An old story I wrote and recently found that I wil
She was stuck in a strange city, her boyfriend in Jail, no phone, no money and no place to go, and she felt the sickness starting, she needed to find some heroin soon or her worst hellish nightmare would begin. She didn't want to ask just anybody to help her cop. She new her best bet would be to go into the scariest part of the city ware the ladies of the night roamed.
If she just would have listened and stayed away from him like everybody told her, she wouldn't be in this situation. But he was the only person to give her comfort after past year of tragedy. Her father was arrested on her 16th b-day and sentenced to 70 years for smuggling boat loads of d**gs into the country. Her mom immediatley started sleeping with her dads business partner who had dropped the dime so he could take control of the operation. THey moved into his house immediatley following the arrest and he had nightly touched her inappropriatly. She tried telling her mom who blamed it on her and her developing body. One day after school she came home to him drunk and naked on the couch, her mother passed out in the bed. He said if she wanted to stay in the house she had to finish what her mother had started. She bolted from the house and ran until she lost herself in a unfamiliar part of town. A car rolled up along side of her and some older guys from school asked if she needed a ride she got in and they said they were going to a party if she wanted to come along. Scared, confused and alone she agreed just wanting to be far from home. They rolled up to a house that was thumping with music as they entered the house she became aware that it was all guys, around 23 of them. She heard someone say we brought back some entertainment and the guys started whooping and whistling and set her in the middle on the couch serrounded by guys. They asked if she would like a drink and after about 10 minutes handed her one. They said to be allowed to hang you have to chug the first one down with them. She played along and even noticing a strange flavor and grittyness to it, didn't think much about it. She was handed a joint and wanting to fit it took a drag, they had it take a few more saying she needed to catch up with them. She began to feel funny and very sleepy, she felt the room begin to sink and was layed down on a beanbag, she felt someone start taking her pants off and couldn't talk or move to stop them, someone spread open her legs and just as she began to feel him enter her, blacked out. She came to surrounded by a party of people from her school on her hands and knees, doggy style getting fucked by some senior she felt very wet and had a strange taste in her mouth and smell in her nose and realized she was dripping with semen. People were pointing and laughing at her and the last guy pulled out of her stretched out cunt that before that day was still pristine and virginal.The guy grabbed her hair and pulled her head around, shoved his thick cock down her throat and asked if she was ready for another load. He shot his load deep down her throat, gagging her and forcing her to swallow. When he finished, he wiped his cock on her face and walked away, grabbing a beer and howling out. She was confused, in pain, and got sick, she puked up what she realized was a large amount of sperm. What happened, how many? She grabbed her clothes and ran for a door, hearing girls say, what a slut she is, she let the whole baseball team fuck her and did you see how she kept saying she needed more. Someone dumped a beer on her and pushed her down. Someone said they couldn't wait to show people the pics they took in scholl the next day. She put her clothes on and ran again. She ran into him as he was heading home with some heroin he had just bought. She told him what happened and he brought her to his house, his mother took her to the hospital but she refused to press charges not wanting people to know what happened. His mom said she could stay with them and brought them home. She couldn't stop crying and said she just wanted to forget. After his mom went to bed, he said he could help her forget and gave her her first shot of horse. She loved it. The numb womb like feeling of prtection she got from it.
Now one year later she was hooked and feeling junk sick with nothing and no one to help for the first time. She had become ps girlfriend while living with him at home. One evening his step dad found a syringe and baggy he dropped by his bedroom door. They got into a huge fight and the next day they were going to be sent to rehab. He wasn't ready for that and convinced her to run away with him to Florida. They stole his stepdads car and hit the road. They had made it to Tampa when the stopped to gas up and use the restrooms. After peeing and about to walk back to the car she saw a cop car roll up with its lights flashing and then a few more had surrounded him as he was pumping gas into the car. They had him in cuffs and had found his stash of d**gs, which was enough to last them until they made it to the keys and his friend who had a hook up ready for them. She heard the cops asking him where she was and he told them that he was alone and he had told her to run away to chicago and a friend she had there. She saw him spot her and when no one was looking motion his head telling her to run. She saw a bus and got on the bus dropped her off in the city. And here she was.
She asked a couple hookers she saw if they could help her and they said that mostly people had crack around there but one guy occasionally had some dope for sale. They brought her to his place and he said he could help her but she needed cash. Not having any he told her to come back when she did and closed the door in her face. The girls said all she had to do was stand with them and suck a couple guys off and she'd be fine. She said no way, she wasn't a whore and had a boyfriend she loved. They said alright suit yourself but if you change your mind you know where to find us. She wandered around for a few hours getting sicker, tired and more and more desperate, she tried spare changing but wasn't having luck and got scared when the cashier at a store she was at said if she didn't leave the premises he would call the cops. She left and was hiding in an alley starting to feel her pains get worse and worse, she went back to the dealers house to beg him and as she walked up another guy was leaving and seeing her the dealer asked if she had money yet, she shook her head no and was about to plead for just a little he closed the door again, she began to cry and the guy who had just left the house asked her what was her story.
