The Bet chpt. 5

The Bet

Chapter 5

He tried the lock a second time. Of course, it refused to open. Each time he glanced her way she was grinning. She refused to speak to him. Instead she just took his shoulders and laid him down in her old space on the bed. She tied his hands to the two corners of the headboard, and with a little more difficulty, tied his knees apart with the board at the foot of the bed.

Giving him a long lingering kiss, she blindfolded him and left the room.

As she had tied him, he had become hard again. He was pleased to have thought up the blindfold, though more pleased to have used it than to have felt it's disorienting effects. Her smell was still strong in the room. As he noticed it, he could feel himself becoming harder. He was glad the bet had limited her winnings. He knew he couldn't have stood the amount of teasing that she had evidently taken in stride. He could hear the shower running. It went on for some minutes. He could smell her scent still on his lips. It was very tantalizing to be aroused (physically), have her smell on himself and not to be able to touch himself.

The shower stopped. He heard her enter. A moment later he felt a hot wash rag wrapped around his cock and balls as well his lower stomach. He could feel the warmth from the wet cloth seeping into his loins. There was a gentle tugging and the sound of scissors at work. He felt each section of his pubic hair trimmed in this way. This was followed by a second warm wet cloth going over the trimmed area in a wiping motion. He heard her soft steps going to the sink in the bathroom and water running. As she returned, she said, "Try not to wiggle. We don't want any accidents now do we." What was worse was that she giggled as she said it. He felt a cool lime foam spread over his lower abdomen.

His erection continued unabated. He felt the razor shave the hair as she worked her way from right to left on his pubes. She seemed to take delight, judging from the odd giggle, in gripping the base of his shaft and pulling it to one side to allow a smoother, more thorough trim. At the half way point she put the razor down and gripped his balls in one hand and his shaft in the other.

"Are we having fun yet?" She tried to say it with a stern voice, but couldn't keep the correct tone. Regardless of what he thought of the proceedings, she was certainly having her own fun over this.

"I don't know that 'fun' is exactly how I'd describe it ..." he began. His train of thought was interrupted by her mouth beginning to envelope his straining member.

After a few seconds she released it. "Just how would you describe it?" Without waiting for an answer, she went back down on his member. Her teeth gently stroked the sides of his cock. "Its an odd feeling. Kind of kinky, and a little bit scary."

Coming up for air, she asked, "How is it scary?"

"Part of it is your having that razor next to my privates, part of it is just being bare there. I've never had this done before. It's going to really feel weird."

Taking his cock from her mouth, she picked up the razor and continued her work. Working slowly, she had the area above his cock smooth in a few more minutes. Her constant use of his cock as a lever helped to insure that his attention was firmly pressed on the task at hand.

She put the razor down, slid her body along his until her mouth was next to his. She kissed him, sliding her tongue deep into his mouth, running her hands over him at will. "Now, I want you to be a good boy and be very still for this next part." Her left hand slid back, gripping his cock. "It would be very funny taking you to the Emergency room if I slipped, but it will upset my plans for the rest of the evening. Will you try and hold still."

"Yes. I'll try." His voice was rasping, barely under control.

"I'm glad you're going to be a good boy." she answered, kissing him again, never relinquishing her grip on his straining member, her thumb running back and forth over the head. She spent over a minute slowly slinking back down his body. Getting off of the bed, she wiped down the area she had shaved with the cooling wash cloth. Taking it and the razor to the sink, she rinsed both of them in warm water. She wrung out the cloth and returned to the bed again. Taking his shaft and scrotum, she bathed them with the warm cloth.

Giving his cock a kiss, she began shaving the hairs at the base. She took extreme care. The process of shaving his cock took nearly five minutes, by itself. There were no nicks. Had he been able to see her face, he would have known how seriously she was taking the project. As it was, her whistling, 'Singing in the Rain', slightly off key, gave him no such confidence.

When she was finished, she took the whole length of his member into her mouth, reveling in it's smoothness. She found one rough area. She applied more shaving cream to it and trimmed the last of it's stubble. She wiped it down carefully with her wash cloth. When she was satisfied it was smooth, she double checked the entire base with her tongue.

She ran her left hand over his cock and now bare abdomen. "How does that feel?" she asked.

It took him several seconds to answer. "It feels really strange. It feels like I'm more naked." Her hand continued to stroke him, "It feels like I'm totally helpless. If I wasn't tied up, I'd have told you to stop. I wouldn't have ..." Her thumb smearing a drop of emission from the tip of his cock over the head caused him to falter, " ... have the nerve to go through with it on my own."

She took his cock totally in her mouth. Now it was completely smooth. Releasing it, she said simply, "Now you hold still. This part will be more difficult."

Ten minutes later she had his scrotum smooth as well. She took an extra few minutes to trim the hair on his legs where it would rub against his cock and balls. She enjoyed it so much that it was hard to know where to stop. She took a pause every couple of minutes to suck on his nice clean cock, or whenever she judged he was about to object. A couple of times she took his balls in her mouth, amazing herself at how different it felt to do this with no hair to get in the way. At last she trimmed, with great care, the area between his scrotum and anus. Then, deciding that he had, after all, been very good, she untied him, placing a finger on his lips as he began to speak. She took his cock in her mouth, cupped his balls in her hand, and penetrated him with her finger as she sucked on his long suffering cock. After a moment she shifted position and placed her furry sex over his mouth as well.

She began pumping into him in time with the bobbing of her head.

The End..

Published by wastedaway
14 years ago
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