I Did a Girl! Second Chapter
I Did a Girl! Second Chapter
This is the second part of my weekend when I lost my vagitarian V card. I'd gone over to my friend Tina's apartment and we made love all that Friday night and the biggest part of Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon we laid out by her pool and tanned. Since it was a public pool we couldn't tan nude, but I did give her a standing invitation to come over to my house and we could lay out in the backyard behind my privacy fence. I had no pool but the backyard was protected by a tall fence to hide us from the neighbors. I'll tell more about that later.
Anyway, so that evening Tina took me to a gay bar. Now that I was gay, she said, I ought to check out the life style and the people in it. Well we cleaned up that evening. I had to wear the clothes I'd worn the day before but I left the panties off. I thought about going in the bottoms of my bikini, but decided against it. So we both went sans underwear. I thought as we entered the club that that was appropriate for going to a place like this.
Inside it was pretty much like any other night club except the men were sitting with other men and the women were sitting with other women. With very few exceptions everyone on the dance floor was dancing with someone of their own sex. People were dressed in every conceivable style of dress, but I didn't see any punks or dykes. Everyone there looked pretty much like most other people you'd see in a night club except the boys were all with boys and the girls were all with girls. I immediately felt relieved. I didn't see any weirdos.
Tina and I went to a table with two other ladies. Both were in their 20'a or 30's and both were wearing pretty short dresses and sandals. Both had long hair, Mandy was honey blonde and Linda was auburn haired. Both were gorgeous (lipstick lesbians, they're called?). Tina introduced us all and after that the waitress came and we ordered drinks.
“Gena's a newby,” Tina told them.
“Oh?” said Mandy.
“OH!” said Linda. She gave me a second look, smiled and then said, “Well, what do you think?”
For a sec I thought about giving her my life story but then decided not to. “I love it! Tina has taught me so much in just the last 24 hours!”
“Would you like to learn more?” she asked.
“Maybe. Why? Would you like to teach me?”
Just then Tina grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Let's dance.” It was a slow song, so being the taller of the two I led. It took me a while to get into it because I hadn't done that a lot, but I managed not to step on her toes. “Be careful, lady,” she whispered. “Linda and Mandy are a couple.”
“Oh? I'm sorry! Did I do a faux pas?”
“It's complicated. Would you like to do her, though?”
“Well, yeah. She's hot. But-”
“Don't but, I've been with both of these ladies and they are BOTH hot. You just gotta let them lead, that's all.”
I decided then that I should just keep my mouth shut from now on and let things unfold their own way. Back at the table Linda and Mandy were whispering to each other. Tina didn't try to join the conversation but looked at me and winked. We sipped our drinks and after a few minutes another girl came over and started talking to us.
“Gena, this is Diane,” Tina introduced us. Diane was a pretty girl with a cute short blonde hair pixie hairdo and the smokiest gray eyes. She was a head taller than Tina, just a bit taller than me.
She smiled the nicest smile at me. “Hi, Gena, so glad to meet you! Tina's told me about you. I'm so sorry about your divorce.”
“I'm not!” I replied. Those eyes were making me melt. I immediately wanted to do with her what Tina had done with me the night before! All of it! “I'm enjoying my freedom!” I said. She and Tina both smiled, glancing over at each other.
Diane picked up her glass and toasted, “Here's to freedom!” Tina, the other two girls and I all toasted that. Then she suggested that we all five go back to her place and have some more wine. Linda and Mandy were all for it and Tina told her she and I would go. At that point I was up for just about anything so I followed Tina and the others out. Tina and I got into her car and followed the others.
“Now when we get there just go with the flow,” Tina said. “You may see some strange things but no one will ask you do anything you don't want to do.” I was ready for anything with these four beautiful girls! I squeezed my legs together in anticipation.
Diane's house was a cozy little bungalow and she'd decorated it really nice. We all piled into the living room and got comfy on two big couches facing each other. There was a big screen TV on one side and a fake fire place completed the square on the other end. Diane and Tina went into the kitchen and brought out a magnum of champagne and 5 glasses. Diane poured us all generous glasses of bubbly. Mine tickled my nose and I giggled. “I'm not used to drinking champagne,” I told no one in particular. After we all drank another toast Mandy and Linda, who were sitting on the same couch as Tina, both started kissing and making out with her. I was a little uneasy at that but Diane set me at ease, striking
up a conversation with me to take my attention away from the spectacle I was watching on the other couch.
I couldn't tell you what she said, but I looked at her and those eyes hypnotized me immediately. She slowly brought her face closer to mine and kissed me on the lips. It seemed like the most natural thing to do and it seemed like the kiss lasted for hours. Not really, but it just seemed like time stood still. I relaxed into her arms and wrapped mine around her neck. The sounds of everyone kissing filled the quiet room along with the sounds of sighing and moaning. Between kisses I glanced over at the other couch and Mandy had her hand under Tina's skirt while Linda was kissing Tina and fondling her boobs under her top.
