I Unknowingly Became His Whore (story)

I Unknowingly Became His Whore (story)
A Short Story

We have been going out a few times and you have been quite pleased with our bedroom activities. You would say things like "You have performed very well," "You have been a very useful slut," "I bet you can make any Man happy." This made me feel really good about myself.

One day, you say to me "I've got this friend who just go dumped by his girlfriend. I showed him you picture and he thinks you're really hot and he said that you just might be what he needs to get him out of his slump. It would mean a lot to me if you would go over and help him out. Make me proud by showing him what a good girl you can be."

I though about it for a moment "He must think I'm pretty special to him if he would openly show that he knows me, right?" "It's a friend of his and I want to to be useful to Him. Kinda of a lame excuse but why not."

After I got back from his friends house, he thought is was a nice gesture to give me a few dollars to go and get a new dress and other things for appreciation of what I did. I returned with my shopping and excidedly showed it off. He seemed pretty pleased too with my selection since he said to make it sexy.

It wasn't long after that his friend wanted to see me again. I went with less hesitation since tha last time went so well. The compliments for a job well done and a new necklace made me feel special all over again. I felt absolutely giddy to get praise like that!

Before I knew it, with another new dress, my Man dropped me off somewhere else to help out another friend. It was another opportunity to show my worth! I had a great time and again, my Master was so proud of me from the feedback he got. I felt all warm inside.

I joked saying, "Looks like I'm a counselor for the lonely guys club to make them happy, right?"

He looked at me and said, "You're funny L. Yes. I bet you can make any man happy. I sure am and they were too. I bet there are a few more men who are sad and can use your help. If I find them, it would be a great favor to me if you can see them too. You in?"

Without thinking too much about it I said half jokingly "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

Over the next few weeks, I found out that my Master had a few more friends who wanted to see me and had the pleasure of my company. I wonder how many friends he really had?

Little did I know that the nice dresses, makeup, and the pretty things that I was wearing were from the money that my Master was getting from his friends. He was using me as his whore and I didn't even know it.
Published by LeslieStone
7 years ago
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prairieFreak13 7 years ago
great story Leslie!~kisses~Bri