Katie's Pain Lesson (chpt. 5)
Chapter 5
The next morning announced itself with a bang as Jason smacked my ass with his hand.
Talk about waking up with a jolt! I was profoundly glad that I was lying ass up and not tits up. But that, unfortunately, meant that I was lying on them. Quite frankly I don't know how I was. Jesus, did they ever hurt. Then none of me was in the comfort zone, but I had no complaints.
"Rise and shine, sleepy head. It's a bright, new day that I've got some great plans for."
Really. Jason was just too damned joyous for morning. A long confirmed evening person, I typically could not understand how someone could thrive in the AM. It was beyond me, but as I was bemoaning that fact another suddenly registered.
I had the whole weekend to spend with Jason and, since I had been awakened, there was no reason to waste it, now was there. Rolling over to face his smiling face, I muttered, "What time is it, anyway?"
"Not quite seven."
"Ooooohhhhh." I tried to pull the blankets back over me but his hand stopped me.
"Come on, Kate. Rise and shine."
"Rise and shine. Damn it, Jason, the damned sun isn't even up yet, why should I?"
"Because the sun is a mundane thing, but the plans I have for us sure aren't. Come on, Kate, up you go."
I wasn't the most optimistic person around, but I did roll out of bed and took a faltering step toward the bathroom, my first goal of any morning, and stopped dead in my tracks.
I don't know how long I stood there staring into the big mirror above Jason's dresser and looked at the startling changes that had occurred to my body, but it must have been a long interval before my bladder made its protest and I continued my journey.
Flipping on the light and sitting on the toilet I took a closer survey. Nope, no doubt about it, I possessed a set of damned whipped boobies. Shit, there wasn't even a centimeter that was normal color. As my bursting bladder emptied I took in the rest of my anatomy. Yep, from shoulders to kneecaps I was one colorful, lucky bitch.
Not only was I colorful, I was quite fragrant, too. Turning on the shower and adjusting the water temperature, I stepped in and let the cleansing water wash over me. I quickly adjusted the spray to a lighter intensity and let the soothing heat wash away some of my aches and pains as soapy fingers cleaned away the residue of one damn full night of sex.
Stepping out and drying off I noticed Charles in the master bedroom lying out Jason's clothing for the day. Damn, didn't he ever sleep? Drying my hair I also saw Betsy in the room, too. Wondering why she was there, I stuck my head out and looked.
Ah, the upstairs maid. She was changing the linen and making the bed. Did any of his staff ever sleep, I wondered as I went back to drying my hair. Rummaging in the cabinets I came across a hair dryer and used it until my hair was dry.
Naturally I was nude. And naturally my clothing was in the bedroom, but after the events of last night I sure didn't have any qualms about parading nude before the servants. Especially Charles and Betsy.
"Good morning, miss," they almost said simultaneously at my entry.
"Muumm good morning to you two, too. Tell me, does anyone ever sleep around here?"
"Only what our bodies require, miss."
That came from Charles as I began to look for my clothes. I was sure I left them on the suede chair, but they weren't there.
"May I help you, miss?"
"Yes, ah Betsy, have you seen my clothes? I'm sure I left them here, but as you can see they're gone."
"Yes, miss. I took them to the laundry while you were in the shower."
"But what am I to wear in the interim?"
"Oh ahhmum, I had assumed that Master Jason had informed you."
"Informed me of what?"
For some reason Betsy hesitated in answering as she turned to Charles.
"Mr. Jason has decreed that you are to remain nude while in residence, miss."
"Yes, miss."
"Yes, miss. I am quite sure of his instructions on the matter, but if you doubt my word I could have him tell you."
I... ahh well no, I don't doubt your word. It's just that... You're sure?"
"Positive, miss."
Nude while in residence, huh? Well, I can't say that it was all that surprising. After all it was no secret that Jason was quite determined that I become an exhibitionist. Hell, our first date informed me of that possibility.
But nude?
"Am I restricted to this room, then?"
"Oh, no, miss. Mr. Jason also informed me that you are to partake of breakfast in the dinning room. He wished to you join him as soon as you finished your shower."
Dinning room? While naked?
Well, as I said, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
"Where ahh where is the dinning room, Charles?"
"Betsy will show you the way, miss."
Right, I thought, as I remembered her words of the previous night. Males dominate, while females are the submissive. Naturally she would be the one delegated that task.
Casting one more look at my colorful body, I shrugged. "Well, I ahh guess I'm ready, Betsy. Lead away."
"Yes, miss."
She turned and headed out of the room as I, with a bit of trepidation, followed in her wake.
"Ah Betsy, ahh has ahh this happened before?"
"A nude guest, you mean, miss?"
"Yea, a nude guest."
"No, miss, not to my knowledge."
"Oh, ahh and what do make of that fact? I mean, why me?"
"I'm sure I couldn't say, miss. But if I were to hazard a guess, I'd have to say that Master Jason has some very special plans in store for you. Not only for today, but for the future, too, miss."
"Special plans? What kind of special plans?"
Having reached the top of the stairway, Betsy stopped and turned to face me as she spoke.
"It is pure speculation on my part, miss, but my guess is that Master Jason plans for you to be here. Permanent like, miss, and by requesting that you attend breakfast in your current marked and nude state, he is announcing it to the rest of the staff."
"You really think so?"
"Oh, yes, miss. What else could it mean?"
I didn't know, but her words did make me smile.
I was still smiling as I passed two other servants as we made our way to the dinning room. The other maid blushed and turned away. Not so the man. He practically leered.
And me?
Well, to be utterly truthful, I threw back my shoulders and did a bit of-strutting. I suddenly felt very happy. What if Betsy's words proved to be true?
Entering the dinning room, Jason stood like the perfect gentleman as I walked toward him. His eyes made a quick inventory of my body and he smiled.
I smiled back. Who wouldn't when subjected to that kind of a smile by the guy that did so many things, not only to my body, but to my mind, too.
It was at that precise moment in time that I realized that I loved him, and that thought made me stop in my tracks.
"Is something wrong, Kate? Suddenly you look, ahh, well, different."
"I ahh am different."
"Really. And what happened to make you different in one step? It couldn't have been my orders about your mode of undress. You surely accepted that before ever arriving."
"Mode of undress? Oh, ahh no. As you said, I accepted that before my arrival."
"So what?"
"So what caused the sudden change in your looks. You look like it was something of vital importance."
"Oh, it is vitally important."
"Good. Care to share it with me?"
"I... I just realized a startling revelation."
"And that was?"
I could tell that he was starting to get a bit irritated by my mixed up words and actions.
"I just realized that... that I love you. Silly, isn't it." I rambled, "Standing nude and quite well marked by last night's activities, I suddenly realize that I love you as I walk in a dinning room."
A quick glance around provided other facts too. "A dinning room that contains three other people staring at me like I'm the biggest fool on earth. Really quite amazing, isn't it? I mean when one considers all the various implications."