I suddenly realized that Diane had switched from kissing me to sucking on my nipples under my upraised top. Her hand was under my skirt and slowly approaching my crotch. I cradled her head while she made my nipples stand up from her suctioning lips. She was getting me worked up, so with my free hand I slipped under her blouse and caressed her pert little breasts. They were so very soft and the little nipples hardened when I touched them. She was as turned on as I was. I noticed both of us were breathing harder than before and then I noticed that the three on the other couch were breathing rapidly and raggedly, too.
Diane finally reached the destination of my bare outer pussy lips and she fingered me so lightly I wasn't sure she was there at all except for the fact that I was feeling a very light itching down there. I know I was seeping and when she ran her middle finger along my crease I could hear the liquidy squish from my juices flowing and coating her finger. She leaned back up and french kissed me while she explored my gash and hole. I wanted more and more and I started hunching up to make her press her hand into me harder. I wanted her to enter me! We continued to kiss, fencing with each others tongues and poking them into each others mouths. I moved both our heads around so I could watch what was going on on the other couch and I saw that all three girls over there were hurriedly undressing so they could get back to what they were doing as quickly as possible. Tina glanced over at me and smiled.
I turned my attention back to Diane just in time to catch her looking at me before she closed her eyes and kissed me even harder. We were bumping teeth now, losing ourselves in the intensity of the moment. Kissing each other like two high school k**s in sexual heat. If this had been a boy I was with, parked in his car, I would have expected him to have his hand on my leg trying to slyly creep up to my pussy. But wait a minute! She already had her hand on my pussy and she was slowly teasing my lips, making me drool for more!
I knew I was buzzed because I had to concentrate to keep my mind on what was going on around me. Two naked lesbians were just a couple feet away seducing my friend who was also naked and wholeheartedly letting them! I was over here kissing another lesbian who was shoving her tongue down my throat and was about to finger fuck me and I was getting impatient for her to!
“Are you going to fuck me?” I stupidly asked.
“Yes, darling!” she whispered. “I'm going to eat you until you scream.” She took her fingers out of my hole and held them up to her nose, then licked them, sampling, seeming to savor my taste. She smiled at me and offered me a taste of myself. “You taste delicious!” she teased me. Then she looked me right in the eyes while she slid down to begin her task.
Those eyes! They held my attention while she smilingly began to lick around and around my exposed vulva! She stared into my eyes, probably knowing the spell she held over me. Never looking away, she teased me for the longest without touching my sex at all. I wanted to grab her head and push her mouth onto and into me! Finally, after I started to buck and strain to get her to eat me, finally she ever so lightly touched the tip of her tongue to my clit, sending electric shocks through my whole body. I almost came just from that! But then she shot her tongue straight into my hole! That did it! My whole body tensed up and I came all over her tongue. She didn't stop there, though, thank God! She wiggled her tongue around and around sending more shock waves through my walls while she caressed my inner legs with her hands, all the while holding me in her teasing gaze. In and out she stabbed into me, pausing from time to time to circle my clit with her tongue and run it along the grove between my inner and outer lips, then back into my hole to circle around, slurping up my juices. By now I was so jittery I was shaking. I was having one cum after another in rapid succession, giving her another spray of juice with each one. Her face was as drenched as my crotch was. The three on the other couch who had been in a heated clench stopped to watch me cum on this beautiful girl's tongue. Diane who had been staring into my eyes while she licked my pussy to a frothy state looked down to take in what she had been doing to me. I had been tight as a bow, but with one last flick of her tongue I came and came and came and my body just went limp. Our audience started to clap. I didn't know what to do except just lie there and bask in my afterglow.
Diane came back up to hold me in her arms again and kiss me on the lips, giving me her tongue to taste my secretions. Gradually I regained my strength and I kissed her back, thanking her for such a delicious orgasm that she'd just given me. Of course I felt I should return the favor, so I caressed her soft body and began to explore. She had the cutest little titties that I was dying to suck and kiss. I raised her top up and over her head, and then I took my own top off. I wanted to feel her boobies with my own. I wanted to feel our naked bodies sliding together totally while I made love to her. I glanced over to the other couch and saw all three over there staring at us. It made me feel self conscious for just a second, but the feel of Diane's naked boobs pressed against mine took both my breath and my attention. I wanted to eat this beautiful girl's treasure and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it!
Diane was wearing capris. I dropped to the floor and tried to pull them down her legs but she wouldn't let me. Holding onto the waist of her slacks she said, “Uh, Gena, I think I need to tell you something.” She stood up and looking into my eyes she hooked her thumbs into her waist band and froze. After a pause she said, “I'm not exactly what you expect...” and she slowly started to lower her pants.
