I've never been to a gynecologist. I was in a strange uneasiness when I finally started to plan. In the end, I was already 18, so it's time to go to the first study. I knew that I had to undress, so I stole her sister silk underwear leopard. Only panties, because the top will not take off - I said. sister were never put on it because they were too small. I pulled them on the ass and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked ... Dairies. I turned around and was pleased that perfectly opinajÄ
also my PUPKA. I breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of a good-looking - it will be easier to overcome resistance and to remove them from each other in front of him.
I sat in the waiting room when the good-looking guy about 30 emerged for a moment from the office. He did not look at the doctor - delicate white polo shirt, looking like Ralph Lauren, opinaĆo his muscular arms and his smile flashed me the eyes of the white when he sent it in my direction, shouting to the secretary of some documents. There was something intriguing, but also very intimidating. He seemed friendly uncle and dangerous lunatic at once. SpeszyĆa is concerned, and I looked at each other. I would be sure that the patient, if not for the fact that the ordered machine. After a moment she left the office fat woman pregnant. The door closed and waited. In my lower abdomen I was boiling with frustration. My heart was beating like a hammer. I was afraid of what awaits me at the door.
Finally, I saw his head leaning out the door. He had a faint grimace on his lips, as if he were something happy. He retreated inside, and I stood up on shaky legs and stepped into the stream of strong, masculine scent, which left behind. He d**gged me and I felt a little better. He did not smell like a father, and the only male perfume knew. He was intoxicating, and it was a pleasure to do a deep breath to fill the entire lung. It was the smell of a complete, arrogant and strong, as the grip of his hand, heralded by some strange charisma, he argued to himself. When I spoke standard "good morning" already feel like I'm enslaved, I was small and irrational at him and anxiously found that although will lead me and what I do not recommend - you should do this. He did not ask me any questions about menstruation, intercourse or virginity to which I was prepared for (friends). He said only a dry start from the study and ordered me to undress, apologizing for the lack of a screen. His voice does not vibrate, he was impassive as if announcing a lesson topic. I walked over to the couch by the wall and started to slide shoes, socks, and finally, a little too rebellious, pants. At lap I hesitated and I Devises like here to wriggle out when I glanced in his direction. He sprawled on a chair with folded hands and staring at my panties from the half-open mouth. He looked at me slightly rakish pleased and confident. He nodded his head slowly. Under his relentless, hypnotic gaze humbly I finished downloading pants. I stood in front of him only in the top and panties leopard. "Panties also remove it." - Delivered, going unnoticed for you. He was probably twice as old - could. Obediently I began to remove the material which exposed my pussy and the first small beard. "Lie down on that chair" - pointed to an armchair with a strange high rests wystrzelonymi up. I climbed up on him. "The legs attach high on the backs - so I saw everything." - Ordered in a very personal way to turning the cabinet full of syringes, metal devices strange shape of containers and pipettes. I felt ashamed as ever, but still rumbling hearts slowly opened her knees and thighs exposing my pink protruding labia. With little effort I put feet on jacks and slid butt a little lower, so that - according to the recommendation - everything was visible. When finishing rely calf glanced in his direction. I was not going to put him. Such guys instinctively do not put up resistance.
After a lot for a short time turned away from the cabinet and came up to me. To my horror, he was holding a pair of scissors. Soothing businesslike tone, he said: "The upper part of the clothing will interfere with the study. RozetnÄ it. Do you mind?". I was shocked by the idea but did not want to show it. He called to order - it's a doctor, he knows what he's doing! - And timidly, but clearly, I nodded. He approached, taking me tightly golf destruction of its smell. Now I was his absolute subjected. Something strange hard relied on my naked pussy and pressing against her. His bare crotch and my only separated layer of his pants. Stoically he started to cut my blouse navel upwards. With a soft slap freed my two protruding boobs. "Good." - He stated, staring at my nipples - "Study start of your breasts. I touched them and check if everything right. Do not move and breathe deeply. "Obediently parted lips and Chal greedily breathed air. I was shaking with nervousness and uncertainty. He licked two index fingers and began to circle my nipples. To my horror began defiantly hang around, like an alarm. After a moment he took both breasts in a whole hands and began to oppress each other while massaging. With every moment of his movements became stronger and faster, and something based on my pussy, harder and bigger. His standing penis pressed on the fly and hurting me in the crotch. "It is normal to normal" - I repeated to myself. "For a while I go to study crotch." - Said a voice which was in itself the firmness and objectivity of a good doctor. He pushed one hand on my chest and licked the three middle fingers of one lick. Moving away slightly from my pussy crotch stuck my finger inside. He did it slowly and reluctantly, as if scampered down the inside of my vagina with difficulty. "You're awfully cramped. I can barely put your finger. For testing I will not need to expand the entrance to your vagina. "- He continued. Hurt