Katie's Pain Lesson (chpt. 4)

Chapter 4

The vibrator left my clit. I felt it travel over my stuffed cunt, brush against my wedged apart ass cheeks and press into the side of the dildo working away up my asshole.

It journeyed up the dildo and pressed into the stretched opening of my ass. I knew what was to happen. I knew that soon my ass would be stuffed with both the dildo and the smaller vibrator. And I wanted that to happen.

Tightening my muscles, and pushing as if to take a big shit, I opened my asshole as much as possible and the vibrator popped in to join the dildo in its travels into my dark recesses.

My asshole stretched... and stretched and stretched some more until both were firmly embedded, and again Jason started his fucking motions as they entered and retreated. In and out. In and out. I had no more complaints to offer, it felt just grand.

Then again something cool approached my overheated cunt. "Nooooo," I silently cried as yet another one entered in me to press beside the other two already up my stretched cunt.


I had never appreciated the true meaning of that word before. Three fucking, pumping dildos up my pussy, a fat one up my ass along with the smaller vibrating one. Five fucking, pumping dildos in my body. As I contemplated that thought, my body had the audacity to come yet again and I gave up all pretense at thinking. I just accepted and came even harder.

I'm sure I was screaming, but I have no idea what came out of my throat. But whatever it was it sure as hell didn't stop anyone from doing what they were doing to me. Bless them. Bless them all.

I tried to catalog all that was happening, and it was quite a bit of action, even if I was not active in doing any of the administrating.

Three people were arranged between and below my bound opened legs. Betsy was cleaning up the last of Charles' discharge as her fingers worked away on her fat nippled tits. Charles was driving all three dildos up my cunt. Jason was driving the dildo and vibrating dildo up my ass.

There were five damned things driving into my pulsating body. On top of that, I was still in harness. The rod pressed into my arched back back. My legs, held open by the spreader bar, were attached to a hook in the ceiling. My ass was still quite toasty warm from the previous paddling. My tits were swelling, making the straps dig in deeply as it looked like my own nipples, not as large as Betsy's but full and extended anyway, throbbed upon the ends.

Yes, no doubt about it. I was well and effectively being handled as I twisted, jerked, flopped, moaned and came in midair.

A thought flashed through my mind: could they stuff even more dildos in my cavities and I still enjoy it?

That question was soon answered.

The vibrating dildo was pulled from my sucking asshole and again placed at my jumping clit as Charles took one out of my cunt. I felt it slide between my ass cheeks and for a moment I felt both of their hands exchange it. I knew, just knew, its new destination.

Jason pulled the dildo out of my ass and before it had a chance to close both flared cock-like ends pressed into my stretched orifice. And pressed. And pressed. I felt my self yielding much easier than I ever imagined I could and both heads entered me.

I froze. Trying to remain perfectly still as inch followed inch. My ass stretched and somehow accepted both dildos up, up and up inside me. I was amazed by the lack of pain and relaxed my body.. Doing so, I was more aware of what else was being done to it.

Betsy was now pressing and working the vibrator against my clit as Charles again worked a third one up my sucking pussy. That was it. I had five full pumping dildos in me and a sixth working away at my clit and I was in heaven.

Then again they changed tactics.

Charles, in one move, jerked all three dildos out of my cunt. But it wasn't vacant for long. Soon warm, wiggly, oiled fingers took their place.

Twisting to see as best as I could I saw something that made my heart stop beating.

Charles was standing back as Betsy stood firmly between my legs and worked her hand up my recently stretched snatch. I felt each finger, each knuckle sc**** across my cunt opening. Then the flared end of her hand pressed and pressed. Suddenly her hand popped in, wrist deep.

I froze. Just the thought of a hand inside me was shattering. But her next actions captured my full attention. Finger by finger Betsy made a fist inside my pussy. I expanded and accepted it. She pressed deeper and deeper. I felt her knuckles touch my cervix. Her wrist wedged my cunt wider and wider apart.