He listened and said he could maybe help her, he had just picked some up for a friend who wasn't going to be in town until the next week and not being a user himself maybe could work out a deal with her. They got in his truck and he placed the dope in her view and began to drive, he said he knew of a place she could stay, an old work trailer at a construction site that was an office for the foreman to use, it was locked but he knew where the key was hidden and being a friday night, no one would be there until monday morning. He told her that he would be willing to help her if she would do a favor in return. His wife had passed away after a long fight with lupos and he hadn't been with anyone in a long time. Placing his hand on her thigh as they pulled into the empty lot at the construction site, he said if she would have some fun with him he would give her some dope and they key and she would have a warm spot with a couch to sleep on and she would be safe, or he could bring her back and leave her sick and on the street. She pleaded with him for some other way they could work it out, he said there was nothing else he needed or wanted and said my final offer is, i will also give you $20 for food as well. She was starting to get cold sweats and seeing the dope in hands reach and remembering the hookers from earlier telling her that a true man wouldn't of left her in her situation so she shouldn't worry about cheating and just do what she needed to take care of herself and he should be understanding of her perdicament, plus he would never know unless she told him anyway. She asked they man what he wanted and he unzipping his pants said well to start bring that beautiful mouth of yours over here.
She had refused giving bjs because of it reminding her of her gang ****, but had started to push past it by wanting to please her boy and wanting to help him feel good when he was to high to fuck. Even though it still was a tiny bit repolsive to her, she began to enjoy the control and excitement she got from pleasing him and had grown to even get off a bit by swallowing a load of cum. She told herself to just imagine it was her bf she was about to suck off. She leaned over and grabed the cock from his jeans, it was pretty big. "Wow, thats a big cock she said, and opened her mouth to take it in. She wanted to get it over with as quick as possible so gave it her all. In the process of playing and moaning and going down as deep as she could she felt her pussy start to get wet. She knew he was getting close and pulled away and began to stroke him, he asked her to keep sucking it and she said he couldn't cum in her mouth, he said he wouldn't and when she went back down he grabbed her head and started fucking her mouth, she gagged as it went into her throat and his balls were touching her nose, she felt like she couldn't breath and his cum erupted in her throat, she was shocked because she started to cum as he was emptying his nuts in her mouth, he let go of her head and she continued to suck and clean off his cock, swallowing every drop. " that was so amazing he told her, she smiled and said it was my pleasure, i am glad you liked. He said he would fix her up but after he still wanted to fuck. They went in the trailer and he helped her sickness stop for the time being and took off her clothes.
If she just would have listened and stayed away from him like everybody told her, she wouldn't be in this situation. But he was the only person to give her comfort after past year of tragedy. Her father was arrested on her 16th b-day and sentenced to 70 years for smuggling boat loads of d**gs into the country. Her mom immediatley started sleeping with her dads business partner who had dropped the dime so he could take control of the operation. THey moved into his house immediatley following the arrest and he had nightly touched her inappropriatly. She tried telling her mom who blamed it on her and her developing body. One day after school she came home to him drunk and naked on the couch, her mother passed out in the bed. He said if she wanted to stay in the house she had to finish what her mother had started. She bolted from the house and ran until she lost herself in a unfamiliar part of town. A car rolled up along side of her and some older guys from school asked if she needed a ride she got in and they said they were going to a party if she wanted to come along. Scared, confused and alone she agreed just wanting to be far from home. They rolled up to a house that was thumping with music as they entered the house she became aware that it was all guys, around 23 of them. She heard someone say we brought back some entertainment and the guys started whooping and whistling and set her in the middle on the couch serrounded by guys. They asked if she would like a drink and after about 10 minutes handed her one. They said to be allowed to hang you have to chug the first one down with them. She played along and even noticing a strange flavor and grittyness to it, didn't think much about it. She was handed a joint and wanting to fit it took a drag, they had it take a few more saying she needed to catch up with them. She began to feel funny and very sleepy, she felt the room begin to sink and was layed down on a beanbag, she felt someone start taking her pants off and couldn't talk or move to stop them, someone spread open her legs and just as she began to feel him enter her, blacked out. She came to surrounded by a party of people from her school on her hands and knees, doggy style getting fucked by some senior she felt very wet and had a strange taste in her mouth and smell in her nose and realized she was dripping with semen. People were pointing and laughing at her and the last guy pulled out of her stretched out cunt that before that day was still pristine and virginal.The guy grabbed her hair and pulled her head around, shoved his thick cock down her throat and asked if she was ready for another load. He shot his load deep down her throat, gagging her and forcing her to swallow. When he finished, he wiped his cock on her face and walked away, grabbing a beer and howling out. She was confused, in pain, and got sick, she puked up what she realized was a large amount of sperm. What happened, how many? She grabbed her clothes and ran for a door, hearing girls say, what a slut she is, she let the whole baseball team fuck her and did you see how she kept saying she needed more. Someone dumped a beer on her and pushed her down. Someone said they couldn't wait to show people the pics they took in scholl the next day. She put her clothes on and ran again. She ran into him as he was heading home with some heroin he had just bought. She told him what happened and he brought her to his house, his mother took her to the hospital but she refused to press charges not wanting people to know what happened. His mom said she could stay with them and brought them home. She couldn't stop crying and said she just wanted to forget. After his mom went to bed, he said he could help her forget and gave her her first shot of horse. She loved it. The numb womb like feeling of prtection she got from it.
