rammed my cock back into her. Reaching down I captured her nipples and pinched them so hard between my fingers that I thought they might pop, but all she did was buck harder beneath me. I was on one knee now, with my other foot on the mattress, riding high above her and firing my cock down into her with each stroke. I'd finally started hitting the right spot on her delicious cunt and felt her lower body clench beneath me. She started to shriek as she came and I somehow found the energy to put just a little more oomph into our fucking. Ellen twisted and made a series of throaty moans beneath me, never asking me to stop or slow down even. With an arm wrapped around her abdomen, I could feel the tightness of the muscles beneath her skin. When she finally unclenched several long minutes later she lay down flat on the bed. I pinned her arms to the bed from above and with one last burst hammered her tired cunt before pulling out and giving her a break.

"Whew! Fuck Daniel honey I can't remember the last time I was banged like that," she said with a tired smile. "It's been years since I've had any real sex at all. Now that you've given me a little taste... mmmm... you're in a for a busy summer hon."

'Little taste?' I thought leaning over to kiss her lightly on the forehead as her eyes closed. I traced the lines of her warm body with my fingers, ready to fuck her as often as she'd have me for the rest of the summer. I didn't even want to think about heading back to school in the fall, there were a couple of months left with her yet and I planned to make the most of it. She was soon sleeping and I found my own eyes closing, for just a moment I told myself, but when they opened again the sun had gone down.

Stepping out on the balcony for some fresh air, I left my lover sleeping peacefully on her bed. It was a clear night with a nice breeze. I looked up to study the bright half moon in the sky above. Breathing in deeply I enjoyed the cool air against my naked body and found my cock jerking back to life as I leaned over the rail, reliving our night together. Every detail ran through my mind again and again until I found myself memorizing the feel of her skin, the taste of her lips, the sound of her voice...

"There you are," she said from the open doorway as I turned to drink in the sight of her naked, backlit body. "And hard again," she said eyeing my stiff cock.

"Yeah I was just thinking about this old broad I fucked one time," I said smiling at her.

"Tell me about her," she whispered into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Well she was beautiful, no make that stunningly beautiful, even thought she didn't realize it. She thought she was too old and that no one would want her anymore but that couldn't have been further from the truth. I though I'd experienced good sex before, but once I met her everything else seemed so mundane in comparison," I said looking into her eyes.

"That's so sweet hon," she said giving me a tongue filled kiss. "If I wasn't already wrapped around your finger that would be one hell of a pickup line."

"Her name was Martha," I said gazing off wistfully and started laughing when she gave me a playful slap. "The best part about her," I said as I rubbed her back, "Was she never let a good erection go to waste."

With one last kiss on the lips, she turned around to lean against the rail. I knelt behind her and pushed my face into her cunt. Licking and sucking at her wrinkled outer lips, I pulled them wide and nestled my tongue into the pink opening that led deep inside her. My nostrils were full of her strong scent as I lapped at her wet pussy savoring the taste. I licked at her pussy until her legs were shaking and tongued the tight brown star of her asshole causing her to clench her cheeks around me. When her pussy was dripping wet I brought my cock to her entrance and slammed it back inside ready to pound her hard once more.

"Go slow hon," she said placing the palm of her hand on my stomach to control my pace.

"I thought you liked it rough," I said in confusion.

"I do but not every time," she explained in a patient voice. "Sometimes a woman wants her lover to fuck her like an a****l. But sometimes we want a nice slow screw too."

"Like this then?" I asked pumping her slowly with long strokes.

"Mmmm... yeah that's perfect hon. Nice and slow," she said reaching back between her legs to rub my balls.

I found the slow paced sex thoroughly enjoyable as well. I could feel the slippery walls of her cunt gradually envelope my cock each time I penetrated her. Exploring her body I touched her back and ass as we made love, taking my time to caress her tenderly. I wrapped an arm under her waist and rubbed from her pussy up to her breasts, tracing light circles around her nipples with my fingertips. She made low blissful sounds as the length of my shaft glided along her clit. Doubled over I kissed her shoulders and neck, frustrated that the position wouldn't quite allow me to kiss her on the lips. I pulled out and took her hand, guiding her towards one of the chairs on the balcony and sat down with my erect cock pointing skyward. She teased my cock with a light touch, while fingering her pussy a moment before climbing up and squatting over me with her lips spread.

Ellen lowered herself onto me as we kissed again. I caressed her legs and ass then dipped my neck to latch onto her nipples sucking them in turn. She sighed as she rode me slowly in full control of our pace now. It seemed as though she just wanted to enjoy the feeling of me inside her, like she wasn't concerned about cumming again at all. We screwed on the patio chair for a long time at a slow pace until I finally came inside her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and held herself close to me. I savored her feel and smell with her body pressed against me. The strong breeze and low humidity made for a cool summer night. Soon she was cuddling into me for warmth as much as closeness with her new lover.

"You're shivering Ellie," I said rubbing her back.

"Ellie?" she said with a smile.

"You keep calling me Daniel and hon or honey. I thought you might like it," I shrugged. "I'll stop if you don't want me to say it then."

"I love it. Ellie," she said smiling to hear it said aloud again. "It's cold out here hon, let's go inside."

I followed her in, eyes fixed on her sashaying hips as she walked ahead of me. Closing the door behind me I veered off toward the hot tub instead on joining her on the bed. Taking the cover off I fiddled with the controls until I had the temperature turned up and jets on, dangling my feet in the water as it heated. She watched me from the bed, beneath her blankets now and seemed as though she was trying to commit my naked body to memory the way she studied me.

"Put some of the bath oils or bubble bath in," she said pointing to the tray on the inside next to the wall.

"Which one?" I said looking at the array of bottles to choose from.

"I like them all. Pick whatever one you want," she said.

I opened a few sniffing at them until I found the one that I thought she should smell like and poured it in liberally until she warned me it was far too much. At least there would be lots of bubbles for us to play in. I sat down in the tub noticing how big it was, there'd be room for ten people or more. The water was warming nicely when she joined me, slipping in and hugging her wet body to mine. We didn't even have sex, well not right away anyway, as we massaged each other with handfuls of bubbles. When the water was nice and hot, she turned the heat off and set the jets on low. I dunked her head under the water laughing when she came up cover in suds and let her get her revenge by barely putting up a fight as she pushed down on my shoulders. We kissed and hugged lounging on the built in seats and the warm water bubbled around us. Eventually she wanted to fuck again and found my prick willing and able to accommodate her. I knelt up until half my cock poked above the water and she rode me splashing water about until we'd both cum again. After giving our spent bodies a chance to relax in the soothing waters we climbed out to dry off. It was getting late now and I knew I needed to leave soon.

"I should get going Ellie," I said holding her luscious body in my arms.

"No don't go," she pleaded holding me tight. "Stay with me, please."

"Not tonight," I said knowing my parents would start to worry if I stayed out all night without calling. It was too late to call now without waking them up. I tried to kiss her one last time but her lips were motionless beneath mine and she didn't say anything to me, turning her back as I walked out the door.

My anxiety rose as I walked back to her office where I'd left my clothes. We'd shared such a special night of passion together, it wasn't supposed to end like this. By the time I got to my clothes, I had another hard on from thinking of her and was worried I might have ruined everything. It was easy to figure out what I had to do next. A few minutes later I opened the door to her bedroom again and saw her sad face look up from the couch where she was curled up in her bathrobe with a blanket across her legs flicking through the channels.

"Can I come in?" I asked smiling as her face brightened.

"Come here hon," she said rubbing the place next to her.

"Well I mean if you're watching TV I'll leave you alone," I said turning as if to go again.

"Get back here," she laughed clicking the TV off. "Mmmm... god I've missed having a reliable cock to play with," she said kissing me as she threw herself into my arms. "Do you ever stop getting hard?" she asked dropping to her knees to give me a warm wet blowjob. She sucked me for a few minutes and then led me to bed by the cock.

She dropped her robe and got under the blankets, inviting me between her legs with a lust filled look. I started fucking her hard as I could until she cried out in ecstasy. When I had her on what I thought was the brink of orgasm I slowed down and made love to her slowly. We kissed as we screwed, neither of us able to get enough of the other. Picking up the pace again I slammed down into her cunt again until I was gasping for breath. Slowing once more she groaned in frustration after being so close to cumming. When I started ravaging her with hard strokes again she clamped her legs around me and help drive my cock deep inside her. Screaming as she came, she held my sweaty body to hers and didn't let me roll off her until she stopped trembling.

"Hold me Daniel," she said laying her head on the pillow next to mine. I bushed a lock of hair from her face and kissed her forehead as I placed my arm around her. "Thank you so much making me feel like a woman again," she said kissing me before closing her eyes. She fell asleep quickly, as did I after our wild night of fucking had run through my mind.

The next morning I woke her up to say goodbye explaining that I needed to get home. She wasn't mad this time, but wouldn't let me leave her bed until I'd fucked her twice and licked her pussy until she came. I didn't see her again until Monday unsure if our one amazing night would turn out to be more than that or not. At our meeting that afternoon she quickly removed all doubt over whether or not our love affair would continue. We didn't discuss the garden at all, fucking all over her bedroom for hours instead.

Insatiable only began to describe her sex drive. By the end of the week I was coming to her bedroom for a quickie each morning, fucking her again over lunch, and staying for hours each night. We were having sex five or six times daily and she still wanted more. As the weeks passed, she started to come looking for me any time of the day. She'd bring me inside stripping me down and attacking me as soon as we were behind closed doors. Her housekeeper must have known, but she never let on or said a word. There was one day Ellen pulled me inside a downstairs bathroom for a quick fuck and her housekeeper was walking down the hall when we came out giggling. I didn't care anyway, we were both single adults and it was none of her business what went on between us.

My mother complained that I spent too much time working, but my father said he was proud to see that I was willing to work hard. I'm not sure if he would have been as happy if he knew I was more interested in fucking my boss than anything else lately. Ellen had hired another laborer to make up for the slack since I spent most of my day screwing her now. She offered to buy me whatever I wanted clothing, shoes, stereos, cars, you name it, but I always declined telling her I felt awkward enough taking a pay check that some how got bigger each week, despite the fact I was doing less and less gardening all the time. She insisted on giving me one of her company credit cards, but it sat in my wallet unused the entire summer.

With the big garden party little over a week away now she asked me to take a job with the staff she was hiring for the night. She said I could earn some great tips if I served drinks to her guests and could spend the night in bed with her afterwards. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. She wasn't prepared to flaunt her young lover in front of her friends but it would give us a chance to stay close for the night at least. I couldn't blame her really, how would I have introduced her to my friends and family? 'Hey everyone meet Ellen. She's nearly twice my age, worth millions, and can't get enough sex. Oh and she's my boss too. I started out as her gardener but I spend most of my day fucking her now, so I guess that makes me her gigolo. ' I smiled at the absurdity of trying to explain her to anyone.

It was a Friday night and I was headed to her bedroom ready to spend the whole night with her, having told my parents I'd be staying at a friend's house. If anything she was becoming more eager to fuck every chance we got. No matter how often we fucked her pussy was always wet and my cock was always hard, I guess that's why we had so much chemistry in bed. I knew she would be waiting impatiently for me and went inside planning to start her off with a nice hard round of fucking.

"What's all this?" I asked seeing the rack of designer suits in the inner chamber of her bedroom.

