Is it weird that I'm into older guys
Like nothing turns me on more then seeing a 40+ year old man working out, or just standing their being sexy.
I'm not in to guys my age as much, I'd much rather be with an older man. is that weird?
I'm not in to guys my age as much, I'd much rather be with an older man. is that weird?
8 years ago
have fun
Young women love the attention older guys give to their younger girlfriends. With our experience we know how to please them. We don't need to go hunting every weekend. We can give out time to our girlfriends and make them feel special.
A dry stick is better than a green twig.
Our society frowns upon men my age having relations with girls in their late teens or even early 20`s. Yet the great contradiction is we want you to become attracted to us because older women are.well.older women. If you realize this is *%$`d up, then you are ok but try to make sense out of it and you end up losing your mind.
dont worry, your not weird
Now how to attract one. This is the problem. Don't take this wrong my dear, but if you are under 16, you are jailbait, and older men better not be looking at you at all. Even at 18, it is a pretty scorned on thing by society for someone my age of 37 to be seen hooked up with someone in college.though let me be honest when I say we all fantasize about those college girls just as much as we used to.
But if you are old enough to snag one, let me just say this. As we men get older, our willingness to hit on a girl that is younger is less and less likely. We become cowards of the age barrier simply because of the way people will judge us. It does not mean that we can't be seduced. And my dear girl, that is probably what it would take. You would just have to be more than obvious to the man of what you want from him, and that you weren't teasing him. In this age of girls calling rape and things like old guys have to protect ourselves. Believe me when I say we are just as eager for the fantasy, but we don't want to serve 15 to life to enjoy it.