My wife's first sensual massage ever!
Well yesterday morning ( Friday 3/3/2017 @ 1030am)my wife had her first sensual massage it's our anniversary and 2 weeks ago i told my wife i have booked a couples sensual massage, (now my wife is quite shy and doesn't want to have sex with anyone else or anything remotely sexual with anyone but me ) and the reason i booked a massage with a man is because i have been expressing to my wife for the last almost 20yrs is i would like to see her with another man and about 3 weeks ago i asked if she would let a guy massage her and i watch to which she replied "maybe and if i did it would be the closest you'd get to a threesome " of course my man brain went YES!
So now my mission was to track a suitable person whom needed to be professional (not some random CL guy who just wants to grope the shit out of my wife) cause my wife is shy and hasn't let another man near her privates or touch her in 18 years!
After doing alot of looking and research i found a person and i phoned him ( by this stage i now knew what yoni massage was) he had a private studio at his house etc and made me feel at ease, he was professional and told me he never has sex with clients but was there to pleasure us as far as we were comfortable with great! I told him I'd love to see my wife get a professional yoni massage but was happy with what my wife wanted as i want her to feel comfortable.
So i made a booking for when me and my beautiful wife are having a long weekend away to ourselves for our anniversary.
When i told my wife now that i have booked a couples sensual massage with a man she looked shock and then said i guess i brought this on myself by saying maybe to a male massuer, i said of course!
Then she asked "what does sensual massage mean? " and i said anything you want massaged from head to toe and she boldly stated " no way is he touching or even seeing my private parts i want a standard massage!" To which i replied with i don't mind that at all cause i know your out of your comfort zone just letting a man massage you and thats enough just watching you getting a normal massage will thrill me, like me watching him massage your perfect sexy little legs will turn me on ( you guys have seen her perfect sexy legs ).
Now the day has arrived for a massage we turn up to his very nice house where he warmly greets us and shows us in he's about 50 at a guess tanned trim and speaks with an accent which sounds Italian a little.
We walk in to his lovely home he points to a door on the right and says this is our studio today and points to a door on the left which is another massage room both very clean tidy and are bedrooms converted to massage studios which made us feel at easy cause straight away professional not sleazy at all.
So he shows us into our room for a quick chat ( my wife is wearing a denim skirt short but not mini as she reckons she is to old for mini skirts now and would look like mutton dressed as lamb but i love looking at her legs many do and this skirt has those worn ripped holes in it when you buy them so good to see there skin or panties at the right angle mmm and these neat little clog shoes so hot to look at her) i can tell the massuer is impressed so he asks what we would like i take my wife's hand and hold it and stare into her eyes cause i can tell she is nervous.
I say we would like a couples sensual massage but my wife will want it pretty mild to which she responds i want a 'G' rated massage just a normal one, he stares at her and tells her it will be fine your in control and will sense with your reaction how far he can go and please just speak out if your uncomfortable or in pain as I am here just to serve the both of you if you want to keep covered up with the towel you can every decision is yours.
Ok now my wife feels a tiny bit better (later we talk about all the things that were running thru her mind and at this stage she is still a little nervous because she will be naked in a room with a stranger with only a towel covering her! At least its 'G' rated she tells herself)
Next he shows her to the bathroom to get ready, so now me and the massuer are alone he reassures me everything will be fine and can't believe how beautiful my wife is! tells me he has been massuer for around 20yrs and she would be one of the top 30 women he has ever seen (i must be hitting above my pay grade lol) i thank him and say yes she is one of the hottest women i have ever meet also (at one stage of my life i was dating Miss New Zealand so i do alright ladies seem to be attracted to my looks and i don't get nervous talking to gorgeous women and if you can make them laugh then their panties just fall off sorry i degress I'm sure your not interested in how handsome or huge my cock is 7inches just normal lol ).
My wife comes into the room wearing just a towel i can feel my balls give a little stir as she has no underwear on in a room with a stranger (i think i was grinning like the chesser cat) he leaves the room so she can get comfortable.
So i take the towel off my wife so she can lay on table i have to give that naked ass a pinch and she smiles at me i cover her from ankles to neck with the towel and think ok she must feel ok i have coverd her up so much and ask her she nods.
There's a knock at the door "come in " Gabriel enters (massuer's name) he ask if we are both comfortable i think to myself i like how he includes me if I'm comfortable as well nice professional touch we both say yes, he turns light off and turns other lights on that have a red bulb so as to set the mood turns on some relax music and in a soft voice says he is about to begin may i fold the towel down to expose your back for massage she nods, he sits me in a chair right next to her right side i think ok he is going to pull her towel down abit for her back great i should at least see side boob from here this is fucking awesome my wife nearly naked with a stranger about to rub!
