Thank you honey

As he sat there watching his wife being mauled by two black guys, Tony wondered
what the hell had happened to the wonderful marriage him and Alice had.

They were both in their late 40's, with pretty much anything they wanted. Both
of the k**s were now in college, the house was paid for, and they could afford
to take long expensive vacations. But instead, here they were on the wrong side
of town, in some cheap motel room, with Alice being worked over.

One guy was trying to get his dick into her pussy, but she kept kicking him with
her legs, while the other one was forcing her lips open so he could shove his
cock into her mouth.

He wanted to go and stop this, but there were five other guys in the room with
them, all waiting for their turn at this married white woman.

It had started innocently enough, with a nice dinner a their local eatery.
Alice had a couple of extra glasses of wine, and seemed to be feeling frisky.
She had told Tony that if he played his cards right, this might be his lucky

He knew that she got into these moods now and then, and it always ended up with
them in bed, trying to fuck each others brains out.

Now there was nothing wrong with that, but tonight she seemed to have a little
more of a potty mouth on her. She had made some comments on them doing a 69
tonight, and that she promised him afterwards, he might have a shot at her
asshole. This was something that Tony had tried many times to access, but Alice
always seemed to put him off. So tonight she was openly talking about doing it.
Tony wondered what the guy at the next table must be thinking, cause she was
talking loud enough to be heard by anyone within earshot.

He thought he would have a little fun with her, and got her up on the dance
floor so he could rub up against her, and maybe run his hands over her buns.
Alice was never much of a dancer, and just kind of held onto him while they both
just stood and swayed to the music. As soon as Tony pushed his groin into her
belly, he knew that it was time to get her home. She had spread her legs,
engulfing one of his legs, and was rubbing her cunt like she was doing a dry
hump. This was just something that she had never done before, so he knew he had
better get her home.

As they started to leave the dance floor, the guy from the table next to them
came up and asked if he could dance with his wife. He knew he should have said
no, but then it struck him that it might be fun to watch her dance with another
man, especially since she seemed to be getting a little plastered.

From his seat, he watched as Alice just kind of hung onto the guy while he led
her around the dance floor. Once in a while he would lose track of her cause of
the other couples, and then they would re-appear again. Then Tony noticed that
the guy seemed to be taking some liberties with her. His one arm was around her
neck, pulling her head into his chest, while his other hand seemed to be
fondling her butt. At that precise moment, a black guy walked up to them and
said something to the guy who was dancing with her. The white guy started to
argue, but then thought the better of it, and Alice ended up in the arms of the
black guy.

Tony and Alice had both been brought up with that southern mentality of blacks
and whites don't mix together. As he started to get up to take her home,
another black man walked up to them and he started dancing with Alice. The
first black man turned his attention to Tony and gave him a big smile, and a
thumbs up sign.

"What the hell was that all about", Tony wondered.

Over the span of the next 10 minutes, several other black men danced with her,
and when she was finally escorted back to their table, he could see that Alice's
face was flushed. She wouldn't look at Tony, and didn't let go of the black
guys hand. She slurred something about us being invited over to their table for
a drink, so he just followed them over to the other side of the room. There a
large table with six black men greeted them, and they got a couple of chairs for
them. Somehow Alice ended up on one side of the table, surrounded by a couple
of the black men, while he sat on the other side, conveniently across from her.

One drink turned into three drinks, and lots of back slapping and jokes were
passed around. Tony noticed that the black guys seated next to her kept leaning
over and whispering into her ear, at which point her brow would wrinkle and she
would bite her lip. This went on a couple more times, before she seemed to nod
her head in agreement.

The black guys helped her stand up, and announced to the rest of the table, that
they were gonna continue the party over at Piedmont's. The rest of the guys
seemed to sober up a little and got up too. Nothing had been said to Tony, so
he just followed them out to the parking lot. A couple of the black guys rode
with Tony, as Alice was being escorted into a SUV on the other side of the lot.

Tony had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, that this was not going to
end good. He asked the guys where Piedmont's place was at, and they told him to
just follow the SUV.