"Oh hi honey," she smiled coming out from her vanity room. "I thought this would be more fun than having a suit tailored for you. I had one of my favorite stores send over a nice selection in your size range. We need to find you something for the party next Saturday." She was wearing the tiny white t-shirt with MILF written across it in hot pink letters that I had given her as a joke and a skimpy g-string that matched the pink color on the shirt. She looked so fucking hot tonight. The shirt was stretched ultra tight around her breasts and arms, ending well above her navel and it was easy to tell she was braless beneath it.

"I don't need a suit," I said.

"Yes you do," she said. "You can't wear shorts and a t-shirt to the party."

"But all of these?" I asked. There had to be twenty suits or more and twice as many ties and dress shirts.

"You can't just try on one or two hon, we have to find one that fits you right," she laughed. "You go take a shower first and I'll start matching the suits with shirts and ties." She looked beyond excited to have a chance to dress me up so I was willing to let her have her fun.

"That's one sexy looking ass," I said coming up behind her to kiss her neck with a towel around my waist fifteen minutes later.

"Here try this one first," she said with a quick kiss back. "Where are you going?" she asked when I headed back towards the bathroom with the suit she handed me.

"To try it on," I said.

"Since when are you so shy?" she laughed ripping the towel away from me to expose my hard cock.

I put on one suit after another, switching ties and shirts when she told me to. I didn't know why one tie was better than another or why she had me put on four different shirts with one suit before going back to the first shirt deciding it was the best after all, but I knew she was enjoying herself so I played along. She laughed and joked and kissed with me as I modeled the clothing for her. Rubbing my cock in one tight pair of pants she said they were no good unless they could let the crotch out. When I tried on another suit she said no, no, no soon as I had it on and laughed harder and harder when I kept saying I couldn't see what was wrong with it. When we'd gone through the entire rack there were three suits set aside in the "good" pile I had to try on again with an assortment of shirts and ties until she had decided on the complete outfits.

"Ok so we'll keep these three suits, plus all the shirts and ties we put on the chest," she said at last.

"Three?" I asked puzzled. "I'll only need one for the party. And look at how expensive they are. $150 for just a tie?" I said reading the nearest price tag, "I bet could get a suit for that much Ellie."

"Relax hon we might have to take the whole rack if you dribbled any cum on them," she laughed. "Besides with my daughter coming back a few days after the party I was thinking it would be fun for us to take a little trip where we wouldn't have to hide our relationship. There's nothing I'd rather do than fuck you Daniel, but wouldn't it be nice to go out for dinner sometime?"

"Things are really going to change when she gets back aren't they?" I said growing somber.

"Oh honey," she said hugging my naked body. "We'll have to be more careful but I'll still expect my daily dose of that incredible cock of yours."

I was still skeptical but there was a long night of fucking ahead of us now that the little fashion show was over so I focused on the present. Holding her close I kissed her deeply. She still had a tie in her hands and slipped it over my head, wrapping the end around her fist. Grinning wickedly she cinched it tight and gave it a sharp tug. I was like a dog on a leash and could only hope she'd be a gentle master. She led me to the bed and lay down, spreading her legs wide. Using her firm grip on the tie she guided my face to her pussy and yanked on it when I didn't start licking right away. Pulling the thin strip of material that obscured her lips aside I pushed my face into her pussy. I fingered her as deep as I could and nibbled at her clit carefully until she was bucking her hips against me. She pulled on my tie until my face hovered over hers and brought me down for a kiss. I lowered her g-string panties and fit my cock between her lips pushing it home.

"No leave the shirt," I said when she started to pull it off.

"You don't like my saggy tits anymore," she pretended to sob.

"Your tits are fantastic," I said sucking a nipple until it showed clearly through the wet material. "But you look so fucking hot in that shirt Ellie."

She released the tie and ran her fingers through my hair kissing me on the lips with a loving embrace. I'd been eager to fuck her hard, but was learning to sense her mood by now and knew she wanted some nice gentle sex. We continued to kiss back and forth as we screwed like two people in lust, if not love. When that thought went through my mind, it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I was falling in love with her. It certainly pained me to think about leaving her to go back to school in the fall. I wish there was a way she could come with me, just leave all this behind and live with me near campus. I didn't want her money or fancy cars, I wanted her beautiful body and unquenchable desire. I wanted her warm smile and sense of humor, I wanted her generous heart that made her quietly pay for an operation for the wife of one of the gardeners and put Gloria's three k**s through college. There was nothing I looked forward to more than spending time with her. I decided we would take a trip if she wanted. I was even ready to tell people about us and they could all go to hell if they didn't approve.

"Oh my," she sighed from my passionate kiss. "I guess you really do like me in this shirt."

"The shirt has nothing to do with it. I... I don't want this to end Ellie," I said with desire for her in my eyes.

"Don't think about that," she said looking away. "Just enjoy the time we have hon."

"It doesn't have to end," I said. "You can come visit me at school and I'll sneak home every weekend. We can make it work, it's only for two years and then we can be together all the time."

"Oh Daniel honey believe me there's nothing I'd love more that that, but I couldn't do that to you. Don't you want c***dren of your own someday?" she said sadly.

"I don't know... I mean I guess so but it's not something I've ever really thought about," I said.

"Well you should! There are lots of things you should be thinking about before you start talking about a future with me," she said angrily.

"All I want is to be with you," I said stubbornly.

"And what about when you're forty and I'm nearly sixty? Would you still want me then? Think about it honey, you don't want to be a young man and watch me grow old and..." she had tears in her eyes now. From the way she was talking I could tell she had thought about our future a lot and didn't see any possibility of a happy one.

"So what do we do then?" I asked feeling distraught.

"We make the most of what we have and deal with it day by day," she said with a forced smile. "It's easy for me to say there's no future between us, but it'll be another thing to wake up and say today is the last day I'll ever spend with you."

That night was the first night we spent together where we didn't fuck hard. We made love all night in her bed, in the hot tub with her wearing the wet t-shirt, on the balcony, and on the sofa as we watched a movie. We even ran down to the pool for a late night skinny dip and had sex in the cool water. After a night of tender loving that meant far more than the dirty rough sex we usually shared, we fell asleep together. I woke up in the middle of the night panicking over a dream that I'd left for school again already and was relived to find myself in bed with her at my side. There had to be a way to make this work, nothing this good should ever have to end.

The next morning we humped like maniacs to make up for what we'd missed the night before. I fucked her as hard as I could all morning giving her all the cock she could handle in just the right spot. It was amazing how the sex between us could completely change from one day to next and be just as satisfying either way. I wanted to leave at noon but told her since next weekend was our last before her daughter returned I already told my parents I'd be away on a road trip with some friends so I could spend the whole weekend with her. She was so excited that she pulled me back to bed and I didn't get a chance to leave until half past one.

The next week I was really busy in the garden. My duties had diminished over time, but I was still heavily involved with the redesign job around the fountain and gazebo. By Thursday afternoon it was looking like we were going to make it. It looked fantastic and I couldn't have been more proud and pleased over how it had turned out. I was so busy that Ellen and I had only managed to squeeze in a couple of quick fucks earlier in the week. To make sure we'd be done in time, I had the guys staying for a few hours of overtime everyday and was so tired myself by the end of the day that I would have been next to useless in bed anyway.

It started to rain late in the afternoon and the forecast had said it would keep up over night. I was disappointed but thanks to our hard work all week we should be finished tomorrow as long as the weather cooperated. Soon at the rain started I sent the guys home to rest, knowing I might need them for an extra long shift tomorrow. I was almost finished with the last flowerbed around the gazebo and was intent on completing it before I called it a day. I felt the rain stop dripping onto me and heard it beating softly against an umbrella.

"It's raining," she said. I hadn't noticed her approach.

"I'm almost done here," I said glancing up from her sandaled feet to a short white sundress and the wide umbrella she carried.

"I sent Gloria home early," she cooed seductively.

"I really need to get this done so it's ready in time for the party," I said trying to focus on my work.

"Fuck the party," she said. "I've barely gotten a taste of your cock this week. Look how wet I am," she said lifting the short dress to show me her dripping snatch and lack of panties.

"Please Ellie, just let me get this finished," I said. "This is the only part of the garden I'm involved in anymore. I worked all summer to make sure it was perfect for you."

"It's already beautiful out here hon," she said looking around. "You can finish the flowers later. I want to you to fuck me and I want it now."

I knew she wasn't going to leave me alone until she got what she wanted. Putting down my hand trowel, I noticed she was standing right in front the large plastic sheet we'd spread out to hold the soil as we worked. The rain had turned what little remained to a shallow pool of mud. My hands were filthy as I rubbed them together and looked up with a mischievous smile. She gave me a questioning look and then tried to step back as I grabbed her legs with my dirty hands.

"No," she shouted as I threw her over my shoulder, the umbrella falling from her hands as she held onto me tightly. "Stop it Daniel you're filthy!"

"I thought that's what you liked about me?" I smiled standing up to hold her over the mud.

"No don't let me fall," she pleaded looking over her shoulder to see the fate awaited her. "Hold me," she said when I took my hands off her legs and left her scrambling to hang onto my body.

"I'm not going to push you into it," I teased. "I'm just going to touch you here, and here, and here, and here," I said tickling her in all her most sensitive areas.

"Daniel!" she shrieked as she tried to maintain her grip on me. She was trembling and thrashing about, trying fruitlessly to resist the forces of gravity and my fingers that knew her body far too well. The rain had made me slick and soon I felt her lose her grasp to fall onto the sheet with a loud splat. "Mmmm..." she moaned pulling me down to kiss her. "You've been naughty boy," she said in a voice that drove me wild before slapping a handful of mud into my face with a girlish laugh.

"I guess you'll have to punish me then," I said kissed her and rubbing my muddy cheek against her face.

Ellen squealed as I continued to rub the mud from my face onto hers. Taking another handful she dropped in onto my head and worked it in like it was shampoo. I shook my head splattering it all over us as we laughed and kissed. It quickly descended into a full-fledged mud-wrestling match after that. Certain her white dress was already ruined, I ripped it open at the neck to expose her braless breasts and gave them a quick suck before dumping two huge handfuls of mud onto her chest. I pulled the torn dress over her breasts again and worked the slimy mud in beneath. Being far stronger and mounted on top, I had my way with her as she struggled helplessly. By using my body weight pressed down on her, it was relatively easy to keep both her arms pinned and still have one hand free to pour mud anywhere I wanted. I laughed as I covered her body with mud, her struggling only helping to coat her further. Her hair was matted with it and there were few places on her exposed skin that weren't mud covered.

"This isn't fair," she whined beneath me as I smiled down with a taunting look. "I give up," she said dejectedly, ceasing to struggle and looking away from me.

"Awe poor Ellie doesn't want to play when she doesn't get her way," I teased licking a patch of skin on her neck that had somehow remained mud free.

"Let me go!" she screamed but I held her tight until she stopped trying to escape again.

"Even covered in mud you look so sexy," I said letting her arms go and kissing her muddy lips.

The taste of soil in my mouth was a small price to pay for the kiss she gave me in return. I rolled off her and lay on my back in the mud, smiling as I waited for her to do her worst. She'd been waiting for her opportunity at revenge and immediately seized the advantage. Sitting on my chest, she used her knees to pin my arms trapping my upper body after kicking off her sandals. I was sure I could have used my legs to free myself whenever I wanted, but pretended to struggle with no way out. The elated look on her face was so endearing that I happily played along with the charade.

