Growing up in a house full of women, Part 3
Chapter 3
In a one-week period, I had two sexual encounters with relatives. One of them totally produced better results than the other. It was another month or so before my next REAL sexual encounter. This time, it did not go very well.
I just got done mowing the grass (we had an awesome John Deere tractor, and I could mow our 3 acres in about an hour or so. I would have my shirt off, and get a tan doing it. Then I would take Granny's electric weed eater, and do the trim. After that, it was shower time. Just a normal day, right?
Aunt Judy barged into my room when I was dressing.
"When was the last time you relieved yourself?" She asked.
"Why does it matter to you?" I barked back at her.
"This is exactly why you need to relieve yourself regularly. You are turning into a very angry young man and that will hurt your granny very much" She was trying to use emotion to make me think I would be hurting Granny.
"Let's ask her." I said.
"Don't you dare, young man. I speak to her. She is too busy to be dealing with you being such an aggressive young man. Let's get this done and over with." I think she actually got off on me doing this.
I tried to move to the door to get out, and she blocked the door.
"You will not be leaving this room until you finish your work." she angrily said.
"FINE!" I yelled back at her. I pulled down my shorts and started rubbing my cock. I was pissed at this time...I was BEYOND angry. I was going to get back at her. If she was going to make me do this, she was going to pay.
"Rub it fast because I don't have all day." She told me.
"What is your problem? I never see a man in this house with you. Why do you want to see my cock and sperm so bad? When was the last time you were even with a man?" I let out my feelings, hoping I would get some truth from her.
"This is exactly the point, young man... The world needs fewer criminals and r****ts, and more men who take care of their families. Your granny should have sent you off to military school to teach you proper manners." She said.
I still had my cock in my hand. I was stroking it furiously and it was finally hard. I took my eyes off of Aunt Thelma to look at it. When I looked back up, she was looking at my cock. That's when I decided that if she was going to watch me do it, then she was going to get my sperm, too. She was about 3 or 4 feet away from me when I started walking towards her as I jerking.
"Exactly what are you doing young man?" She growled.
"You want to see it, right? How about you see it up and close?" I replied.
"Don't think you are in control. I am. You must get this accomplished. I have places to be today."
"Then bend down on your knees so I can put my stuff all over you. That will make it go faster." I didn't know if that was the truth, but I was trying to get her to suck me off like I had received the month before.
"I am going to tell your granny you are a sick, vile human being. She is going to cut you off of her will and you will be in such trouble with her. She already knows you jerk yourself off all the time, and she is disgusted by it." She exclaimed.
That was it. I didn't care what the consequences were. I was getting out of my room as quickly as possible. I made a dash for it. My shorts were still down, under my cock, and I ran to my door, and shoved Aunt Thelma out of the way, and escaped my room. As I ran down the old wooden stairs, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up. I ran to find Granny. She was sitting in her usual spot, in the small kitchen, watching the old black and white 13 inch TV which was on the dinner table, smoking Pall Mall Light 100's. I was totally out of breath.
"What is going on?" She asked me. I could not hardly get any air, because I ran so fast. I was also scared to death of what she was going to tell me.
"I hate Aunt Thelma. She makes me rub my cock and make it squirt it's stuff in front of her because she says I am too aggressive." I was shocked at how easy I was able to tell her that.
"SHE DOES WHAT?" She raised her voice in disbelief.
"Ask her. Please ask her. She says mean things to me, and I hate her. I just hate her." Just as I was yelling that, Aunt Thelma walked into the room.
"What the hell is going on?" Granny directed to Aunt Thelma.
"This boy is trouble. It is all because of his aggression, and he needs to let out his aggression." She said."If he can get relaxed, he will not do as other men have done in this world."
What in the world was she talking about? I was still huffing and puffing. I just wanted Aunt Thelma out of my life.
"Billy" Granny said to me, "can you please excuse the two of us, please?" I had only heard Granny say that one before, and it was concerning someone dying in the family. I figured it MUST have been serious.
"Okay." I was nearly in tears. I walked out the back door of the house, and went into the garage where our tractor was, and decided it was a great time to fill it with fuel, and to take the blades off to sharpen them locked on a vice in Grandpas old workshop with a file.
5 minutes went by...Then 10 minutes...Then 15 minutes. I finished all 3 of the blades and made sure they weren't bent, which would cause them to cut uneven. I wanted to go back into the house, but I had no idea what would happen to me.
