Katie's Pain Lesson (chpt. 2)
Chapter 2
At the peak of my climax I saw his arm become another blur of motion.
I arched even higher off the bed, offering him my pussy. Offering him any damned thing he wanted from me. I felt my clit smash into the underlying bone and went into hyper climax. I could actually feel my cunt juices dribbling out of me as he took a backswing and hit my raised target again.
I was beyond screaming.
Beyond pain.
I was in a total, all consuming lust as he hit my pussy again. But in my effort to raise my pussy even higher, my feet slipped off the posts and I crashed back to the bed and slowly came back to reality. And to Jason.
"Oh, yes. You will do quite nicely, Kate. Now I want you to sit up and offer me your beautiful tits."
Fantasy be damned, it was hard to sit up with your hands behind your back. But I did manage it, ungracefully, but accomplish it I did.
"No, no. Offer your tits to the crop. Make them reach out for it."
I had thought with my arms behind me that my chest was more than enough forward. Not so Jason. So I wiggled my ass on the satin, arched my back, pulled my shoulders way back and I stuck my tits out as far as I could.
"Much better. I'm sure you will learn in time. Now, which one should be kissed by the crop first? Can you decide that on your own?"
Decide? I was having a hard time remembering my damned name. Let alone what tits were. But I did manage an answer.
"Left what?"
Where had I gotten the idea that Jason was smart?
Ahh, then I understood what he wanted.
"Pleasse aahh whip my aah left titt aahh I mean aaah nipple."
"Ah, an exact location. Whip your left nipple. How hard?"
How hard?
Did it make a difference?
How hard was hard, anyway? I sure as hell didn't have any experience to draw from. Except...
"As aah hard as you aah whipped my aah pussy."
"Oh, OK. I'll do it easy, then."
He had whipped my pussy easy?
All of that pain was from mild strokes?
If that was easy, I was very glad I didn't request hard on my nipple.
With rapid movements of his wrist, he set the end of the crop into a flashing blur as he brought it closer and closer and closer to my pointed tit. I could feel the breeze it created. Again I turned chicken.
My back lost its arch.
"That's ok, Kate. We have all night. When you are ready again just let me know and you'll get to feel the crop hit your nipple. We both know you will, don't we?"
Of course he was right. We did both know it. But knowing and pointing your nipple out for a crop to hit were two very different things at that moment in time.
He started rubbing the flared head of the crop back and forth, back and forth across my nipple. With each passing it grew harder. The skin pulled tighter and slowly I arched into it. I arched so damned much I thought my spine would crack at the strain.
He brought his hand back, paused then whipped it forward into my nipple so fast I hardly saw it happen. But my nipple didn't doubt its landing in the least.
My whole tit shook back and forth on my arched chest. My nipple felt like a thousand bees had just stung it. Were still stinging it. The pain filled not only the nipple, but all of me. From head to toe. And it found a welcoming center in my clit. And I was off and running again.
"YYyeesssss aaaaaaaaaaahh yeeesssss."
Another black blur was coming at me. This time to land on my right nipple.
It didn't matter. I just came harder with both tits filled with soaring pain. A streak of black stayed in front of my tits. Back and forth it went from one to the other. A high speed film couldn't have recorded it slamming into me. But I didn't care about filming. I was too consumed with coming.
Again my body betrayed me as I flopped back on the bed and the black blur went away.
"A nice beginning, Kate. Now slide up the bed and open your pussy for my cock."
That I could do.
Well, I thought I could, but the slippery satin had other ideas until finally I did an ungraceful crab walk as he followed me up the mattress and knelt between my legs.
"Open them wide for me, Kate. That's it. Now raise up to me. Take me in you. Here I come. Aahh yesss."
I dug my heels into the slippery surface and as he held his cock in place I slid around it. Jason didn't take my cherry. I gave it to him as I shoved my hips up and he sank in.
With that barrier out of the we fucked each other.
God, oh God, was it ever great. No doubt about it. Fucking is one of life's greatest pleasures, pastimes and physical activities.