The first part of my disjointed speech made him smile. The second caused him to cast one quick glance at his servants. Their expressions instantly changed to utter acceptance of my state of undress and bodily marks.
The one man, whom I assumed was some sort of footman or such, with the utmost ease pulled out a chair which I knew was meant for me, as the two females hastily set food on the table with downcast eyes as I approached the chair.
Somehow I knew that I'd never be able to reproduce the look Jason gave them. Nor would they react the same if I did, especially the man. Not after Betsy's words about the staff last night. But I did take my seat as he pushed my chair in for me.
Taking the seat at the head of the table, Jason reached for my hand resting on the table top and held it in his.
"You're sure? About the love, I mean?"
He looked so serious. I couldn't help but become serious, too, as I answered. "Yes. I'm quite sure. I do love you."
Personally I'm not sure why I hadn't known it earlier. Like our first night together. Even then I couldn't deny him anything. I still couldn't, as far as that goes.
"God, what a way to start a day. Being told that I'm loved. I'll have to give that statement some very serious thought. But, first, let's eat." Turning to one of the maids, he said, "You may serve us now."
"Yes, sir."
The food was set before us and I must confess that I wasn't the most diligent of eaters. It was not my custom to eat in the buff. Especially not with others in attendance. And not in my physicals condition either. But I did manage to consume my share of the offered food as Jason ate hardily as he talked away.
"So, how are you feeling today? Not too sore, I hope."
"I've been better, but no complaints."
"Good. We still have the remainder of your purchases to contend with, haven't we? And as we have an early start on the day, it should be a fun filled one. Let's see," he said as he rested his chin on his hand, "we used six out of twelve dildos. The two canes and of course the harness. That still leaves a good variety for today's use. And then there are the things that I already had. So, tell me, Kate, what did you think of Betsy's jewelry?"
Jewelry? What jewelry? I couldn't recall her wearing any.
"What jewelry?"
"Her ring, of course. What did you think I was talking about."
Her ring. Her clit ring.
"I... ahh I..."
"Come, come. Don't be bashful. The thought of one of your own made you hot, didn't it?"
"I... well, ah yes. Yes it did."
He clapped his hands. "I knew it would. That's one reason I asked her to join us. Susan, here," he pointed to one of the maids serving the food, "has nipple rings. Don't you, Susan?"
"Yes, sir."
"Why don't you show her your rings." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. A command.
"Yes, sir."
Setting the plate she had in her hand on the table before me, Susan unbuttoned the top of her uniform and pulled it apart to expose her breasts. Sure enough, she had rings in her breasts. They bisected her nipples from top to bottom a good inch up from the ends. Her aroused nipples, I might add as they stared me in the face as she stood beside my chair.
"Why don't you tell Kate how you like your rings used, Susan?"
"Yes, sir." She said facing him, then turned to me. "I like them treated harshly, miss. Quit harshly. My favorite being weights hanging from them as I get buggered, miss."
What a topic for the breakfast table! But, hell, around here it was probably normal.
"I ahh I see. Thank you for that information, Susan. And who ahh do you like to get ahh buggered by? Anyone in particular?"
"Naturally Master Jason is a favorite. But my Johnny is no slouch either."
"And who is Johnny?"
"Why him, miss." Pointing to the other man in the room. "My husband, miss."
Husband? Well, it is an unusual household, now isn't it.
What the hell could I do? I smiled in response. Jason did a bit more.
"Yes, sir?" The up-till-then silent Johnny said as he instantly approached the table and gave his full attention to Jason.
"A one hour reward for Susan."
"Yes, sir," he responded as he suddenly turned and walked away. At a china cabinet, he reached into a drawer and withdrew something and turned back.
Walking up to his wife, he lifted his hands. It was obvious that she was eager to accept what he was giving her as she pulled her shoulders back and stuck out her exposed ring decorated tits.
The next second she moaned and I leaned forward to see what the hell they were doing.
By then I guess I should have known what was to transpire, but I didn't, as Johnny quickly clipped a set of, what I considered, massive weights to his wife's nipple rings and let them drop. But I did know enough by then to know that she had the privilege of wearing the weights she so admired for an hour for her reward in telling me what she had.
Up until Johnny had fastened the weights to her nipple rings, Susan's nipples had pointed up, like a sky jump. But with that attached weights added they had a pronounced downward slant, attesting to the pull they exerted on her nipples.
Oh, yea, what a household!
Susan served the remainder of the meal with the weights flopping at the ends of her tits like a trophy. Quite a distraction, I might add. Not only the weights themselves, but her reaction to them. Even I could smell her aroused state.
The more I saw them, the more I was interested in a set of my own. No doubt about it, this house had its effects upon me.
As the meal progressed Jason told me more about his household, expanding upon what I had learned from Betsy last night.
There were five males and five females on staff at Jason's college home. Each was more or less paired up in some fashion. I learned that Charles and Betsy were also married, as were Thomas, the butler, and Karen, one of the assistant cooks, neither of which had I met.
Each male had full rights to punish any female in residence, spouse or not, if seen doing something wrong, no matter the triviality of the offense. According to Jason, all willingly complied with that fact of residence.
He also informed me that while I was in his house, I, too, was under the same dictate. I smiled at that, remembering my thoughts of the previous night. Oh, yea, quite a household to be sure.
I got a sampling of that house rule just before Jason and I left the dinning room. The other woman, by the name of Carol, dropped one of the plates as she was cleaning off the table. She quickly bent over to retrieve the plate and placed it back on the table.
The next instance she was bend over, elbows on the table as Johnny flipped up her short skirt and gave her bared ass ten popping strokes with a strap he took from the same china cabinet he had gotten the weights from for his wife from earlier.
"So, tell me," Jason said as he took my arm and escorted me out of the dinning room, "what do you think of my home?"
"Do you mean physically, as in structure or the staff and their roles?"
"The latter, of course."
Well, that was getting to the point, now wasn't it, I thought, as I couldn't stop myself from taking a quick look at my exposed body as we walked along a long hallway that he was leading me down.
"I, well, I find it... intriguing."
"A positive intriguing, or a negative intriguing?"
"Oh, most definitely the positive variety, need you ask?"
"No, but it is nice to hear it stated. You know, Kate, you have come quite a way in a short time span. And it is nice to have all of my conjectures confirmed. So tell me, what was your reaction when you learned that you were to remain nude while in my home?"
"How did I feel? Well, at first I must admit that I was ticked. To have servants tell me of my non-choice in the matter was a bit... irritating, I guess."
"And your second response?"
"Acceptance, as if you need ask." Tipping my head up to look at him, I added, "After all, on our first encounter you did throw my clothing out the window. And I've come to, well, accept that you want me to be the exhibitionist. It wasn't something I contemplated before meeting you, but I can see that it's something you desire of me."
"And what?"
"Finish the statement, Kate. You know what I want to hear."
"And I will do it to please you. There, satisfied?"