He grabs his bottle of lotion places next to my wife then pulls the towel right down to expose just the top of her arse crack i thought WOW cannot believe its that low then grabs towel from ankles and folds up as well to virtually expose her, he looks at me with a look of she seems ok are you i smile and stand up cause i want the best view no way am i sitting for this, now the towel is like this tiny strip across my wife's butt! Jeez are my balls starting to tingle more on this later they have there own story which i will tell.
He starts rubbing her back telling us he will start with Swedish style then turn sensual if he feels we are comfortable (now before we arrived i asked my wife if he cant massage your boobs or flower will he be able to massage your bum cause sexual or not it feels great cause i have had one before she said "NO WAY" ok i say but your missing out ) anyway as he is massaging her back his hands are sliding just under the towel to my surprise no reaction from her then he moves to her legs now his hands go right up her thigh under the towel and pop up the otherside to carry on up her back! WHAT still no reaction from my wife whom half hour ago was adament no but touching when did she change her mind?
His hands were also running down her sides touching side boob "oh yes I'm in heaven side boob hand running under towel touching wifes arse yummy! He continued up her thighs under the towel then stops looks me in the eye grabs the towel and folds in half so now her left but cheek is totally exposed crack and all.
My mind is totally fucking blown and my cocks starts precuming and twitching to which my cock hasn't done this since puberty i think where no touching of myself yet bodily fluid is starting to flow.
I could not believe what happened next he's running his hands up inside her thighs and back out just about touching her flower then his hand is in her butt CRACK! what his fingers are touching her asshole i can't believe what I am witnessing my pretty shy wife now has a stranger with his hand in your ass crack
My god this was extremely beautiful site i was witnessing my naked wife has a stranger caressing her bum cheeks and sliding his hand down her crack to her flower and inner thighs I'm thinking to myself he must be touching her flower his hand looks so far up her thigh, then my thoughts were answered cause he must of penetrated her cause she finally spoke "i don't want to go there was murmured from her " so he pulled out now we sort of know her limits at this stage on her back.
He then looks at me and says please join me in massaging your wife I'm thinking why the hell not! Later in the car i asked my wife how come and how did she feel when he took towel off caressed your asshole and touched your flower to which she said it was shocking and strange, weird out of her comfort zone but was willing to let it go for me (so sweet my wife really loves me xox)
So i take my shirt off and pants so we are both in our boxers (I'm constantly adjusting myself my manhood and balls are swirling so much) and join him rubbing her back legs I'm copying him, he does a few little test to see if my wife can tell who's hand is who's and she passed with flying colors knowing exactly which hands are mine and which are his.
I start doing as he did sliding my hand up and down her body slightly touching her flower we both did it in consession what a thrill to watch four hands gliding over my wifes ass and pulling her cheeks apart so nice mmmm.
Then after awhile of this (i think he asked me to join in to relax my wife after he tried to enter her temple so to speak) Gabriel ask my wife in a soft tone if she would like to roll over and be covered she answers yes to both so he holds towel up so he can't see her as she turns over (again professional and make her feel at ease nice touch Gabriel)
He asks her if she would like ablind fold to feel more comfortable i jump in before she can answer YES she does and i say you will be more comfortable like that babe she agrees ( and tells me later in the car good call husband was more at ease knowing i couldn't open my eyes to see you 2)
PART 5 The Front massage
Now my wife is blindfolded and laying with the towel from her knees to her neck he folds the towel up to her knees and starts massaging her calfs and moving up to her lower thighs I think fuck this and grab the end of the towel and fold it up high enough that now my wife's sweet little pussy can just be seen, Gabriel looks at me and smiles with a look of nice work i think my cock gave a little spasm and shot more pre-cum in my boxers again!
So he moves up to her shoulders and neck starts rubbing there drifting down towards her tits then he looks at me to catch my eye and folds the towel over to expose her left breast we both smile what a site I'm in heaven he waits a second still no reaction from my wife so he starts massaging her left breast and he goes to town i see my wife's nipple start to go erect i can not believe this woman ( my wife) she hasn't let another person near her in 18 years and was adament no one ever will is lying there with her breast being massaged by a stranger and her pussy slightly exposed.
