Survey thingie
Xchloe69x (who`s an absolute sweetheart, and my not so secret super crush) brought this up a few years ago, and i always wanted to do this survey anyways, but never did, until today ♥♥
so here`s my results to her survey thing ♥♥
Are you male or female? female
Age? 35
At what age did you start masturbating? early teens for sure
How many times a week do you masturbate? at least daily
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? once or twice
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes
In the bath? yes
Outdoors? only in my backyard, haven`t tried to do it elsewhere yet
At work? no
Every room in the house? aside from the attic, probably every one XD
In a car while traveling along the interstate? no
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? sometimes
A friend? at times
A friend's spouse? no, but that might change eventually XD
A stranger? depends on when someone becomes an aquaintence
A co-worker? no
A member of the same sex? yes, all the time
A member of the opposite sex? never
A past lover? maybe
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? rarely
Sitting? most often
Lying on tummy? at times
How do you play:
With left hand? almost never
With right hand? yes, i`m almost useless when i have to do things with my left hand instead ♥
With a toy? quite often, so yeah ♥
With water from bath? yes
Written erotica? if it arouses me then yes
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? rarely
Videos? not nearly as often as pictures
Something on TV? no
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? i have watched it, but only if the girl`s a cutie
Gay or lesbian sex? girl/girl, especially if i think they`re hotties and/or cuties
Group sex or orgies? girls having fun like that can look really awesome
Blow jobs/oral sex? only between girls
Cumshots? even though i`m not attracted to guys at all, girls can look so adorable in these
Age play? errr let`s keep that a secret shall we ♥♥
S&M? nothing too crazy
Role playing? if it`s nothing too cheesy, then hell yeah
Kinky? depends on the kinks XD
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? not for dudes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? done more than just that ♥♥
Masturbated for a photo? very rarely and mostly just for fun
Masturbated for a webcam? never in my life
Masturbated for a video? no, but it could be fun
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? maybe my fingers, but nothing else
Use pain as a method of playing? does spanking count??
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? earlier this afternoon
Are you wet or hard now? not really
Are you going to masturbate now? not unless i think of something/someone really arousing
Are you a masturbation addict? maybe
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? mhmm
What is the most you have played in one day? lost count ♥♥
do it and pass it on? x
well i just did the survey just now
as for passing it on; whomever feels like doing it, go for it ♥♥
so here`s my results to her survey thing ♥♥
Are you male or female? female
Age? 35
At what age did you start masturbating? early teens for sure
How many times a week do you masturbate? at least daily
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? once or twice
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes
In the bath? yes
Outdoors? only in my backyard, haven`t tried to do it elsewhere yet
At work? no
Every room in the house? aside from the attic, probably every one XD
In a car while traveling along the interstate? no
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? sometimes
A friend? at times
A friend's spouse? no, but that might change eventually XD
A stranger? depends on when someone becomes an aquaintence
A co-worker? no
A member of the same sex? yes, all the time
A member of the opposite sex? never
A past lover? maybe
What position do you play in:
On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? rarely
Sitting? most often
Lying on tummy? at times
How do you play:
With left hand? almost never
With right hand? yes, i`m almost useless when i have to do things with my left hand instead ♥
With a toy? quite often, so yeah ♥
With water from bath? yes
Written erotica? if it arouses me then yes
Pictures? yes
Movie clips online? rarely
Videos? not nearly as often as pictures
Something on TV? no
What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? i have watched it, but only if the girl`s a cutie
Gay or lesbian sex? girl/girl, especially if i think they`re hotties and/or cuties
Group sex or orgies? girls having fun like that can look really awesome
Blow jobs/oral sex? only between girls
Cumshots? even though i`m not attracted to guys at all, girls can look so adorable in these
Age play? errr let`s keep that a secret shall we ♥♥
S&M? nothing too crazy
Role playing? if it`s nothing too cheesy, then hell yeah
Kinky? depends on the kinks XD
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? not for dudes
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group? done more than just that ♥♥
Masturbated for a photo? very rarely and mostly just for fun
Masturbated for a webcam? never in my life
Masturbated for a video? no, but it could be fun
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? maybe my fingers, but nothing else
Use pain as a method of playing? does spanking count??
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated? earlier this afternoon
Are you wet or hard now? not really
Are you going to masturbate now? not unless i think of something/someone really arousing
Are you a masturbation addict? maybe
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? mhmm
What is the most you have played in one day? lost count ♥♥
do it and pass it on? x
well i just did the survey just now
as for passing it on; whomever feels like doing it, go for it ♥♥
8 years ago