I had a pain-warmed body that was not content to lay there passively. I mean I fucked him. He fucked me, too. And when his hands came to my recently whipped tits, I went ape shit. My legs wrapped around him and pulled him even closer and deeper. He couldn't fill me enough. I had had an empty pussy for eighteen years.
But no more. Having once tasted how it felt full, I knew I'd never be content with it empty again.
And quite truthfully, I didn't really care what it was filled with. Cock was great. So was anything else that could get inside it. And I had the rest of my life to experiment to see just what would fit in it.
When our bodies finally shuttered to a stop, Jason reached behind me and unfastened the leather bands and we curled up together atop the satin spread and plain and simple cuddled. And that was great, too. I felt content, as least for the moment.
But as I laid there I couldn't help but think about the future. Running my hand over his well formed chest, I said, "You know what I always wanted to try?"
"No. What is that?"
"Don't think I'm weird or anything, but..."
"How could I call you weird? It should be painfully obvious that we are very compatible. So?"
"Well, it's this thing I have for leather. A leather skirt to be precise."
"OK. A leather skirt. What's so special about it?"
"Not the skirt, although it is important. It's what happens when I wear it."
"And what's that?"
"I get my ass spanked. Well, actually the skirt gets spanked because I'm wearing it. A short, black mini skirt. It hugs every crease of my ass and hips. Just barely covers my hot pussy as I bend over for the paddling."
"OK. That's easy to do. What's the problem?"
"Jason, you are the one who is rich. Not me. I can't afford a good leather skirt. Hey, that's it. How about collaboration? You provide the skirt and paddle and I provide the ass. Interested?"
He laughed and wrapping his arms around me pulled me on top of him. "Very interested. And you are right. I can well afford to buy a leather skirt for you to get paddled in. How about Friday?"
"I have to wait two days? Well, if that's the best you can do, I suppose."
"Really want your ass paddled, huh?"
"Well, aah yea. Why not? I think I'd like it."
* * *
Jason picked me up the next day in his Vet. And guess what?
Right there, laying on the front seat was the leather skirt of my dreams.
"You got it!"
"I did. Can't have a gal waiting around to have her ass paddled, now can I?"
"Nope. That would be cruel and unusual punishment, for sure. And the paddle?"
"Right here," he said as he pulled the most wicked looking, wooden paddle out from under his seat and held it up for me, and anyone else passing by, to see.
It was perfect.
Straight out of my dreams. I mean that sucker was long, at least twenty-four inches. And thick, a hefty three quarters of an inch. With a tapered handle. But as I was sitting there admiring it, he turned it over so I could see what was burned in the other side.
I almost shit my damned pants, because on the other side was, in huge script letters was, "Kate's Ass Warming Paddle."
"Well aah it sure is aah personalized, isn't it?"
"Yep, just for you and your ass. Come on, let's get going."
"Where to?"
"My place, naturally." He started the car and began to pull away. "You can change right here."
In the car?
While driving through campus?
Why the hell not?
I undid my jeans and wiggled out of them, and remembering last time, I tossed them in the back seat and got my panties down and off, too. They joined my jeans in the back, and that time I was sitting with the bottom half of me bare for the world to see.
It was great.
My ass, my soon to be paddle warmed ass, was making great contact with the leather seat of the Vet. God, what a feeling.
But it didn't compare with the feeling of my entire hips being wrapped in supple leather that clung to me like a second skin. In other words, it fit perfect. Especially for what I had in mind to do while wearing it.
It seemed like it took forever to reach his place as I squirmed and twisted and dreamed. But we did finally arrive and he pulled into the garage.
That was it. I could wait no longer.
I jumped out of the car, closed the door behind me and walked to the roasting hot hood and leaned over. My ass up. My legs stretched as wide as the skirt would allow My pussy almost as hot as the hood my hands were on.
"Do it now. Right now. Right here."
Jason smile at me through the windshield, reached under his seat, where he had again put the paddle, and slowly got out and walked around.