At the appropriate point when I expected to see a beautiful pussy come into view a beautiful hard cock sprang out! “I'm a cross dresser, Gena. I'm so sorry if it shocks you but. And you don't have to do anything for me. I just love eating pussy. Please don't be angry with me!”
Truthfully I was a bit in shock, but I played it off. “Angry?!” I cried, “Honey, I'm starving for some cock. I think it's great that you've got one! I did want to eat your pussy, but would you mind if I gave you a blowjob right now? I NEED to suck some cock! I haven't in too long now, and I'd love to suck yours! Please?”
Diane was frozen and didn't say or do a thing. “Please?” I pleaded. This whole scenario was so surreal! Here I was just about to make love to a girl's pussy and all of a sudden I had a cock to suck and I was begging to be allowed to do it.
“Go ahead and suck it!” Tina urged me on. “I think she'd like you to suck her cock! Don't you, Diane?”
I looked up at those hypnotic gray eyes. Those sad eyes that suddenly showed such shock and pain right now looked back at me with a different aura. Our roles in just a flash had shifted. I was in charge now. I looked at her. Her? Her cock and saw that it was waiving and bobbing, a droplet of preseminal fluid just oozing from the head. It was ready even if Diane wasn't sure if she was.
It's been a while, but the memory of the taste of cum jumped back into my mind. My saliva glands kicked in and I knew I wanted to do it. I felt like I had to do it! It wasn't just that I felt sorry for this beautiful person who was either a male or a female or. What can I say? She? SHE was a beautiful person! But also it's been so long since I sucked a cock I just wanted to get that gorgeous thing inside my mouth! And now that I'm this close to it I wanted it in my pussy, too!
I lowered my head to that magnificent dick and took the head of it in my mouth. Mmmm! It's been too long! Saliva filled my mouth and I let that big thing slide in past my lips and into my throat in one motion. Oh my God! I was starved for cock! What a delicious feeling! Just a few years ago I would have panicked at the feeling of choking but now it's like that first long burning drink of Coca-Cola in the morning when you're addicted to it! Even pain is sometimes pleasurable.
I guess I'm just addicted to dick. I hadn't had any in so long! I'd just sampled lesbianism and loved it and was ready and eager to eat Diane's pussy but I was presented with this very nice cock. By a beautiful girl, or so I thought. Everything else about her was feminine. Her boobs were definitely feminine. She wasn't hairy like most men. She smelled divine and she really knew how to kiss! She ate my pussy like no man ever has or probably ever will. She did not give me any hint of whisker burn. And now she gives me this beautiful cock to suck! She's the best of both worlds!
I glanced over at our audience and saw that they had all stopped what they were doing and had their eyes riveted on Diane and me. I looked up at her and she had her head back and her eyes closed. She was gently cradling my head. Not holding it tightly or pulling it toward her but caressing it, loving it with her hands as I bobbed up and down on her big fat juicy hard prick.
Mmmm! Prick. My pussy twitched at the thought. I wanted that prick inside more of me than just my mouth. I'd thoroughly wetted it and had it worked up to a harder rigidity than my ex had for me in the last year! It was just as big as his was, too, maybe a little thicker! I wanted it inside me and I wanted it now!
Finally I raised my head up and off of it and asked as sweetly as I could muster, “Diane, would you please fuck me now?” I leaned back right there on the floor and spread my legs for her. The beautiful girl I'd just been kissing and making out with and who had just been eating me out gave me an ever so slight smile, stood up with her rigid dick sticking out and knelt down between my legs.
“I don't often get to fuck someone, you know?” she apologized. “I don't really get into men, I prefer women. But when they see I'm not a full woman but only part of one they let me make love to them with my mouth but they stop there. Thank you for sucking my cock! That felt wonderful!”
At that point I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask her, but we had things to do that had nothing to do with questions and answers. “No prob, sweety,” I said. “Now fuck me.” As she got between my legs and leaned in closer to insert her cock I palmed her tits and began to fondle them. Just as I pinched her nipples I looked over to Tina and the others and felt Diane's prick nuzzling into my folds. The feeling from a cock is so much different than the feeling you get from a dildo or vibrator being inserted into you. It was warm and soft on the outside and hard and stiff on the inside. There's a give to a real cock that you don't get from a piece of plastic or rubber or whatever it is that those things are made from. A real cock is alive! It's warm and it throbs! And it is absolutely delicious!
By that time Mandy had gotten a double-headed dildo from somewhere and was fucking Tina with it and Linda had Tina's head between her legs and was rubbing her pussy on Tina's face. Tina was trying to keep up with her and get her tongue into you know where but Linda was teasing her. Tina had her tongue out, searching, but Linda was moving her butt around and wouldn't settle on Tina's tongue.
I felt grateful that Diane was fucking me with a real cock! A real cock will bend and give and! And you can feel it throbbing. God, it felt sooo good! It had been sooo long since I had a real cock in me, and she was so much NOT like my ex! I knew I was gonna thoroughly enjoy this!
