This is important.

It’s important to understand what abuse is. It’s important to know what abuse isn’t.

Yes abuse can look like hands on someone. Yes abuse can be a slap in the face, a punch, a threat.

Abuse can also be a million other things.

Abuse is manipulating someone’s mind into doing or saying what you want. Abuse is making people feel guilty when they have no reason to be. Abuse is not validating someone’s emotions. Abuse is making people think things are their fault that aren’t.

Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. And to call someone out as an abuser over a consensual act between two adults when you notoriously abuse women? That’s sad.

There are many red flags guys, don’t ever be afraid to say something. I know how hard it is. I love you guys.
Published by -SS-
8 years ago
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purlin 8 years ago
Abuse is making people feel guilty when they have no reason to be ..loved that x
PiercedScot34 8 years ago
So true. Consent is the important thing
super41969 8 years ago
well said