Next he grabs the corner of the towel and slowly drags it across her body still no reaction from her now she is completely NAKED! WOW! Where did my shy wife go? My pants are completely drenched in precum this hasn't happened since i was like 15! Yeehaa!
So he must love her tities he is massaging them and playing hard with her now very erect nipples I never knew until now what a turn on this would be for me no jealous or envy just in awe god i love this woman, i start rubbing her legs and drift across her clit as so does he i copy his movements we glide all four of our hands up her thighs spreading her pussy lips
caressing her clit this is the best day of my life! I see him gliding down to her pussy again and see him put his face near her flower and smells that sweet pussy of mine what a yummy site, now he is fingering her clit with no problems from my wife.
I cannot believe this he is fingering her clit now wow and she's fine with it my turn so he goes back to her tits (in the car after i ask how come she let him take towel off and massage her tits she's like well it was freakie but you were there and it didn't feel sleazy so i did for you and it actually felt real nice having my tits massaged i said i could tell they were so hard your nipples to which she said her nipples would go hard no matter who rubbed them lol)
I also finger my wifes clit in front of this stranger (Hash tag awesome) and i try to entry her temple as well actually i did but my wife's hand comes up and pulls me out (in car i ask her why we couldn't enter her she said cause she needed to pee and the pressure of us doing that would of made her need to leave to go toilet and didn't want to spoil the moment fair enough) i massage body as well but man he is giving her a full body massage all right her head her mouth and lips her fingers and toes she was in heaven!
So i go back and forth over her pussy as does he but i keep myself restrained and think if i want to do this again i better not go overboard and just keep touching her pussy i want her to feel comfortable relaxed and enjoy the whole body (lets face it i will be playing with it lots later) next thing you know our hour and half session is over felt like 20 minutes to me lol.
So he covers her up again i thought ok he must know shy ladies will be more comfortable covered when the blindfold is removed even though you have just fingered her and played with tits but good call and so my wife left us to shower while gone we chatted he told me l'm very lucky to have a beautiful wife and her mouth and lips reminds him of Marilyn Monroe and pointed to a picture of her on the wall, i thanked him and agreed i was lucky then i just blurted out "so did you penetrate my wife with your fingers when she was face down he tells me yes for a second but that's when she said she didn't want to go there i was nodding like a chihuahua on the back of a cars window i can't wait to ask my wife about that i thought.
My wife returns from shower and again he tells her how amazing looking she is and can't believe her age you look much younger than you are etc.
My wife thanks him and we leave.
PART 6 The Conclusion what happens next for the rest of our weekend
So now my mission was to track a suitable person whom needed to be professional (not some random CL guy who just wants to grope the shit out of my wife) cause my wife is shy and hasn't let another man near her privates or touch her in 18 years!
After doing alot of looking and research i found a person and i phoned him ( by this stage i now knew what yoni massage was) he had a private studio at his house etc and made me feel at ease, he was professional and told me he never has sex with clients but was there to pleasure us as far as we were comfortable with great! I told him I'd love to see my wife get a professional yoni massage but was happy with what my wife wanted as i want her to feel comfortable.
So i made a booking for when me and my beautiful wife are having a long weekend away to ourselves for our anniversary.
When i told my wife now that i have booked a couples sensual massage with a man she looked shock and then said i guess i brought this on myself by saying maybe to a male massuer, i said of course!
Then she asked "what does sensual massage mean? " and i said anything you want massaged from head to toe and she boldly stated " no way is he touching or even seeing my private parts i want a standard massage!" To which i replied with i don't mind that at all cause i know your out of your comfort zone just letting a man massage you and thats enough just watching you getting a normal massage will thrill me, like me watching him massage your perfect sexy little legs will turn me on ( you guys have seen her perfect sexy legs ).
Now the day has arrived for a massage we turn up to his very nice house where he warmly greets us and shows us in he's about 50 at a guess tanned trim and speaks with an accent which sounds Italian a little.
We walk in to his lovely home he points to a door on the right and says this is our studio today and points to a door on the left which is another massage room both very clean tidy and are bedrooms converted to massage studios which made us feel at easy cause straight away professional not sleazy at all.
So he shows us into our room for a quick chat ( my wife is wearing a denim skirt short but not mini as she reckons she is to old for mini skirts now and would look like mutton dressed as lamb but i love looking at her legs many do and this skirt has those worn ripped holes in it when you buy them so good to see there skin or panties at the right angle mmm and these neat little clog shoes so hot to look at her) i can tell the massuer is impressed so he asks what we would like i take my wife's hand and hold it and stare into her eyes cause i can tell she is nervous.