Lifting my shirt collar, she started shoving handful after handful of mud down inside until it was seeping though and had covered my torso. The torn dress hung loosely, exposing her mud-coated tits for me to admire. Even after a month of constant fucking with her I was still turned on by her wonderfully curved body every time I saw it. She saw my smile of pure joy and bent down to give me another kiss. Grabbing the bottom of her dress she pulled it over her head and tossed it aside like the rag it was now, leaving her wearing only a layer of mud from head to toe. I was still dressed in my mud stained clothing, but her fingers went to work quickly to rectify that problem. She unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down my slippery legs easily as I took my shirt off.

Having missed out on our customary amount of sex all week, we were both super horny. My cock was so hard it felt like it was ready to burst. Ellen eyed it hungrily and lowered herself face first into the messy sheet with her cunt pointing straight up at me. Using the hose I'd been using to water newly planted flowers until the rain came I gave her crotch a quick blast to rinse it off and stuck my cock into her forcefully. There was no tenderness or love in what we did that afternoon, this was pure lust filled fucking at its finest. The greasy coating of mud added to the sensual feeling of her body beneath me and I could feel her sliding on the sheet as my powerful strokes shook her legs. I came quickly the first time but her muddy hand job brought my cock back to life in record time, ready for some serious fucking now. We rolled around rutting like a****ls in the mud finding much needed release from the sexual starvation we'd suffered from all week.

"Ellie," I whispered into her mud-covered ear as we lay together after my second orgasm.

"What is it hon?" she asked rubbing my slick body.

"I want to fuck your ass," I blurted out. It was something I'd never experienced before and had been thinking about for weeks. Now seemed like as good a time as any to bring it up, considering how horny she was today.

"My ass?" she said in a surprised voice. "Why not?" she smiled after thinking about it for a moment.

"For real?" I said thinking she'd probably say no.

"Yes for real," she laughed. "Now that you got me thinking about it I'm eager to try it myself. Just be gentle," she warned. "I only tried it once before and the man I was with was so careless we never did it again."

Ellen knelt up and gave me a nervous grin. Surrounded in mud, there was no shortage of lubricant at our disposal. I dipped a finger into the slop and coated her rear entrance with it. Wiggling one finger until it slipped past the ring of skin meant to keep me out, my eyes widened at how tight it was inside her. I took great care to be gentle with her delicate asshole, stopping anytime she moved to see if she wanted to stop. Long minutes went by with me fingering her ass and her asking me to go just a little harder or a little deeper. Eventually I was flinging my finger in and out of her without restraint as she gyrated her hips beneath me. It was an encouraging sign, but the lone finger was a far cry from my nice sized cock.

Knowing it was time to see if this was going to work or not, I jerked my cock with a fist full of mud until it was slippery and hard as it could get. Bringing the head to her ass I pushed forward and stopped when she leaned forward. I sat back ready to forget about it if she was reluctant, but she looked back nodding and bent low inviting me to try again. This time she stayed still and sucked in a sharp breath as I managed to get inside. Motionless, I waited for a sign from her to continue on or stop. Ellen took it upon herself to dictate the pace, taking a little more of my cock inside and pausing to rest. She gradually backed up onto my cock ass first until, amazingly, it was all inside.

"Ok now nice and easy hon," she near winced with her ass full of cock.

"How's that?" I asked pulling back an inch or so and pushing back in.

"Good, good," she breathed her hand working over her pussy.

I took my time fucking her ass. Every so often she'd tell me to speed up or lengthen the strokes. Eventually I was pulling back until just the tip was inside her and pushing back in as she screamed in delight. I kept waiting for her to tell me to stop but we settled in a nice rhythm as she moaned loudly urging me to cum. I found I could keep giving her just a little more at a time and there was no complaint. Though I never came close to fucking her as hard I could when my cock was in her cunt, I was still able to give her a thorough reaming. When I finally blew my load deep inside her ass she fell down into the mud fingering both holes until she brought herself off as well.

I kissed her deeply thanking her for the special experience she'd just given me. We laughed rolling around in the muck like wallowing pigs. This was the side of her personality that I cherished because it made her seem much so younger than she was. It was easy to forget she was almost twice my age when we were having this much fun together. I was coming to accept the fact that we were lovers who couldn't get enough of each other, nothing more and nothing less, but that didn't mean it wasn't painful to think about our lack of a future together. Hugging her close so she couldn't see the sadness in my eyes, I thought about losing her a month from now.

We finally climbed off the muddy plastic sheet and hosed off as best we could. It was hard to say which turned me on more, watching her rinse the mud off her beautiful body or putting it there in the first place. She tossed the remains of her tattered dress over her shoulder and slipped her sandals back on, while I put my sneakers on and gathered my clothes up in a messy ball. We stopped at her pool house to get some towels to wrap in so we wouldn't leave a trail of mud all the way to her bedroom. I tossed my clothes in her washing machine once we were in the main house. In desperate need of a proper shower we headed towards her bedroom holding hands.

She dropped her ruined dress in a wastebasket once we got to the bedroom and dropped her towel getting into the hot tub. While she ran the heater for us, I went to the bathroom to get us some soap and shampoo. Ellen used the hot tub just for soaking normally, but today we were going to wash up in it after our afternoon in the mud. We lathered our bodies together rinsing and soaping up again over and over to get rid of the caked on grime. I washed her hair for her four times until she was satisfied that it was clean. My own short hair only took two washings to be declared mud free. I held her in my arms and she laughed at some mud still clinging to me behind my ear, wiping it away before giving my body a complete inspection.

"That was so much fun honey," she said leaning back against me as I nuzzled at her neck from behind.

"It was wasn't it," I said kissing her and rubbing her shoulders.

"Mmmm... how late can you stay tonight?" she asked.

"A few hours yet I guess," I answered. "But maybe we should save our energy it's going to be a long weekend."

"Worried you might run out of erections?" she teased spinning around to fondle my cock that had grown hard as we spoke.

"Never when I'm with you," I said kissing her.

We fucked once nice and slow in the hot tub before getting out to dry off. I ran down to put my clothes in the dryer and brought back the supper Gloria had cooked before leaving. We sat in the by the TV and watched a movie like any couple might on a rainy night. When she saw I had another erection she lowered her cunt onto it and sat on my lap saying she didn't want to fuck again yet, but my cock might as well be inside her where it belonged. I clenched the muscles around my cock again and again causing it to twitch inside her as she giggled in delight. We were far too eager to make it through the movie after that. She bent over on the sofa and had me fuck her hard as I could until she came then sucked my wet cock in a seemingly endless blowjob.

Getting off the sofa, we went back to her bed but didn't have sex again that night. We lay next to each other on our sides face to face kissing an hour away. I studied her features and decided that she was even more beautiful than before. I couldn't begin to imagine how she must have looked when she was my age, though the photos of her daughter were probably a fair estimate. The more I thought about it though the more I liked the signs of age that she showed. The little imperfections like the fine lines near her eyes or sag to her breasts didn't hurt her looks at all. Part of me wanted to be reminded how against the norm, almost taboo, our relationship was. If I were twice her age no one would bat an eye, but an older woman dating a much younger man would sill draw plenty of stares and comments.

"I need to get going," I said rubbing my thumb across her cheek.

"I know you do hon," she smiled. "I can't wait to spend the whole weekend together," she added with a kiss.

"See you tomorrow Ellie," I said giving her one last kiss before leaving for the night.

The next day the weather cooperated and the whole crew busted their asses all day to get the garden finished. With everyone staying late we were able to finish up just after seven. I was exhausted, but knowing I'd get to spend the whole night with Ellen renewed my strength as I walked to the house ready to get started. I hadn't seen her at all yet today, but knew she was just as busy with final preparations for the big party tomorrow.

Wandering towards her bedroom I was ready to take a shower and then spend the night making love to her however she wanted it. Entering her bedroom I heard soft music playing and saw a table set for a candlelight dinner. There was no sign of Ellen, but a trail of rose petals led to her bed where one of the suits had been laid out with a note on it. I read the note smiling and went to the bathroom to wash away the sweat of the workday, ready to replace it with the sweat of lovemaking.

I dressed in the suit when I was cleaned up. Last week when she had me trying on one after another I thought it was a waste of time, but now I had to admit this one felt and looked good on me. I usually let my hair lay however it fell as it dried, but tonight I tried my best to style it for our date. Luckily, I had brought my shaving kit with me since I was planning to spend the weekend so I didn't have to try using one of her lady razors on my face. Satisfied that I was as handsome as I was going to get, I left the bathroom eager to see her.

Entering the outer chamber quietly and I saw her back on lighting the candles on the table. She looked stunning tonight. Her red off the shoulder gown, bared her upper back and neck. Since we'd begun fucking she rarely wore jewelry anymore, but tonight she sparkled with gold and gemstones. She wore high heels that added a couple of inches to her height, making her just as tall as me. I wanted to take her right there and then, but wouldn't dream of ruining the romantic evening she'd prepared for us.

"You expecting company?" I asked.

"Daniel," she smiled looking more beautiful than ever with full makeup and her hair absolutely perfect. "I like what you did with your hair, it makes you look even more sexy," she said crossing the room to touch it and kiss me.

"You look fantastic," I said holding her while fighting the urge to throw her on the floor and fuck her. "And all of this? What a wonderful surprise."

"I figured I'd bring the date to us if we couldn't go out on one," she explained. "Dance with me," she said in a voice that told me I didn't have any choice in the matter.

"What?" I asked as she laughed and shook her head.

"You're dreadful," she said honestly appraising my lack of skill on the dance floor. "I might have to sign you up for lessons."

"Why don't you teach me?" I suggested. "I like the idea of sleeping with my teacher," I added with a grin.

"Think you'll earn an easy A that way do you?" she smiled kissing me.

Over the next hour or so I held her close and tried to move with the music. She gave me pointers as we went and by the end I'd at least made progress. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Though one look at Ellen's happy face and I couldn't help but like what we were doing. She always looked good but tonight she was absolutely radiant. The longer we danced, the more she smiled at me and I lost track of how many times I leaned in to give her a loving kiss. When we finally stopped I think I was even more disappointed than she was.

"Thank you so much hon," she said giving me a long kiss. "We should eat before everything gets too cold," she said looking towards the table.

"Let me," I said taking the bottle of wine she was starting to uncork. "So what did you cook for us?" I teased knowing the meal was almost certainly catered.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" she said giving me narrowed look. "I can cook you know. My mother taught me when I was growing up. Stop smirking at me like that. I'll cook for you on Sunday and you'll see."

"I believe you Ellie, I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you," I said feeling bad.

"I'm not upset, but I'm still going to show you what I can do on Sunday. Sit down and try the appetizers hon," she said taking a seat opposite me.

It was the first time in my life that I had eaten a fancy dinner. The caterers for the party tomorrow had prepared the food for us. The appetizers were a sampling of what would be served at the party tomorrow as hors d'oeuvres, but he rest of the meal was different from what they were serving at the party. We had salad, then bread and soup, then a main course, and finally dessert. She laughed when I looked at my collection of silverware trying to determine which fork or spoon to use. I forced myself to slow down when I looked up from the soup I was almost finished with to see that she'd barely touched hers yet.

When dinner was over she took me by the hand and said she had another surprise. She led me down to the lowest floor and out on the west wing past doorway after doorway. I'd realized long ago just how big her home was and knew she was taking me to a place I had never been. She opened the last door at the end of the hall guided me inside.

"Ok you can open your eyes now," she said from nearby.

"You've had this all along?" I said stunned by the sight of a movie screen that looked to be thirty feet across at the bottom of the sloping room with comfortable looking recliners and sofas instead of movie theater chairs.

"Does that mean you'd rather be watching movies here than in bed with me?" she teased.

"Of course not, but wow what a place to watch a movie," I smiled.

