My teenage years were awesome. After I found my brothers porn stash I bated all the time. I couldn't help it. The dirty feeling I got from watching porn was all I wanted. When my brother went to bed I had to get my porn fix elsewhere, so late at night I would watch scrambled porn on spice channel and sometimes get the courage to actually order a movie from cable. I remember the feeling of calling the number to order a movie and my cock getting hard instantly. I would watch it and play with my cock for hours while everyone was asleep. I would get yelled at when the bill came but I didn't care. I needed dirty porn. This went on till I was 18. I could legally buy porn now. There was a dirty bookstore about 30 minutes from my parents house so I would go there to buy mags and movies. It was a small little shack right off the highway. I would get so nervous pulling into the parking lot and walking in was terrible because I didn't want someone to see me. But once I was inside....... PORN!!! I spent hours there. It was run by an older guy in his 70's. When I walked in there was a tall counter to your right where the old guy sat and boxes and tables of porno mags and DVD's pilled up to my left. I showed him my ID and saw a door with a curtain off to the side. He gave me my ID back and I scurried into the back room. That's where I found copies of JUGGS, DCUP, BUSTY, GENT and later V-mag and XL magazines. I would save up money for gangbang and bukkake vids. I loved seeing multiple cocks cumming and fucking girls. I would look through all the porno movies and mags and buy a few of each. I would open it as soon as I got in my truck. I would drive home thumbing through page after page of filthy porn mags and get my cock ready for a long stroke session. Then I would bate and look at porn for hours. I lived in the basement so after my parents went to sleep I had no worries. I covered my walls in porn pics and the floor with all my porn mags and watched the filthiest big titted young sluts eat load after load of warm cum while getting fucked. I started experimenting with using my bathrobe tie as a cockstrap and ballstretcher. I didn't even know what these were at the time but I knew wrapping it around the base of my cock kept it hard for hours. I would spray massive loads all over and watch porn all night. It was the best. Then I moved into my twenties and I got even deeper into porn.
8 years ago
I could write a book about my wanking history over 50 years.
Managed to fuck 50 women as well!