Away for several weeks

hello friends,

As most off you know i am in the dutch military,
and even soldiers have to train,which is what i am going to be doing for 6 to 7 weeks in poland.

the excercise is calles BISON DRAWSKO and it takes place around the german/polish border.
would love to hear from any other military mebers on this site if they are going too.

its a big excercise whith lots of different NATO countries working togehter.

now to get to the point off this messages,

i will most likley not have acces to internet or land lines,which offcourse means that i am unable to stay in touch whith you or whith this rather nice website and all of its content.

because i talk whith some off you on a regular/daily basis and whith some only now and then i thaught it was best to let you all know this way.

so to sume up, please dont be angry or upset if i dont reply any of youre messages, it is not by choice, but my job is my job.

i willbe leaving to go to poland on the 10 of januari

i hope this is not to late but just fashionable late,

Published by ladysonialover
8 years ago
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