"I wanted to take you to a show but this will have to do," she said. "Pick a place to sit and I'll turn the movie on for us. There are drinks and snacks back here if you want."

I picked one of the sofas halfway down to the screen and waited for her to join me. She sat close and kissed me when I put my arm around her shoulder. The movie she picked was West Side Story. She told me how it was one of her favorites growing up as it started. When I said I'd heard of it but never seen it she laughed and it took some convincing on my part before she believed I was telling the truth. Halfway through the movie we laid down on the sofa together with her in front and my arm wrapped around her from behind.

"Did you like it?" she asked turning around to kiss me when it was over.

"It was ok for an old movie I guess," I said to goad her on.

"Old movie for an old woman is it?" she said trying to look angry.

"I liked it Ellie, but I loved being close to you. We should have done something like this long ago," I said kissing her. "And this screen," I added looking around. "Can you watch TV on it? I bet a ballgame would look amazing down here."

"Oh no, no sports on this thing or I'll never see you again. Then I'll need to find a new boy toy," she said playfully.

When she said that I tried to have her right there and then, but she pulled away and took me back to her bedroom. The house seemed far bigger on the long way to her room as I eagerly anticipated a night of love making with Ellen. Once inside her room again I attacked her full of hunger for that luscious body of hers. She kept pushing me away and forced me to go slowly. We knelt together on the middle of her bed and gradually undressed each other. I'd seen her naked a hundred times or more now, but stripping down her familiar body bit by bit drove me wild that night.

We kissed with our naked bodies pressed close together. I wanted her so bad, but she escaped me again and ran to the front chamber leaving me on the bed bewildered until I heard the music start again. As I passed the doorway, I saw her beckoning me to join her for another round of dancing. I took her into my arms and led her around the room again. Ellen kissed me time and time again, complimenting me on how quickly I was learning. It was easy to improve when I was so anxious to show her that there could be much more between us besides the fantastic sex.

I kept an erection the entire time we danced anticipating my chance to put it to good use. I couldn't say how long we danced this time as the minutes slipped away unnoticed. Willing to keep at it as long as she wanted I watched her face for a sign that she was ready to stop. When she finally twisted out of my arms and turned the music off I knew exactly what she wanted.

Having followed her over to the stereo, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to bed. Laying her down I kissed her all over caressing her body as I went. When I started to lick her pussy, she told me to stop and rolled me onto my back. Sucking my cock in one of her incredible blowjobs she lowered her wet cunt to my waiting lips. We sucked and licked each other to the brink of orgasm before stopping again. It became an unspoken game between us to see how close we could bring the other to cumming before stopping and letting the moment pass. We given each other oral sex so many times that we knew each others signs now and could stop just before the point of no return. She was driving me wild and I could tell by the way she was moaning and writhing above me that she wanted to cum just as bad. Finally, I gave in and kept licking and fingering her pink folds when she had stopped sucking me. Realizing that I was giving her the release she needed, she immediately sucked my cock back into her mouth and let me cum too.

"Mmmm... you're such an amazing lover hon," she sighed as she rolled off me. "No matter how many times we're together I still want more."

"I could stay in bed with you all day Ellie," I said repositioning myself so I was lying next to her.

"On Sunday I might have to get that cock inside me and keep it there all day then," she smiled with a kiss.

"What about dinner?" I teased.

"I'll cook while you're fucking me," she laughed mounting me and toying with my cock.

It didn't take me long to get hard again, it never did with her. She rode me at a nice steady pace, taking my hands and filling them with her big, beautiful breasts as we fucked. Rolling off when her legs grew tired, she spread them for me and wrapped her arms around me as I pumped down into her. I varied the speed and angle of my thrusts putting all my intimate knowledge of her body to full use. The feeling of her slick cunt around my cock was wondrous. As always I found myself thinking I'd never had sex this good before and probably never would again.

The first round of sex was drawn out that night, but there were many, many more. I fucked her hard and made love to her tenderly, I slammed her cunt like a man possessed until she squealed and pumped her pussy softly as we traded lover's kisses. Between rounds I found myself briefly wondering if maybe my longing to become a real couple might not be such a good idea because I could see us staying in bed all day, everyday. I quickly realized I'd have no problem with that sort of arrangement though. I knew that if she were to suggest the idea of me living with her or coming to stay with me at school in the fall, I'd be all for it. That night I lay awake long after she had fallen asleep with my arm d****d across her. There had to be a way to make her see that she'd become so much more than a sex partner to me.

The next morning we went right back to fucking like rabbits. I didn't care about missing the party at all and would happily skip it if we could make love the whole day instead. She finally had to banish me from the bedroom with a laughing kiss when I wouldn't stop screwing her long enough to let her think straight. I showered and dressed in a fresh suit then went down to let the caterers in, trying to help organize things. Guests would start arriving in the early afternoon and I wanted everything to be perfect for Ellen.

It wasn't until the first guests had started to arrive that I saw her again. She looked even better than the night before, after having her personal stylist come over to get her ready for the party and dressed is a heart stopping blue dress. Surrounded by women her own age, she stood out like a shooting star on a clear summer night. It was amazing how much better she looked than the other ladies at the party. She barely glanced in my direction all afternoon, as if eye contact with me might somehow betray our secret affair. I watched her whenever I could, smiling as the few single men at the party circled her like vultures trying to pick her up one after another. She turned down all their advances, though finally relented and danced with some of them when the music started. Watching full of jealousy as they danced with her, I seethed with rage when one of them held her a little too close for my liking.

Throughout the night I heard people compliment her on the garden and was happy to know our hard work was being appreciated. Watching Ellen mingle with her guests and put everyone at ease made me want her all the more. She was so personable and easy going that I could almost forget how downright ruthless she could be in her business negotiations. I'd heard her taking important phone calls while were we in bed before and found myself incredibly turned on whenever she barked orders at the callers or threatened to fire them if they didn't stop making mistakes that cost her money. Afterwards I'd always make love to her right away, hoping it would help her forget her problems.

"I'll take one of those young man," said a woman's voice from the side jarring me from my daydream in the early evening.

"Here you go," I said handing her a drink from my tray. "Anything else I could get you ma'am?" I asked studying the short, plump, middle-aged blonde I'd seen in some of the pictures around Ellen's home.

"You can start by calling me Gwen," she smiled. "You're Ellen's summer gardener aren't you?" she asked. "I've heard an awful lot about you Dan," she added when I nodded.

"I..." damn look at the smile she's giving me. Ellen must have told her everything. Soon as she told me her name I remembered Ellen telling me about her. They'd been close friends for years.

"Relax Daniel," she whispered. "You're little secret is safe with me, though to hear Ellen tell it there's nothing little about it," she said staring at my crotch.

Red faced I got away from her as fast as I could, fleeing inside as she snickered behind me. I could only hope that no one had overheard. Sitting on a toilet with the seat cover lowered in a main floor bathroom my mind raced with thoughts of Gwen somehow ruining everything. The fact that Ellen had shared part of our relationship with someone was encouraging at least. Maybe she was looking for someone to tell her she should stop holding back and take what she wanted.

"Someone in here," I said when I heard a knock at the door.

"It's me hon," said my lover from the other side.

"Ms. Swanson," I said looking around as I opened the door looking for someone who might see us.

"Ellie," she corrected me with a pout as she pushed inside and closed the door. "I saw you run off, what did Gwen say?"

"What do you think?" I said with a little anger in my voice.

"Daniel," she said taking my hand. "I'm sorry but I had to tell someone about us. She's never been anything but supportive. If not for her I would have talked myself into ending things between us long ago."

"Why do you do that? You're always looking for some excuse to get away from me, but never think about all the reasons to make it last forever," I said still angry with her.

"Honey we've talked about this. Someday you'll understand I promise. Can't we just enjoy what we have while we can?" she said looking sad like she always did when I tried to talk about a future with her.

"I'll do my best to make sure you enjoy every moment," I said my anger forgotten at the sight of the tears in her eyes.

"Oh god I've been so wet thinking about you all day," she breathed holding me tight. "Here," she said slipping off her panties to hand them to me. I inhaled their smell as she continued saying, "When the crowd starts to thin out meet me upstairs for a quickie. I'll give you a signal when it's time. I can't wait all night to be with you hon and don't worry about Gwen I'll talk to her."

We snuck out of the bathroom and back to the party, taking different paths so no one would think we'd been together. I had her wet panties tucked down inside my coat pocket and was fighting an erection that was trying to sprout. The first thing I noticed was Gwen looking at me again and the knowing smile on her face was enough to make me want to flee once more. I started to picture her naked and what it might be like to fuck her plump body from behind. That put me at ease and I gave her a smile that made her blush as she must have read my thoughts turning away. Ellen came to talk to her soon after and we didn't share any more stares after that.

Time crawled by as I waited for a sign from Ellen to meet her upstairs. I tried to lose myself in serving drinks and clearing away empty glasses. It was an open bar, but Ellen's promise of great tips was understated if anything. During the night I made well over a thousand dollars for walking around with a tray of cocktails and one old man gave me a hundred dollar bill just for bringing him an ashtray for his cigar. By ten people started to drift away and I'd glued my eyes to her waiting for her to look at me. When she stared right at me and said loudly that she needed to step inside for a few minutes I had to restrain myself to keep from running to her bedroom at full speed. I still made it there long before her and waited just inside the first chamber for her to arrive.

"Hurry up we don't have much time," she said closing the door behind her.

"You look fantastic tonight," I said trying to give her a kiss.

"Careful of my makeup and hair," she warned, turning to let me kiss her neck instead. "Do I ever need this after tonight. Did you see all those old men trying to hit on me? I don't think there was one who was less than fifty," she complained.

"Yeah it must be horrible. I can't imagine what that would be like," I said with a smirk.

"Oh god I can't believe I just said that," she said looking embarrassed.

"It's ok Ellie, I wouldn't want fifty year old men hitting on me either," I said trying to undress her.

"There's no time for that," she smiled. "Just stick it in me and go," she said turning around to lift her dress as she bent over a chair.

I dropped my pants right away and pulled out my excited cock. It was going to be hard not to cum fast after anticipating this encounter for hours. I rammed her nice and hard feeling her ass and thighs ripple beneath my thrusts. Slapping against her naked from the waist down body I tried to hold off as long as I could. Ellen was grunting and asking me to go harder. Sometimes I think she thought I was a machine that always had an extra gear when needed. I was already fucking her as hard as I could so I started pulling her hips towards me hoping that would do it for her. When my cock head started to tingle I knew I was going to cum soon if we didn't stop. I tried to slow down to prolong it for her, but she knew what I was doing and told me to give it to her. Slamming her hard again I held off as long as I could and then dumped my load inside her when I finally lost control.

"Mmmm... that was great," she breathed even thought she hadn't cum yet as she pulled off my cock.

"Forget the party Ellie, let's go to bed," I said trying to hold onto her as she looked down at the cum trickling from her cunt.

"I can't hon but I promise we'll stay up all night if you want," she said with a quick kiss. "Where did you put my panties? I need something to keep this cum from running down my legs," she giggled.

"Here," I said passing them to her from my coat pocket. "Should I go back first or wait until you've gone?" I asked pulling my pants up.

"You should stay right here," she said. "And you better be naked and hard when I get back."

With a quick check of her appearance in the mirror she ducked out of the room blowing me a kiss as she closed the door behind her. I missed her already as I undressed before sitting on the sofa. I was hoping that the party would be over soon, but there were still plenty of people there when I had left to come upstairs. Turning on the TV to pass the time I flicked through until I found the sports highlights to check the baseball scores. After that I ran through the channels again until I found a movie to watch figuring she should be back any moment now. The first movie was over and there was still no sign of her. 'How long did she expect me to try and stay hard?' I wondered looking down at my cock that I'd been stroking lazily in an effort to keep semi erect at least.

