MY new Castello Santa Maria novel.
My New Novel.
Another month, another novel! Nobody can accuse me of a lack of productivity... lack of popularity perhaps but not for want of trying! I recently just published my eleventh book; “Castello Santa Maria Two....Sacrifices”. It is, of course, a sequel to my last effort “Castello Santa Maria” and is another foray into the old castle in a southern Swiss valley occupied by a remarkable sorority of extraordinary young women. I refer you to my previous blog for a description of the earlier novel.
This second novel in the series allowed me to expand the format of the earlier work and to present a deeper insight into the imaginary world of Castello Santa Maria. It was huge fun to write; full of funny dialogue, tender moments, erotic encounters, twists of plot, views of the history of the castle's institution and the character and daily life of the young women who occupy it.
Again the plot revolves around my heroine Christine. The story takes place only a couple of months since Christine's first induction into the castle. She has settled down into the routine of life at the castle and come to find happiness and companionship among her fellow inmates in the old place.
Many of the familiar characters from the earlier novel are important in the sequel. There is Miranda for instance who is Christine's special girlfriend. Followers of my short stories might recognise Miranda from a story I wrote a long time ago called “Last Train to Locarno” which first appeared in my xHamster blog and reappeared in my collection of short stories “The Dark Side of Venus.” As well as Miranda we meet again Ciccio, Stella, the Australian girl Lucy, the diminutive Desdemona, Valeria and many of the other 71 girls that share life at the castle with Christine as well as the castle's formidable mistress, Signora LaFranchi. There are new characters too. Christine meets for the first time her absent room mate, the beautiful and thoroughly mischievous Japanese girl Yuka. Then there are the girls at the Grotto del Piazza; Angelica, Antonia and Giorgina. There's even a couple of new villains, including the deeply unpleasant Signora Campani,
The story is a little more complex than the first in the series. Christine encounters the young Filipino girl, Angelica, who works for Signora Campani at a restaurant, the Grotto del Piazza, in the village. There is something troubling about this very young girl however. Christine and her mistress, Signora LaFranchi, suspect that Angelica is being exploited without proper documentation by Signora Campani. Signora LaFranchi is worried about her and asks Christine to make discreet enquiries about the girl. The little that Christine can discover deepens Signora LaFranchi's concern but, without concrete evidence, she is powerless to act. Thus she comes up with a ruse by which Christine is sent to work temporarily at the Grotto del Piazza in order to learn the truth about the young lady. Unfortunately this brings Christine into close proximity with, not only the wicked Signora Campani, but also the doom filled figure of her nemesis, Father Larenzo, the local priest whose dearest wish is to have Christine whipped in the church sacristy. Without wishing to give too much away, the p*o hits the ventilator in no uncertain fashion and the novel comes to a searing climax and what I hope is a thoroughly satisfying ending.
I can confidently predict that life is never dull at Castello Santa Maria! I am most proud of the little novel. It's funny, sexy, exciting, full of interest and, at times, I think genuinely moving. There are characters you will never forget and, looming large over it all, the old castle and the principles for which it stands. It is an erotic novel but one I believe that transcends the merely erotic and celebrates humanity, compassion and love.
I do hope some of you will take a look at the novel.... I mean somebody has to! If you are interested I'll include the link here. You can obtain both as an ebook or as a mail order paperback. If you do delve into it, I promise you a magical, escapist world.... the little enclave of Castello Santa Maria and I hope you will stay to linger long amidst it.
The link to the book:
8 years ago