And she was awfully good, too! As soon as she entered me she just held it there, I guess enjoying the feeling of my warm, pulsing, SOPPING wet pussy clenching around her darling dick head. I was enthralled with the feeling and felt her throbbing pulse, not caring that she had stopped. But then after a blissful few seconds she slowly pushed inward. I was enjoying it as much, maybe more, than I think she was! Oh, that feeling of being penetrated is the most delicious feeling in the world! And as she slowly entered I felt that wonderful feeling of my pussy expanding to take her big cock. Slowly, so she and I both could appreciate the feeling. Finally her pubic bone pressed against mine, I felt completely full and she just pushed harder into me, grinding that heavenly cock around, sending rippling sensations all along every inch of the walls of my vagina!
Then she started going in and out! Oooo! That's what I wanted! See-sawing in and out of me! I nervously clung to her dick when she pulled back, wanting her to stay inside me! It had been so long! I continued to fondle her breasts and she started to fondle mine as her cock found it's rhythm! I was in heaven! Oh, god, but I wanted this and I was so glad she was. That she had. A cock! A real live throbbing cock! I was loving this moment and I didn't want it to end!
Squeals and sighs and grunts, all kinds of noises were coming from the other couch. “Knock it off, over there!” I said. “You're distracting us over here!” Then there were giggles.
“Enjoy yourself!” I think it was Linda. “We're having fun over here. Just pay attention to what you're doing and leave us alone!” I'm sure it was Linda.
“Yeah, lesbo!” Tina had to put her two cents in. “You might try being a little more vocal yourself, slut! Show Diane you like what's she's doing. At least moan for her!”
I did moan. I moaned and I whined and I cried. My breath was ragged and I caressed Diane, wrapping my legs around her waist and squeezing her to me and into me. My legs were a vice but she moved her hips in the most erotic circular motion, sending her cock into me at a new angle with each thrust! To tell you the truth she fucked me better than any man ever has! Her hands were all over me, touching me here, then there, using both hands and her mouth, it seemed like she was touching every part of me continuously and simultaneously! And she was kissing me now on the lips, now on my neck, now on my cheek, back to my lips to suck first my bottom lip then the top, then my tongue!
I know she could not do it, but my mind told me through my nerve endings that she was touching me all over all at once! It was sooo thrilling! And at the same time she was slicing her heavenly dick into me faster and faster! My pussy just opened up to her and I happily let her do as she would with me! And the kissing! She was fucking my mouth with her tongue just as her cock was fucking my pussy! She had two cocks and I had two pussies, and we were fucking each other both up and down! The world around us ceased to exist and we were just two beings throwing our sexes at, to, and into one another! I could actually hear my heart beating through the veins in my ears! I'd never had this kind of sex before! This intensity! Our hearts were both beating to the same beat that we were fucking! The faster we fucked the faster our hearts beat and the faster our hearts beat the faster and the more intensely we gave ourselves over to each other! It was heavenly!
I lost any attention to the goings on across the room. I guess they continued with what they were doing, I did not care any more. I was lost in what Diane and I were doing. She fucked me really well, making me orgasm several times before she cummed, and when she was about to she asked me if I wanted her to unload in my pussy or elsewhere. I was taken back by that. It's rare that I've had someone ask! I couldn't decide and since I hesitated she pulled out and cummed on my tummy.
That exciting warm feeling of hot semen hitting bare flesh is delicious! I wallowed in the ecstasy of it! But then two seconds later it occurred to me that there are so many other places I'd like to feel her cum. On my boobs. On my face! In my mouth! Way up inside me!! I decided right then that I wanted to have sex with Diane again and again and again! Sure, I wanted to make love with her again, but I also wanted to fuck her again, too!
After that Diane and I cuddled while we watched Mandy and Linda fuck Tina. What an entertaining scene that was! While we watched I found out that Diane had been an entertainer in Las Vegas in one of those all male reviews. She told me how she had taped her ankles to make them more slender and wore really tight corsets to make her waist slimmer and several other ways those guys turned themselves into quite passable women. Some of them were real trannies, Diane told me. She herself had tried having sex with men and she did like it but she also still liked girls. I was really happy to hear that! She had had a wife but they broke up and divorced when her wife caught her fucking another guy. It really is a small small world, isn't it?
Anyway, Diane and I exchanged numbers and she promised me she'd call me. AND she told me she'd introduce me to other bisexual trannies. I can't wait!
It was late when the party broke up, and Tina and I drove over to my house where we spent the night licking each other's pussies until the sun rose and then we spent a good part of the day sunbathing au naturel in my back yard. As I said before, I do not have a pool but there is a very high fence blocking the view by any neighors. Tina tried to talk me into having a nude party for her and our new friends.