I went into the main bedroom and crept to the door that led to the balcony. Opening the door I listened closely, not wanting to be seen. There were still plenty of voices but couldn't say how many. Peeking out I counted at least twenty guests yet and who knew how many more might be out of sight throughout the garden and the house. There was no end in sight for the party it seemed. This was supposed to be our weekend together and already it was late Saturday night, or early Sunday morning I should say, with time running out. I'd have to go home tomorrow evening so that didn't leave us long to be together at all. The closer it got to her daughter returning the more I worried that what I had with Ellen would soon end. With thoughts like that starting to run through my mind, I went back to the TV and tried to lose myself in another movie. I finished watching the second movie and the next one was just starting when I heard her outside the room and frantically jerked myself back to a full erection for her.

"Right where I left you and hard as requested," she smiled stumbling in.

"You better not be too drunk to fuck," I teased standing up with a smile. "What's she doing here?" I asked seeing Gwen push into the room behind her as I sat down and hid my nakedness with a cushion.

"She's drunk and horny too," Ellen shrugged as she started pulling her clothes off.

"Let me see it again," Gwen giggled. "I only got a little look, but I liked what I saw."

"Damn it Ellie what are you thinking?" I said angry that she would ruin what little time we had left like this.

"Ellie?" said Gwen looking at her and laughing.

"Go wait in the bedroom Gwen," said Ellen sobering suddenly. "And close the door," she said waiting until she saw it close before turning back to me half naked. "Daniel..."

"How could you do this? Our time together is running out. This was supposed to be a special weekend for us and you bring your friend along? I'm not a toy to share with whoever you want," I said in a furious voice. I'd never been so angry with her.

"I'm sorry," she said looking crushed. "I thought you'd be happy. I thought all men were obsessed with the idea of a threesome."

"Those are jackasses who don't realize how lucky they are to have what they've got," I said. "I don't want anyone but you."

"Daniel you need to stop doing this to yourself. What we have is going to end sooner than either of us would like," she said softly.

"Why? Why does it have to end? I'm sick of you talking like this all the time," I said more sad than angry now.

"Someday you'll understand," she said giving me the same old response and I knew she'd say no more on it tonight.

"Send her home," I said nodding to the bedroom wanting to get started on the make up sex.

"If you want her to leave then you tell her," Ellen said. "I didn't plan for this to happen but all the other guests left and it was just the two of us left. We kept drinking and talking. In no time the subject turned to you. She started crying and telling me how lucky I was to have a man who wanted to be with me. Her husband left her three years ago and she's been alone ever since. I knew exactly what that was like and thought a night with you might do for her confidence what it did for mine. I even thought you might like my surprise but I guess I was wrong. I was just trying to make the people I... I... I care about happy. You go tell her she can't stay because after seeing how excited she got on the way up here there's no way I can do it."

"I'm so sorry Ellie," I said feeling like a complete asshole for how I'd reacted earlier.

"Is she staying or going? Because I can't wait to get stared either way," she said.

"She can stay but you're still the only woman I want no matter what you say or what happens," I said kissing her soft lips.

"Well let's go have some fun honey," she smiled kissing me back and then stripping naked. "You're still dressed?" she said when we came in to find Gwen face down on the bed.

"I was just resting my eyes," she said looking up. "Are you sure about this Ellen?" she said staring at my cock with desire.

"We're sure," Ellen said looking at me. "It looks like you like what you see," she said as she reached down to shake my cock for her friend.

"It looks so big," she said excitedly.

"Well get naked and we'll see if it fits," Ellen said with a laugh.

I was silent throughout their little exchange. It felt strange to have another woman eyeing my naked body, especially with Ellen standing next to me. She led me to the bed and we got on it to sit next to each other as Gwen stood up. Without her shoes she was noticeably shorter than Ellen and her rotund body only helped to magnify the disparity. She looked nervous standing before us and looked as if she might leave rather than strip down in front of her close friend and her young lover. Ellen encouraged her and stroked my cock telling her to look at what she was missing out on. With a nervous smile and blushing face she unzipped her dress and wiggled out of it slowly.

Gwen was short and plump with a pasty white body, looking so different than Ellen that I found the contrast surprisingly exciting. I had said earlier that I had no interest in another woman but as I watched her take her clothes off I felt my cock throb and knew Ellen felt it too. A plain beige bra with wide shoulder straps held her huge tits up. As the dress she was wearing fell to her waist she squeezed her chest together between her very thick upper arms. Seeing her struggle to get the dress past her wide hips made me even hornier than before. I could see stretch marks on the roll of fat that covered her stomach but wanted to see more of her nevertheless. She was down to her bra, panties, and sheer black nylons that covered her fleshy white legs to mid thigh now and tried to join us on the bed.

"The bed is for naked people only," Ellen said to tease Gwen as she moved to block her from getting on the bed.

"Ellen I'm so nervous," she said looking from Ellen, to me, and then back again. "Can't we just get started? I feel so fat and ugly with both of you watching me like this."

"He couldn't be more excited," Ellen said.

"It's true," I said when Gwen looked at me. "I want to see it all off."

Giving us a shy smile that made her look beautiful, she turned around and unhooked her bra. I found my eyes draw to her big hips and ass, lingering down her exposed upper thighs that showed a little cellulite. Ellen gave me a kiss on the cheek as I studied her friend with obvious excitement even though there was no comparison between them. It was easy to see why she might lack confidence since her husband left her, but I found myself attracted to Gwen despite the many flaws of her body. I became intent on making sure she had fun tonight and showing her she was a desirable woman who should be enjoying life.

Turning to face us again, she tried to cover her huge breasts with small hands that couldn't begin to conceal that much flesh. Pale blue veins that stood out noticeably on her white skin ran though them and parts of the wide pink areola could be seen between her fingers. I began to notice that Ellen was giving her friend longing looks as well and wondered what might happen between the women once we started fucking. Gwen finally took her hands away from her nipples and waved them above her head laughing when I whistled loudly at her. She shook her shoulders side to side, sending her massive tits jiggling all around, as Ellen encouraged her on too.

When she started to slip one of her stockings off, Ellen beckoned her over to us and patted the bed on her side where she wanted Gwen to put her foot. I watched wide-eyed as Ellen knelt on the edge of the bed to remove Gwen's nylon, exposing her sweet cunt to me in the process. Leaning over she kissed Gwen's leg as she lowered the flimsy clothing to reveal the white leg below inch by inch. When it was removed, Ellen took one of Gwen's breasts and lifting it with both hands took the nipple into her mouth to suck it. My cock was almost ready to cum on its own at the sight of my lover and her friend sharing such an embrace. I knelt behind Ellen and tried to slip inside her, but she pushed me away and waved Gwen over to my side.

I moved to the edge on my side and rubbed Gwen's leg when she put her foot down next to me. Ellen hugged me from behind pressing her breasts into my back and reached around to stroke my cock as she kissed my neck. I didn't need to tell her to go easy, she knew I was on the brink of cumming. Gwen's leg was trembling in my grasp, her eyes focused on her friend's hand that was playing with my cock. After I slid the stocking off, I couldn't resist getting a taste of her tits for myself. I took one and sucked the wide pink nipple, nibbling at it as Gwen moaned with her eyes closed now.

"Get your panties off and help me suck him off," Ellen said as she pushed me onto my back.

"Let's see that pussy," I said smiling eagerly with Ellen holding my cock and waiting to see Gwen's cunt too.

"Oh god I haven't shaved in forever," she said with an embarrassed smile.

"Go ahead take them off," said Ellen to urge her on. "You won't get any of this delicious cock until they're gone."

"Ok," she said dropping her panties and hoping on the bed so fast that I barely got a glance at the thick tangle of dark hair between her legs.

With a naked woman on either side of me now I crossed my fingers behind my head and waited for what I was sure would be a spectacular blowjob. Their bodies were soft and warm against my legs as Gwen crawled towards my cock. Ellen smiled at her then sucked my cock deep down her throat before pulling it out and offering it to Gwen while holding it near the base. Gwen parted her lips and extended her tongue to lick my wet cock before taking the head inside her mouth. Taking a short way into her own mouth pushed it out and gave Ellen another turn. The women traded back and forth as my cock was sucked into one mouth and then the other. Ellen warned Gwen to go slow since I was so close to cumming. She let Gwen take hold to stroke me and left her alone with my cock for a moment as she came up to kiss me passionately.

Ellen cuddled into me as I wrapped an arm around her and we watched her friend give me a blowjob. Trading kisses with her I sighed happily as Gwen continued to suck away on my cock. She was still going painstakingly slow as she worked on my prick keeping me one good firm jerking from cumming the entire time. Ellen gave me one last kiss and then went down to join her again, taking over my cock for her turn. Both women began tonguing my cock together flicking up and down its length and fighting for space on the sensitive head. When they paused to share a sloppy openmouthed kiss I had to clench my groin tight to keep from blowing my load.

Watching them kiss was one of the most erotic things I'd ever witnessed. For several long minutes my cock lay forgotten as they kissed like long lost lovers. I was so turned on that I wanted to cum as I watched them and started jerking off. Ellen noticed right away and slapped my hand away. Smiling up at me she deep throated my cock making me cum almost instantly. With a mouthful of my seed she kissed Gwen again, swapping the salty treat back and forth until their lips glistened with it. They carefully licked each other clean not wanting to waste a precious drop. I'd asked Ellen once why she liked to swallow my cum and she told me she loved how dirty it made her feel, well she looked extra dirty tonight snowballing it with her friend.

"Mmmm... thanks hon," Ellen said kissing my spent cock and my stomach.

"You said he can keep getting hard right?" asked Gwen as Ellen and I started to laugh. "What?"

"Give me a chance to enjoy the first one," I laughed.

"Don't worry he'll be hard again," Ellen smiled. "We'll both get a nice fucking I promise."

"How much longer?" she asked looking eager to be fucked.

"Come here you horny slut," Ellen said laughing as she pushed Gwen to her back.

Ellen kissed her friend and moved down her pale plump body quickly. I sat up to get a better look as my lover kissed her friend's huge breasts, licked down her stomach, and stared for a moment before burying her face between Gwen's thick thighs. It wasn't going to take me long to get hard again watching Ellen lick another woman's pussy. I gave Gwen's tits a quick lick and slid in next to Ellen. Pulling her face away from Gwen's pussy I kissed her, relishing the taste of another woman's juices on her lips. Squeezing my face in too, I pulled Gwen's legs wide apart to expose her cunt to us. It was surrounded in coarse, dark hair but the pink slit in the middle was smooth and wet.

We pushed our faces into her snatch together licking and sucking at her light pink lips. Licking pussy with a woman I cared so much for was another unique experience that I was sure I'd never forget. I kissed Ellen, then Gwen's pussy, and Ellen again. We took turns holding the lips open for each other and began fingering her with a finger or two each. I whispered to Ellen to show me what she liked, so I might be able to please her better, but all she did was touch my extended tongue with her finger tip and kiss me with a giggle. Gwen was moaning loudly, but the two of us still weren't enough for her because a small white hand appeared to rub at her clit.

