For him: When I am finished with you you're body, mind, and soul will be mine. Your pathetic penis will be useless. Your bills will be full and blue. Your ass stretched. Your prostate swollen and painful. You will not be begging to cum when I'm done. You will simply beg for a pain free erection.
For her: Your clit will throb constantly. Your cunt will become so tight from lack of penetration. Your mouth will be used by anyone I wish to degrade you.
For both: If you think it's sad that Santa only cums once a year your tears will simply remind you that you both may never cum again.
For her: Your clit will throb constantly. Your cunt will become so tight from lack of penetration. Your mouth will be used by anyone I wish to degrade you.
For both: If you think it's sad that Santa only cums once a year your tears will simply remind you that you both may never cum again.
8 years ago