Finally the side door of the garage opened up. It was granny. She just looked at me with a plain, emotionless gaze. "Come in back in, honey." She said.
Wow, that made me even worse than I was before. We had a sink in the garage, so I used my bar of lava soap to clean my hands and arms, and went into the house.
"Are you okay?" Granny asked me.
"I guess." I shyly replied.
"Your aunt has until the end of the month to pack her things and move out. She didn't deny anything you told me. Sit down, honey." Oh, shit. I didn't like what was about to be said. "My sister has lived with me most of her adult life. Nearly my entire marriage to your grandfather, she lived here. She was assaulted by a man when she was a young teen, and has not trusted men since. I have feared this day since the day you were born. She finally became dangerous to you, and she cannot live here anymore."
"Okay" is all I could say.
"I don't want you blaming yourself for anything. If you have desires or needs, they are perfectly normal." She said. "Come here."
She reached out to hug me, and I got out of my chair, and we hugged tightly. I did not want to let go.
"Let's just get back to how it used to be when you were younger." She said.
"Does that mean I can still watch Love Boat with you?" I asked.
"I would like that alot." She replied. "I bet it is on tomorrow night."
She continued to sit in her chair. I grabbed a drink from the fridge, and I gave her one of my "Backward" hugs like we did. Basically I would walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders and stretch my arms across her breasts. She would always give out an audible "MMMMMM" when I would do it. It was never really sexual. I just was touching her boobs. They stuck out like torpedoes when she wore her bras. I guess that means they were doing their job. When I would lay with her on Saturday nights, she would take her top off and her bra off before putting on her night shirt. She nearly always had her back to me, but I would occasionally look, and her boobs would fall down to her tummy, past her belly button without a bra on. I thought they were ALL like that.
This time was slightly different. Granny grabbed my left arm that was holding across her right breast, and held it against her tightly. My face was against her face and we were holding each other tightly. My hand was holding her big boob! It really caused a feeling with my young cock. It was the first boob I had ever held. It was certainly something that will always stick with me.
The ceramic shop closed at 5pm on Saturday, and Granny and Michelle and I went to Dairy Queen for dinner. Michelle informed us she was going to stay at her friend's house, Jevetta. (No, I can't make up a name like that... Her family was from Kentucky, and I always thought Jevetta was a little slow).
I think Judy had already started moving out. I didn't even see her all day Saturday.
We finished dinner, and watched the news. I went up to our only bathroom and took a shower. Grannys house had just the one bathroom upstairs. Her main rule in life to me is that you NEVER go sleep with a dirty body on clean sheets. She was a clean freak. I finished my shower (well, bath with a hose connected to it) and got out of the shower and started to towel off. As I took off the towel and started to dress, the door opened, it was Granny.
"Don't mind me. I have to pee really bad." and she walked over to the toilet and started peeing. I proceeded to dress. "You have really grown up, Billy." She said.
"Thanks." I replied. What was I supposed to say to that?
"Why haven't you had a girlfriend yet?" she asked.
"There are a couple of girls I like, but what if they don't like me?" I asked.
"You have to take a chance, or you will never know." She said.
"I really like Annie from the shop." I told her.
"Do you want me to ask her mother if she has a boyfriend?"
"Sure, I guess." Wow, that really sounded like I was interested, right???
"Okay." She replied. With that, I left the bathroom.
I was in a pair of shorts and tshirt, and already in Granny's bed when she came downstairs from her bath. Her hair was soaking wet, as usual after a bath, and she would brush it out with a brush for 5 minutes before lying down in bed. Picture the bed with in the middle of the bedroom. It was 22 foot by 17 foot. The bed was slightly off center, with the TV on her side of the room, towards the end of the bed. I would lie behind her.
The show started and it was 8pm "Love....Exciting and new....." (I can still sing that entire song in my head!!!!), and I was lying behind her. She grabbed my left arm (I was lying on my right side) and pulled it to her, and I felt myself holding her boobs again. This time they were braless and lying down on her body. Doing this caused me to be right next to her, my chest against her back, my head by her shoulder, and so on... This time it was more sexual than ever before. I felt my cock hardening immediately. That really sucked because I was right next to her, and my hardening cock was starting to poke into her ass cheeks. I figured she would kick me out of her bed. But...... She didn't, to my surprise....
She actually squeezed my arm tight. I was nearly totally hard now, pushing hard against her ass. She seemed to jiggle a little, and I felt my hardness against her ass. What was going on?
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yea, why do you ask?" I replied.