"I like a gal who isn't afraid to state her wishes. Hang on tight, because here it comes."
I wiggled my feet and tried to grip the highly polished hood, to no effect, as I heard the distinct sound of the paddle whistling through the air. And coming at my offered, leather covered ass.
Crack! was heard all around the garage. AND felt in my leather covered ass. I couldn't help my squeal of pain as the cracking pain dug in deeply. Not that I moved away or anything. But I did squeal and yell, "Yyyesss aahhh yeesssss dooo ittt."
And did he ever do it. He laid into my ass with a vengeance that set my tits to bobbing on my chest and waving over the red polished hood. I could actually see them in the polished reflection. And I sure as hell could feel the effects of the landing paddle as Jason hit me again and again as the sounds rolled around me in a never ending wave of pain and lust.
It is a very special sound. The sound of wood striking a leather covered ass. And did I ever love it. The sound, and the pain that it generated in me. I didn't really count the number of times he hit my bouncing ass, but whatever the number, it was enough.
Because I was fucking coming.
Right there. Leaning over the car. Getting m leather ass paddled, coming. Until finally my legs deserted me and I kind of slithered to the cement floor.
"You had your fun, now it's time for mine. Come on, let's go inside."
Oh, yea. Inside his house.
I got my legs under me and somehow they did function in the time honored way and carried me forward as we entered his house and began to make our way to his rooms.
You want to know something? You can feel all of your ass muscles moving after getting a spanking. But don't take that as a complaint. Because is sure isn't one. Just a statement of fact.
"Oh," I said as we walked into his room and found a man standing on the other side. "Aah who is he?"
"Charles? He's my valet. Why?"
I had a sudden thought and decided what the hell, I'd act upon it to see just what kind of relationship Jason and I would have.
"Well, I aah think he's cute. Think he could be persuaded to do it too?"
"Do what?"
"Why paddle my ass, of course. What did you think I meant?"
"I wasn't sure. Which of course is why I asked." Turning to look at the other man, he added, "Cute?"
"Cute." I wasn't about to be talked out of it. He was cute. And I wanted him to paddle my ass. "Will he, do you think?"
"Aha Charles?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Would you do this lady a favor?"
"Of course, sir. What?"
"Take this," he held out the paddle he was carrying, "and paddle her ass for her?"
"My pleasure, sir. Here?"
They both looked at me. I had my answer ready. "No, over there," I pointed to the suede chair I had been over before, "so I don't have to worry about standing. OK?"
"That will be fine, miss. After you."
I like men with good manners.
I preceded them to the other side of the room, where I promptly d****d myself over the back of the chair again. But this time I was going to get a hot, well hotter, ass complements of his damned valet.
"Ready, miss?"
"Whenever you are. Paddle away."
I dug my nose into the chair and breathed in a lung full of leather scent as Charles the valet slammed the paddle into my already paddled ass. And I did the only thing I could.
I came like a fucking bull turned loose with a herd of cows in season.
Dear Charles hit my leather covered ass a good dozen times before I requested him to stop, which he did immediately.
Then it was time for the final ingredient.
"Aaah Cccchharles would aah you pleassse aaah raise my skkirrtt for meee?"
"Surely. My pleasure, miss."
That was a very snug fitting hunk of leather that took a bit of tugging to pull up, but it did pull and my hot ass was kissed with cool air, as I turned my head to Jason.
"Ooonnnee aa reaal goooodd one, so mmyy asss has the worrrdds on ittt."
Jason raised his eyebrows at my request, then turned and took the paddle in his hand. Stepping to my side he got a good firm stance and SLAMMED it into my ass.
I wasn't real sure that the words would be legible, but I sure as hell felt the burned ridges they formed on the surface of the paddle as my pubic bone crashed into the back of the chair and I screamed my blood, damned head off and came yet again.
"Oh, a very good one, that, sir."
"Thank you. I believe that will be all for now"
"Yes, sir. Have a very pleasant evening."
"I'm sure I will."
