Growing up in a house full of women, part 4

Chapter 4
I had no idea what to do after that sexual encounter with Granny. I wanted to have sex with her (Well, with anyone who would have sex with a teenage boy) but I did not want to ruin my relationship with my best friend in the whole wide world (Her!).
I decided I would not speak a word of it with her until she brought it up. The school year was starting up, and it seemed I had so much to do before school started.
One thing I was NOT expecting though...To be run out of my own bedroom a few days before school started. Back then, school was a half day on Thursday and Friday , then it started full days the following week after Labor day.
The Monday night before school started, Michelle had Jevetta stay the night. That put me on the couch in the family room (The one room with a nice sized 25" TV in it.) We didn't have cable TV, but we did have shows I liked to watch, so I was fine with it. I was run out of my own bedroom at about 9 or 10 pm. Granny was in her room with her door shut, so I didn't want to bother her after the night we had just a few nights ago. I looked all over the house for something to jack off to. The last time I came was about 10 days before from Granny's hand!
All the good stuff was under my bed in my bedroom. I did find a Vogue magazine with Christie Brinkley on it, showing she was dating Billy Joel. She was pretty hot and would help me get off.
I got RUDELY interrupted, and nearly caught as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs from the second floor. It was Michelle and Jevetta.
They turned the light on.
"Billy, we need you to give us an answer on something, okay?" Michelle asked.
"Yup, what is it?" I asked her, in a completely disinterested tone.
"Who has bigger boobs?" She asked. As she asked it, both she and Jevetta pulled up their shirts. Now, usually I would be VERY impressed with young gals pulling up their shirts at me, but they were quite young. They were both in middle school. I treated this situation as a judge, rather than a horny teen. I looked at both of their chests and was shocked at what I saw.
"Well," I replied, looking at 2 sets of boobs in front of me, "Michelle, Your boobs seem to be wider, and Jevetta, your nipples are much much bigger and stick out more." I replied.
Jevetta had Puffy, Puffy nipples, and her nipples were half of her boobs! Now, usually I would be VERY impressed with young gals pulling up their shirts at me, but they were quite young. They were both in middle school. I treated this situation as a judge, rather than a horny teen. I looked at both of their chests and was shocked at what I saw.
"So," Jevetta said. "Who wins?"
"Well, I have no idea. They are both big in their own ways" I said to her.
"Come and feel them because we have a bet on it" She said.
"Oh my God!" I replied to Jevetta. "What if Willy and I pulled out our dicks and did the same thing?" I asked her. I knew I had a longer dick than Willy, but I wanted to know what she would say.
"That's dumb." She said. "I don't want to see dirty dicks on boys." Lovely....
"You both tie." I told them. I cannot believe it, but I turned around and walked out of the room. That was the first time in my life I knew I was into older women! I went to the fridge to get some ice cream and I guess I startled Granny because she came out of her room to see what was going on.
"I'm sorry I woke you, Granny. Michelle and Jevetta were being pesky girls while I tried to watch TV so I decided to get some ice cream and chocolate syrup." I told her.
"What were they doing?" She asked.
"Just being dorks." I replied. "No big deal, I guess they are bored. I'll go back to the couch to sleep in a few minutes."
"Go ahead and come on in with me, honey." She replied. "I know my mattress is more comfortable than the old Davenport."
She was right, too. It not only was more comfortable, but having her body next to me was just what I needed.
I pulled off my shirt and shorts and climbed into bed, only wearing my cotton boxers. Granny had her usual long night shirt on that seemed to go down to her knees. Of course she wore large panties that were comfortable. I was lying about a foot or so away from her on her bed.
"Why are you so far away?" She asked.
"Oh, I don't know. You don't have the TV on, so I wasn't going to lie on my side real close to you, unless you want me to." I replied.
"Well, of course I do." She happily acknowledged.
I rolled over to my right side and was literally against her, and she took her left arm and pulled me even closer. I put my left arm across her, of course resting on her big long boobs that were lying down on her chest.
"Mmmmmmm." She moaned. "I love you, honey." She said.
"I love you too, Granny." I told her.
With that, I thought it just felt right plant my lips on her neck, and gently kiss her on her neck. That made me start to get hard quickly. She could feel it. Her ass jiggled. I kept giving her little lip kisses on her neck. My cock, growing rapidly, slipped out of the cotton boxers and was exposed under the blanket, sticking out at her ass. It was hard...REALLY hard! I thought I was crossing the line with her, but she didn't push me back.
She actually did something strange.... She lifted her left leg up, and kind of pushed against me. That caused my cock to be right against her warm pussy. I know the first thing I did was give a harder grip of her boobs when she did that. She actually started doing a little grinding on me. It caused me to kiss her neck harder.
She lifted her leg and moved it, and rolled onto her back, and without saying a word, reached up and started kissing me on the lips. My cock was resting on top of her left hip, on the top part of her leg. She grabbed it, and started holding it like she did the time before. I followed her lead, and moved my left hand from being on her chest, to holding her pussy. I didn't rub it up and down, I just held it. That was just the most amazing feeling. It caused me to start squirting my cum hard all over her tummy (And all over my arm!) I soaked her shirt AGAIN!!!
"We are going to have to do something about this." She said. "Your Peter is quite ready for a woman. We need to figure out how you can control it."
"I'm sorry" I replied.
"No, No, No. Don't be sorry. I want you to learn how to have control so you don't finish so fast. You are really responding to my touch."
She got up and took her shirt off and found another one, and got back into bed.
"Next time we will work on it, okay, honey?" She asked.
"Yea, Granny." I replied.
Published by abc12345
8 years ago
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mikey1ra 7 years ago
very good
hangout01 8 years ago
What happens next???? Very interesting are these just your fantasies about older women?