That was it. I was coming like never before as Betsy slammed in and out of me. It felt like she was in me up to her elbow and still I. came. In and out. In and out she move. Then on one of her withdrawing strokes she pulled all the way out of me.

To slam right back in. I was being truly fist fucked and loving each and every driving punch.

In and out her fist and arm moved as I climbed even higher. My body didn't resist anything as it continued to come.

I was coming close to fainting by their combined actions. Then something happened to pull me fully back.

Jason pulled both dildos out of my ass and the next second Betsy pulled her hand out me, too. God, did I ever feel empty. But not for long.

Betsy was working her slime covered hand into my asshole. Fingers extended, they entered and again I froze as if in a trance. Knuckles entered, followed by her palm and tucked in thumb. The base pressed into me and made sudden entry as my asshole swallowed her wrist and she was firmly encased.

Then again it was one finger at a time as she made yet another fist, this time in my ass and pushed even deeper. There is no cervix in the colon, nothing to stop her penetration. My gut contracted in pain as she pushed deeper as her arm made entry. Then slowly, as before, it made its retreat only to penetrate me again.

I was being ass fucked with a fist!

The thought of that was mind boggling.

The fact of that was stimulating as hell as it hit meóI was coming. Coming as a fist, of all damned things, flicked my ass.

I'm sure that it took me several seconds to recognize her next move. But when it did, I gave her my full and undivided attention.

Her other hand was making its way up my pussy. In less time than I thought possible there were two fists in me fucking away. If someone had asked earlier if two fists could fit in a female body, I would have said no, no way. But I would have been wrong because it was happening to me! And I was loving every second of its happening.

I thought I'd go out of my mind when Betsy turned her knuckles toward each other inside me, only a thin wall of internal tissues separating them as she rubbed them back and forth together. Finger knuckles pressed against finger knuckles inside me and I was off and running again with each internal vibration she made as her arms continued an in and out motion that sent me skyward to the stars and beyond.

Again I was on the verge of passing out when she again changed motions. Alternating her fists and arms she came at me like opposing sides of a locomotive. In my ass, out of my pussy. In my pussy and out of my ass. Chuga, chuga, chuga, chuga. My crotch felt like the punching bag that boxer use as right, left, right, left entered and left me. My body jerked with each invasion and continued to come until it finally happened.

I faded into a world of gray, then black.

* * *

Reality returned as it always does and I slowly became aware of my surroundings and the changes that had taken place.

I was no longer hanging semi-upside down in my harness. I was lying on the floor, harness still encasing me. My arms were still attached to the rod slid through the ring at my waist and the spreader bar was still at my ankles. I was no longer in midair and my body cavities were shamefully empty. I had been taken down and placed on the floor.

Another was now hanging in the air.

Of course it was Betsy. Betsy who had fist fucked both my pussy and ass just a short while ago.

Even having fainted by her actions, and Charles and Jason's too, I begrudged her the attention she was getting instead of me as I focused my eyes on her hanging form.

Her arms were bound with leather cuffs attached to hooks in the ceiling, from which she was hanging. Otherwise she was unencumbered. If one ignored the two men fucking away at her responsive body. Charles in her pussy, Jason up her ass as she swayed between them.

I knew, even if I was jealous, that they were flicking her instead of me for the simple reason that she was conscious and I hadn't been. Of all the damned luck, I thought.

But I really couldn't fault her in retrospect. She had been whipped while sucking my pussy and ass. She had sucked Charles' cock as he drove dildos in and out of me. Then, of course, she had fist flicked me into a faint.

I suppose it was only fair that she get her share of cock. I wasn't overjoyed at that prospect, but could thoroughly understand it. Jason had come earlier, so had Charles, and God knows how many times I had. It was her turn. So I turned voyeur instead of participator.

It really was interesting to watch, after all.