me already one finger and before restrained blurted out to me, "No!". He put me again removed just a finger and recoiled. "It is absolutely necessary for proper investigation," - he said, and stabbed his finger in my pussy - "I still have to put it there the whole up to the testicles to really examine you. It is normal procedure when testing a virgin. As soon as I put d ** g, third and fourth finger. Try not to move when I tried to loosen you. "After a while I felt the pain in my pussy is increasing. "It hurts!" - Blurted out. "Yes, I know" - he said - "but understand that it is really necessary. You have a very tight pussy. And I have to conduct a study. " He took his hand from my d ** nd chest and unbuttoned her fly. PrzystwiĆ something warm and very hard for my pussy. Tears welled up in my eyes when I began to push against the inside. "No, sir, please stop, please, it hurts, aa!" - Screamed. Stoically she resisted my attacks whispering right in my face, "I understand, but there is no other choice. I slowly put until it enters a whole. It is necessary. Yes. Yes ... yes ... "- as he said his voice changed, became deeper, and the words threw out faster and if gulps. It hurt me all the crotch and the tears rolled down her cheeks. She groaned to stop, I do not know what he was doing, and again to stop. But it is still pressed steel with the same force. I felt like I tore in half. I was sure that I have the blood flies. He constantly pressed his penis millimeter by millimeter thrust himself into my pussy. "Only a half, I put almost the entire, still a piece until it fits you there all" - shouted whisper in my face. In the end, when the pain was already terribly unbearable helplessness and my protests giving way only jÄkom, I felt a strong jolt past his hips and his warm testicles stuck to my ass. I cry on the lips caused by a foreign pain, but was suppressed when he sunk his mouth on mine and literally scaĆowaĆ my pain greedy kiss. I felt a warmth and a certain echo, or perhaps the announcement of something beautiful. I gave a moment ago, literally at a time when he pulled away from me and the pain of his penis and heat arising from its smell and kiss me were taken out at once. One hand zipped up d ** nd put into his pocket and without a word or glance moved toward the door. Without viewing threw "Go," with his hand on the doorknob. The door closed with dudniÄciem drafts and I was left alone. In the rush I was pulling on his clothes and jacket on bare breasts, without looking at the pieces of the cut blouses. The first time was like me once said - scary, strange and beautiful at the same time.
I sat in the waiting room when the good-looking guy about 30 emerged for a moment from the office. He did not look at the doctor - delicate white polo shirt, looking like Ralph Lauren, opinaĆo his muscular arms and his smile flashed me the eyes of the white when he sent it in my direction, shouting to the secretary of some documents. There was something intriguing, but also very intimidating. He seemed friendly uncle and dangerous lunatic at once. SpeszyĆa is concerned, and I looked at each other. I would be sure that the patient, if not for the fact that the ordered machine. After a moment she left the office fat woman pregnant. The door closed and waited. In my lower abdomen I was boiling with frustration. My heart was beating like a hammer. I was afraid of what awaits me at the door.
Finally, I saw his head leaning out the door. He had a faint grimace on his lips, as if he were something happy. He retreated inside, and I stood up on shaky legs and stepped into the stream of strong, masculine scent, which left behind. He d**gged me and I felt a little better. He did not smell like a father, and the only male perfume knew. He was intoxicating, and it was a pleasure to do a deep breath to fill the entire lung. It was the smell of a complete, arrogant and strong, as the grip of his hand, heralded by some strange charisma, he argued to himself. When I spoke standard "good morning" already feel like I'm enslaved, I was small and irrational at him and anxiously found that although will lead me and what I do not recommend - you should do this. He did not ask me any questions about menstruation, intercourse or virginity to which I was prepared for (friends). He said only a dry start from the study and ordered me to undress, apologizing for the lack of a screen. His voice does not vibrate, he was impassive as if announcing a lesson topic. I walked over to the couch by the wall and started to slide shoes, socks, and finally, a little too rebellious, pants. At lap I hesitated and I Devises like here to wriggle out when I glanced in his direction. He sprawled on a chair with folded hands and staring at my panties from the half-open mouth. He looked at me slightly rakish pleased and confident. He nodded his head slowly. Under his relentless, hypnotic gaze humbly I finished downloading pants. I stood in front of him only in the top and panties leopard. "Panties also remove it." - Delivered, going unnoticed for you. He was probably twice as old - could. Obediently I began to remove the material which exposed my pussy and the first small beard. "Lie down on that chair" - pointed to an armchair with a strange high rests wystrzelonymi up. I climbed up on him. "The legs attach high on the backs - so I saw everything." - Ordered in a very personal way to turning the cabinet full of syringes, metal devices strange shape of containers and pipettes. I felt ashamed as ever, but still rumbling hearts slowly opened her knees and thighs exposing my pink protruding labia. With little effort I put feet on jacks and slid butt a little lower, so that - according to the recommendation - everything was visible. When finishing rely calf glanced in his direction. I was not going to put him. Such guys instinctively do not put up resistance.