"Tremendously. I do enjoy displaying you, I won't deny it. But remember, the choice of whether or not you do as I desire is still your option. I will never truly force you to do anything against your will. I want a fully reciprocal relationship. If there is something that you don't want to happen, please state so. Agreed?"
"Agreed. And if I refuse something that you truly want, what then?"
He paused as if to consider his answer. "No. I don't think that will happen. I may have to use persuasion, but I don't really think you will deny me. At least not with something important. I'm sure you will have your little hang-ups but I don't think there will be a major stumbling block. Do you?"
I really didn't and after a moment's hesitation I thus informed him as he opened a door before us. We had made our way threw the main floor of the house and gone down a stairway while talking. I hadn't been paying much attention to where we were going, quite frankly, I didn't give a damn. But when he opened the door, with a key he had taken from is pocket, I stopped dead in my tracks.
Before me spread seemingly acres of... well the only words I could summons was a torture chamber.
Stone and wood walls. Stone floors. Stone and wood beamed ceilings. And weapons? Shit the store in New York didn't have as many as my eyes encountered on their first sweep around the rooms. The things that my eyes saw came in a variety of forms: leather, as in whips and crops; wood, as in paddles and devices for holding victims; metal, as in shackles, chains.
I really couldn't take it all in at once. It was too much to assimilate. There were cages, racks, blocks of stone and wood that I had no idea of purpose. There were rings and hooks literally all over most surfaces from ceiling to floor and everywhere in between. Harnesses, gags, hoods. Hell, I didn't know what half the stuff was for.
But that fact didn't stop my body from reacting.
I'm not k**ding, I could literally feel my tits growing. Right along with my damned clit. Goose bumps covered every available space on my skin as shivers when up and down my spine.
"Impressive, isn't it?"
"Imm... impressive? I... ah well, yes, it is." Then as a thought suddenly hit me, I asked, "Why in the world did you take me to New York when you had all of," waving my hands to encompass what was before me, "this?"
Pulling me up to his side, making me contour to his body, he said, "For several reason, actually. One, I wanted to see what it was you wanted. I not only noted what you wanted, I noted what you didn't want, or at least didn't have me purchase while there. I watched your eyes. If you had had the guts you would have bought more and I wanted to know what those items were."
"But why didn't you just bring me here?"
"Because these are my selections, not yours. I didn't want you to feel obligated to have these used on you. As I said, your wants are very important to me. As are my own, naturally."
Pressing into the small of my back, he urged me into the room. "I wanted to observe you. Your reactions to various items and how they effected you."
"Oh, and what, if anything, did you learn by your ahh observations of me?"
"I learned, my dear Kate, that there is damned little that frightens or turns you off. And that appeals to me. Greatly, I might add. You didn't flinch at anything. Granted, you showed more interest in some things than others. But nothing seemed to turn you off."
"And that pleases you?"
"Massively. As you've guessed or been informed, the infliction of pain is nothing new to me. It is a family trait, so to speak. The men in my family are more or less trained from birth to be domineering with females. Just as the females are taught to submit to pain from males. It has been that way for centuries, passed from one generation to the next. I would venture to say that it is almost ingrained in us."
"And that is where I fit in?"
"To be blunt. Yes. But there is also the personal attraction we feel for each other. We both felt it that first night. You aren't denying it are you?"
"I... no. I did feel it."
"But what?"
"There is a but in there somewhere, isn't there?"
"Well... yes."
I waited but he didn't respond. I knew he was waiting for me to state the ëbut' part of my reaction. I noted that the longer I procrastinated the harder it was to state it, until I just blurted it out without the least bit of tact.
"But where does that leave me in your so-called family trait? I've stated my feelings toward you. I love you, damn it. Is this some kind of fling for you? Do we have a future together? Is it all one sided on my part?"
I don't know, I guess I thought that Jason would get mad at my words, at my outburst. But he didn't.
The rascal smiled. And pulled me closer
"It leaves you, Kate, precisely where you want to be left."
"With me. Forever and ever."
I couldn't believe his words. They spoke of promises not stated. Of fulfilled dreams. Of fantasies obtained. But when I finally got the nerve to look up at him, it was there.
"Yes, you silly goose. I love you, too. Is that so amazing? We both recognized the attraction at the dance. Haven't I catered to all of your wants in the past weeks? Spent a fortune on things to make you happy?"
"But money means little to you. How was I to know how you felt?"
"True, money means little to me as I've had it all my life. But there is more than money between us. We are like separated halves of a whole. We belong together. We knew that from the start. I enjoy giving you things that money can buy. You are so damned refreshing. You don't hide your feelings. Hell, you practically scream them out for all to hear. I like that. Is it so unreasonable of me to want to see you happy?"
"But why did you wait so long in telling me that you love me?"
"Because I wanted to be sure you loved me. Not my money and what it could give you. Being rich does have its drawbacks, Kate. You are never certain what the attraction is. Is it the money or the man. That was what I needed to know before stating my love. Am I forgiven?"
Well, take a guess.
I crushed my body, the body he and his servants had made the way it was, to him and gave him the kiss of the century. I wanted to climb into him. Merge myself with him and never let him go. He had turned all of my dreams into reality, and believe me, reality was just fantastic.
There was so much I wanted to give him. My love. My body. My life. It was all his. I had no reservations, not one. I held nothing back. And he returned it to me a hundred times over. With the small amount of brain power I had left, I knew that his previous words were true. I would never deny him anything he truly wanted. I also knew it was true for him. He would not deny me anything either.
Pulling away I looked in his eyes. It was there. He did return my love, a necessary ingredient for any female worth her salt. "I love you."
"And I love you, too. Which," he paused to give my ass a spank, "brings us to now."
"Now. This moment."
For some reason I had a very good idea what his next words would result in, but being typical female I waited for him to state them in no uncertain terms.
I wasn't disappointed.
He just smiled at my perversity. "Now then, just where shall we attach you for the installation of your very personal engagement ring, do you suppose."
My eyes canvassed the chamber surrounding us as in my gut I knew where my ëvery personal engagement ring' was going to be installed.
It was obvious that Jason hadn't missed any of my attentions focused on Betsy's clit ring and I just knew I would soon have my own. With that in mind I studied the room.
Just how would I like to be bound for my clit ring? There were numerous tables, with and without strategically cut out openings for legs, arms and so forth. There was the rack, an implement of any submissive's dreams. Several of the supporting posts were obviously doubling as whipping posts, hanging shackles proclaimed that fact. And then there were a multitude of chains, rings and hooks that could be used for the same purpose.
Decisions. Decisions.
What was a girl to do? Especially when confronted with so many choices.
I felt the blood rushing through me and just had to have a definitive answer. "A clit ring?"
Jason nodded his head. "Can't get any more personal than that, now can we? Any objections?"
For some reason my voice was non-functioning, but I did nod my head in agreement.
"So? Where? How?"
Just as my first night, I couldn't seem to make a decision. My eyes flickered here, and there, over to that, to that thing, and the other. I was no closer to making a decision than I had been when I first suspected his intention.
