Caught Crossdressing
A few years ago I was house sitting a big house in a wealthy neighborhood for a couple of days. The houses in this neighborhood were spread far apart and it afforded a lot of privacy. I decided to dress to the nines. Spend the day prepping. I shaved every inch of my body. painted my toes and finger nails a nice brite red and big fake lashes. I put on a matching red bra, panty, grader set. Lotiond my smooth legs and put black stay up stockings on. Then a tight red Bebe Bodycon bandage dress. Red pump hees with a brunette wig. Lots of rhinestone glittery jewelry. neckless, bracelet, earrings. I managed one of my best make up jobs with really great smoky eye. When I checked the final product in the mirror, I was pleased. Even more impressive was all the reds of my outfit match and sometimes it can be hard to do. A few shots of perfume and I was ready for a photo shoot. I particularly wanted some outdoor pictures. I pranced around the house for a little while and took pictures. When it was about 1 AM I decided it was time to do my outdoor shoot in their huge backyard with a beautiful pool. I put all the outdoor flood lights on and went outside This was a very private place and I was confident nobody would be able to see me.
So I'm outside with my tripod. Walking back and forth on the path really strutting for the camera. When I hear a noise. Sounded like a radio. Then I see it flashlight coming around the side of the house. Holey God the police are here and I'm fully crossdressed. I'm frozen. I can't decide what to do. I have already pictured myself running out of my heels across the yard to hide in the woods. I realize this is not a good option with the police. They will cerently chase me espically in this neighborhood. Then the beam of his flashlight is on me. I hear him say "what the fuck are you doing?" I calmly said I'm supposed to be here, I'm house sitting. He asked do they know what your doing here? I said no. My heart pounding out of my chest. He asked for my ID so we went into the house to get it. He radioed to other officers to slow down and stop coming everything was secure. I gave him the name of the home owner and everything checked out. I was clearly completely embarrassed and shamed. The police officer was very professional and treating me with respect. Never mentioning to dispatch or other officers my attire. He even called off another officer who had pulled in the driveway. Apparently the neighbor saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway late night and called. As he was leaving he said his sibling is transgender and gave me a complement that I was put together nicely. I said thank you and I don't think I could've been any more red in the face... I went straight inside and took a shot of vodka
So I'm outside with my tripod. Walking back and forth on the path really strutting for the camera. When I hear a noise. Sounded like a radio. Then I see it flashlight coming around the side of the house. Holey God the police are here and I'm fully crossdressed. I'm frozen. I can't decide what to do. I have already pictured myself running out of my heels across the yard to hide in the woods. I realize this is not a good option with the police. They will cerently chase me espically in this neighborhood. Then the beam of his flashlight is on me. I hear him say "what the fuck are you doing?" I calmly said I'm supposed to be here, I'm house sitting. He asked do they know what your doing here? I said no. My heart pounding out of my chest. He asked for my ID so we went into the house to get it. He radioed to other officers to slow down and stop coming everything was secure. I gave him the name of the home owner and everything checked out. I was clearly completely embarrassed and shamed. The police officer was very professional and treating me with respect. Never mentioning to dispatch or other officers my attire. He even called off another officer who had pulled in the driveway. Apparently the neighbor saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway late night and called. As he was leaving he said his sibling is transgender and gave me a complement that I was put together nicely. I said thank you and I don't think I could've been any more red in the face... I went straight inside and took a shot of vodka
8 years ago