This is what all slaves should be prepared to do f
Being covered in lube, oil, filth etc
Being dressed as a slave, in bondage and/or in a humiliating fashion.
Being fucked by a dog.
Being pissed on, used as a toilet.
Being treated like a dog, like the a****l that I am, 'Shown' at SM Show dog trails.
Being locked into a cock chastity cage.
Being naked or nearly naked in public, left on the floor at boot level.
Being put on display in a friendly SM environment.
Being stepped on (especially with muddy or oily boots).
Being stuffed with food, mouth and asshole, use of force.
forced fed food like Vegimite/Marmite (a British delicacy).
Being submissive and humiliated publicly in a friendly SM environment.
Being tied into humiliating positions (and my body being taken/invaded).
Being used as a doormat to clean boots on, I use my T-shirt to shine your boots.
Being written on with humiliating language, using pen or filth.
Getting a ragged and chopped haircut.
forced to wear rubber/fetish gear in public.
To wear torn 501s as an exhibitionist, maybe rubber or dirty baggy jock showing.
forced to wear cheap baggy, jeans under tight leather chaps, so that you look ridiculous.
To have abusive or 'dirty' words written over your body like tattoos, then risk exposure.
Eating out of a dog dish, Master forcing my face into the dish with his boot on my back.
Having a lit candle shoved into my mouth, cock hole, asshole.
Having a thick ring soldered through my Septum or a heavy lock soldered/bonded/locked; through my PA, like wise a pad-lock.
Having a wide metal band soldered/bonded around my cock and a wide metal band soldered/bonded around my balls
Having (dirty) dildoes forced into mouth and asshole (fuck me with it, then make me clean it before i get fucked again).
Having fingers shoved down my throat, till i choke, or licking,sucking making love to them before the gag goes back in.
Having my body completely shaved/buzzed: legs, crotch, arms, head, eyebrows, eyelashes. In rubber, being covered in lube, piss or filth, add verbal ("Your dirty little fucker","You shit eating a****l").
Wearing head to toe rubber in a friendly SM environment, total enclosure, sealed in - like im glued in.
Being ordered to put ones self in auto-bondage, with your PC connected to a porn or Zoo Sex web site and leave the door ajar ready for an outraged visitor, what if your wife/mother/Boyfriends saw you in rubber wanking off looking at a guy being fucked by a dog... what would they think...Could you get untied and get to the PC fast enough ?
Being dressed as a slave, in bondage and/or in a humiliating fashion.
Being fucked by a dog.
Being pissed on, used as a toilet.
Being treated like a dog, like the a****l that I am, 'Shown' at SM Show dog trails.
Being locked into a cock chastity cage.
Being naked or nearly naked in public, left on the floor at boot level.
Being put on display in a friendly SM environment.
Being stepped on (especially with muddy or oily boots).
Being stuffed with food, mouth and asshole, use of force.
forced fed food like Vegimite/Marmite (a British delicacy).
Being submissive and humiliated publicly in a friendly SM environment.
Being tied into humiliating positions (and my body being taken/invaded).
Being used as a doormat to clean boots on, I use my T-shirt to shine your boots.
Being written on with humiliating language, using pen or filth.
Getting a ragged and chopped haircut.
forced to wear rubber/fetish gear in public.
To wear torn 501s as an exhibitionist, maybe rubber or dirty baggy jock showing.
forced to wear cheap baggy, jeans under tight leather chaps, so that you look ridiculous.
To have abusive or 'dirty' words written over your body like tattoos, then risk exposure.
Eating out of a dog dish, Master forcing my face into the dish with his boot on my back.
Having a lit candle shoved into my mouth, cock hole, asshole.
Having a thick ring soldered through my Septum or a heavy lock soldered/bonded/locked; through my PA, like wise a pad-lock.
Having a wide metal band soldered/bonded around my cock and a wide metal band soldered/bonded around my balls
Having (dirty) dildoes forced into mouth and asshole (fuck me with it, then make me clean it before i get fucked again).
Having fingers shoved down my throat, till i choke, or licking,sucking making love to them before the gag goes back in.
Having my body completely shaved/buzzed: legs, crotch, arms, head, eyebrows, eyelashes. In rubber, being covered in lube, piss or filth, add verbal ("Your dirty little fucker","You shit eating a****l").
Wearing head to toe rubber in a friendly SM environment, total enclosure, sealed in - like im glued in.
Being ordered to put ones self in auto-bondage, with your PC connected to a porn or Zoo Sex web site and leave the door ajar ready for an outraged visitor, what if your wife/mother/Boyfriends saw you in rubber wanking off looking at a guy being fucked by a dog... what would they think...Could you get untied and get to the PC fast enough ?
14 years ago