The frustrating thing was, I wanted a damn ring in my clit. I had since I'd seen Betsy's. It looked so... exciting. I had no trouble imagining the many and varied things that a clit ring could be used for. All seem highly erotic to me. But I was still no closer to an answer.
Raising timid eyes to his, I asked, "Couldn't you choose?"
"I could... but I won't. The decision is yours. I will install the clit ring, and any others over time that you so desire. But for this one, you must choose the circumstances of its installation."
I couldn't help but lower my hand to the object under discussion. No, no doubt about it, my clit was sore. It had taken quite a caning last night. It was tender as hell. Excited, too. But nevertheless, tender. I knew that I would have to be restrained to have it pierced. The question yet remained of how.
Deciding that it should be a very commemorative setting and endeavor, I literally studied the alternatives at my disposal. Any would do, but I was looking for that something special, after all, it wasn't every day that a gal got a clit ring.
I stepped out of Jason's embrace and walked around. Touching this one, studying that one. I tried to picture myself in the position they suggested. For some perverted reason I found them all stimulating. That thought alone proved to me that I had chosen well. Jason was laying it all before me. In a sense the world was at my feet, or at least at my beck and call. Just as soon as I made a decision.
I made three circuits of the chamber before deciding on the gynecology chair as my choice. Being female and health conscious, I had visited my doctor for my yearly pap smears and there was something about the vulnerability of the position. Leaning on my back with my legs in metal brackets, spreading my legs and offering up my pussy almost like a sacrifice had always excited me on my visits.
I had had visions of the doctor ër****g' me, shoving his cock up my cunt as I laid open to him. But, as I nervously climbed up on the leather seat it wasn't a cock I was going to accept, it was a ring in my clit.
The cool leather made my goose bumps multiply as I wiggled into position in the upright chair and even had the gall to place my knees in the brackets as a smiling Jason looked on.
"Doctor fantasies, is it?"
He didn't seem disappointed by my selection as I gave him a tentative smile in return. For some perverse reason my entire body blushed as Jason walked over to one of several cabinets and opened a drawer.
I knew what he was extracting.
I shifted in my seat and took a gander at my exposed clit. The damn bugger was aroused! It looked so defenseless nesting there in my wet slot. A slot surrounded by cane marks. It had by no means been ignored in recent hours and was about to get even more attention. Perhaps a bit more than it and I had bargained for.
Jason stood between my spread legs. I could see gleaming metal in his hands. Silver metal needle and golden clit ring. Fortunately it was not nearly the size of Betsy's, but threatening all the same.
Jason seemed to be reading my mind, as he said, "This one is smaller but it will still serve the purpose. After you have healed, a larger one can be installed in the hole made by this one."
Reaching up with one hand he caressed my leg. I literally jumped.
"A bit nervous?"
I swallowed and nodded my head.
"Too nervous to remain in place without bondage?"
Again I nodded my head. Nerves be damned, I didn't think I could hold still as my clit was pierced and then ringed, for Christ's sake I wasn't made out of steel. Oh, no. I was definitely flesh and bones. And excited clit to boot.
"No problem," came his reply to my cowardliness as he walked away again. That time he came back with an assortment of bands, ropes and chains. "A lady should always have her wishes granted."
It still amazed me that Jason could read me so well. I did want to be bound. Stringently, in fact, to make it better. Half of the appeal of bondage was the illusion of restraints used.
Jason could have simply used a waist strap to hold me to the chair and ropes to tie off my legs. But he, too, understood ëimage'.
Leather bands encircled my wrists and were fastened to the sides of the chair. A thick, very cold chain clit into my stomach and held me fast to the chair. I sure as hell wasn't going to go anywhere with that sucker attached to me. Yards of ropes dug into my legs, calves, knees and thighs. He readjusted the brackets and my legs spread even farther apart.
Thin white ropes approached my bobbing tits and in less time than I thought possible they pointing straight out and rock hard by the tightness of the ropes. They were turning a light bluish color when Jason placed a padded clip on each vaginal lip toward the top of my crease. A second later the sound of tape being torn off a role filled the air as he tore off two strips and taped the clips to my heaving lower abdomen, which just naturally left my poor defenseless clit totally exposed and vulnerable.
"Now the question is," he paused in his work, "does the lady want it heated up before the installation."
Heated up?
God! what a thought.
I looked at that tiny morsel of delight. It stood up full and proud. Could I stand it punished more before being pierced?
Ah, hell, sure it could.
I licked my lips. My answer was in my eyes and Jason smiled.
"A nice fat strapping?" he asked as he walked over to a wall and took down a demon of a strap. "Or is it to be the infamous cat?" He held one of those up too for my inspection and selection. "Or does the lady want just an illusion?" That time he held up a cat made out of satin strands.
"One, two or number three?"
My voice was still refusing to function in the time honored way, but I did manage to pop up one finger in response.
"Ahh, so it's a strapping that is needed in this case. An excellent choice, if I do say so myself. I think five is a good number, don't you?"
Five? That strap did look lethal.
I swallowed and nodded in agreement.
God, where did my nerve come from?
Again Jason stood between my legs. The strap raised. I pulled against my leg bonds. It did no good. They were firmly secured and didn't come together in the least.
"Ahh the last minute doubts. They are so annoying aren't they. It's almost like your first night here, isn't it? Except that this time you can't pull your legs together. It's all up to me. I select the time. The force. The severity. Ready, love?"
I got together enough gumption to nod my head as I watched the strap descend.
The scream was no more out of my mouth than Jason's mouth was plastered to my aching clit and I screamed again. In pleasure. Talk about feelings. I felt each damned taste bud as his tongue did its magic.
I was on the verge of coming when he pulled away and the strap landed again, followed by his mouth. I screamed with every move he made whether strap or tongue. I thought I'd go out of my mind with the alternating pain and pleasure that was really pleasure all rolled into one thing. There was no doubt in either of our minds that my clit was stimulated.
I was almost over stimulated as he dropped the strap and took up the needle. Leaning forward as much as I could I watched, and definitely felt, its passage through my clit. With metal gleaming on both sides of my pierced clit the damned thing had the audacity to continue to pulsate. It did miniature push-ups atop the needle bisecting it as we watched it go through its maneuverers.
Then it was time for the ring to replace the needle.
Other than a tugging feeling I can't say that it hurt. It felt weird, but it didn't really hurt. The needle had made a good opening for its placement. With a click the ring snapped in place.
My body must have been waiting for that final click because at that moment I came. It was a shattering climax. My bound body arched against its restraints and I spiraled even higher as I felt Jason's cock tap my ring before sliding deep within me.
That was it. I had no more control. I was off and soaring. I passed the stars and ascended the universe as Jason drove in and out of me. I was incapable of anything but coming. I think I blubbered. I know I screamed. None of it made any difference. I was in a totally sexual climaxing world of my own with Jason somewhere in the vicinity.