It isn't everyday that one can watch a gal getting it fore and aft as she's suspended from a ceiling while it is happening. Charles was sucking one fat nipple as Jason played with the other as she drove back and forth between them. It was obvious to note that she was by no means a virginal ass fucker as she easily took in Jason's boner every time she pressed back.

Had she ever had a fist up her ass? Or pussy? I wondered, as all three picked up the pace. Somehow I knew she had. Probably Jason's or Charles'. Had she had both filled at the same time? If so, did she enjoy it as much as I had? Most like, I had to admit, if for no other reason that she knew precisely how to do it to me.

I knew, of course, that Jason and his staff got it on together, but just how much I didn't know. A definite question for the future. Were there more than Charles and Betsy? Was it his entire staff? Some ten in all? Did they have a mass orgy on occasion? Or break up in select groups? What would it be like to be involved with a dozen others? To have each and every one of them do something to me? Did all the female staff submit? Was it entirely male dominance? Or were there male submissives? Female denominates?

Nice things to think about, and participate in in the future, but I was horny now as I watched the three of them in the center of the room move even faster and faster. It was obvious that soon all would be crashing over the brink of climax.

I smiled at that thought. Surely when they were finished it would time for me again. Right? I hoped so as two cock exploded in Betsy's receptive body and their moans and groans filled the air as I wiggled in my harness in anticipation of coming attractions.

There were the other things we bought to be tried out, now weren't there.

Thankfully such was the case.

After Jason and Charles had relieved their built up pressures it was on for the night's entertainment.

With unspoken words they came to me. Each grabbed an end of the rod that was in the ring of my waist band and picked me up, after all I couldn't walk with a spreader bar still attached to my ankles, and carried me across the room to where Betsy was still hanging.

"Which way, sir," Charles asked at they balanced me on my feet between them.

"Fronts, I think. Let's place them back to back. Betsy loves tit attention and Kate's have been sorely neglected so far, except for the restriction of the harness."

Obviously Jason's words made perfect sense to Charles as he asked for no further comment but set to work. Each man unhooked one of my wrists from the rod and in concert lifted them up at the same time. I gave a quick glance up and saw two hanging chains from ceiling hooks, and that is where they aimed my wrists.

Each grabbed the rod still behind my back for leverage and up I went. Two seconds later both of my wrists were clipped to the hanging chains and they were pulling the rod out the ring.

I hung behind Betsy. Our asses pounced together a few times before I stopped swaying.

Jason's comments made perfect sense then. Placed back to back, our fronts, or more specifically our breasts, were easily accessible. When I felt warm hands at my ankles, I looked down. Betsy's ankles were being attached to my spreader bar.

There we were. Two females hanging from the ceiling by chains. Our legs spread wide by the spreader bar. Our fronts facing out. The only difference being that I was still in harness and she was basically nude.

I just knew her fat nipples were just has hard as mine between the straps that contained and dug into them.

Was there any way to enlarge nipples, I wondered, to come closer to the size of hers? I was still amazed by the area of darker skin on her tits. They were quite an eye-catcher. I wondered if they were more or less sensitive than my smaller dark area ones.

But that thought was put aside as I noticed Charles and Jason rummaging around the articles that we had just purchased awaiting across the room. What would they select, I wondered, as I felt Betsy wiggle her ass against mine.

"Get ready for a tit whipping, miss," Betsy whispered as she ground her ass against mine again.

"Do you like your tits whipped," I couldn't help but ask as we both saw them select a thin, flexible cane and turn back toward us.

"Like? Heavens, miss, I love my tits beaten. My ass and pussy too, as far as that goes. And you?"

Pussy? Oh, yes, I had very fond memories about my first night with Jason. He had whipped both my pussy and my tits, and later paddled my ass.

"Me too, although I haven't had as much as I'm sure you have. How long have you been into pain, anyway?"

"Oh years, miss. For years. That's one reason I took a position here when Mr. Jason's father offered it to me."