Now one year later she was hooked and feeling junk sick with nothing and no one to help for the first time. She had become ps girlfriend while living with him at home. One evening his step dad found a syringe and baggy he dropped by his bedroom door. They got into a huge fight and the next day they were going to be sent to rehab. He wasn't ready for that and convinced her to run away with him to Florida. They stole his stepdads car and hit the road. They had made it to Tampa when the stopped to gas up and use the restrooms. After peeing and about to walk back to the car she saw a cop car roll up with its lights flashing and then a few more had surrounded him as he was pumping gas into the car. They had him in cuffs and had found his stash of d**gs, which was enough to last them until they made it to the keys and his friend who had a hook up ready for them. She heard the cops asking him where she was and he told them that he was alone and he had told her to run away to chicago and a friend she had there. She saw him spot her and when no one was looking motion his head telling her to run. She saw a bus and got on the bus dropped her off in the city. And here she was.
She asked a couple hookers she saw if they could help her and they said that mostly people had crack around there but one guy occasionally had some dope for sale. They brought her to his place and he said he could help her but she needed cash. Not having any he told her to come back when she did and closed the door in her face. The girls said all she had to do was stand with them and suck a couple guys off and she'd be fine. She said no way, she wasn't a whore and had a boyfriend she loved. They said alright suit yourself but if you change your mind you know where to find us. She wandered around for a few hours getting sicker, tired and more and more desperate, she tried spare changing but wasn't having luck and got scared when the cashier at a store she was at said if she didn't leave the premises he would call the cops. She left and was hiding in an alley starting to feel her pains get worse and worse, she went back to the dealers house to beg him and as she walked up another guy was leaving and seeing her the dealer asked if she had money yet, she shook her head no and was about to plead for just a little he closed the door again, she began to cry and the guy who had just left the house asked her what was her story.
He listened and said he could maybe help her, he had just picked some up for a friend who wasn't going to be in town until the next week and not being a user himself maybe could work out a deal with her. They got in his truck and he placed the dope in her view and began to drive, he said he knew of a place she could stay, an old work trailer at a construction site that was an office for the foreman to use, it was locked but he knew where the key was hidden and being a friday night, no one would be there until monday morning. He told her that he would be willing to help her if she would do a favor in return. His wife had passed away after a long fight with lupos and he hadn't been with anyone in a long time. Placing his hand on her thigh as they pulled into the empty lot at the construction site, he said if she would have some fun with him he would give her some dope and they key and she would have a warm spot with a couch to sleep on and she would be safe, or he could bring her back and leave her sick and on the street. She pleaded with him for some other way they could work it out, he said there was nothing else he needed or wanted and said my final offer is, i will also give you $20 for food as well. She was starting to get cold sweats and seeing the dope in hands reach and remembering the hookers from earlier telling her that a true man wouldn't of left her in her situation so she shouldn't worry about cheating and just do what she needed to take care of herself and he should be understanding of her perdicament, plus he would never know unless she told him anyway. She asked they man what he wanted and he unzipping his pants said well to start bring that beautiful mouth of yours over here.
She had refused giving bjs because of it reminding her of her gang ****, but had started to push past it by wanting to please her boy and wanting to help him feel good when he was to high to fuck. Even though it still was a tiny bit repolsive to her, she began to enjoy the control and excitement she got from pleasing him and had grown to even get off a bit by swallowing a load of cum. She told herself to just imagine it was her bf she was about to suck off. She leaned over and grabed the cock from his jeans, it was pretty big. "Wow, thats a big cock she said, and opened her mouth to take it in. She wanted to get it over with as quick as possible so gave it her all. In the process of playing and moaning and going down as deep as she could she felt her pussy start to get wet. She knew he was getting close and pulled away and began to stroke him, he asked her to keep sucking it and she said he couldn't cum in her mouth, he said he wouldn't and when she went back down he grabbed her head and started fucking her mouth, she gagged as it went into her throat and his balls were touching her nose, she felt like she couldn't breath and his cum erupted in her throat, she was shocked because she started to cum as he was emptying his nuts in her mouth, he let go of her head and she continued to suck and clean off his cock, swallowing every drop. " that was so amazing he told her, she smiled and said it was my pleasure, i am glad you liked. He said he would fix her up but after he still wanted to fuck. They went in the trailer and he helped her sickness stop for the time being and took off her clothes.
13 years ago