To be continued….
The next morning announced itself with a bang as Jason smacked my ass with his hand.
Talk about waking up with a jolt! I was profoundly glad that I was lying ass up and not tits up. But that, unfortunately, meant that I was lying on them. Quite frankly I don't know how I was. Jesus, did they ever hurt. Then none of me was in the comfort zone, but I had no complaints.
"Rise and shine, sleepy head. It's a bright, new day that I've got some great plans for."
Really. Jason was just too damned joyous for morning. A long confirmed evening person, I typically could not understand how someone could thrive in the AM. It was beyond me, but as I was bemoaning that fact another suddenly registered.
I had the whole weekend to spend with Jason and, since I had been awakened, there was no reason to waste it, now was there. Rolling over to face his smiling face, I muttered, "What time is it, anyway?"
"Not quite seven."
"Ooooohhhhh." I tried to pull the blankets back over me but his hand stopped me.
"Come on, Kate. Rise and shine."
"Rise and shine. Damn it, Jason, the damned sun isn't even up yet, why should I?"
"Because the sun is a mundane thing, but the plans I have for us sure aren't. Come on, Kate, up you go."
I wasn't the most optimistic person around, but I did roll out of bed and took a faltering step toward the bathroom, my first goal of any morning, and stopped dead in my tracks.
I don't know how long I stood there staring into the big mirror above Jason's dresser and looked at the startling changes that had occurred to my body, but it must have been a long interval before my bladder made its protest and I continued my journey.
Flipping on the light and sitting on the toilet I took a closer survey. Nope, no doubt about it, I possessed a set of damned whipped boobies. Shit, there wasn't even a centimeter that was normal color. As my bursting bladder emptied I took in the rest of my anatomy. Yep, from shoulders to kneecaps I was one colorful, lucky bitch.
Not only was I colorful, I was quite fragrant, too. Turning on the shower and adjusting the water temperature, I stepped in and let the cleansing water wash over me. I quickly adjusted the spray to a lighter intensity and let the soothing heat wash away some of my aches and pains as soapy fingers cleaned away the residue of one damn full night of sex.
Stepping out and drying off I noticed Charles in the master bedroom lying out Jason's clothing for the day. Damn, didn't he ever sleep? Drying my hair I also saw Betsy in the room, too. Wondering why she was there, I stuck my head out and looked.
Ah, the upstairs maid. She was changing the linen and making the bed. Did any of his staff ever sleep, I wondered as I went back to drying my hair. Rummaging in the cabinets I came across a hair dryer and used it until my hair was dry.
Naturally I was nude. And naturally my clothing was in the bedroom, but after the events of last night I sure didn't have any qualms about parading nude before the servants. Especially Charles and Betsy.
"Good morning, miss," they almost said simultaneously at my entry.
"Muumm good morning to you two, too. Tell me, does anyone ever sleep around here?"
"Only what our bodies require, miss."
That came from Charles as I began to look for my clothes. I was sure I left them on the suede chair, but they weren't there.
"May I help you, miss?"
"Yes, ah Betsy, have you seen my clothes? I'm sure I left them here, but as you can see they're gone."
"Yes, miss. I took them to the laundry while you were in the shower."
"But what am I to wear in the interim?"
"Oh ahhmum, I had assumed that Master Jason had informed you."
"Informed me of what?"
For some reason Betsy hesitated in answering as she turned to Charles.
"Mr. Jason has decreed that you are to remain nude while in residence, miss."
"Yes, miss."
"Yes, miss. I am quite sure of his instructions on the matter, but if you doubt my word I could have him tell you."
I... ahh well no, I don't doubt your word. It's just that... You're sure?"
"Positive, miss."
Nude while in residence, huh? Well, I can't say that it was all that surprising. After all it was no secret that Jason was quite determined that I become an exhibitionist. Hell, our first date informed me of that possibility.
But nude?
"Am I restricted to this room, then?"
"Oh, no, miss. Mr. Jason also informed me that you are to partake of breakfast in the dinning room. He wished to you join him as soon as you finished your shower."
Dinning room? While naked?
Well, as I said, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
"Where ahh where is the dinning room, Charles?"
"Betsy will show you the way, miss."
Right, I thought, as I remembered her words of the previous night. Males dominate, while females are the submissive. Naturally she would be the one delegated that task.
Casting one more look at my colorful body, I shrugged. "Well, I ahh guess I'm ready, Betsy. Lead away."
"Yes, miss."
She turned and headed out of the room as I, with a bit of trepidation, followed in her wake.
"Ah Betsy, ahh has ahh this happened before?"
"A nude guest, you mean, miss?"
"Yea, a nude guest."
"No, miss, not to my knowledge."
"Oh, ahh and what do make of that fact? I mean, why me?"
"I'm sure I couldn't say, miss. But if I were to hazard a guess, I'd have to say that Master Jason has some very special plans in store for you. Not only for today, but for the future, too, miss."
"Special plans? What kind of special plans?"
Having reached the top of the stairway, Betsy stopped and turned to face me as she spoke.
"It is pure speculation on my part, miss, but my guess is that Master Jason plans for you to be here. Permanent like, miss, and by requesting that you attend breakfast in your current marked and nude state, he is announcing it to the rest of the staff."
"You really think so?"
"Oh, yes, miss. What else could it mean?"
I didn't know, but her words did make me smile.
I was still smiling as I passed two other servants as we made our way to the dinning room. The other maid blushed and turned away. Not so the man. He practically leered.
And me?
Well, to be utterly truthful, I threw back my shoulders and did a bit of-strutting. I suddenly felt very happy. What if Betsy's words proved to be true?
Entering the dinning room, Jason stood like the perfect gentleman as I walked toward him. His eyes made a quick inventory of my body and he smiled.
I smiled back. Who wouldn't when subjected to that kind of a smile by the guy that did so many things, not only to my body, but to my mind, too.
It was at that precise moment in time that I realized that I loved him, and that thought made me stop in my tracks.
"Is something wrong, Kate? Suddenly you look, ahh, well, different."
"I ahh am different."
"Really. And what happened to make you different in one step? It couldn't have been my orders about your mode of undress. You surely accepted that before ever arriving."
"Mode of undress? Oh, ahh no. As you said, I accepted that before my arrival."
"So what?"
"So what caused the sudden change in your looks. You look like it was something of vital importance."
"Oh, it is vitally important."
"Good. Care to share it with me?"
"I... I just realized a startling revelation."
"And that was?"
I could tell that he was starting to get a bit irritated by my mixed up words and actions.
"I just realized that... that I love you. Silly, isn't it." I rambled, "Standing nude and quite well marked by last night's activities, I suddenly realize that I love you as I walk in a dinning room."
A quick glance around provided other facts too. "A dinning room that contains three other people staring at me like I'm the biggest fool on earth. Really quite amazing, isn't it? I mean when one considers all the various implications."