I'm thinking about it.
This is the second part of my weekend when I lost my vagitarian V card. I'd gone over to my friend Tina's apartment and we made love all that Friday night and the biggest part of Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon we laid out by her pool and tanned. Since it was a public pool we couldn't tan nude, but I did give her a standing invitation to come over to my house and we could lay out in the backyard behind my privacy fence. I had no pool but the backyard was protected by a tall fence to hide us from the neighbors. I'll tell more about that later.
Anyway, so that evening Tina took me to a gay bar. Now that I was gay, she said, I ought to check out the life style and the people in it. Well we cleaned up that evening. I had to wear the clothes I'd worn the day before but I left the panties off. I thought about going in the bottoms of my bikini, but decided against it. So we both went sans underwear. I thought as we entered the club that that was appropriate for going to a place like this.
Inside it was pretty much like any other night club except the men were sitting with other men and the women were sitting with other women. With very few exceptions everyone on the dance floor was dancing with someone of their own sex. People were dressed in every conceivable style of dress, but I didn't see any punks or dykes. Everyone there looked pretty much like most other people you'd see in a night club except the boys were all with boys and the girls were all with girls. I immediately felt relieved. I didn't see any weirdos.
Tina and I went to a table with two other ladies. Both were in their 20'a or 30's and both were wearing pretty short dresses and sandals. Both had long hair, Mandy was honey blonde and Linda was auburn haired. Both were gorgeous (lipstick lesbians, they're called?). Tina introduced us all and after that the waitress came and we ordered drinks.
“Gena's a newby,” Tina told them.
“Oh?” said Mandy.
“OH!” said Linda. She gave me a second look, smiled and then said, “Well, what do you think?”
For a sec I thought about giving her my life story but then decided not to. “I love it! Tina has taught me so much in just the last 24 hours!”
“Would you like to learn more?” she asked.
“Maybe. Why? Would you like to teach me?”
Just then Tina grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Let's dance.” It was a slow song, so being the taller of the two I led. It took me a while to get into it because I hadn't done that a lot, but I managed not to step on her toes. “Be careful, lady,” she whispered. “Linda and Mandy are a couple.”
“Oh? I'm sorry! Did I do a faux pas?”
“It's complicated. Would you like to do her, though?”
“Well, yeah. She's hot. But-”
“Don't but, I've been with both of these ladies and they are BOTH hot. You just gotta let them lead, that's all.”
I decided then that I should just keep my mouth shut from now on and let things unfold their own way. Back at the table Linda and Mandy were whispering to each other. Tina didn't try to join the conversation but looked at me and winked. We sipped our drinks and after a few minutes another girl came over and started talking to us.
“Gena, this is Diane,” Tina introduced us. Diane was a pretty girl with a cute short blonde hair pixie hairdo and the smokiest gray eyes. She was a head taller than Tina, just a bit taller than me.
She smiled the nicest smile at me. “Hi, Gena, so glad to meet you! Tina's told me about you. I'm so sorry about your divorce.”
“I'm not!” I replied. Those eyes were making me melt. I immediately wanted to do with her what Tina had done with me the night before! All of it! “I'm enjoying my freedom!” I said. She and Tina both smiled, glancing over at each other.
Diane picked up her glass and toasted, “Here's to freedom!” Tina, the other two girls and I all toasted that. Then she suggested that we all five go back to her place and have some more wine. Linda and Mandy were all for it and Tina told her she and I would go. At that point I was up for just about anything so I followed Tina and the others out. Tina and I got into her car and followed the others.
“Now when we get there just go with the flow,” Tina said. “You may see some strange things but no one will ask you do anything you don't want to do.” I was ready for anything with these four beautiful girls! I squeezed my legs together in anticipation.
Diane's house was a cozy little bungalow and she'd decorated it really nice. We all piled into the living room and got comfy on two big couches facing each other. There was a big screen TV on one side and a fake fire place completed the square on the other end. Diane and Tina went into the kitchen and brought out a magnum of champagne and 5 glasses. Diane poured us all generous glasses of bubbly. Mine tickled my nose and I giggled. “I'm not used to drinking champagne,” I told no one in particular. After we all drank another toast Mandy and Linda, who were sitting on the same couch as Tina, both started kissing and making out with her. I was a little uneasy at that but Diane set me at ease, striking
up a conversation with me to take my attention away from the spectacle I was watching on the other couch.
I couldn't tell you what she said, but I looked at her and those eyes hypnotized me immediately. She slowly brought her face closer to mine and kissed me on the lips. It seemed like the most natural thing to do and it seemed like the kiss lasted for hours. Not really, but it just seemed like time stood still. I relaxed into her arms and wrapped mine around her neck. The sounds of everyone kissing filled the quiet room along with the sounds of sighing and moaning. Between kisses I glanced over at the other couch and Mandy had her hand under Tina's skirt while Linda was kissing Tina and fondling her boobs under her top.