My cock was more than ready for more now. I positioned myself behind Ellen and ran my hand over her hip, waiting for her to get to her knees like I knew she would. The promise of cock in her pussy was too much for my lover to resist. I'd touched her like that so many times now that it wouldn't surprise to see her respond to it even in her sleep. I noticed Gwen's eyes fixed on me as I knelt behind Ellen ready to fuck her with vigor. Running the head of my cock through her lips to moisten the tip I slapped it against her ass. It was hard to say which of the woman was more frustrated by my teasing. I'd pretend I was about to stick it in but stopped to rub it though Ellen's outer lips again. Over and over I flicked past her entrance, bounced it on her ass, or ran it along her leg, never putting it inside her. The entire time I kept my eyes on Gwen and each time I almost penetrated Ellen I could see her give a little gasp.

"Fuck her!" Gwen shouted at last.

"Yes fuck me," Ellen agreed.

I smiled having won our little game. Jamming my cock into Ellen's cunt I gripped her hips tight and fucked her hard as I could manage. She grunted and told me to fuck her even harder, wanting me to pummel her pussy. Gwen's mouth hung open in shock as she watched me ravage her friend. I wasn't sure if it meant she was afraid to take her turn or eager to get the chance. Ellen tried to keep licking her friend's cunt but between her moaning and the impact of my hips against hers she wasn't able to focus on it. Reaching under I pinched her clit softly as I fucked her, trying to hit the sweet spot inside her cunt that always made her cum with the tip of my cock. Ellen's hand came down to rub her pussy with mine as I pushed her close to the edge. I felt her cunt clench tightly when she came with a shuddering cry before slumping to the bed.

It was an overwhelming orgasm that we trigged in Ellen that night. I knew I'd fucked her just like that many times since we started sleeping together. The added stimulus of Gwen joining us in bed had made her extra horny to the point that she came with an intensity that I'd rarely seen. Her body was trembling long after I'd pulled out of her to hold her from behind. I started to worry she might be falling asleep and start kissing her neck and shoulders, while playing with her breasts. I couldn't see her face but the sighs that came from her told me she wasn't going to pass out anytime soon. There was no way I wanted to be left alone with Gwen knowing what was still to come. 'Then again, maybe if I just hold her we'll all fall asleep and we can let this be the end of it,' I thought.

"That was wonderful as always hon," Ellen said turning to kiss me. "Now you have to give Gwen her turn," she continued, as if she knew what I was thinking.

"Are you sure about this?" Gwen asked voicing her own apprehension. "I don't want to come between you two. Watching him fuck you was amazing Ellen. It was like his cock was made for your pussy the way you went at it," she said with a shy smile despite the fact that her spread cunt was still on full display.

"It's just sex," she said looking at Gwen. "There's no reason you shouldn't get laid too."

I was grateful she wasn't looking at me when she said that to see the tortured look on my face. I thought this threesome with Gwen was just another way for Ellen to trivialize our relationship in her mind. If it was just sex between us, then what did it matter who we fucked? All that was important was having a good time. As much as I wanted Ellen now and forever, it would never amount to more than what it was unless she let it. Until then I'll give her all the "just sex" she and her friend can handle.

"Get on you hands and knees," I said to Gwen as she lay there, legs spread wait for me to take her. "Do you want to fuck or not?" I said annoyed when she didn't move right away.

"Be nice hon," Ellen said with a cross look at me.

"Telling me who to fuck and now how to do it too. What's next Ellen? You hired me for the summer you didn't buy me," I said with an anger I'd never felt towards her before.

"Ellen?" she said in a sad voice. I never called her anything but Ellie when we were together.

"Do you want it or not?" I asked Gwen. Ignoring the pained look Ellen gave me was one of the hardest things I'd ever done.

"I should go," Gwen said looking at each of us in turn. "I'm so sorry for causing trouble between you."

"No," Ellen and I said at once when she tried to leave.

"You heard him," Ellen said in an emotionless voice. "On your hands and knees Gwen."

She thought about it for a long time and I hoped my face betrayed none of the swirling emotions within me. Finally she bent over and I looked at the hairy cunt between her thick white thighs before me. I stared at Ellen waiting for the slightest sign that she didn't want me to fuck her friend after all, but I might as well have been looking at a statue. I kept my eyes on her until I pushed all the way into Gwen's cunt. The tight fit around my cock was great but somehow it felt as though that one simple stroke had driven a huge wedge between Ellen and I. I rapidly built speed fucking Gwen from behind ignoring her cries to slow down, my eyes locked with Ellen's the entire time. She was the one who wanted this she wanted a reason to keep me at arm's length. I fucked the shit out of her friend giving her all the justification she'd ever need.

I was the first to look away. As much as I wanted to hurt her for always trying to trivialize what we had between us it hurt me more to do it to her, to us. I forced myself not to think about the irreparable damage I may have caused to our relationship. Earlier in the night I has briefly fantasized about what it might be like to fuck Gwen from behind and found the real thing to be far better. Remembering the promise I'd made myself I slowed down so she could enjoy it. She was moaning beneath me but I didn't have the intimate knowledge of her body like I did with Ellen so I wasn't able to make her cum fast like I wanted. When I grew tired I pulled out for a rest and Ellen quickly sucked my cock down her throat. I realized it was going to be a wild night of sex between the three of us after that and cursed my own stupidity. Why couldn't I have just thanked Ellen for giving it to me and enjoyed it?

I came twice more before falling asleep and both women had multiple orgasms of their own. They took turns sucking my cock straight out of each other's cunts. They knelt next to each other as I fucked one and then the other back and forth. They helped each other ride me and lay side by side licking their pussies while waiting for me to get hard again. Ellen and I didn't say another word to each other that night and I think poor Gwen was too afraid to talk. The last thing that went through my mind before I fell asleep was that maybe Ellen had meant it was just sex between Gwen and I. If that were the case then what had I done with my callous remarks?

The next morning I woke up with Ellen at my side but turned away from me instead of cuddled into me like she normally would be. I couldn't help but see it as a foreboding omen as I tried to fix whatever damage I had caused last night. Gwen was just sliding off the other side of the bed to get dressed. Watching her move I enjoyed the view and kept silent, not wanting to scare her off.

"You're awake," she said seeing me when she turned half dressed. "Thank you for last night."

"I'm sure I enjoyed it just as much as you did," I said with a smile that she returned.

"She loves you too you know," Gwen said looking at Ellen as she spoke in a hushed voice. "I don't know why she keeps trying to push you away either, but if you keep acting like you did last night you'll make it easy for her to say goodbye."

"I know," I said looking at Ellen with tears in my eyes. "What should I do?"

"Tell her she was right and you're sorry. It's all we ever want to hear," Gwen said with a smile. "I'll talk to her for you if she won't listen," she promised as she turned to leave.

I watched Ellen sleep while trying to find the right words to say when she woke up. If what I had said last night had ruined things between us I knew I'd never be able to forgive myself. The more I thought about the worse I felt to the point that I felt sick to my stomach with anxiety. When I saw her start to stir from her sleep, I wrapped an arm around her, kissing her shoulders and neck. At first she responded with a throaty moan and warm laugh, but memories of last night must have returned to her suddenly because she pulled away from my touch as if she found it repulsive.

"I'm surprised you're still here Dan," she said sliding to the edge of the bed and covering her body with the blankets. The look she gave me made me want to gouge my eyes out so I'd never have to see it again.

"Ellie please..." I started to apologize but she cut me off.

"Ellie again now is it? Must be horny and wanting to get some pussy," she said icily.

"Please just listen for minute ok?" I asked her and was grateful when she gave me a curt nod. "Last night I was a complete jerk. I know you don't see a future between us, but it's all I can think about sometimes. It hurt so much to see you bringing a friend to join us in bed because for the first time I started to believe you meant what you said all those times. I was too saddened and shocked by that to truly understand the wonderful gift you were giving me to enjoy. When you said it was just sex between us I lost it thinking you didn't care for me at all. It wasn't until later that I realized you meant it was just sex between Gwen and I. I don't know what else to say. You were right and I'm sorry," I finished hopefully.

"Oh Daniel," she said hugging me. "How could you think I don't have feelings for you? Even that first day it was more than just sex with you. You made me feel young again, you made me feel like a woman again, you've even made me feel loved again. No matter what happens I'll always care for you. If I didn't care for you so much I'd let this go on forever but we can't. It doesn't mean I won't cherish every moment we have. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have cheapened what we have like that."

"Well actually I kind of liked it," I said half jokingly to break the tension.

"Me too," she giggled. "I felt crushed when you called me Ellen, but watching you fuck another woman set my pussy on fire. It makes me wet just thinking about it," she said with raised eyebrows.

"So can you forgive me?" I asked with a grin as she threw the blankets aside and spread her legs for me.

"Not until you fuck me," she smiled.

"I wasn't sure you wanted me anymore," I said looking at her wide-open pussy that couldn't be asking to be fucked any more clearly. "Our first real fight," I said kissing her. "No matter what you say we're more and more like a real couple everyday."

"I know," she said. For once her smile didn't fade and she didn't try to tell me it was hopeless. "I don't ever want to argue like that again."

Ellen kissed me back and guided my cock inside her pussy. As I began pumping my hips making love to the only woman I wanted to be with I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing I hadn't destroyed our relationship. I'd been terrified at the prospect of losing her and knew now that no matter when it happened it was going to hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before. My body was trembling with pent up emotion and desire as I made love to her gently, our lips locked in a passionate kiss the entire time. Ellen moaned beneath me and raked my back with her nails as I hit the special spot inside her time and time again.

I was able to last a long time thanks to the slow pace. Her pussy was so wet that morning. Thinking about the night before and nearly losing each other had made us hornier than ever. I usually came before she had her first orgasm unless I warmed her up with my fingers or tongue, but I managed to outlast her this time. Whenever she was really turned on like this she could have multiple orgasms in little spurts. Once she started I began fucking her hard to leave her squealing and leaking juices until I was overcome and shot my load into her.

Instead of taking a break so we could both wind down I kept playing with her spent body, hoping to show her how indispensable a lover I'd become. I made sure to touch all her most sensitive areas; kneading her breasts, rubbing her legs, and squeezing her ass. Licking all over her body I kept her moaning and writhing on the bed without a chance to recover. I spent what must have been close to half an hour with her breasts alone, teasing and sucking them until the nipples were harder than ever. Even when she tried to push me away begging me to stop so she could catch her breath, I kept at it and started to finger her pussy too. When I changed my focus to her pussy alone I knew she was already on the brink of a momentous orgasm. I licked her clit while fingering her and soon had her trashing against the bed as wildly as I'd ever seen. Finally she came and for the first time I made her squirt. I was so shocked that all I could do was stare at it as it splash against my face. Looking up I saw her eyes still rolling as she held the sheets in a white knuckled grip.

Crawling up next to her I kissed her full on the lips and began caressing her body. She managed to roll over and flop her spent body on top of mine. Breathing hard she tried to say something but all that came out was a shuddering sigh. Her legs were shaking uncontrollably and her body radiated heat like a furnace. I smiled happily after giving her such an orgasm knowing I wanted to do it again and soon. Her eyes were closed I thought that maybe she had fallen asleep but finally she managed to speak.

"I changed my mind," she said kissing my chest. "We should fight all the time and have make up sex just like that."

"Like this?" I asked throwing her onto her back and fitting my cock back inside.

"Daniel no not yet," she shrieked having just recovered from our first session. "Honey no. Stop it. Stop it now! I said sto... oh... oh yes... mmmm... go... yes hon right there. Yes... yes... YES!"

