Amber's Brain Candy
OK for those hoping for something sexy for the blog post, sorry to disappoint and you can turn back now. I'm going to handle this like a FAQ as many have asked questions about me and I think I can save a lot of folks some time by spelling it out here.
I am Amber Marie Lefey: Part time crossdresser (who is also classy, brassy and very smart assy) that has indeed lived her life as a full time gurl in my younger years. I had the support and love of the love of my life Leslie Ann (R.I.P.) to keep me happy and whole. Since her passing I went back to being part time. Why you may ask, you had the dream, blah blah. We all must do what is right for ourselves, some believe that full time is the dream life, others fear it. It all depends upon what is going on in your life. For me it was just easier to navigate the real world as a boy. As unjust and unfair as that sounds it is easier for males to get certain jobs and to be treated respectfully.
Are those pictures really you. This is most likely the most asked question I get. Yes that is me at age 25, taken by Leslie Ann (you can see her reflected in my mirrored shades). Just weeks before she passed away. Are they current? No, I'm now 50 and a bit older, suffered through a horrible motorcycle accident that changed a few of my facial features (not radically, but enough). Those pictures remind me that I was once so deeply truly and madly in love and at one point in my life was at peace with who and what I am. False advertising? Why not post something more current? Well smarty pants it's my page and I'll do with it what I please, if that pisses you off you know where the exit button is.
Why do you hate men? Sugars I love everyone until they give me a reason not to. It is that simple. I connect better with those of the female ilk (CD's/TG's and GG's). Why? Because I'm sort of an emotional junkie, I love to be around those who are not afraid to express themselves and share their feelings (not something most 'men' are willing to do). Female personalities attract me for two reasons. first off I grew up in a lesbian household and really only knew the love of females (my father was k.i.a. in Vietnam and I think it destroyed my mothers willingness to be with men). My dressing came on early and was not squashed as many parents of my generation would have done. Why? Because it wasn't sexual it was expression, it was who I really am inside. We all have yin and yang we are all both male and female, some of us just believe we were robbed at the birthing finishing line. I was very close to my mother (yes I have a mommy complex, but love all my mommies here on xhamster) and her lover, my Aunt Ester, whom taught me what it is to be a woman, how to care and love everyone. It is the great gift any c***d could be granted.
You think your so smart. That is a yes and no answer. Yes I do posses an above average I.Q. I do hold a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering. I have entertained an invitation from MENSA. But do those things really make me smart? We all make bad choices in our lives, the trick is not to repeat them. What I try to do for many of my sisters is act as a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on and the comfort of a sister who understands. do I occasionally come up with a good idea...sure we all do at one point or another. I'm just much more willing then most to share them. Along the same lines, as a scientist, I believe in science. Again that does not 'make me smart' it means I crave to understand and embrace new ideas and technology. So yes that is also why I put in my profile that I am an Atheist, not to knock anyone elses beliefs (bless you all for having them) I truly think we all need something to believe in, and believe we should all love each other for those different beliefs.
Are you some kind of weirdo? Bawhaha, sugars I'm a guy who is really a gurl inside and like to dress like a gurl. Does that make me weird? I don't think so. I think it makes me honest, with myself. I embrace my desires and feelings and I am not afraid to stand for them as well. Am I a 'counter culture' person? I like what I like, yes I'm a CD, an old age punk rocker, motorcycle enthusiast, lover of classic hot rod cars, comic book fanatic. I am many things just as all of you are, do I try to hide it. Hell no. I'm just as comfortable in a cute skirt as I am in a pair of old Levi's and a leather motorcycle jacket.
If you don't date men, what do you like in a partner? Honesty and personality. Gurls I really don't care what you look like, I am guided to the love of my sisters by the inner gurl in her. Short, tall, skinny, well curved, young or old these are barriers that society puts before each of us and makes us become self-deprecating and scared of life. We have but a very short time on this stupid round planet, we should be enjoying ourselves and connecting on a higher level. I prefer my comforts come from those who are on the femme side, doesn't mean I hate men, I just don't relate to them.
So in closing on this round of the blog... To sum myself up in easier terms for many to relate to. Think of me as George Carlin in drag, I'm an observationalist and try to be a realist. Wouldn't we all want a bit more honesty out of the world?
I will be closing with the lyrics from my most favorite band in the world, The Damned. I sometimes think they wrote this song about me.
"Little Miss Disaster"
See that girl, watch her fall
Another drunken barroom brawl
Oh no, get the sticking plaster
Loves to love, gets abused
Goes for rogues and ends up bruised
Get OUT! has no lord or master
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Oh, living so much faster
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
The pressure's on, it's getting tough
Self esteem's not enough
Oh don't, you end up as a martyr
She knows she has the right to choose
Some to win and some to lose
But hey, she is so much smarter
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Oh, living so much faster
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Miss just like her hair
Well it's all chaos and spikes
Just one thing is certain
She does just what she likes
And she don't care
Just stand clear and you will see
A tantrum speciality
She can, fill the room with laughter
Party time, social whirl
Could it be this special girl
Lives on happy ever after?
Hugs and Kisses Sugahs!
I am Amber Marie Lefey: Part time crossdresser (who is also classy, brassy and very smart assy) that has indeed lived her life as a full time gurl in my younger years. I had the support and love of the love of my life Leslie Ann (R.I.P.) to keep me happy and whole. Since her passing I went back to being part time. Why you may ask, you had the dream, blah blah. We all must do what is right for ourselves, some believe that full time is the dream life, others fear it. It all depends upon what is going on in your life. For me it was just easier to navigate the real world as a boy. As unjust and unfair as that sounds it is easier for males to get certain jobs and to be treated respectfully.