"You seem kind of nervous."
"Are you okay with me so close to you?" I asked her.
"Yes, I want you very close to me right now." She said.
I held her tight again. We watched through the first commercial and then the questions came again.
"If you need me to answer questions about sex, please ask me, okay? I don't want you thinking it is something that is dirty or nasty, okay?" She said quietly.
"Okay. Is it okay that I hold your boob like this? Is this what you would say is dirty or nasty?" I replied.
"No, not at all. In fact, it is totally okay if you lay with a woman like this as long as she is okay with it."
I didn't push the subject. I continued lying behind her. I actually got sleepy, and fell asleep. I must have rolled over to my back, away from Granny, because I woke up with the sound of Tattoo saying "De Plane, De Plane" from the beginning of Fantasy Island. Granny was asleep, too. I slept in my underwear and I decided to pull out my cock and start rubbing it. My whole body was under the blanket, next to Granny's body. I don't know why I decided to do that, but it just felt right. Maybe it was thinking about Granny's boobs, or pushing against her butt with my cock. I wanted to cum, but I also didn't want to get caught.
I guess I must have made a noise, or moved too much, because Granny started to stir, so I stopped and froze in place.
"Come here, honey" Granny mumbled.
I went back to the position I was in before, only my bare cock was now touching her ass. Would she notice? Oh, I was going to be in trouble. Ugh! I figured I blew it.
"Mmmmmm. Your body feels so nice against mine" She said. "I love lying next to you this way."
"Me too, Granny. I kinda like holding your boobs. They feel good."
With that, Granny rolled over onto her back. She did something I totally didn't expect her to do. She pulled on her nightshirt until her boobs were exposed in the dark of the bedroom with only the TV on as light.
"Give me your hand." She said. "I want to show you how to touch them."
I was so nervous. Granny was actually taking the time with me to not fail with a woman.
"I want you to gently rub on my boobs, and rub the skin and love on it. Not too soft, but not too firm." She said. "As you do that, suck on my nipple. Most women like that."
I did as she said. I used my left hand to basically knead her boob like dough, and then I bent over and sucked her huge nipple in my mouth, but not too hard.
"MMMMMMMMMMMM. That's it. That's what makes a woman desire sex, if you do that. If you give a woman attention like that, she will respond"
My cock is what responded. I think I had the biggest hard on of my life!!! Why would Granny let me do this? This was my grandmother....She was my favorite person in the world, and I was being allowed to be sexual with her. I had to ask.
"Why are you letting me do this, Granny?" I asked her.
"Shhhh" She said. "Just follow my lead, okay?" She said.
"Okay." I was still in High School. I had no experience with women. This was better than anything I had ever done in my life. I continued to do ask she said.
"This makes your peter pretty hard doesn't it?" She asked. I guess that was an old fashioned term, but that is what she used.
"Really hard.." I looked up at her face when I answered. She reached down and put her hand on it, which surprised the crap out of me. I bet I gasped when she did it.
"Okay, this is when a woman is likely ready for you to make love to her. She is probably ready to have you get on top of her and put it inside of her." She said. That caused me heart to race like never before.
"Is that what you want me to do?" I asked.
"I don't want to take that special time away from you. That should be between you and a woman you want to be with the rest of your life. You don't want it to be with your Granny." She said, which was a TOTAL letdown to me. "I wanted to show you how to be good with a woman in a very sensual way." She continued to hold my very hard cock in her hand, and actually started moving her hand. It was not really a handjob, but more of a massage. It felt amazing. I went back to sucking on her nipple. I kind of was let down, but that was okay. I was being very loving with my beloved Granny. That was so perfect.
There was one slight problem, though. Her massaging of my cock felt great... Too great, in fact. I was a young man, and had little control over my ability to last long. As I got that feeling as if I was about to cum, I sucked harder and harder on her nipple. I know I gripped her boob even harder.
All of a sudden, without any real warning, I started cumming in her hand. It was very intense. I know it squirt so hard in her hand. It also pulsated and pulsated as she continued holding onto it.
"I'm sorry, Granny." I said, in fear for my life.
"Ha ha ha." She giggled. "That's okay. I guess I may have taken things too far with you. Maybe I crossed the line a bit, but I was enjoying myself and enjoying our closeness. I think maybe we have had enough for the night. I need to change out of this night shirt that you have just soaked." She said.
"Okay." And with that, she climbed out of bed, went to go pee, and then climbed back into bed. I quickly fell asleep.