"His father?"

"Yes, miss. His father trained me and offered me to Mr. Jason when he went away to school."

"Trained you? You mean his father is the same?"

"Oh, yes, miss. I thought you knew. It is a family trait. All the males are dominate and the females submissive. They are trained that way from birth, miss."

"Is his father's staff involved, too?"

"Oh, yes. Both potential males and females must meet the family standards or they are not hired. It is a prerequisite for employment, miss, and all the staff it totally dedicated to it remaining so."

Well! That sure as hell answered some of my questions. A family trait, was it. And all the staff was involved. Damn, what a damned pleasant thought! If I remained with Jason I'd have plenty of "staff" members at my beck and call whenever the urge arose and Jason wasn't around. Or if he was, too, for that matter, like tonight.

"Aaahhhhhaaaaaagggaaa..." pulled me out of my dreaming as Jason landed the cane on my harnessed tits that stuck way out because of the straps.

Believe me, he got my full attention with that maneuver.

My exposed nipples registered instant pain and before I could even lower my eyes to inspect my most recent damage my nipples were wearing a black and blue mark of the cane. No doubt, "Aaaaahhhhaaa ..." about it, a cane was a wicked weapon as another bruise was added to the first.

My poor nipples, about all that was showing of my tits, were taking a real beating. So were Betsy's, as in between the pauses of Jason's cane, Charles' landed on Betsy's boobs.

Both of us were smashing our asses together as our tits were caned by the men. There was also the unmistakable scent of female arousal filling the air. Mine and Betsy's as the canes fell again and again.

We were both admitted pain lovers but that didn't stop our bodies from jerking and twisting with the reception of the administered pain. Our asses smashed together. Our legs jerked, pulling both of our ankles when either of us moved. But all in all, we had no where to go to escape the cane's landings.

All of my exposed nipples and part of my breasts were covered with the dark lines left by the cane when Jason reached up and undid the straps encasing them. Freeing them totally for the kiss of the cane to land. And cover them he did as the hanging straps flicked against our sides as we twisted in the air.

My tits began to resemble Betsy's in that a huge area was dark. Of course it wasn't truly my nipples that were growing, but it did look similar as each successive dark line was added to the collection of lines.

What must hers look like, I wondered, as mine got darker and darker with each stroke landed. Working his way from the ends, Jason progressed toward my chest wall, leaving dark marks in his wake. Tops, sides, bottom. The cane worked its way around my throbbing tits until it looked like all I had was nipples, damned little pink remained before they changed locations.

Down our ribs. Across our heaving stomachs the canes traveled leaving dark colors in their wake. Belly buttons, sunken deep in skin, were the only pink remaining as the canes came at swollen pussy mounds.

Horizontal lines decorated each and every hair when they switched to upstrokes and smashed into our leaking slots.

I screamed like I was dying as Jason slammed the cane into my aroused clit. In the back of my mind I wondered how much more it had to have hurt Betsy who had the ring in her clit. A ring that kept her clit totally exposed and even opened her cuntal lips more than mere arousal did. But as her screams of passion rose above mine, I knew.

We were both coming. The pain was an aphrodisiac to us. Our bodies twisted and squirmed, but we were coming with the canes. From upper chests to pulsating pussies, dark lines covered our bodies as our pain loving bodies came with each stroke.

And then they stopped.

Through tear filled eyes I saw Jason drop the cane and come to me, his cock leading the way. Even if Betsy and I weren't bound back to back I knew he would have fucked my caned pussy. And I wanted him to luck it.

Obviously so was Charles as his hands came around our bodies to clamp onto my whipped breasts as the four of us road passion's ladder to fulfillment and beyond

To be continued…..


Published by wastedaway
14 years ago
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captainkinky 10 years ago
Good sexy story.
bumperfan 13 years ago
Great add....
do you ever browse "askjoleene"