The first part of my disjointed speech made him smile. The second caused him to cast one quick glance at his servants. Their expressions instantly changed to utter acceptance of my state of undress and bodily marks.
The one man, whom I assumed was some sort of footman or such, with the utmost ease pulled out a chair which I knew was meant for me, as the two females hastily set food on the table with downcast eyes as I approached the chair.
Somehow I knew that I'd never be able to reproduce the look Jason gave them. Nor would they react the same if I did, especially the man. Not after Betsy's words about the staff last night. But I did take my seat as he pushed my chair in for me.
Taking the seat at the head of the table, Jason reached for my hand resting on the table top and held it in his.
"You're sure? About the love, I mean?"
He looked so serious. I couldn't help but become serious, too, as I answered. "Yes. I'm quite sure. I do love you."
Personally I'm not sure why I hadn't known it earlier. Like our first night together. Even then I couldn't deny him anything. I still couldn't, as far as that goes.
"God, what a way to start a day. Being told that I'm loved. I'll have to give that statement some very serious thought. But, first, let's eat." Turning to one of the maids, he said, "You may serve us now."
"Yes, sir."
The food was set before us and I must confess that I wasn't the most diligent of eaters. It was not my custom to eat in the buff. Especially not with others in attendance. And not in my physicals condition either. But I did manage to consume my share of the offered food as Jason ate hardily as he talked away.
"So, how are you feeling today? Not too sore, I hope."
"I've been better, but no complaints."
"Good. We still have the remainder of your purchases to contend with, haven't we? And as we have an early start on the day, it should be a fun filled one. Let's see," he said as he rested his chin on his hand, "we used six out of twelve dildos. The two canes and of course the harness. That still leaves a good variety for today's use. And then there are the things that I already had. So, tell me, Kate, what did you think of Betsy's jewelry?"
Jewelry? What jewelry? I couldn't recall her wearing any.
"What jewelry?"
"Her ring, of course. What did you think I was talking about."
Her ring. Her clit ring.
"I... ahh I..."
"Come, come. Don't be bashful. The thought of one of your own made you hot, didn't it?"
"I... well, ah yes. Yes it did."
He clapped his hands. "I knew it would. That's one reason I asked her to join us. Susan, here," he pointed to one of the maids serving the food, "has nipple rings. Don't you, Susan?"
"Yes, sir."
"Why don't you show her your rings." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. A command.
"Yes, sir."
Setting the plate she had in her hand on the table before me, Susan unbuttoned the top of her uniform and pulled it apart to expose her breasts. Sure enough, she had rings in her breasts. They bisected her nipples from top to bottom a good inch up from the ends. Her aroused nipples, I might add as they stared me in the face as she stood beside my chair.
"Why don't you tell Kate how you like your rings used, Susan?"
"Yes, sir." She said facing him, then turned to me. "I like them treated harshly, miss. Quit harshly. My favorite being weights hanging from them as I get buggered, miss."
What a topic for the breakfast table! But, hell, around here it was probably normal.
"I ahh I see. Thank you for that information, Susan. And who ahh do you like to get ahh buggered by? Anyone in particular?"
"Naturally Master Jason is a favorite. But my Johnny is no slouch either."
"And who is Johnny?"
"Why him, miss." Pointing to the other man in the room. "My husband, miss."
Husband? Well, it is an unusual household, now isn't it.
What the hell could I do? I smiled in response. Jason did a bit more.
"Yes, sir?" The up-till-then silent Johnny said as he instantly approached the table and gave his full attention to Jason.
"A one hour reward for Susan."
"Yes, sir," he responded as he suddenly turned and walked away. At a china cabinet, he reached into a drawer and withdrew something and turned back.
Walking up to his wife, he lifted his hands. It was obvious that she was eager to accept what he was giving her as she pulled her shoulders back and stuck out her exposed ring decorated tits.
The next second she moaned and I leaned forward to see what the hell they were doing.
By then I guess I should have known what was to transpire, but I didn't, as Johnny quickly clipped a set of, what I considered, massive weights to his wife's nipple rings and let them drop. But I did know enough by then to know that she had the privilege of wearing the weights she so admired for an hour for her reward in telling me what she had.
Up until Johnny had fastened the weights to her nipple rings, Susan's nipples had pointed up, like a sky jump. But with that attached weights added they had a pronounced downward slant, attesting to the pull they exerted on her nipples.
Oh, yea, what a household!
Susan served the remainder of the meal with the weights flopping at the ends of her tits like a trophy. Quite a distraction, I might add. Not only the weights themselves, but her reaction to them. Even I could smell her aroused state.
The more I saw them, the more I was interested in a set of my own. No doubt about it, this house had its effects upon me.
As the meal progressed Jason told me more about his household, expanding upon what I had learned from Betsy last night.
There were five males and five females on staff at Jason's college home. Each was more or less paired up in some fashion. I learned that Charles and Betsy were also married, as were Thomas, the butler, and Karen, one of the assistant cooks, neither of which had I met.
Each male had full rights to punish any female in residence, spouse or not, if seen doing something wrong, no matter the triviality of the offense. According to Jason, all willingly complied with that fact of residence.
He also informed me that while I was in his house, I, too, was under the same dictate. I smiled at that, remembering my thoughts of the previous night. Oh, yea, quite a household to be sure.
I got a sampling of that house rule just before Jason and I left the dinning room. The other woman, by the name of Carol, dropped one of the plates as she was cleaning off the table. She quickly bent over to retrieve the plate and placed it back on the table.
The next instance she was bend over, elbows on the table as Johnny flipped up her short skirt and gave her bared ass ten popping strokes with a strap he took from the same china cabinet he had gotten the weights from for his wife from earlier.
"So, tell me," Jason said as he took my arm and escorted me out of the dinning room, "what do you think of my home?"
"Do you mean physically, as in structure or the staff and their roles?"
"The latter, of course."
Well, that was getting to the point, now wasn't it, I thought, as I couldn't stop myself from taking a quick look at my exposed body as we walked along a long hallway that he was leading me down.
"I, well, I find it... intriguing."
"A positive intriguing, or a negative intriguing?"
"Oh, most definitely the positive variety, need you ask?"
"No, but it is nice to hear it stated. You know, Kate, you have come quite a way in a short time span. And it is nice to have all of my conjectures confirmed. So tell me, what was your reaction when you learned that you were to remain nude while in my home?"
"How did I feel? Well, at first I must admit that I was ticked. To have servants tell me of my non-choice in the matter was a bit... irritating, I guess."
"And your second response?"
"Acceptance, as if you need ask." Tipping my head up to look at him, I added, "After all, on our first encounter you did throw my clothing out the window. And I've come to, well, accept that you want me to be the exhibitionist. It wasn't something I contemplated before meeting you, but I can see that it's something you desire of me."
"And what?"
"Finish the statement, Kate. You know what I want to hear."
"And I will do it to please you. There, satisfied?"