I say we would like a couples sensual massage but my wife will want it pretty mild to which she responds i want a 'G' rated massage just a normal one, he stares at her and tells her it will be fine your in control and will sense with your reaction how far he can go and please just speak out if your uncomfortable or in pain as I am here just to serve the both of you if you want to keep covered up with the towel you can every decision is yours.
Ok now my wife feels a tiny bit better (later we talk about all the things that were running thru her mind and at this stage she is still a little nervous because she will be naked in a room with a stranger with only a towel covering her! At least its 'G' rated she tells herself)
Next he shows her to the bathroom to get ready, so now me and the massuer are alone he reassures me everything will be fine and can't believe how beautiful my wife is! tells me he has been massuer for around 20yrs and she would be one of the top 30 women he has ever seen (i must be hitting above my pay grade lol) i thank him and say yes she is one of the hottest women i have ever meet also (at one stage of my life i was dating Miss New Zealand so i do alright ladies seem to be attracted to my looks and i don't get nervous talking to gorgeous women and if you can make them laugh then their panties just fall off sorry i degress I'm sure your not interested in how handsome or huge my cock is 7inches just normal lol ).
My wife comes into the room wearing just a towel i can feel my balls give a little stir as she has no underwear on in a room with a stranger (i think i was grinning like the chesser cat) he leaves the room so she can get comfortable.
So i take the towel off my wife so she can lay on table i have to give that naked ass a pinch and she smiles at me i cover her from ankles to neck with the towel and think ok she must feel ok i have coverd her up so much and ask her she nods.
There's a knock at the door "come in " Gabriel enters (massuer's name) he ask if we are both comfortable i think to myself i like how he includes me if I'm comfortable as well nice professional touch we both say yes, he turns light off and turns other lights on that have a red bulb so as to set the mood turns on some relax music and in a soft voice says he is about to begin may i fold the towel down to expose your back for massage she nods, he sits me in a chair right next to her right side i think ok he is going to pull her towel down abit for her back great i should at least see side boob from here this is fucking awesome my wife nearly naked with a stranger about to rub!
He grabs his bottle of lotion places next to my wife then pulls the towel right down to expose just the top of her arse crack i thought WOW cannot believe its that low then grabs towel from ankles and folds up as well to virtually expose her, he looks at me with a look of she seems ok are you i smile and stand up cause i want the best view no way am i sitting for this, now the towel is like this tiny strip across my wife's butt! Jeez are my balls starting to tingle more on this later they have there own story which i will tell.
He starts rubbing her back telling us he will start with Swedish style then turn sensual if he feels we are comfortable (now before we arrived i asked my wife if he cant massage your boobs or flower will he be able to massage your bum cause sexual or not it feels great cause i have had one before she said "NO WAY" ok i say but your missing out ) anyway as he is massaging her back his hands are sliding just under the towel to my surprise no reaction from her then he moves to her legs now his hands go right up her thigh under the towel and pop up the otherside to carry on up her back! WHAT still no reaction from my wife whom half hour ago was adament no but touching when did she change her mind?
His hands were also running down her sides touching side boob "oh yes I'm in heaven side boob hand running under towel touching wifes arse yummy! He continued up her thighs under the towel then stops looks me in the eye grabs the towel and folds in half so now her left but cheek is totally exposed crack and all.
My mind is totally fucking blown and my cocks starts precuming and twitching to which my cock hasn't done this since puberty i think where no touching of myself yet bodily fluid is starting to flow.
I could not believe what happened next he's running his hands up inside her thighs and back out just about touching her flower then his hand is in her butt CRACK! what his fingers are touching her asshole i can't believe what I am witnessing my pretty shy wife now has a stranger with his hand in your ass crack
My god this was extremely beautiful site i was witnessing my naked wife has a stranger caressing her bum cheeks and sliding his hand down her crack to her flower and inner thighs I'm thinking to myself he must be touching her flower his hand looks so far up her thigh, then my thoughts were answered cause he must of penetrated her cause she finally spoke "i don't want to go there was murmured from her " so he pulled out now we sort of know her limits at this stage on her back.
He then looks at me and says please join me in massaging your wife I'm thinking why the hell not! Later in the car i asked my wife how come and how did she feel when he took towel off caressed your asshole and touched your flower to which she said it was shocking and strange, weird out of her comfort zone but was willing to let it go for me (so sweet my wife really loves me xox)
So i take my shirt off and pants so we are both in our boxers (I'm constantly adjusting myself my manhood and balls are swirling so much) and join him rubbing her back legs I'm copying him, he does a few little test to see if my wife can tell who's hand is who's and she passed with flying colors knowing exactly which hands are mine and which are his.