I suddenly realized that Diane had switched from kissing me to sucking on my nipples under my upraised top. Her hand was under my skirt and slowly approaching my crotch. I cradled her head while she made my nipples stand up from her suctioning lips. She was getting me worked up, so with my free hand I slipped under her blouse and caressed her pert little breasts. They were so very soft and the little nipples hardened when I touched them. She was as turned on as I was. I noticed both of us were breathing harder than before and then I noticed that the three on the other couch were breathing rapidly and raggedly, too.
Diane finally reached the destination of my bare outer pussy lips and she fingered me so lightly I wasn't sure she was there at all except for the fact that I was feeling a very light itching down there. I know I was seeping and when she ran her middle finger along my crease I could hear the liquidy squish from my juices flowing and coating her finger. She leaned back up and french kissed me while she explored my gash and hole. I wanted more and more and I started hunching up to make her press her hand into me harder. I wanted her to enter me! We continued to kiss, fencing with each others tongues and poking them into each others mouths. I moved both our heads around so I could watch what was going on on the other couch and I saw that all three girls over there were hurriedly undressing so they could get back to what they were doing as quickly as possible. Tina glanced over at me and smiled.
I turned my attention back to Diane just in time to catch her looking at me before she closed her eyes and kissed me even harder. We were bumping teeth now, losing ourselves in the intensity of the moment. Kissing each other like two high school k**s in sexual heat. If this had been a boy I was with, parked in his car, I would have expected him to have his hand on my leg trying to slyly creep up to my pussy. But wait a minute! She already had her hand on my pussy and she was slowly teasing my lips, making me drool for more!
I knew I was buzzed because I had to concentrate to keep my mind on what was going on around me. Two naked lesbians were just a couple feet away seducing my friend who was also naked and wholeheartedly letting them! I was over here kissing another lesbian who was shoving her tongue down my throat and was about to finger fuck me and I was getting impatient for her to!
“Are you going to fuck me?” I stupidly asked.
“Yes, darling!” she whispered. “I'm going to eat you until you scream.” She took her fingers out of my hole and held them up to her nose, then licked them, sampling, seeming to savor my taste. She smiled at me and offered me a taste of myself. “You taste delicious!” she teased me. Then she looked me right in the eyes while she slid down to begin her task.
Those eyes! They held my attention while she smilingly began to lick around and around my exposed vulva! She stared into my eyes, probably knowing the spell she held over me. Never looking away, she teased me for the longest without touching my sex at all. I wanted to grab her head and push her mouth onto and into me! Finally, after I started to buck and strain to get her to eat me, finally she ever so lightly touched the tip of her tongue to my clit, sending electric shocks through my whole body. I almost came just from that! But then she shot her tongue straight into my hole! That did it! My whole body tensed up and I came all over her tongue. She didn't stop there, though, thank God! She wiggled her tongue around and around sending more shock waves through my walls while she caressed my inner legs with her hands, all the while holding me in her teasing gaze. In and out she stabbed into me, pausing from time to time to circle my clit with her tongue and run it along the grove between my inner and outer lips, then back into my hole to circle around, slurping up my juices. By now I was so jittery I was shaking. I was having one cum after another in rapid succession, giving her another spray of juice with each one. Her face was as drenched as my crotch was. The three on the other couch who had been in a heated clench stopped to watch me cum on this beautiful girl's tongue. Diane who had been staring into my eyes while she licked my pussy to a frothy state looked down to take in what she had been doing to me. I had been tight as a bow, but with one last flick of her tongue I came and came and came and my body just went limp. Our audience started to clap. I didn't know what to do except just lie there and bask in my afterglow.
Diane came back up to hold me in her arms again and kiss me on the lips, giving me her tongue to taste my secretions. Gradually I regained my strength and I kissed her back, thanking her for such a delicious orgasm that she'd just given me. Of course I felt I should return the favor, so I caressed her soft body and began to explore. She had the cutest little titties that I was dying to suck and kiss. I raised her top up and over her head, and then I took my own top off. I wanted to feel her boobies with my own. I wanted to feel our naked bodies sliding together totally while I made love to her. I glanced over to the other couch and saw all three over there staring at us. It made me feel self conscious for just a second, but the feel of Diane's naked boobs pressed against mine took both my breath and my attention. I wanted to eat this beautiful girl's treasure and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it!
Diane was wearing capris. I dropped to the floor and tried to pull them down her legs but she wouldn't let me. Holding onto the waist of her slacks she said, “Uh, Gena, I think I need to tell you something.” She stood up and looking into my eyes she hooked her thumbs into her waist band and froze. After a pause she said, “I'm not exactly what you expect...” and she slowly started to lower her pants.