"Tremendously. I do enjoy displaying you, I won't deny it. But remember, the choice of whether or not you do as I desire is still your option. I will never truly force you to do anything against your will. I want a fully reciprocal relationship. If there is something that you don't want to happen, please state so. Agreed?"
"Agreed. And if I refuse something that you truly want, what then?"
He paused as if to consider his answer. "No. I don't think that will happen. I may have to use persuasion, but I don't really think you will deny me. At least not with something important. I'm sure you will have your little hang-ups but I don't think there will be a major stumbling block. Do you?"
I really didn't and after a moment's hesitation I thus informed him as he opened a door before us. We had made our way threw the main floor of the house and gone down a stairway while talking. I hadn't been paying much attention to where we were going, quite frankly, I didn't give a damn. But when he opened the door, with a key he had taken from is pocket, I stopped dead in my tracks.
Before me spread seemingly acres of... well the only words I could summons was a torture chamber.
Stone and wood walls. Stone floors. Stone and wood beamed ceilings. And weapons? Shit the store in New York didn't have as many as my eyes encountered on their first sweep around the rooms. The things that my eyes saw came in a variety of forms: leather, as in whips and crops; wood, as in paddles and devices for holding victims; metal, as in shackles, chains.
I really couldn't take it all in at once. It was too much to assimilate. There were cages, racks, blocks of stone and wood that I had no idea of purpose. There were rings and hooks literally all over most surfaces from ceiling to floor and everywhere in between. Harnesses, gags, hoods. Hell, I didn't know what half the stuff was for.
But that fact didn't stop my body from reacting.
I'm not k**ding, I could literally feel my tits growing. Right along with my damned clit. Goose bumps covered every available space on my skin as shivers when up and down my spine.
"Impressive, isn't it?"
"Imm... impressive? I... ah well, yes, it is." Then as a thought suddenly hit me, I asked, "Why in the world did you take me to New York when you had all of," waving my hands to encompass what was before me, "this?"
Pulling me up to his side, making me contour to his body, he said, "For several reason, actually. One, I wanted to see what it was you wanted. I not only noted what you wanted, I noted what you didn't want, or at least didn't have me purchase while there. I watched your eyes. If you had had the guts you would have bought more and I wanted to know what those items were."
"But why didn't you just bring me here?"
"Because these are my selections, not yours. I didn't want you to feel obligated to have these used on you. As I said, your wants are very important to me. As are my own, naturally."
Pressing into the small of my back, he urged me into the room. "I wanted to observe you. Your reactions to various items and how they effected you."
"Oh, and what, if anything, did you learn by your ahh observations of me?"
"I learned, my dear Kate, that there is damned little that frightens or turns you off. And that appeals to me. Greatly, I might add. You didn't flinch at anything. Granted, you showed more interest in some things than others. But nothing seemed to turn you off."
"And that pleases you?"
"Massively. As you've guessed or been informed, the infliction of pain is nothing new to me. It is a family trait, so to speak. The men in my family are more or less trained from birth to be domineering with females. Just as the females are taught to submit to pain from males. It has been that way for centuries, passed from one generation to the next. I would venture to say that it is almost ingrained in us."
"And that is where I fit in?"
"To be blunt. Yes. But there is also the personal attraction we feel for each other. We both felt it that first night. You aren't denying it are you?"
"I... no. I did feel it."
"But what?"
"There is a but in there somewhere, isn't there?"
"Well... yes."
I waited but he didn't respond. I knew he was waiting for me to state the ëbut' part of my reaction. I noted that the longer I procrastinated the harder it was to state it, until I just blurted it out without the least bit of tact.
"But where does that leave me in your so-called family trait? I've stated my feelings toward you. I love you, damn it. Is this some kind of fling for you? Do we have a future together? Is it all one sided on my part?"
I don't know, I guess I thought that Jason would get mad at my words, at my outburst. But he didn't.
The rascal smiled. And pulled me closer
"It leaves you, Kate, precisely where you want to be left."
"With me. Forever and ever."
I couldn't believe his words. They spoke of promises not stated. Of fulfilled dreams. Of fantasies obtained. But when I finally got the nerve to look up at him, it was there.
"Yes, you silly goose. I love you, too. Is that so amazing? We both recognized the attraction at the dance. Haven't I catered to all of your wants in the past weeks? Spent a fortune on things to make you happy?"
"But money means little to you. How was I to know how you felt?"
"True, money means little to me as I've had it all my life. But there is more than money between us. We are like separated halves of a whole. We belong together. We knew that from the start. I enjoy giving you things that money can buy. You are so damned refreshing. You don't hide your feelings. Hell, you practically scream them out for all to hear. I like that. Is it so unreasonable of me to want to see you happy?"
"But why did you wait so long in telling me that you love me?"
"Because I wanted to be sure you loved me. Not my money and what it could give you. Being rich does have its drawbacks, Kate. You are never certain what the attraction is. Is it the money or the man. That was what I needed to know before stating my love. Am I forgiven?"
Well, take a guess.
I crushed my body, the body he and his servants had made the way it was, to him and gave him the kiss of the century. I wanted to climb into him. Merge myself with him and never let him go. He had turned all of my dreams into reality, and believe me, reality was just fantastic.
There was so much I wanted to give him. My love. My body. My life. It was all his. I had no reservations, not one. I held nothing back. And he returned it to me a hundred times over. With the small amount of brain power I had left, I knew that his previous words were true. I would never deny him anything he truly wanted. I also knew it was true for him. He would not deny me anything either.
Pulling away I looked in his eyes. It was there. He did return my love, a necessary ingredient for any female worth her salt. "I love you."
"And I love you, too. Which," he paused to give my ass a spank, "brings us to now."
"Now. This moment."
For some reason I had a very good idea what his next words would result in, but being typical female I waited for him to state them in no uncertain terms.
I wasn't disappointed.
He just smiled at my perversity. "Now then, just where shall we attach you for the installation of your very personal engagement ring, do you suppose."
My eyes canvassed the chamber surrounding us as in my gut I knew where my ëvery personal engagement ring' was going to be installed.
It was obvious that Jason hadn't missed any of my attentions focused on Betsy's clit ring and I just knew I would soon have my own. With that in mind I studied the room.
Just how would I like to be bound for my clit ring? There were numerous tables, with and without strategically cut out openings for legs, arms and so forth. There was the rack, an implement of any submissive's dreams. Several of the supporting posts were obviously doubling as whipping posts, hanging shackles proclaimed that fact. And then there were a multitude of chains, rings and hooks that could be used for the same purpose.
Decisions. Decisions.
What was a girl to do? Especially when confronted with so many choices.
I felt the blood rushing through me and just had to have a definitive answer. "A clit ring?"
Jason nodded his head. "Can't get any more personal than that, now can we? Any objections?"
For some reason my voice was non-functioning, but I did nod my head in agreement.
"So? Where? How?"
Just as my first night, I couldn't seem to make a decision. My eyes flickered here, and there, over to that, to that thing, and the other. I was no closer to making a decision than I had been when I first suspected his intention.
