TMI Sexy Questions

TMI Sexy Questions
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation? masturbation for now
2. Your five favorite spots to be stimulated. neck ( biting )Nipples, ears, lips (love kissing) and cock
3. Have you ever had your prostate stimulated? Yes... alone sadly
4. Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals? biting once
5. Do you prefer clitoral or vaginal stimulation? I have a cock
6. Can you touch your clitoris directly, or does that hurt? see #5
7. Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot? P-spot... kinda
8. Are handjobs boring, or underrated? Depends on from who, but most of the time underrated
9. Do you like having your balls touched? YES... but gently
10. Do you like having your nipples touched? of corse, biting and kissed, sucked
11. Do you like having your anus touched? more and more yes
12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)? nope would like to try at least once
13. Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)? hell ya, the more scratching, the better
14. Do you have any kinks? a few and need to explore some more
15. Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella? like above, would like to investigate the scene some more
16. Do you pee in the shower? yes
17. Do you ever masturbate in the shower? 95% of the time. favorite place
18. Have you had sex in the shower? Yeahhhhhh and love it
19. Do you like being naked? hell ya. that why I live alone
20. Do you sleep partially/fully naked? t-shirt and boxers. sometimes naked in the summer
21. Have you ever skinny dipped? Yeah feels so free
22. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done nude? surprised some friends one night
23. Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity? Not yet
24. Are you comfortable being seen partially/fully naked by family or friends (i.e. getting dressed, etc.)? yes
25. Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts? Yeah
26. Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)? yes still fun
27. Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom? Peeing no problem, # 2 keep the closed door cause of the smell
28. Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online? Yes and yes... and yes...
29. How many sexual partners have you had? 9
30. How often do you masturbate? nearly everyday
31. Age you started masturbating? How did you discover/learn about it? Around 14 humping the bed
32. What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)? mainly kneeling in the shower
33. Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc. Im a simply men, watch some porn then jump in the shower masturbate after bed
34. What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)? Porn and imagination
35. Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore? YEP
36. Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals? its even better than I imagine and tastier
37. Have you ever “compared” (genitals, breasts, whatever) with a friend? Compared cocks once or twice a long time a go
38. What kind of underwear do you normally wear? boxers, I know not sexy but know one see me in them
39. Do you ever go commando? hell ya, zippers
40. Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep? a few time ( i remember one time, all I was doing in the dreams was putting on s condom, woke up all wet from my cum )
41. How big is your penis? 6 inch...maybe 6.5 I think I've never measured myself
42. Does your penis curve at all? To the right a little
43. Which testicle hangs lower? Left
44. How big are your breasts? ------------
45. Do you long or short labia? Are they even or uneven? ------------
46. Do you have a particularly large or tiny clitoris? ----------------
47. Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it? UnCut... good thing too, got4 small burns my head at work the other week, hurt like hell.
48. Are you turned on or off by the foreskin, or don’t care? As of now don't care i have never played with another penis
49. What are you more into (or like more about yourself), boobs or butts? Sorry... can't choose - love em both
50. Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way? shaved yes
51. Do you like the way your genitals look? when they are shaved yes
52. Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup? Ummm... I think so
53. Do you like your butt? I would like it more if it was hairless
54. What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)? shave
55. Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair? trimming it ok but shaved is better
56. Do you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed? With boxes, he goes where he want
57. Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people? On me none, if I was told or ask to, i may get some. For others most of the time i like it
58. What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm? With my vibrator under 2 min,
59. Do you ever “edge” (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating? Sometimes but i most of the time give in
60. What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session? On and off about 2 hours for the jerking off. Me and an ex gf after a night of partying 3 to 4 hours
61. What’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)? one and one
62. Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric? full-body
63. Spit or swallow? Eating pussy - Spit or swallow don't know, never suck a dick. love eating pussy
64. When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble? Depends if I've been masturbating the last few nights in a row then a dribble
65. Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on? Again never played with another guy, so I wouldn't know yet!!
66. Do you “squirt?” ---------
67. Have you ever attempted (or succeeded) to give yourself oral? Yes I've tried and failed
68. Have you ever given/received a footjob, boobjob, etc.? I've received boob job
69. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yes two xGF one in an elevator and the other in a park at night
70. Have you ever had sex in a bed/on a couch that didn’t belong to either of you? yep, my Xgf in her XBF bed. and im my friend car
71. Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you? nope
72. How many rooms of your house/apartment/etc. have you had sex in? My old apartment - 2 bedroom - every room. My current apartment 1 bedroom again every room
73. Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? How about masturbated? sex in the elevator masturbated in a feld at work, got a hand-job in the smoking section at school
74. Have you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross? yes but i don't want talk about it sorry
75. Are you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex? most of the time quite but there has been a few time i was loud
76. Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex? as much as I know never been caught jerking off. live been told my X and I woke up the roommate a few times
77. Have you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)? not my thing but I would give it a try to see what it like
78. Do you own any sex toys? yes
79. Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy? Yep
80. Can a dildo feel as good as a penis (assuming the person with the penis is good at what they do)? I can't compare since I've never had the real thing but if it's anything like a dildo should be lots of fun
81. What are your favorite positions? All of them
82. Your most embarrassing sexual experience? Grandma over hearing us, witch was also my first time
83. Worst place/time you’ve ever gotten a boner? Top 3 1. dentist (my dental hygienest was super hot ) 2, public bus ( i was 14 or 15 and had no clue why it was happening ) 3, 7 grade school ( wearing brief underwear extremely not comfy )
84. Have you ever had any genital injuries? Been kicked in the balls and got a few small burns on my foreskin
85. Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection? Nope
86. Have you ever had a non-sexually transmitted genital infection (yeast infection, etc)? Nope
87. If you lack a penis, have you ever tried to pee standing up? ----------
88. If you lack a penis, how familiar are you with how you look down there? -------------
89. Do you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement? it been a while so im guessing Im rusty at it
90. Have you “sexted” (whether through text messaging or IM chat)? Yep
91. Have you masturbated for or with someone via webcam? yes once
92. Have you have phone sex? Oh yea
93. If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do. Fuck myself (dildo/ fingers.. whatever) , get fucked more than once by different cocks, play with my boobs... a lot, defintely wanna try lesbian sex ... and I guess, just be a slut for a day - so 4 or 5 guys at once.
94. What’s something you like about your body? My tongue, i like to think im good with it
95. What’s something you dislike about your body? body hair, i hate it
96. What body parts do you find the sexiest? Honestly... her eyes and mouth
97. What was your most recent sexual thought? playing with my butt plug
98. Do you ever just play with your boobs, penis, labia, etc.? being a guy I grabbed my dick more then I should under my overall at work
99. When was the last time you touched your genitals? lol... like 30 seconds ago
100. Do you often imagine people naked? Yea.. or at least in their undies, even more if they are tattooed
Published by steel_696
8 years ago
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