At the appropriate point when I expected to see a beautiful pussy come into view a beautiful hard cock sprang out! “I'm a cross dresser, Gena. I'm so sorry if it shocks you but. And you don't have to do anything for me. I just love eating pussy. Please don't be angry with me!”
Truthfully I was a bit in shock, but I played it off. “Angry?!” I cried, “Honey, I'm starving for some cock. I think it's great that you've got one! I did want to eat your pussy, but would you mind if I gave you a blowjob right now? I NEED to suck some cock! I haven't in too long now, and I'd love to suck yours! Please?”
Diane was frozen and didn't say or do a thing. “Please?” I pleaded. This whole scenario was so surreal! Here I was just about to make love to a girl's pussy and all of a sudden I had a cock to suck and I was begging to be allowed to do it.
“Go ahead and suck it!” Tina urged me on. “I think she'd like you to suck her cock! Don't you, Diane?”
I looked up at those hypnotic gray eyes. Those sad eyes that suddenly showed such shock and pain right now looked back at me with a different aura. Our roles in just a flash had shifted. I was in charge now. I looked at her. Her? Her cock and saw that it was waiving and bobbing, a droplet of preseminal fluid just oozing from the head. It was ready even if Diane wasn't sure if she was.
It's been a while, but the memory of the taste of cum jumped back into my mind. My saliva glands kicked in and I knew I wanted to do it. I felt like I had to do it! It wasn't just that I felt sorry for this beautiful person who was either a male or a female or. What can I say? She? SHE was a beautiful person! But also it's been so long since I sucked a cock I just wanted to get that gorgeous thing inside my mouth! And now that I'm this close to it I wanted it in my pussy, too!
I lowered my head to that magnificent dick and took the head of it in my mouth. Mmmm! It's been too long! Saliva filled my mouth and I let that big thing slide in past my lips and into my throat in one motion. Oh my God! I was starved for cock! What a delicious feeling! Just a few years ago I would have panicked at the feeling of choking but now it's like that first long burning drink of Coca-Cola in the morning when you're addicted to it! Even pain is sometimes pleasurable.
I guess I'm just addicted to dick. I hadn't had any in so long! I'd just sampled lesbianism and loved it and was ready and eager to eat Diane's pussy but I was presented with this very nice cock. By a beautiful girl, or so I thought. Everything else about her was feminine. Her boobs were definitely feminine. She wasn't hairy like most men. She smelled divine and she really knew how to kiss! She ate my pussy like no man ever has or probably ever will. She did not give me any hint of whisker burn. And now she gives me this beautiful cock to suck! She's the best of both worlds!
I glanced over at our audience and saw that they had all stopped what they were doing and had their eyes riveted on Diane and me. I looked up at her and she had her head back and her eyes closed. She was gently cradling my head. Not holding it tightly or pulling it toward her but caressing it, loving it with her hands as I bobbed up and down on her big fat juicy hard prick.
Mmmm! Prick. My pussy twitched at the thought. I wanted that prick inside more of me than just my mouth. I'd thoroughly wetted it and had it worked up to a harder rigidity than my ex had for me in the last year! It was just as big as his was, too, maybe a little thicker! I wanted it inside me and I wanted it now!
Finally I raised my head up and off of it and asked as sweetly as I could muster, “Diane, would you please fuck me now?” I leaned back right there on the floor and spread my legs for her. The beautiful girl I'd just been kissing and making out with and who had just been eating me out gave me an ever so slight smile, stood up with her rigid dick sticking out and knelt down between my legs.
“I don't often get to fuck someone, you know?” she apologized. “I don't really get into men, I prefer women. But when they see I'm not a full woman but only part of one they let me make love to them with my mouth but they stop there. Thank you for sucking my cock! That felt wonderful!”
At that point I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask her, but we had things to do that had nothing to do with questions and answers. “No prob, sweety,” I said. “Now fuck me.” As she got between my legs and leaned in closer to insert her cock I palmed her tits and began to fondle them. Just as I pinched her nipples I looked over to Tina and the others and felt Diane's prick nuzzling into my folds. The feeling from a cock is so much different than the feeling you get from a dildo or vibrator being inserted into you. It was warm and soft on the outside and hard and stiff on the inside. There's a give to a real cock that you don't get from a piece of plastic or rubber or whatever it is that those things are made from. A real cock is alive! It's warm and it throbs! And it is absolutely delicious!
By that time Mandy had gotten a double-headed dildo from somewhere and was fucking Tina with it and Linda had Tina's head between her legs and was rubbing her pussy on Tina's face. Tina was trying to keep up with her and get her tongue into you know where but Linda was teasing her. Tina had her tongue out, searching, but Linda was moving her butt around and wouldn't settle on Tina's tongue.
I felt grateful that Diane was fucking me with a real cock! A real cock will bend and give and! And you can feel it throbbing. God, it felt sooo good! It had been sooo long since I had a real cock in me, and she was so much NOT like my ex! I knew I was gonna thoroughly enjoy this!