In a one-week period, I had two sexual encounters with relatives. One of them totally produced better results than the other. It was another month or so before my next REAL sexual encounter. This time, it did not go very well.
I just got done mowing the grass (we had an awesome John Deere tractor, and I could mow our 3 acres in about an hour or so. I would have my shirt off, and get a tan doing it. Then I would take Granny's electric weed eater, and do the trim. After that, it was shower time. Just a normal day, right?
Aunt Judy barged into my room when I was dressing.
"When was the last time you relieved yourself?" She asked.
"Why does it matter to you?" I barked back at her.
"This is exactly why you need to relieve yourself regularly. You are turning into a very angry young man and that will hurt your granny very much" She was trying to use emotion to make me think I would be hurting Granny.
"Let's ask her." I said.
"Don't you dare, young man. I speak to her. She is too busy to be dealing with you being such an aggressive young man. Let's get this done and over with." I think she actually got off on me doing this.
I tried to move to the door to get out, and she blocked the door.
"You will not be leaving this room until you finish your work." she angrily said.
"FINE!" I yelled back at her. I pulled down my shorts and started rubbing my cock. I was pissed at this time...I was BEYOND angry. I was going to get back at her. If she was going to make me do this, she was going to pay.
"Rub it fast because I don't have all day." She told me.
"What is your problem? I never see a man in this house with you. Why do you want to see my cock and sperm so bad? When was the last time you were even with a man?" I let out my feelings, hoping I would get some truth from her.
"This is exactly the point, young man... The world needs fewer criminals and r****ts, and more men who take care of their families. Your granny should have sent you off to military school to teach you proper manners." She said.
I still had my cock in my hand. I was stroking it furiously and it was finally hard. I took my eyes off of Aunt Thelma to look at it. When I looked back up, she was looking at my cock. That's when I decided that if she was going to watch me do it, then she was going to get my sperm, too. She was about 3 or 4 feet away from me when I started walking towards her as I jerking.
"Exactly what are you doing young man?" She growled.
"You want to see it, right? How about you see it up and close?" I replied.
"Don't think you are in control. I am. You must get this accomplished. I have places to be today."
"Then bend down on your knees so I can put my stuff all over you. That will make it go faster." I didn't know if that was the truth, but I was trying to get her to suck me off like I had received the month before.
"I am going to tell your granny you are a sick, vile human being. She is going to cut you off of her will and you will be in such trouble with her. She already knows you jerk yourself off all the time, and she is disgusted by it." She exclaimed.
That was it. I didn't care what the consequences were. I was getting out of my room as quickly as possible. I made a dash for it. My shorts were still down, under my cock, and I ran to my door, and shoved Aunt Thelma out of the way, and escaped my room. As I ran down the old wooden stairs, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up. I ran to find Granny. She was sitting in her usual spot, in the small kitchen, watching the old black and white 13 inch TV which was on the dinner table, smoking Pall Mall Light 100's. I was totally out of breath.
"What is going on?" She asked me. I could not hardly get any air, because I ran so fast. I was also scared to death of what she was going to tell me.
"I hate Aunt Thelma. She makes me rub my cock and make it squirt it's stuff in front of her because she says I am too aggressive." I was shocked at how easy I was able to tell her that.
"SHE DOES WHAT?" She raised her voice in disbelief.
"Ask her. Please ask her. She says mean things to me, and I hate her. I just hate her." Just as I was yelling that, Aunt Thelma walked into the room.
"What the hell is going on?" Granny directed to Aunt Thelma.
"This boy is trouble. It is all because of his aggression, and he needs to let out his aggression." She said."If he can get relaxed, he will not do as other men have done in this world."
What in the world was she talking about? I was still huffing and puffing. I just wanted Aunt Thelma out of my life.
"Billy" Granny said to me, "can you please excuse the two of us, please?" I had only heard Granny say that one before, and it was concerning someone dying in the family. I figured it MUST have been serious.
"Okay." I was nearly in tears. I walked out the back door of the house, and went into the garage where our tractor was, and decided it was a great time to fill it with fuel, and to take the blades off to sharpen them locked on a vice in Grandpas old workshop with a file.
5 minutes went by...Then 10 minutes...Then 15 minutes. I finished all 3 of the blades and made sure they weren't bent, which would cause them to cut uneven. I wanted to go back into the house, but I had no idea what would happen to me.
Finally the side door of the garage opened up. It was granny. She just looked at me with a plain, emotionless gaze. "Come in back in, honey." She said.