At first she'd wanted me to stop, but within the first few strokes her tone had changed and she began pulling me into her with her legs. I fucked her hard and fast wanting to cum again. Seeing what I'd been able to do to her earlier left me so turned on. Though the feeling has subsided a little I knew I'd be able to cum again soon by thinking about her pussy squirting like it had. She smiled up at me and pulled my lips to hers for a wonderful kiss as I came. We lay together kissing softly until I rolled off her and she got up out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked patting the empty spot next to me on the bed where she should be.

"I'm cooking for you today remember?" she said with a smile as she pulled on her bathrobe. "We slept late hon it's already past one. Did you want breakfast or lunch?" she asked sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Either is fine with me," I said suddenly feeling hungry now that she had mentioned food.

"Ok I'll be back with something quick. For dinner I'll cook you whatever you want and I promise it'll be good," she said with a look that dared me to make a joke.

As she left blowing me a kiss I was grinning from ear to ear. I had no idea how close I might have come to ruining what I had with Ellen, but now we seemed closer that ever. There were signs that she was starting to see more than just a summer time affair between us. Her daughter would be back tomorrow afternoon and after that I really had no idea what would happen between us. My parents would be away for two weeks in the middle of August so that should give us some time together at my house if needed. Beyond that I was unsure. I certainly didn't see us finding the time or privacy to fuck morning, noon, and night like we did now no matter how big her house was. Thinking about different scenarios over and over it was a ringing bell from the other room brought me out of my daydream.

"Let's skip the food and get right to dessert," I said walking into the room naked to find Ellen wearing a frilly white maids apron and a smile.

"No dessert until you've cleaned your plate," she smiled at me. She had laid a large silver platter of food on the dinner table that was still there from Friday.

"Damn you look so hot in that apron," I said as I felt my cock grow in spurts.

"You like it do you?" she said with a seductive grin as she turned just enough to give me a glance at her bare ass.

"We sure do," I said looking down at my throbbing erection. "Why don't we eat later?" I said as I took her in my arms, but she spun away before I could slip my cock under her apron.

"Sit down and eat," she said passing me a plate.

I did as she told me, but I can't remember what we ate. I stared at her wanting to throw her on the table and fuck her the whole time. Her large breasts strained against the material of her apron, bulging out on the sides and showing deep cleavage at the neck which she flaunted brazenly as we ate. It was impossible to focus on the food with her driving me wild. Halfway through she reached across under the table with her foot and planted it right in my lap. She wiggled her toes against my cock and brought her second foot up to give me a makeshift stroking. I was ready to fling the table out of the way and have my way with her but her warning look gave me pause. Throughout the meal, I endured her taunting smirk and playful cock teasing waiting for her to say the word. Finishing my food quickly I watched her nibble at hers with painstaking slowness. I tried not to let my frustration show on my face but knew she could see exactly what she was doing to me and loving every minute of it. Finally she finished and took her time wiping her mouth with a napkin before discarding it on her plate.

"So what do you want to do now hon?" she asked at last.

Without saying a word I leapt off my chair and circled the table. Taking her by the waist I pulled her off her own seat and down onto the floor. Flipping the hanging apron up to expose her slick cunt I rammed my cock into it, fucking her like I was trying to drive her through the floor. She knew that her teasing was going to lead to a nice hard fucking but I don't think she was prepared for how urgently I took her. Grunting and moaning beneath me she was enjoying it just as much as me. I grabbed her legs and pushed them back so I could fuck down into her with even more leverage.

"Stop hon," she said placing the palms of her hands on my chest.

"Not a chance," I said knocking her hands aside and pinning them when she tired to put them back.

"Stop for just a sec," she said. "I'm getting a carpet burn."

"Oh Ellie I'm so sorry," I said stopping to kiss her tenderly.

"It's ok," she smiled up at me. "I was asking for it."

She got up and headed for her bedroom but I wanted her now. I grabbed onto her and threw her onto the sofa. When she tried to slip the apron off I made her keep it on and bent her over with her pussy in the air. Kneeling behind her I shoved my cock back inside her pussy and picked up the hard fucking where we left off. I studied her back and thankfully I didn't see any signs of bad carpet burn, hopefully we had stopped soon enough. Either way it hadn't affected her desire as she roared at me to fuck her harder. I smiled to myself, knowing I'd never be able to completely satisfy her desire for my cock.

The sound of our bodies slapping together and the squishing sounds coming from her dripping wet pussy filled the room. When I stopped for a breather with my cock buried inside her she gave me a disappointed look that renewed my stamina instantly. She began rubbing at her clit and I tried to push deeper or harder or something to make it better for her and finally had an idea. Pulling all the way out for just a moment I wet my finger in her slimy snatch and started to wiggle a finger into her ass as I pushed back inside her cunt. Ellen began humping back at me as I marveled at the added tightness to her cunt with the finger up her ass. We both came soon after that, collapsing to the sofa together breathing hard.

"I was thinking it would be nice to take a walk around the grounds after we have a shower," she said turning to face me when her breathing had returned to normal.

"We can do whatever you want," I said kissing her beautiful lips.

"I've really enjoyed this weekend with you hon, even with everything that happened last night," she said kissing me back. "I can't believe it's almost over."

"I know," I said sadly. "Let's get cleaned up and take that walk before our time wastes away."

We took a shower together, caressing each other, but didn't have sex. It wasn't the first time we had cleaned up together like that but I always found it to be just as exciting. The feel of her soft skin covered in soap always thrilled me no matter how many times we soaked in the hot tub or showered. The warm water felt so good we stayed in the shower for twenty minutes or more, the last part of it spent kissing beneath the spray. When we got out I took her towel from her and dried her body for her. I got so horny doing it that I wanted to screw again but forced myself to wait until later.

It was drizzly and overcast outside, an abnormally cool day for late July. We dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt for me, while Ellen wore a knit wool sweater with hers. Putting on our shoes we decided to leave the umbrella inside when we both agreed that the light rain would be nice to be out in. We held hands and walked around her vast property pointing out our favorite spots to each other. We talked about the different plants and flowers we passed and watched birds hunting for worms in the wet grass. It felt like we were a normal couple out for a walk in the park together. I knew I'd remember and cherish that walk with her and the feeling of closeness almost as much as the countless hours we'd spent in bed. Towards the end were we thoroughly soaked and Ellen was shivering so I gave her my sweatshirt to help keep her warm as we headed back to her house.

Back in her bedroom we stripped out of our wet clothes. Bundling up in warm blankets we cuddled near the fireplace with her on my lap facing me and her legs wrapped around me. My cock quickly grew to its full length and pressed against Ellen's smooth thigh. With the blankets wrapped tight around us she struggled for a bit before managing to lift herself high enough to let me put it inside her. She lowered her cunt around my shaft, engulfing it with a blissful smile. Instead of riding up and down on my cock, she slide back and forth on my legs so my cock barely moved in and out of her but rather in circles around the inner walls of her pussy. Grinding her hips she rubbed the hard bud of her clit against my shaft and I could feel her juices leaking out to pool around the base of my cock.

I didn't think she'd be able to make me cum by fucking like that, but I could tell it was working for her and didn't complain. When she threw her arms around my neck and started whispering dirty talk into my ear she proved me wrong. Suddenly, I was trying not to cum so I could prolong it for both of us instead of thinking she couldn't make me do it. It was an incredible feeling to be trying my best not to blow my load, while my lover kept whispering for me to fill her sweet pussy with my cum. Ellen knew what she was doing to me and I could see from the look in her eye that she was determined to win our little test of wills. She kissed me and slipped her finger beneath the blankets, dipping them in her juices so we could share a taste. Then she went back, but this time she massaged my balls and started clenching my cock inside her by tightening cunt around it. I realized from the smile she gave me that she'd only been playing with me and could have gotten the cum she was begging for whenever she wanted it as my load spilled into her pussy.

"Mmmm... I'm nice and warm now," she said while I was still shuddering in climax.

"That was amazing Ellie," I breathed. "I didn't think you'd be able to make me cum the way we were fucking."

"Didn't think I could make you cum?" she said in a voice that pretended to be angry as she squeezed my shrinking cock once more.

"I know it was stupid of me. You were right and I'm sorry," I said with a smile.

"Stop saying that hon or you'll get me all wet again," she laughed kissing me. "Just remember I can make you cum when I want," she said poking me in the chest, "You're just lucky that I prefer you stay hard for as long as possible."

"I'm lucky? I'll start cumming as fast as I can from now on and well see who blinks first," I said to tease her.

"Why how fast can you jerk off? Because if you do it once you won't be getting back in this pussy for a week," she shot back, giving me a squeeze with her pussy. I started blinking with exaggerated motion and she laughed kissing me.

"Ellie I..." I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt about her but she stopped me.

"Shhhh..." she said kissing me again to drown out the rest of my words. "What do you want for dinner?" she asked to change the subject.

"I'm not sure," I said knowing she at least knew what I had wanted to say by the look in her eye.

"Well it's my treat for you hon so think of something you want," she said.

"How about Italian then?" I said as my mouth watered thinking about the taste of pasta.

"Done," she said kissing me before getting up to put her clothes on.

I wandered down to the kitchen a short while later. Walking the halls of her mansion I found myself wondering if this might be the last time I leave her bedroom and was struck by a terrible sadness. I needed to go to her so I could be reminded of how good things were right now and forget about what would happen for the rest of the summer. We had a little over a month left but neither of us really knew how much of that we'd be able to spend together as lovers when her daughter came home tomorrow. I certainly didn't care if she knew about us, but knew that Ellen would want to keep our relationship secret from her daughter who was only a couple of years younger than me.

"What can I do to help?" I asked coming into the kitchen to find her already preparing the dough for fresh pasta.

"Sit there and look sexy to remind me why I'm going through all this trouble," she said looking up from her bowl with a smile.

"Like this?" I said contorting my face into what I thought might be a model's pose and making her laugh.

"Not quite hon. Just take your pants off and I have all the incentive I need," she said.

"There has to be something I can do. I thought it would be fun if we cooked together," I said going over to kiss her neck from behind.

"If you want to help you can chop vegetables for me and get the greens ready for a salad," she said nodding towards the fridge.

Working on opposite side of the kitchen island we talked as we worked. Ellen showed me what she was doing to get the pasta ready and explained she would make smaller portions of a few different dishes so I could tell her which I liked best. When I asked where her recipes were she laughed telling me she had memorized them long ago in her mother's kitchen. I was impressed watching her work. She seemed to know exactly what was needed and when, keeping six burners and the oven going at the same time once she had everything underway. I cut veggies as fast as I could and just barely kept up with her demand. She ended up making three different pasta dishes and a fresh salad from the greens that I cleaned.

We ate in several small courses on a breakfast table in the kitchen nook. We had wine, though not before she gave me a glass of milk and teased me saying I'd get wine in another few years. The food was fantastic and I told Ellen so with every dish. At first she thought I was saying it to tease her back and then she started blushing when I convinced her I was serious when I said it was some of the best food I'd ever had. It was hard to believe something as simple as a compliment on her cooking could make her blush like that considering what went on between us in bed.

"I'm sorry but I didn't get a chance to make us a dessert hon. I could make something quick," she said getting up and going toward the refrigerator.

"It was a wonderful dinner and I'm stuffed already Ellie. Beside I think you know what I want for dessert," I said catching her by the hand and spinning her back to me for a kiss.

"Well alright but only because you were a good boy and cleaned your plate," she laughed before bolting off towards her bedroom.

"Come here," I said catching up to her inside the bedroom.

"You have to catch me if you want me," she teased putting the sofa between us ready to dart either way.

"Are you sure you don't want me to catch you?" I said starting to strip down. Ellen eyed me with obvious desire as I quickly threw off all my clothes. "Now do you want this," I said stroking my hardening cock, "Or are you still going to run?"