"So am I, sir."
To be continued……
At the peak of my climax I saw his arm become another blur of motion.
I arched even higher off the bed, offering him my pussy. Offering him any damned thing he wanted from me. I felt my clit smash into the underlying bone and went into hyper climax. I could actually feel my cunt juices dribbling out of me as he took a backswing and hit my raised target again.
I was beyond screaming.
Beyond pain.
I was in a total, all consuming lust as he hit my pussy again. But in my effort to raise my pussy even higher, my feet slipped off the posts and I crashed back to the bed and slowly came back to reality. And to Jason.
"Oh, yes. You will do quite nicely, Kate. Now I want you to sit up and offer me your beautiful tits."
Fantasy be damned, it was hard to sit up with your hands behind your back. But I did manage it, ungracefully, but accomplish it I did.
"No, no. Offer your tits to the crop. Make them reach out for it."
I had thought with my arms behind me that my chest was more than enough forward. Not so Jason. So I wiggled my ass on the satin, arched my back, pulled my shoulders way back and I stuck my tits out as far as I could.
"Much better. I'm sure you will learn in time. Now, which one should be kissed by the crop first? Can you decide that on your own?"
Decide? I was having a hard time remembering my damned name. Let alone what tits were. But I did manage an answer.
"Left what?"
Where had I gotten the idea that Jason was smart?
Ahh, then I understood what he wanted.
"Pleasse aahh whip my aah left titt aahh I mean aaah nipple."
"Ah, an exact location. Whip your left nipple. How hard?"
How hard?
Did it make a difference?
How hard was hard, anyway? I sure as hell didn't have any experience to draw from. Except...
"As aah hard as you aah whipped my aah pussy."
"Oh, OK. I'll do it easy, then."
He had whipped my pussy easy?
All of that pain was from mild strokes?
If that was easy, I was very glad I didn't request hard on my nipple.
With rapid movements of his wrist, he set the end of the crop into a flashing blur as he brought it closer and closer and closer to my pointed tit. I could feel the breeze it created. Again I turned chicken.
My back lost its arch.
"That's ok, Kate. We have all night. When you are ready again just let me know and you'll get to feel the crop hit your nipple. We both know you will, don't we?"
Of course he was right. We did both know it. But knowing and pointing your nipple out for a crop to hit were two very different things at that moment in time.
He started rubbing the flared head of the crop back and forth, back and forth across my nipple. With each passing it grew harder. The skin pulled tighter and slowly I arched into it. I arched so damned much I thought my spine would crack at the strain.
He brought his hand back, paused then whipped it forward into my nipple so fast I hardly saw it happen. But my nipple didn't doubt its landing in the least.
My whole tit shook back and forth on my arched chest. My nipple felt like a thousand bees had just stung it. Were still stinging it. The pain filled not only the nipple, but all of me. From head to toe. And it found a welcoming center in my clit. And I was off and running again.
"YYyeesssss aaaaaaaaaaahh yeeesssss."
Another black blur was coming at me. This time to land on my right nipple.
It didn't matter. I just came harder with both tits filled with soaring pain. A streak of black stayed in front of my tits. Back and forth it went from one to the other. A high speed film couldn't have recorded it slamming into me. But I didn't care about filming. I was too consumed with coming.
Again my body betrayed me as I flopped back on the bed and the black blur went away.
"A nice beginning, Kate. Now slide up the bed and open your pussy for my cock."
That I could do.
Well, I thought I could, but the slippery satin had other ideas until finally I did an ungraceful crab walk as he followed me up the mattress and knelt between my legs.
"Open them wide for me, Kate. That's it. Now raise up to me. Take me in you. Here I come. Aahh yesss."
I dug my heels into the slippery surface and as he held his cock in place I slid around it. Jason didn't take my cherry. I gave it to him as I shoved my hips up and he sank in.
With that barrier out of the we fucked each other.
God, oh God, was it ever great. No doubt about it. Fucking is one of life's greatest pleasures, pastimes and physical activities.
