Advice and opinions please!!!

Hey guys!

So I've not been on Xhamster for long, or anything else social/adult media wise to be honest.. (I know, that's really weird for an 18 year old to not be on social media in 2017!) but I'm really enjoying it and finding out lots of new sexual things. Being a virgin at the age of 18 I guess is quite a rare thing these days and even though 90% of the time I'm horny, and maybe it's time to go ahead, "bite the bullet" and lose my virginity, and I do want to! (Kinda). I just feel like I should wait.

Anyway, getting to the point of this post.. I want to ask how old do you think is "too old" for a 18 year old? I've taken an interest in wanting a "sugar daddy" because of course I am a fucking princess and I deserve to be treated like one, haha! One major problem is if I find somebody, they will most likely want to fuck me and if I'm not 100% ready, they won't stay with me. BUT, I'm not completely frigid and I love oral/teasing each other, etc.

I'm stuck on what to do. I'm curious about sex and really want to learn new things, so please leave your comments/opinions/advice.
Help a girl out ;)

Lots of love,
Babydoll xo

P.s, I haven't uploaded any photos of my face and shared my name for my own privacy, so please stop asking.
Published by virginbabydoll
8 years ago
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tomatema 7 years ago
Follow your intuiton, nothing else.
almente97 7 years ago
Make this together :smile: i know this to crazy. but... look interesting heh
toess10 7 years ago
Well...Age is only an issue if you are not attracted to them or get on with them! I have known people in their 20's who i would not touch with.........well anything! But 50yo's who I would happily enjoy!
As to losing your V Plates. There are more things to do that are MUCH more fun than that! 99.999% of sex is winding yourselves up to penetration.
sjuli27 8 years ago
def let bbc bust ur cherry
celeryman44 8 years ago
I totally agree with almost all the previous comments here, you will know when you are ready, and you should not feel pressured by society, friends, social media or a guy or guys to lose your virginity x One day or night you will be kissing and cuddling or maybe something much naughtier with a guy ( his age truly doesnt matter ) and you will think "you know what this feels right, I am horny, I want more" and it will or perhaps I should say, naturally, happen. First time isn't always the best though, so don't be put off. And lastly, it is an amazing gift to give someone, so chose wisely. xxx
WhiteGuy20000 8 years ago
as long as you need to ask, you're not yet doesnt matter how old you are , some girls are ready at 15, depends on the way youre raised and the environment you live for how old is too old, well in most cases it doesnt matter as long as you're both adults.
creative__goat 8 years ago
lose your virginity when you feel you are ready. and trust me.. you'll know when you are ready. as for age - it's honestly just a number when you leave school. enjoy the field! xx
I would have to agree with everybody here. You should only have sex when you are ready and it should be with someone special, because you are special.

As far as how old is too old. This is really up to you, as long as they respect you and treat you right, age is just a number.
PhotomanBeds 8 years ago
Don't lose your virginity because you think it is time to do it that is a daftest reason, lose your virginity when you have met a great and special person who you feel deserves you and that you want to share yourself with and give them everythingyou have. You are as you say a Princess and deserve to be treated like one, well if he doesn't do that then he doesn't deserve to be given the biggest gift a girl can give!!

croeso 8 years ago
lose your virginity with a 'proper guy' not because just you might think it's time. there is no rush. That would be my advice
girlluvr63 8 years ago
Trust your instincts! Oral is very satisfying :wink: Try a toy instead of the hairbrush...
Stiffenpurple 8 years ago
Are you asking how old is too old to remain a virgin? If so, then you will know when the time is right for you. You won't have to ask yourself if you should.

Or, are you asking what is the age limit for an older man for an 18 year old girl? If so, see my answer below.
letsgetstupid 8 years ago
100% agree with the comments on here, society cannot tell you when to make a major decisions that can shape future experiences! Just have fun and do what is natural xx
Stiffenpurple 8 years ago
Age is secondary to the rapport you share with an older man. Then his fitness and abilities to please you, and finally his expectations of you in pleasing him.
landkat 8 years ago
I don't think there is a limit on age for virginity.. It is YOUR decision and not to be taken lightly. You are commendable to be so honest with yourself. Yes you are always horny, but oral should be enough for that lucky person to be with you..