The Bet chpt. 3

Chapter 3

He left her for a time, basking in the warm feeling that spread through her body. She became aware of his presence when something soft touched her stomach. It was neither cold nor warm but it was very soft and, comforting. He placed it just above her navel. It seemed larger than a hand and longer than it was wide.

For a time it just lay there, without any real weight or pressure. A slight feeling of pressure came first, followed by movement. He was gently moving it across her stomach in small circles. With movement came definition. It was furry, like a small mink towel or a rabbit skin. It was larger than the hand that moved it and it felt very good whatever it was.

He began by rubbing the area between her navel and rib cage. One one circle he went from her left side, up her side, past her breast, just touching the side for a second or so as it went by, continued up her torso to her neck, and up her left arm. He stopped at her tied wrist and slowly made the trip back down, passed across her chest above her breasts and went up her right arm. He continued back and forth several times, sometimes going over her neck and the bottom of her face, other times passing over her breasts, never quite touching the nipples.

Again, it was relaxing and stimulating at the same. As he continued she realized he was again teasing her, continually coming close to her nipples, never reaching them. He changed the pattern without warning and was again going over her stomach, having gone down her right side. He repeated the old circular pattern, continuing it for a couple of minutes at least.

She became aware of how difficult it was to keep a time sense without any reference. How long had she been here? (How many times had she come?) How late in the evening was it? Was it even dark yet? How long could she keep the last two numbers secret?

He broke off the pattern again, and went over the sides of her breasts. Going between them in a figure eight, then circling one, then the other and then back to a figure eight, he began to really get to her. It had gone from being relaxing to arousing somewhere up on her arms, and now she actively waited for him to use the fur on her nipples.

He would come up just so high on her breast, always stopping just short of her nipples. It began with him stopping inches from them, then an inch from them, then less than an inch. She tried not to react, not to moan again, not to encourage him, but it escaped her when he finally ran the fur over each of her nipples in turn. He may not have noticed it. It was quiet and he was kissing her as she moaned, his tongue invading her mouth. After he'd stopped running the fur over over her breasts and had returned to her stomach, she noticed the lingering taste of mint and realized he'd brushed his teeth before beginning to work on her.

He began doing what he'd done to her arms to her legs. His hand passed down her left leg, going all the way to her foot. The fur did interesting things to the bottom of her foot. He traveled back up the inside of her leg, parting from it only inches from her sex and traveled back down to her right foot. Then the thought occurred to her, He was going to play the same game with her down there that he had played with her breasts. A quick intake of breath followed that thought. And he did. He played the game of approaching her sex, coming closer by millimeters at each pass. When he could not possibly come any closer, and her loins were on fire, he circled her mound.

She was amazed at how sensitive her stomach had become. "We both know you're going to come now." she heard him say. "We both know I don't have to touch you any more than I am now."

She knew he was right. She had waited for the touch on her sex, for his finger, or she had hoped, his member sliding up her incredibly slick opening. She felt herself blush as she thought that he could easily have been watching every movement of her sex, literally looking directly inside her as she became more and more aroused.

The sound of his voice caused it to start. She felt herself coming. She wanted to curl up, to hide what her sex was doing from him, but bound as she was, she could hide nothing. Not knowing where he was, she could not know if he was observing her face (what she must look like), her body, or directly into her sex. She imagined him watching her vagina opening and closing, out of her control. The thought made her orgasm more intense, and at the same time his voice gave her something between a command and play by play announcing of her reactions. She realized that for the moment she was the center of his universe, all of his attention was focused on her. Just now, nothing other than her gyrations, her squirming's, her movements were important to him.

Yes, it was grand!

He kept her either coming or close to it for some minutes. It was less intense than the last one, but somehow more delightful. When he allowed her to stop, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't last. She had barely thirty seconds before he used his bare hands on her breasts. He knew how aroused she was and used it, playing her like a violin. He had her coming, even more powerfully within seconds. After a full minute of orgasm (He had timed it by the night stand clock) he asked her for the second number.

She refused.

He forced her to remain either on the brink or in an orgasm for the next four minutes, then he asked her again. This time she refused, but was not able to concentrate enough to stick out her tongue as she had last time.

He asked her a third time as his finger entered her exceptionally wet and very ready vagina. She was able to hold off three more minutes (and four orgasms) before telling him the second number was f******n.

He continued to make her come for an additional five minutes telling her that proper young ladies didn't stick out their tongues at gentlemen.

To be continued…..

Published by wastedaway
14 years ago
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