Question for woman.
I have a single woman friend who l had sex with about 10 in the morning and l came inside her. She meet a guy that night and ended up sleeping with him. He wanted to go down on her so badly. She couldn't tell him that she had sex with another guy earlier that day. So question is. Would she still have cum inside her that night when he went down? And have any one had this experience and how'd you deal with it.
I have a single woman friend who l had sex with about 10 in the morning and l came inside her. She meet a guy that night and ended up sleeping with him. He wanted to go down on her so badly. She couldn't tell him that she had sex with another guy earlier that day. So question is. Would she still have cum inside her that night when he went down? And have any one had this experience and how'd you deal with it.
7 years ago