And she was awfully good, too! As soon as she entered me she just held it there, I guess enjoying the feeling of my warm, pulsing, SOPPING wet pussy clenching around her darling dick head. I was enthralled with the feeling and felt her throbbing pulse, not caring that she had stopped. But then after a blissful few seconds she slowly pushed inward. I was enjoying it as much, maybe more, than I think she was! Oh, that feeling of being penetrated is the most delicious feeling in the world! And as she slowly entered I felt that wonderful feeling of my pussy expanding to take her big cock. Slowly, so she and I both could appreciate the feeling. Finally her pubic bone pressed against mine, I felt completely full and she just pushed harder into me, grinding that heavenly cock around, sending rippling sensations all along every inch of the walls of my vagina!
Then she started going in and out! Oooo! That's what I wanted! See-sawing in and out of me! I nervously clung to her dick when she pulled back, wanting her to stay inside me! It had been so long! I continued to fondle her breasts and she started to fondle mine as her cock found it's rhythm! I was in heaven! Oh, god, but I wanted this and I was so glad she was. That she had. A cock! A real live throbbing cock! I was loving this moment and I didn't want it to end!
Squeals and sighs and grunts, all kinds of noises were coming from the other couch. “Knock it off, over there!” I said. “You're distracting us over here!” Then there were giggles.
“Enjoy yourself!” I think it was Linda. “We're having fun over here. Just pay attention to what you're doing and leave us alone!” I'm sure it was Linda.
“Yeah, lesbo!” Tina had to put her two cents in. “You might try being a little more vocal yourself, slut! Show Diane you like what's she's doing. At least moan for her!”
I did moan. I moaned and I whined and I cried. My breath was ragged and I caressed Diane, wrapping my legs around her waist and squeezing her to me and into me. My legs were a vice but she moved her hips in the most erotic circular motion, sending her cock into me at a new angle with each thrust! To tell you the truth she fucked me better than any man ever has! Her hands were all over me, touching me here, then there, using both hands and her mouth, it seemed like she was touching every part of me continuously and simultaneously! And she was kissing me now on the lips, now on my neck, now on my cheek, back to my lips to suck first my bottom lip then the top, then my tongue!
I know she could not do it, but my mind told me through my nerve endings that she was touching me all over all at once! It was sooo thrilling! And at the same time she was slicing her heavenly dick into me faster and faster! My pussy just opened up to her and I happily let her do as she would with me! And the kissing! She was fucking my mouth with her tongue just as her cock was fucking my pussy! She had two cocks and I had two pussies, and we were fucking each other both up and down! The world around us ceased to exist and we were just two beings throwing our sexes at, to, and into one another! I could actually hear my heart beating through the veins in my ears! I'd never had this kind of sex before! This intensity! Our hearts were both beating to the same beat that we were fucking! The faster we fucked the faster our hearts beat and the faster our hearts beat the faster and the more intensely we gave ourselves over to each other! It was heavenly!
I lost any attention to the goings on across the room. I guess they continued with what they were doing, I did not care any more. I was lost in what Diane and I were doing. She fucked me really well, making me orgasm several times before she cummed, and when she was about to she asked me if I wanted her to unload in my pussy or elsewhere. I was taken back by that. It's rare that I've had someone ask! I couldn't decide and since I hesitated she pulled out and cummed on my tummy.
That exciting warm feeling of hot semen hitting bare flesh is delicious! I wallowed in the ecstasy of it! But then two seconds later it occurred to me that there are so many other places I'd like to feel her cum. On my boobs. On my face! In my mouth! Way up inside me!! I decided right then that I wanted to have sex with Diane again and again and again! Sure, I wanted to make love with her again, but I also wanted to fuck her again, too!
After that Diane and I cuddled while we watched Mandy and Linda fuck Tina. What an entertaining scene that was! While we watched I found out that Diane had been an entertainer in Las Vegas in one of those all male reviews. She told me how she had taped her ankles to make them more slender and wore really tight corsets to make her waist slimmer and several other ways those guys turned themselves into quite passable women. Some of them were real trannies, Diane told me. She herself had tried having sex with men and she did like it but she also still liked girls. I was really happy to hear that! She had had a wife but they broke up and divorced when her wife caught her fucking another guy. It really is a small small world, isn't it?
Anyway, Diane and I exchanged numbers and she promised me she'd call me. AND she told me she'd introduce me to other bisexual trannies. I can't wait!
It was late when the party broke up, and Tina and I drove over to my house where we spent the night licking each other's pussies until the sun rose and then we spent a good part of the day sunbathing au naturel in my back yard. As I said before, I do not have a pool but there is a very high fence blocking the view by any neighors. Tina tried to talk me into having a nude party for her and our new friends.
I'm thinking about it.
8 years ago
That's Good!