The frustrating thing was, I wanted a damn ring in my clit. I had since I'd seen Betsy's. It looked so... exciting. I had no trouble imagining the many and varied things that a clit ring could be used for. All seem highly erotic to me. But I was still no closer to an answer.
Raising timid eyes to his, I asked, "Couldn't you choose?"
"I could... but I won't. The decision is yours. I will install the clit ring, and any others over time that you so desire. But for this one, you must choose the circumstances of its installation."
I couldn't help but lower my hand to the object under discussion. No, no doubt about it, my clit was sore. It had taken quite a caning last night. It was tender as hell. Excited, too. But nevertheless, tender. I knew that I would have to be restrained to have it pierced. The question yet remained of how.
Deciding that it should be a very commemorative setting and endeavor, I literally studied the alternatives at my disposal. Any would do, but I was looking for that something special, after all, it wasn't every day that a gal got a clit ring.
I stepped out of Jason's embrace and walked around. Touching this one, studying that one. I tried to picture myself in the position they suggested. For some perverted reason I found them all stimulating. That thought alone proved to me that I had chosen well. Jason was laying it all before me. In a sense the world was at my feet, or at least at my beck and call. Just as soon as I made a decision.
I made three circuits of the chamber before deciding on the gynecology chair as my choice. Being female and health conscious, I had visited my doctor for my yearly pap smears and there was something about the vulnerability of the position. Leaning on my back with my legs in metal brackets, spreading my legs and offering up my pussy almost like a sacrifice had always excited me on my visits.
I had had visions of the doctor ër****g' me, shoving his cock up my cunt as I laid open to him. But, as I nervously climbed up on the leather seat it wasn't a cock I was going to accept, it was a ring in my clit.
The cool leather made my goose bumps multiply as I wiggled into position in the upright chair and even had the gall to place my knees in the brackets as a smiling Jason looked on.
"Doctor fantasies, is it?"
He didn't seem disappointed by my selection as I gave him a tentative smile in return. For some perverse reason my entire body blushed as Jason walked over to one of several cabinets and opened a drawer.
I knew what he was extracting.
I shifted in my seat and took a gander at my exposed clit. The damn bugger was aroused! It looked so defenseless nesting there in my wet slot. A slot surrounded by cane marks. It had by no means been ignored in recent hours and was about to get even more attention. Perhaps a bit more than it and I had bargained for.
Jason stood between my spread legs. I could see gleaming metal in his hands. Silver metal needle and golden clit ring. Fortunately it was not nearly the size of Betsy's, but threatening all the same.
Jason seemed to be reading my mind, as he said, "This one is smaller but it will still serve the purpose. After you have healed, a larger one can be installed in the hole made by this one."
Reaching up with one hand he caressed my leg. I literally jumped.
"A bit nervous?"
I swallowed and nodded my head.
"Too nervous to remain in place without bondage?"
Again I nodded my head. Nerves be damned, I didn't think I could hold still as my clit was pierced and then ringed, for Christ's sake I wasn't made out of steel. Oh, no. I was definitely flesh and bones. And excited clit to boot.
"No problem," came his reply to my cowardliness as he walked away again. That time he came back with an assortment of bands, ropes and chains. "A lady should always have her wishes granted."
It still amazed me that Jason could read me so well. I did want to be bound. Stringently, in fact, to make it better. Half of the appeal of bondage was the illusion of restraints used.
Jason could have simply used a waist strap to hold me to the chair and ropes to tie off my legs. But he, too, understood ëimage'.
Leather bands encircled my wrists and were fastened to the sides of the chair. A thick, very cold chain clit into my stomach and held me fast to the chair. I sure as hell wasn't going to go anywhere with that sucker attached to me. Yards of ropes dug into my legs, calves, knees and thighs. He readjusted the brackets and my legs spread even farther apart.
Thin white ropes approached my bobbing tits and in less time than I thought possible they pointing straight out and rock hard by the tightness of the ropes. They were turning a light bluish color when Jason placed a padded clip on each vaginal lip toward the top of my crease. A second later the sound of tape being torn off a role filled the air as he tore off two strips and taped the clips to my heaving lower abdomen, which just naturally left my poor defenseless clit totally exposed and vulnerable.
"Now the question is," he paused in his work, "does the lady want it heated up before the installation."
Heated up?
God! what a thought.
I looked at that tiny morsel of delight. It stood up full and proud. Could I stand it punished more before being pierced?
Ah, hell, sure it could.
I licked my lips. My answer was in my eyes and Jason smiled.
"A nice fat strapping?" he asked as he walked over to a wall and took down a demon of a strap. "Or is it to be the infamous cat?" He held one of those up too for my inspection and selection. "Or does the lady want just an illusion?" That time he held up a cat made out of satin strands.
"One, two or number three?"
My voice was still refusing to function in the time honored way, but I did manage to pop up one finger in response.
"Ahh, so it's a strapping that is needed in this case. An excellent choice, if I do say so myself. I think five is a good number, don't you?"
Five? That strap did look lethal.
I swallowed and nodded in agreement.
God, where did my nerve come from?
Again Jason stood between my legs. The strap raised. I pulled against my leg bonds. It did no good. They were firmly secured and didn't come together in the least.
"Ahh the last minute doubts. They are so annoying aren't they. It's almost like your first night here, isn't it? Except that this time you can't pull your legs together. It's all up to me. I select the time. The force. The severity. Ready, love?"
I got together enough gumption to nod my head as I watched the strap descend.
The scream was no more out of my mouth than Jason's mouth was plastered to my aching clit and I screamed again. In pleasure. Talk about feelings. I felt each damned taste bud as his tongue did its magic.
I was on the verge of coming when he pulled away and the strap landed again, followed by his mouth. I screamed with every move he made whether strap or tongue. I thought I'd go out of my mind with the alternating pain and pleasure that was really pleasure all rolled into one thing. There was no doubt in either of our minds that my clit was stimulated.
I was almost over stimulated as he dropped the strap and took up the needle. Leaning forward as much as I could I watched, and definitely felt, its passage through my clit. With metal gleaming on both sides of my pierced clit the damned thing had the audacity to continue to pulsate. It did miniature push-ups atop the needle bisecting it as we watched it go through its maneuverers.
Then it was time for the ring to replace the needle.
Other than a tugging feeling I can't say that it hurt. It felt weird, but it didn't really hurt. The needle had made a good opening for its placement. With a click the ring snapped in place.
My body must have been waiting for that final click because at that moment I came. It was a shattering climax. My bound body arched against its restraints and I spiraled even higher as I felt Jason's cock tap my ring before sliding deep within me.
That was it. I had no more control. I was off and soaring. I passed the stars and ascended the universe as Jason drove in and out of me. I was incapable of anything but coming. I think I blubbered. I know I screamed. None of it made any difference. I was in a totally sexual climaxing world of my own with Jason somewhere in the vicinity.
To be continued….
14 years ago