The thing about being 4zero...

You have done it or are doing it .. we all come to it or face it, and some have passed that way before ... 40 ! FOUR ZERO .. I said to myself when I was a k** .. aaaaaahhhh , I will kill myself before reaching 40 .. it's soooooooo old!!!
But my friends.. for nearly a year it has been upon me and it has .. is the best time of my life.. I feel like the horny stag that just stands around and the does come a sniffin'! .. I never had this confidence when I needed it and now I have it I wish I had it back at 16-17-18... and it is not cocky ..woops .. or arrogant but there is a mellowness that takes over and the beauty of it is ... I might be average age .. even average build ..on the good side ! .. but my sexual lust and desire has hit a good place .. Without realising (fuck you spell check, my realise is with an "s" ) The more mature woman smiles a little more than usual and younger women want to know more conversation and then .. It's amusing everyday.. a younger woman listens and talks to the eyes more than ever.. and an older woman flirts a little longer to allow a comment to hang in the air..
I have even noticed a friends wife take an interest in her make up a little more and he even asked me if she gave me the vibes she might be unhappy with him...and how come she always looks great I said ..... he and she is safe.. friends are fiends .... :))))

Work associates and wives, girlfriends, companions for the evening seem to get involved in conversation far more than I ever expected... maybe the rub is that I have come out of my shell but the way it seems to be going..and the way these young ladies hold their hands on the opening of the halter/vee/scoop/lay-over..dress tops and pull a little to show to open her flesh to see, the valley between..

It might be a music thing.. when I was 17-18-19 it was Judas Priest and Metallica and fuck you don't know hell!!! , now I have a broader spectrum and can respect and admire Acker Bilk's "Strangers On The Shore" my Dad's fave and all things to Rhianna being a good lovin' gone bad sound in the background.. I won't keep you up all night ... you have some of my sexy videos to see but believe me .... 40 is a good place to be !

Haha .. you thought you were gonna get a fuck story ,, .. stay tuned .. !!

Published by Fuxwood
8 years ago
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