After a lot for a short time turned away from the cabinet and came up to me. To my horror, he was holding a pair of scissors. Soothing businesslike tone, he said: "The upper part of the clothing will interfere with the study. RozetnÄ it. Do you mind?". I was shocked by the idea but did not want to show it. He called to order - it's a doctor, he knows what he's doing! - And timidly, but clearly, I nodded. He approached, taking me tightly golf destruction of its smell. Now I was his absolute subjected. Something strange hard relied on my naked pussy and pressing against her. His bare crotch and my only separated layer of his pants. Stoically he started to cut my blouse navel upwards. With a soft slap freed my two protruding boobs. "Good." - He stated, staring at my nipples - "Study start of your breasts. I touched them and check if everything right. Do not move and breathe deeply. "Obediently parted lips and Chal greedily breathed air. I was shaking with nervousness and uncertainty. He licked two index fingers and began to circle my nipples. To my horror began defiantly hang around, like an alarm. After a moment he took both breasts in a whole hands and began to oppress each other while massaging. With every moment of his movements became stronger and faster, and something based on my pussy, harder and bigger. His standing penis pressed on the fly and hurting me in the crotch. "It is normal to normal" - I repeated to myself. "For a while I go to study crotch." - Said a voice which was in itself the firmness and objectivity of a good doctor. He pushed one hand on my chest and licked the three middle fingers of one lick. Moving away slightly from my pussy crotch stuck my finger inside. He did it slowly and reluctantly, as if scampered down the inside of my vagina with difficulty. "You're awfully cramped. I can barely put your finger. For testing I will not need to expand the entrance to your vagina. "- He continued. Hurt me already one finger and before restrained blurted out to me, "No!". He put me again removed just a finger and recoiled. "It is absolutely necessary for proper investigation," - he said, and stabbed his finger in my pussy - "I still have to put it there the whole up to the testicles to really examine you. It is normal procedure when testing a virgin. As soon as I put d ** g, third and fourth finger. Try not to move when I tried to loosen you. "After a while I felt the pain in my pussy is increasing. "It hurts!" - Blurted out. "Yes, I know" - he said - "but understand that it is really necessary. You have a very tight pussy. And I have to conduct a study. " He took his hand from my d ** nd chest and unbuttoned her fly. PrzystwiĆ something warm and very hard for my pussy. Tears welled up in my eyes when I began to push against the inside. "No, sir, please stop, please, it hurts, aa!" - Screamed. Stoically she resisted my attacks whispering right in my face, "I understand, but there is no other choice. I slowly put until it enters a whole. It is necessary. Yes. Yes ... yes ... "- as he said his voice changed, became deeper, and the words threw out faster and if gulps. It hurt me all the crotch and the tears rolled down her cheeks. She groaned to stop, I do not know what he was doing, and again to stop. But it is still pressed steel with the same force. I felt like I tore in half. I was sure that I have the blood flies. He constantly pressed his penis millimeter by millimeter thrust himself into my pussy. "Only a half, I put almost the entire, still a piece until it fits you there all" - shouted whisper in my face. In the end, when the pain was already terribly unbearable helplessness and my protests giving way only jÄkom, I felt a strong jolt past his hips and his warm testicles stuck to my ass. I cry on the lips caused by a foreign pain, but was suppressed when he sunk his mouth on mine and literally scaĆowaĆ my pain greedy kiss. I felt a warmth and a certain echo, or perhaps the announcement of something beautiful. I gave a moment ago, literally at a time when he pulled away from me and the pain of his penis and heat arising from its smell and kiss me were taken out at once. One hand zipped up d ** nd put into his pocket and without a word or glance moved toward the door. Without viewing threw "Go," with his hand on the doorknob. The door closed with dudniÄciem drafts and I was left alone. In the rush I was pulling on his clothes and jacket on bare breasts, without looking at the pieces of the cut blouses. The first time was like me once said - scary, strange and beautiful at the same time.
8 years ago