Wow, that made me even worse than I was before. We had a sink in the garage, so I used my bar of lava soap to clean my hands and arms, and went into the house.
"Are you okay?" Granny asked me.
"I guess." I shyly replied.
"Your aunt has until the end of the month to pack her things and move out. She didn't deny anything you told me. Sit down, honey." Oh, shit. I didn't like what was about to be said. "My sister has lived with me most of her adult life. Nearly my entire marriage to your grandfather, she lived here. She was assaulted by a man when she was a young teen, and has not trusted men since. I have feared this day since the day you were born. She finally became dangerous to you, and she cannot live here anymore."
"Okay" is all I could say.
"I don't want you blaming yourself for anything. If you have desires or needs, they are perfectly normal." She said. "Come here."
She reached out to hug me, and I got out of my chair, and we hugged tightly. I did not want to let go.
"Let's just get back to how it used to be when you were younger." She said.
"Does that mean I can still watch Love Boat with you?" I asked.
"I would like that alot." She replied. "I bet it is on tomorrow night."
She continued to sit in her chair. I grabbed a drink from the fridge, and I gave her one of my "Backward" hugs like we did. Basically I would walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders and stretch my arms across her breasts. She would always give out an audible "MMMMMM" when I would do it. It was never really sexual. I just was touching her boobs. They stuck out like torpedoes when she wore her bras. I guess that means they were doing their job. When I would lay with her on Saturday nights, she would take her top off and her bra off before putting on her night shirt. She nearly always had her back to me, but I would occasionally look, and her boobs would fall down to her tummy, past her belly button without a bra on. I thought they were ALL like that.
This time was slightly different. Granny grabbed my left arm that was holding across her right breast, and held it against her tightly. My face was against her face and we were holding each other tightly. My hand was holding her big boob! It really caused a feeling with my young cock. It was the first boob I had ever held. It was certainly something that will always stick with me.
The ceramic shop closed at 5pm on Saturday, and Granny and Michelle and I went to Dairy Queen for dinner. Michelle informed us she was going to stay at her friend's house, Jevetta. (No, I can't make up a name like that... Her family was from Kentucky, and I always thought Jevetta was a little slow).
I think Judy had already started moving out. I didn't even see her all day Saturday.
We finished dinner, and watched the news. I went up to our only bathroom and took a shower. Grannys house had just the one bathroom upstairs. Her main rule in life to me is that you NEVER go sleep with a dirty body on clean sheets. She was a clean freak. I finished my shower (well, bath with a hose connected to it) and got out of the shower and started to towel off. As I took off the towel and started to dress, the door opened, it was Granny.
"Don't mind me. I have to pee really bad." and she walked over to the toilet and started peeing. I proceeded to dress. "You have really grown up, Billy." She said.
"Thanks." I replied. What was I supposed to say to that?
"Why haven't you had a girlfriend yet?" she asked.
"There are a couple of girls I like, but what if they don't like me?" I asked.
"You have to take a chance, or you will never know." She said.
"I really like Annie from the shop." I told her.
"Do you want me to ask her mother if she has a boyfriend?"
"Sure, I guess." Wow, that really sounded like I was interested, right???
"Okay." She replied. With that, I left the bathroom.
I was in a pair of shorts and tshirt, and already in Granny's bed when she came downstairs from her bath. Her hair was soaking wet, as usual after a bath, and she would brush it out with a brush for 5 minutes before lying down in bed. Picture the bed with in the middle of the bedroom. It was 22 foot by 17 foot. The bed was slightly off center, with the TV on her side of the room, towards the end of the bed. I would lie behind her.
The show started and it was 8pm "Love....Exciting and new....." (I can still sing that entire song in my head!!!!), and I was lying behind her. She grabbed my left arm (I was lying on my right side) and pulled it to her, and I felt myself holding her boobs again. This time they were braless and lying down on her body. Doing this caused me to be right next to her, my chest against her back, my head by her shoulder, and so on... This time it was more sexual than ever before. I felt my cock hardening immediately. That really sucked because I was right next to her, and my hardening cock was starting to poke into her ass cheeks. I figured she would kick me out of her bed. But...... She didn't, to my surprise....
She actually squeezed my arm tight. I was nearly totally hard now, pushing hard against her ass. She seemed to jiggle a little, and I felt my hardness against her ass. What was going on?
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yea, why do you ask?" I replied.
"You seem kind of nervous."