I start doing as he did sliding my hand up and down her body slightly touching her flower we both did it in consession what a thrill to watch four hands gliding over my wifes ass and pulling her cheeks apart so nice mmmm.
Then after awhile of this (i think he asked me to join in to relax my wife after he tried to enter her temple so to speak) Gabriel ask my wife in a soft tone if she would like to roll over and be covered she answers yes to both so he holds towel up so he can't see her as she turns over (again professional and make her feel at ease nice touch Gabriel)
He asks her if she would like ablind fold to feel more comfortable i jump in before she can answer YES she does and i say you will be more comfortable like that babe she agrees ( and tells me later in the car good call husband was more at ease knowing i couldn't open my eyes to see you 2)
PART 5 The Front massage
Now my wife is blindfolded and laying with the towel from her knees to her neck he folds the towel up to her knees and starts massaging her calfs and moving up to her lower thighs I think fuck this and grab the end of the towel and fold it up high enough that now my wife's sweet little pussy can just be seen, Gabriel looks at me and smiles with a look of nice work i think my cock gave a little spasm and shot more pre-cum in my boxers again!
So he moves up to her shoulders and neck starts rubbing there drifting down towards her tits then he looks at me to catch my eye and folds the towel over to expose her left breast we both smile what a site I'm in heaven he waits a second still no reaction from my wife so he starts massaging her left breast and he goes to town i see my wife's nipple start to go erect i can not believe this woman ( my wife) she hasn't let another person near her in 18 years and was adament no one ever will is lying there with her breast being massaged by a stranger and her pussy slightly exposed.
Next he grabs the corner of the towel and slowly drags it across her body still no reaction from her now she is completely NAKED! WOW! Where did my shy wife go? My pants are completely drenched in precum this hasn't happened since i was like 15! Yeehaa!
So he must love her tities he is massaging them and playing hard with her now very erect nipples I never knew until now what a turn on this would be for me no jealous or envy just in awe god i love this woman, i start rubbing her legs and drift across her clit as so does he i copy his movements we glide all four of our hands up her thighs spreading her pussy lips
caressing her clit this is the best day of my life! I see him gliding down to her pussy again and see him put his face near her flower and smells that sweet pussy of mine what a yummy site, now he is fingering her clit with no problems from my wife.
I cannot believe this he is fingering her clit now wow and she's fine with it my turn so he goes back to her tits (in the car after i ask how come she let him take towel off and massage her tits she's like well it was freakie but you were there and it didn't feel sleazy so i did for you and it actually felt real nice having my tits massaged i said i could tell they were so hard your nipples to which she said her nipples would go hard no matter who rubbed them lol)
I also finger my wifes clit in front of this stranger (Hash tag awesome) and i try to entry her temple as well actually i did but my wife's hand comes up and pulls me out (in car i ask her why we couldn't enter her she said cause she needed to pee and the pressure of us doing that would of made her need to leave to go toilet and didn't want to spoil the moment fair enough) i massage body as well but man he is giving her a full body massage all right her head her mouth and lips her fingers and toes she was in heaven!
So i go back and forth over her pussy as does he but i keep myself restrained and think if i want to do this again i better not go overboard and just keep touching her pussy i want her to feel comfortable relaxed and enjoy the whole body (lets face it i will be playing with it lots later) next thing you know our hour and half session is over felt like 20 minutes to me lol.
So he covers her up again i thought ok he must know shy ladies will be more comfortable covered when the blindfold is removed even though you have just fingered her and played with tits but good call and so my wife left us to shower while gone we chatted he told me l'm very lucky to have a beautiful wife and her mouth and lips reminds him of Marilyn Monroe and pointed to a picture of her on the wall, i thanked him and agreed i was lucky then i just blurted out "so did you penetrate my wife with your fingers when she was face down he tells me yes for a second but that's when she said she didn't want to go there i was nodding like a chihuahua on the back of a cars window i can't wait to ask my wife about that i thought.
My wife returns from shower and again he tells her how amazing looking she is and can't believe her age you look much younger than you are etc.
My wife thanks him and we leave.
PART 6 The Conclusion what happens next for the rest of our weekend
8 years ago
What happened to part 6?
I do hope to read part 6 real soon and see where this goes.
well written