Five minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of the Piedmont Motel, and
that's when Tony knew what they were planning to do. There were too many of
them for him to take on at one time, so the best thing he could do was to go
along to make sure they didn't hurt her.

Once they had all crammed into the motel room, Alice had been stripped and
forced onto the bed, and now they were trying to fuck her.

As her kicking and resistance started to wane, Tony noticed that Alice no longer
seemed to be so drunk. She appeared to have that look in her eyes, that she
gets whenever they had wild sex. The kicking legs started to open and give them
access to her cunt, and already she had opened her mouth and was actively
sucking on the other guys cock.

Several of the other black guys already had shed their clothes and were yelling
at the guys to finish so they could have their turn. The few times that Tony
had tried to stand to stop it, strong hands had forcibly pushed him back down
into the chair.

When Alice had wrapped her legs around the black man that was fucking her, Tony
knew that it was too late to intervene. She in fact was digging her nails into
his ass, trying to pull him in deeper. The first fuck must have lasted about 15
minutes, before he pulled out and rolled off of her. Before the other black guy
could pull his cock out of her mouth, another guy had climbed between her legs
and was already putting it in her.

Alice just lifted up her legs to give him better access, and he easily slid into
her already cum filled pussy. Tony was sitting there with a raging hard on, but
he knew if he pulled it out, it might get him into trouble, so he just sat there
and watched her being given a royal fucking.

Everyone in the room that night got to climb between her legs, and sometime
during all of this, she had ended up sitting on one of them and then they had
doubled up on her. The first one to enter her asshole, had to try for several
minutes, before she relented and let him in. But once he gained entry, he
fucked her just as hard, as the other guy who was fucking her cunt.

Tony knew that it must hurt, but once in a while when she would look over her
shoulder at him, she had that far away look in her eyes, that told him she was
really enjoying it. In fact, as the cum was running out of her asshole when the
guy pulled out, another one took his place and easily filled her back up. Her
head had dropped down in submission when he had pushed it in, but right away she
started pushing back onto him.

Alice must have been fucked for close to three hours, before the last black guy
pulled out of her. As they started to put their clothes back on, they turned to
Tony and told him to get her cleaned up, and get out of there, cause they needed
to get some sleep before they headed out tomorrow.

Tony had taken a towel and wiped her down as best as he could. She had love
bites all over her breasts and neck, and one of her breasts had a deep blue
color to it, where one of them must have pinched her quite hard. With her legs
splayed open, her puffed up red cuntal lips were open enough that he could see
pools of cum inside, a lot of which had already seeped out and was laying on the
sheets between her legs. Her pussy hair was matted with cum, and her legs kept
twitching, like she was still being fucked.

They had stumbled out to the car, and almost got lost trying to find their way
home, until they noticed the signs for the interstate. Alice had curled up into
a ball, and he had to wake her up to get her into the house.

She had been too tired to even take a shower when they got home, so he had just
put her to bed.

The next morning when he brought her coffee, she had opened her eyes and greeted
him with a big smile on her face. He started to apologize to her for last
night, but she had put a finger to his lips to quiet him.

"Thank you honey, I know what happened last night was not what you wanted, but
it certainly was something that I've always wanted to experience".

That caught him completely by surprise. But not nearly as much as what she said

"One of the guys stuck his phone number in my purse last night, and told me to
call him whenever we are ready for some more fun".
Published by VirginiaS
8 years ago
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Mds1636 2 years ago
Love this, straight to favourites.
photoman4 6 years ago
Hope you'll continue her adventures and maybe add some risk to this, like her not being or going off birth control and being midway through her cycle. Her taking an EPT could be pretty dramatic no matter what the result.
photoman4 6 years ago
Great,, hope you'll write some further adventures for her.
ikneel4slutgf 6 years ago quote sombody, "the truth can be stranger then fiction" ...
Holly4bbc 7 years ago
nice story Virginia
lumberlord14 8 years ago
Very Nice V