"Are you okay with me so close to you?" I asked her.
"Yes, I want you very close to me right now." She said.
I held her tight again. We watched through the first commercial and then the questions came again.
"If you need me to answer questions about sex, please ask me, okay? I don't want you thinking it is something that is dirty or nasty, okay?" She said quietly.
"Okay. Is it okay that I hold your boob like this? Is this what you would say is dirty or nasty?" I replied.
"No, not at all. In fact, it is totally okay if you lay with a woman like this as long as she is okay with it."
I didn't push the subject. I continued lying behind her. I actually got sleepy, and fell asleep. I must have rolled over to my back, away from Granny, because I woke up with the sound of Tattoo saying "De Plane, De Plane" from the beginning of Fantasy Island. Granny was asleep, too. I slept in my underwear and I decided to pull out my cock and start rubbing it. My whole body was under the blanket, next to Granny's body. I don't know why I decided to do that, but it just felt right. Maybe it was thinking about Granny's boobs, or pushing against her butt with my cock. I wanted to cum, but I also didn't want to get caught.
I guess I must have made a noise, or moved too much, because Granny started to stir, so I stopped and froze in place.
"Come here, honey" Granny mumbled.
I went back to the position I was in before, only my bare cock was now touching her ass. Would she notice? Oh, I was going to be in trouble. Ugh! I figured I blew it.
"Mmmmmm. Your body feels so nice against mine" She said. "I love lying next to you this way."
"Me too, Granny. I kinda like holding your boobs. They feel good."
With that, Granny rolled over onto her back. She did something I totally didn't expect her to do. She pulled on her nightshirt until her boobs were exposed in the dark of the bedroom with only the TV on as light.
"Give me your hand." She said. "I want to show you how to touch them."
I was so nervous. Granny was actually taking the time with me to not fail with a woman.
"I want you to gently rub on my boobs, and rub the skin and love on it. Not too soft, but not too firm." She said. "As you do that, suck on my nipple. Most women like that."
I did as she said. I used my left hand to basically knead her boob like dough, and then I bent over and sucked her huge nipple in my mouth, but not too hard.
"MMMMMMMMMMMM. That's it. That's what makes a woman desire sex, if you do that. If you give a woman attention like that, she will respond"
My cock is what responded. I think I had the biggest hard on of my life!!! Why would Granny let me do this? This was my grandmother....She was my favorite person in the world, and I was being allowed to be sexual with her. I had to ask.
"Why are you letting me do this, Granny?" I asked her.
"Shhhh" She said. "Just follow my lead, okay?" She said.
"Okay." I was still in High School. I had no experience with women. This was better than anything I had ever done in my life. I continued to do ask she said.
"This makes your peter pretty hard doesn't it?" She asked. I guess that was an old fashioned term, but that is what she used.
"Really hard.." I looked up at her face when I answered. She reached down and put her hand on it, which surprised the crap out of me. I bet I gasped when she did it.
"Okay, this is when a woman is likely ready for you to make love to her. She is probably ready to have you get on top of her and put it inside of her." She said. That caused me heart to race like never before.
"Is that what you want me to do?" I asked.
"I don't want to take that special time away from you. That should be between you and a woman you want to be with the rest of your life. You don't want it to be with your Granny." She said, which was a TOTAL letdown to me. "I wanted to show you how to be good with a woman in a very sensual way." She continued to hold my very hard cock in her hand, and actually started moving her hand. It was not really a handjob, but more of a massage. It felt amazing. I went back to sucking on her nipple. I kind of was let down, but that was okay. I was being very loving with my beloved Granny. That was so perfect.
There was one slight problem, though. Her massaging of my cock felt great... Too great, in fact. I was a young man, and had little control over my ability to last long. As I got that feeling as if I was about to cum, I sucked harder and harder on her nipple. I know I gripped her boob even harder.
All of a sudden, without any real warning, I started cumming in her hand. It was very intense. I know it squirt so hard in her hand. It also pulsated and pulsated as she continued holding onto it.
"I'm sorry, Granny." I said, in fear for my life.
"Ha ha ha." She giggled. "That's okay. I guess I may have taken things too far with you. Maybe I crossed the line a bit, but I was enjoying myself and enjoying our closeness. I think maybe we have had enough for the night. I need to change out of this night shirt that you have just soaked." She said.
"Okay." And with that, she climbed out of bed, went to go pee, and then climbed back into bed. I quickly fell asleep.
8 years ago