I had a pain-warmed body that was not content to lay there passively. I mean I fucked him. He fucked me, too. And when his hands came to my recently whipped tits, I went ape shit. My legs wrapped around him and pulled him even closer and deeper. He couldn't fill me enough. I had had an empty pussy for eighteen years.
But no more. Having once tasted how it felt full, I knew I'd never be content with it empty again.
And quite truthfully, I didn't really care what it was filled with. Cock was great. So was anything else that could get inside it. And I had the rest of my life to experiment to see just what would fit in it.
When our bodies finally shuttered to a stop, Jason reached behind me and unfastened the leather bands and we curled up together atop the satin spread and plain and simple cuddled. And that was great, too. I felt content, as least for the moment.
But as I laid there I couldn't help but think about the future. Running my hand over his well formed chest, I said, "You know what I always wanted to try?"
"No. What is that?"
"Don't think I'm weird or anything, but..."
"How could I call you weird? It should be painfully obvious that we are very compatible. So?"
"Well, it's this thing I have for leather. A leather skirt to be precise."
"OK. A leather skirt. What's so special about it?"
"Not the skirt, although it is important. It's what happens when I wear it."
"And what's that?"
"I get my ass spanked. Well, actually the skirt gets spanked because I'm wearing it. A short, black mini skirt. It hugs every crease of my ass and hips. Just barely covers my hot pussy as I bend over for the paddling."
"OK. That's easy to do. What's the problem?"
"Jason, you are the one who is rich. Not me. I can't afford a good leather skirt. Hey, that's it. How about collaboration? You provide the skirt and paddle and I provide the ass. Interested?"
He laughed and wrapping his arms around me pulled me on top of him. "Very interested. And you are right. I can well afford to buy a leather skirt for you to get paddled in. How about Friday?"
"I have to wait two days? Well, if that's the best you can do, I suppose."
"Really want your ass paddled, huh?"
"Well, aah yea. Why not? I think I'd like it."
* * *
Jason picked me up the next day in his Vet. And guess what?
Right there, laying on the front seat was the leather skirt of my dreams.
"You got it!"
"I did. Can't have a gal waiting around to have her ass paddled, now can I?"
"Nope. That would be cruel and unusual punishment, for sure. And the paddle?"
"Right here," he said as he pulled the most wicked looking, wooden paddle out from under his seat and held it up for me, and anyone else passing by, to see.
It was perfect.
Straight out of my dreams. I mean that sucker was long, at least twenty-four inches. And thick, a hefty three quarters of an inch. With a tapered handle. But as I was sitting there admiring it, he turned it over so I could see what was burned in the other side.
I almost shit my damned pants, because on the other side was, in huge script letters was, "Kate's Ass Warming Paddle."
"Well aah it sure is aah personalized, isn't it?"
"Yep, just for you and your ass. Come on, let's get going."
"Where to?"
"My place, naturally." He started the car and began to pull away. "You can change right here."
In the car?
While driving through campus?
Why the hell not?
I undid my jeans and wiggled out of them, and remembering last time, I tossed them in the back seat and got my panties down and off, too. They joined my jeans in the back, and that time I was sitting with the bottom half of me bare for the world to see.
It was great.
My ass, my soon to be paddle warmed ass, was making great contact with the leather seat of the Vet. God, what a feeling.
But it didn't compare with the feeling of my entire hips being wrapped in supple leather that clung to me like a second skin. In other words, it fit perfect. Especially for what I had in mind to do while wearing it.
It seemed like it took forever to reach his place as I squirmed and twisted and dreamed. But we did finally arrive and he pulled into the garage.
That was it. I could wait no longer.
I jumped out of the car, closed the door behind me and walked to the roasting hot hood and leaned over. My ass up. My legs stretched as wide as the skirt would allow My pussy almost as hot as the hood my hands were on.
"Do it now. Right now. Right here."
Jason smile at me through the windshield, reached under his seat, where he had again put the paddle, and slowly got out and walked around.