Are those pictures really you. This is most likely the most asked question I get. Yes that is me at age 25, taken by Leslie Ann (you can see her reflected in my mirrored shades). Just weeks before she passed away. Are they current? No, I'm now 50 and a bit older, suffered through a horrible motorcycle accident that changed a few of my facial features (not radically, but enough). Those pictures remind me that I was once so deeply truly and madly in love and at one point in my life was at peace with who and what I am. False advertising? Why not post something more current? Well smarty pants it's my page and I'll do with it what I please, if that pisses you off you know where the exit button is.
Why do you hate men? Sugars I love everyone until they give me a reason not to. It is that simple. I connect better with those of the female ilk (CD's/TG's and GG's). Why? Because I'm sort of an emotional junkie, I love to be around those who are not afraid to express themselves and share their feelings (not something most 'men' are willing to do). Female personalities attract me for two reasons. first off I grew up in a lesbian household and really only knew the love of females (my father was k.i.a. in Vietnam and I think it destroyed my mothers willingness to be with men). My dressing came on early and was not squashed as many parents of my generation would have done. Why? Because it wasn't sexual it was expression, it was who I really am inside. We all have yin and yang we are all both male and female, some of us just believe we were robbed at the birthing finishing line. I was very close to my mother (yes I have a mommy complex, but love all my mommies here on xhamster) and her lover, my Aunt Ester, whom taught me what it is to be a woman, how to care and love everyone. It is the great gift any c***d could be granted.
You think your so smart. That is a yes and no answer. Yes I do posses an above average I.Q. I do hold a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering. I have entertained an invitation from MENSA. But do those things really make me smart? We all make bad choices in our lives, the trick is not to repeat them. What I try to do for many of my sisters is act as a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on and the comfort of a sister who understands. do I occasionally come up with a good idea...sure we all do at one point or another. I'm just much more willing then most to share them. Along the same lines, as a scientist, I believe in science. Again that does not 'make me smart' it means I crave to understand and embrace new ideas and technology. So yes that is also why I put in my profile that I am an Atheist, not to knock anyone elses beliefs (bless you all for having them) I truly think we all need something to believe in, and believe we should all love each other for those different beliefs.
Are you some kind of weirdo? Bawhaha, sugars I'm a guy who is really a gurl inside and like to dress like a gurl. Does that make me weird? I don't think so. I think it makes me honest, with myself. I embrace my desires and feelings and I am not afraid to stand for them as well. Am I a 'counter culture' person? I like what I like, yes I'm a CD, an old age punk rocker, motorcycle enthusiast, lover of classic hot rod cars, comic book fanatic. I am many things just as all of you are, do I try to hide it. Hell no. I'm just as comfortable in a cute skirt as I am in a pair of old Levi's and a leather motorcycle jacket.
If you don't date men, what do you like in a partner? Honesty and personality. Gurls I really don't care what you look like, I am guided to the love of my sisters by the inner gurl in her. Short, tall, skinny, well curved, young or old these are barriers that society puts before each of us and makes us become self-deprecating and scared of life. We have but a very short time on this stupid round planet, we should be enjoying ourselves and connecting on a higher level. I prefer my comforts come from those who are on the femme side, doesn't mean I hate men, I just don't relate to them.
So in closing on this round of the blog... To sum myself up in easier terms for many to relate to. Think of me as George Carlin in drag, I'm an observationalist and try to be a realist. Wouldn't we all want a bit more honesty out of the world?
I will be closing with the lyrics from my most favorite band in the world, The Damned. I sometimes think they wrote this song about me.
"Little Miss Disaster"
See that girl, watch her fall
Another drunken barroom brawl
Oh no, get the sticking plaster
Loves to love, gets abused
Goes for rogues and ends up bruised
Get OUT! has no lord or master
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Oh, living so much faster
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
The pressure's on, it's getting tough
Self esteem's not enough
Oh don't, you end up as a martyr
She knows she has the right to choose
Some to win and some to lose
But hey, she is so much smarter
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Oh, living so much faster
Oh, Little Miss Disaster
Miss just like her hair
Well it's all chaos and spikes
Just one thing is certain
She does just what she likes
And she don't care
Just stand clear and you will see
A tantrum speciality
She can, fill the room with laughter
Party time, social whirl
Could it be this special girl
Lives on happy ever after?
Hugs and Kisses Sugahs!
7 years ago
I wish you great health, happiness and prosperity for the rest of your life. Good girl!
I have never understood why so many have to "fit" in.It has always been more fun to be different and strange.People's heads are so easy to mess with!!! I think that is why I have always loved The Doors.Their music suits my personality.I can't attribute this quote but I have always remembered it........The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.You my sister are that indeed.
It drives me insane in my everyday life to watch all the "human beings" look alike,talk alike,think alike.George Orwell must be laughing and yelling I told you so.So many caught up in the being perceived as normal.Living out dull boring lives and convincing themselves it a good life................shutting up now ending tangent.
*β₯βΏβ₯βΏβ₯ thanks for your wonderful words β₯βΏβ₯βΏβ₯*
*β₯βΏβ₯βΏ let us spread love β₯βΏβ₯βΏβ₯*
[love your candy pieces ]
*β₯βΏβ₯βΏβ₯ kisses & hugs - Nad!ne β₯βΏβ₯βΏβ₯*
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