SJWs in Penisland.

It's been awhile since I've reported on the social constructs of Penisland. Primarily because my time has been split evenly between studying and masturbating. But, after a lengthy discussion with a local Penisland Shaman, I have new findings to present to the world.

See, in the real world we have social justice warriors. Those people who feel the need to fight a cause tooth and nail... as long as the fight is over the internet through mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, and message boards.

Recently, a great Penisland Shaman and Social Justice Warrior approached me about my aversion to dick avatars. Apparently I should like talking to disembodied penises.
"The penis", he exclaimed "is the most socially recognizable image in Penisland! To truly embrace our culture, you must not only accept the penis, but shower it with attention and adoration. Nay, worship would be a more appropriate choice!"

To this, I explained that while I'm not opposed to conversing with a penis, it has been my experience that a penis usually says either "hey, what's up?" or "I wanna fuck you"... or some variation thereof. So, as I prefer more meaningful conversation, I tend to gravitate towards individuals in the area that are not penises.

My explanation seemed confusing to the Penisland elder. "So, you hate all penises? Is that what you're saying?"

I explained that I didn't hate all penises; in fact, I'm quite fond of penis. But, I prefer to socialize with individuals who don't feel the need to show me their penis right away. Am I not allowed to choose who I socialize with?

"Of course you are!" he exclaimed. "You, as a modern woman, can choose to socialize with whomever you want! But, obviously, if you don't choose the penis then it means you hate penis."

So, for the better part of a week I desperately tried to explain that I didn't hate penis. I enjoy penis, I'm just not fond of talking to penis. After a grueling week of deliberation, explanation, flowcharts, slide shows, and good ol' fashioned interpretive dance, the issue was resolved to my satisfaction: I don't hate penis, he doesn't believe me, and I blocked him.

No, fellas. I don't hate your penis. But it's not very likely that I'm going to talk to you if that's the first thing I see. Your avatar should be a representation of who you are as a person. Either your face, or (if you're shy) something that lets me know what kind of person you are.

I can't dictate what you put up as your avatar. All I can tell you is this: If I see a dick, I'm going to assume you're a dick.
Published by hollypetite
8 years ago
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st_john_green 3 years ago
Why am I thinking of a song from the Frank Zappa movie 200 Motels ? Your blogs here are hilarious and I like how you express yourself. 
floodherdeep 5 years ago
Thank you for providing quality content. Outstanding! Proof that the brain truly is the ultimate sex organ.
biorgium 8 years ago
What a wonderful, um, post! I too refuse to accept anyone who asks to Friend me, if they have a dick avatar. I don't hate dicks either; my penis is one of my most prized possessions after all. Some days it gives me more pleasure than my mind does. But in spite of the explicit instructions on my profile, these people persist. It's in-dick-ative of their personalities.

I look forward to reading some more of your blogs shortly. Your profile is truly an oasis for those of us here who enjoy words.
matureBBWlover00 8 years ago
" Your avatar should be a representation of who you are as a person." - Ought!!!!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: On a side note you really broadened my definition of a "SJW" this morning!!!!!!!!!! Despite being on opposite ends of the spectrum from me, your posts are at least engaging and enjoyable to read. The watersports pictures always give me a thrill as well.....................................
dresdenfol 8 years ago
I never quite understood the penis avatar. I mean, I think my penis might look nice but I don't think its so great that it should represent me and be the first impression new people should have of me. Instead, I use my a pair of amazing tits? hmmm...maybe thats not much better
I love your sense of humor! I also get your point. Please don't rush over to my profile page, as there are pictures of my penis.