"I like a gal who isn't afraid to state her wishes. Hang on tight, because here it comes."
I wiggled my feet and tried to grip the highly polished hood, to no effect, as I heard the distinct sound of the paddle whistling through the air. And coming at my offered, leather covered ass.
Crack! was heard all around the garage. AND felt in my leather covered ass. I couldn't help my squeal of pain as the cracking pain dug in deeply. Not that I moved away or anything. But I did squeal and yell, "Yyyesss aahhh yeesssss dooo ittt."
And did he ever do it. He laid into my ass with a vengeance that set my tits to bobbing on my chest and waving over the red polished hood. I could actually see them in the polished reflection. And I sure as hell could feel the effects of the landing paddle as Jason hit me again and again as the sounds rolled around me in a never ending wave of pain and lust.
It is a very special sound. The sound of wood striking a leather covered ass. And did I ever love it. The sound, and the pain that it generated in me. I didn't really count the number of times he hit my bouncing ass, but whatever the number, it was enough.
Because I was fucking coming.
Right there. Leaning over the car. Getting m leather ass paddled, coming. Until finally my legs deserted me and I kind of slithered to the cement floor.
"You had your fun, now it's time for mine. Come on, let's go inside."
Oh, yea. Inside his house.
I got my legs under me and somehow they did function in the time honored way and carried me forward as we entered his house and began to make our way to his rooms.
You want to know something? You can feel all of your ass muscles moving after getting a spanking. But don't take that as a complaint. Because is sure isn't one. Just a statement of fact.
"Oh," I said as we walked into his room and found a man standing on the other side. "Aah who is he?"
"Charles? He's my valet. Why?"
I had a sudden thought and decided what the hell, I'd act upon it to see just what kind of relationship Jason and I would have.
"Well, I aah think he's cute. Think he could be persuaded to do it too?"
"Do what?"
"Why paddle my ass, of course. What did you think I meant?"
"I wasn't sure. Which of course is why I asked." Turning to look at the other man, he added, "Cute?"
"Cute." I wasn't about to be talked out of it. He was cute. And I wanted him to paddle my ass. "Will he, do you think?"
"Aha Charles?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Would you do this lady a favor?"
"Of course, sir. What?"
"Take this," he held out the paddle he was carrying, "and paddle her ass for her?"
"My pleasure, sir. Here?"
They both looked at me. I had my answer ready. "No, over there," I pointed to the suede chair I had been over before, "so I don't have to worry about standing. OK?"
"That will be fine, miss. After you."
I like men with good manners.
I preceded them to the other side of the room, where I promptly d****d myself over the back of the chair again. But this time I was going to get a hot, well hotter, ass complements of his damned valet.
"Ready, miss?"
"Whenever you are. Paddle away."
I dug my nose into the chair and breathed in a lung full of leather scent as Charles the valet slammed the paddle into my already paddled ass. And I did the only thing I could.
I came like a fucking bull turned loose with a herd of cows in season.
Dear Charles hit my leather covered ass a good dozen times before I requested him to stop, which he did immediately.
Then it was time for the final ingredient.
"Aaah Cccchharles would aah you pleassse aaah raise my skkirrtt for meee?"
"Surely. My pleasure, miss."
That was a very snug fitting hunk of leather that took a bit of tugging to pull up, but it did pull and my hot ass was kissed with cool air, as I turned my head to Jason.
"Ooonnnee aa reaal goooodd one, so mmyy asss has the worrrdds on ittt."
Jason raised his eyebrows at my request, then turned and took the paddle in his hand. Stepping to my side he got a good firm stance and SLAMMED it into my ass.
I wasn't real sure that the words would be legible, but I sure as hell felt the burned ridges they formed on the surface of the paddle as my pubic bone crashed into the back of the chair and I screamed my blood, damned head off and came yet again.
"Oh, a very good one, that, sir."
"Thank you. I believe that will be all for now"
"Yes, sir. Have a very pleasant evening."
"I'm sure I will."
"So am I, sir."
To be continued……
14 years ago