"Come and get me if you want me," she said turning to shake her ass at me. She looked fantastic in her hip hugging jeans.

"You'll be sorry when I catch you." I said laughing as we circled the room.

The smile and laughter that came from Ellen was such a turn on. She loved to play little games with me like this and I often found I needed to remind myself she wasn't a flirty 20 something coed during those times. I could have caught her anytime I wanted by stepping over the sofa but she didn't need to know that. I let her have her fun pretending to get more and more frustrated as I chased her with my bouncing cock. She teased me mercilessly with a shake of that wonderful round ass or a squeeze of her big tits. When I started to masturbate as I chased her, suddenly her eyes were focused on my cock. She kept teasing me with her words but she was only making halfhearted attempts to elude me now. I could see by her face she was trying to figure out why I couldn't catch her. Finally, she tripped over a chair but I could tell by the way she fell it was staged. She looked up at me helplessly trying to look angry over being captured, only to let out a surprised gasp when I turned away and headed to bed.

"Where are you going? You could have had me," she called from the room behind me.

"Why chase what's already mine? I know you can't resist my cock much longer anyway," I said turning the tables on her.

"Is that so?" she said glaring at me from the doorway with a defiant set to her jaw as I lounged naked on the bed.

"I know you want it Ellie," I said jerking my erect cock. "You better come and get it soon or I'll make you beg for it."

"Beg for it? Beg for it?!?" she said in a rising voice. "Me and my pussy will be out here come catch me if you want it," she said closing the door with a slam.

The test of wills has begun. I found myself regretting my choice of quarters instantly. I should have taken the other room where the TV would help distract me. In here all I could think about was Ellen and her beautiful body. She was just on the other side of the door ready to let me do whatever I wanted to her. All I had to do was open the door and let her win. I sighed deeply and tried to find something to occupy myself with knowing she wouldn't be able to last long herself based on the way she was eyeing my cock a few minutes ago.

Five minutes became ten and ten was soon twenty. I'd considered and rejected the idea of jerking off until I came to relieve the pressure a hundred times now. There was no way my horny lover could last much longer I kept telling myself but as the minutes stretched on I became less certain of the outcome. Looking at the clock only made things worse, it was going for seven already and I'd have to go home in a few hours. I tried to listen at the door but couldn't hear a thing from the other room. Maybe she'd gone to another part of the house to pass the time? I was trapped in the bedroom with nothing to do but think of her and she had a houseful of distractions to occupy her.

I began pacing the room walking almost absurdly fast as I tried to last just a little longer. Every time I passed the doorway I had to force myself not to open it. Each pass it became a little harder not to give in and soon I was trying to find a reason not to open it as opposed to a reason why it should stay closed. I stopped and stood staring at the doorknob. My mind began playing tricks on me, convincing me several times that the knob was turning and she was coming in. I decided to touch the knob just to see if I could feel in spinning, then pulled back as if it were hot knowing I'd been about to turn it myself.

Retreating to the balcony, I breathed in the cool air and looked out over Ellen's green-acred paradise. For a moment I managed to forget about my dilemma but soon I found myself looking over my shoulder every few seconds hoping to see her opening the door. Finally I turned to stare at the door screaming at it to open inside my head. Looking down at my erection that was throbbing painful from want of use, I wondered how Ellen was faring and pictured her watching a movie while she sipped on a cup of her favorite tea. I could almost see her laughing at the movie and glancing over to shake her head at the door wondering how much longer I could last. 'Fuck it," I thought, 'She can win I just want to have sex.' I crossed the room and threw open the door.

"You win," I said coming face to face with her. There was a porno movie playing on the TV and she was practically up to her wrist inside her cunt.

"No it was a stupid game, we both lost," she said flinging herself into my arms.

"Oh god I want you so bad," I moaned beneath her mouth.

"Shut up and fuck me," she said jumping up to impale herself on my cock and gripping me her arms as legs.

I held her in place, lifting her hips as she rode my cock. She pulled her herself up and let her body fall again to engulf my cock again. Already I was fighting the urge to cum and could feel her juices running down my shaft to drip from my balls to my legs. Ellen was riding my so hard I could feel my legs growing weaker each time she slammed down on me. I struggled to stay on my feet as I carried her towards the bed. She kept fucking herself on my cock and several times I nearly fell over but I managed to bring her to the bed. When I tried to toss her onto the bed she clung to me and continued humping against me, increasing in speed if anything. Turning around I fell back on the bed, my legs having turned to jelly.

In complete control now, Ellen gave me a wide grin before gritting her teeth and riding me as hard as she could. She started fingering her clit and ordered me to play with her tits, leaning forward a moment to give me a suck. The moans coming from her mouth and clenching pussy told she was in the midst of one her mini orgasm spurts, but instead of stopping like she normally would she forced herself to continue. I started pushing my cock up to meet her and howled even louder before reaching behind to slip a finger up her ass.

Laying still she stared me down until I starting hammering up into her from below. Soon she was riding me again and squeezing my cock with her cunt on every stroke. Even though it was a cool summer evening, our bodies were coated in sweat from our frantic fucking. We were both breathing hard, grunting from the pleasure and exertion of our lovemaking. When she told me she'd been cumming nonstop since I'd opened the door and was waiting for me I lost if and spewed my small load deep inside her greedy cunt.

"Oh shit!' I roared pumping what little cum I had left into her. "Fucking incredible Ellie. No one can make me cum like you."

"Remember that next time you try to resist me," she said with a kiss.

"I'll never say no to sex with you again," I promised.

"Oh god what am I going to do with myself when Jessica gets back tomorrow?" she fretted as she held me tight. "Maybe I should buy us a condo so we can meet there whenever we want."

"Don't be silly Ellie. It's only for another month and my parents will be gone for two weeks so we can fuck in my bed whenever you want," I said comforting her. "Besides I think us trying to sneak around will only make it more exciting."

"Do you now?" she said kissing me. "Well just so you know I'll be expecting you to take full advantage of every opportunity we get."

"Just keep the pump primed like you did tonight," I smiled.

"What do you mean?" she said as her cheeks flushed.

"C'mon Ellie don't give me that look. When I opened the door you were rooting around in your pussy like you'd lost your car keys up there or something," I said.

"I can't believe I let you see that," she said turning away.

"It was a huge turn on," I said kissing her. "I'd love to watch the full show sometime."

"Watch?" she said looking at me again. "Oh alright," she said smiling when she saw the eagerness written across my face, "In the night table next to you there are some... props."

"Holy shit!" I said looking at a drawer full of sex toys. "I knew I wasn't satisfying you completely but how much more could you possibly need?"

"It was my ex-husband who didn't satisfy me," she said. "Since we started fucking I haven't used these," she looked embarrassed again as I turned towards her. "Well not much anyway," she added with a shy smile.

"How many do you need?" I asked looking over the collection. There had to be ten or more toys there.

"One!" she said shaking her head. "No not that one," she said when I went for the biggest one right away, "Or that one," when I tried to pick one with ridges and barbs. "The silver one right there," she said but I didn't see it. "Look out I'll get it," she said pushing my hand out of the way.

The unassuming silver vibrator she chose was a disappointment. I'd been anticipating a spectacular live performance but the toy she picked out was so ordinary looking and noticeably smaller that my cock. Ellen propped her back against the headrest with a pillow then thrust her ass forward and spread her legs wide. I lay down on my stomach and inched forward until my face was close enough to the action that I might get hit on her back swing. I'd been in a similar position many times before but this was different, I was there to observe only.

Ellen started by turning it on its lowest speed and running it around her pussy following to outline of her lips. She took it away for a moment and brought it to her lips to suck and then back down to insert it this time. Pushing it halfway inside herself with rapid thrusts she lifted it to her mouth again and deep throated it this time. By the time it had retuned she was pinching her clit with her other hand and shoved into her dripping snatch. It was hard to resist leaning in to lick up her tasty juices. I was quickly becoming aroused and shifted so I was on my side, giving my cock room to grow.

The humming of the toy was soon drowned out by her lusty moans. I knew she had reached her first orgasm when she clamped her legs tight and closed her eyes trembling all over. She dropped the vibrator on the bed as she recovered and I found myself reaching for it and sucking it dry. Turning it side on I spun it licking up and down its length like it was a corn on the cob. I was fairly certain I wouldn't have been able to suck it down my throat like Ellen could, but to be perfectly honest I wasn't interested in finding out either way. If I had some hidden talent for cock sucking then it was going to stay that way.

Moments later she snatched it away from me and turned it to top speed. Starting near her engorged clit she flicked the rattling head back and forth while nibbling at her lower lip. Soon it disappeared inside as she started ramming it deep inside her cunt. When I saw her stop and press down on the protruding end I knew she was forcing it against the spot she loved me to bump with my cock when I fucked her. I was amazed as how quickly the buzzing silver shaft had her thrashing about. She tried to hold it in place but her leg spasms prevented her from doing so. The pleading look she shot me told me exactly what she wanted me to do. I took hold of the toy and held it firmly in place as she lurched off the bed and crashed down again and again screaming in pleasure. I finally relented before she hurt herself and started beating off with a hand that was covered in her cum.

Her eyes fluttered open when she heard me grunting from the effort. Licking her lips she watched blur of a hand fly up and down my shaft. It was my turn to give her a show now and she looked thrilled to see me jerk off. With the most delicate of fingertips she played with herself as she watched me work. There was no shortage of stimulus in front of me, but having cum a number of times already today I knew this might take a while. I lay back and switched hands when my right arm tired. I could sense the orgasm that was close but it was as if an impenetrable barrier separated me from it. Sweating and breathing hard from the effort I stopped thinking it was useless to continue.

"Need a hand," she whispered taking just the tip into her mouth and putting my hand back on the shaft. With her assistance I came a few minutes later as she pulled back and watched the few meager drops splash onto my abdomen.

Lying together we soon fell asleep, completely spent from our day of lovemaking. A few hours later I bolted awake in a panic.

"Ellie, Ellie wake up!" I shouted while shaking her shoulder. "It's nearly eleven."

"Eleven already? No it can't be," she said staring at the clock in disbelief.

"It's over. We've run out of time. I was supposed to be home an hour ago," I said as my eyes filled with tears.

"I know hon," she said hugging me and stroking my back.

"We didn't even get a change to make love nice and slow like I wanted," I said trying not to break down.

"Shhhh... it's ok Daniel we'll have plenty of time for that," she said to comfort me. "Come by early tomorrow and well do it then. Jessica's plane won't be in until the late afternoon."

"It's a date," I said as kissed her and forcing a smile. Standing up I dressed quickly and looked down on her naked body knowing I had to leave but wishing I could stay forever.

"See you tomorrow hon," she said getting up to kiss me deeply.

We shared one last kiss at her doorway and I turned to go as she returned to bed. I wasn't sure, but I though I could hear her crying from inside. I forced myself to keep going, knowing that if I went back to comfort her now I'd never make it this far again. I called a cab to pick me up and with once last look at her estate before climbing in, I was filled with the terrible feeling that what we had shared was gone forever. I had no idea that in many ways the best summer job ever had just begun.


That's it for chapter one. I always tend to get a little carried away with these things as I write them and this one took on a life of its own. It started out as a simple story in my mind but kept growing and growing. The whole story is already done but I'll post them in chapters about a week apart in case there are any good suggestions that can be used to improve the later chapters. The return of Ellen's daughter seemed like the best place to cut it off for now.


Published by jiggsss
13 years ago
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