Who's a Slut? Moi?!

I was in a conversation with a guy on here the other day and we were talking about blow jobs. He seemed awfully surprised that I enjoy sucking guys off. Duh! That's the first or second thing a girl does for her fella. When we first start dating in this day and age guys want to go as far as they can, bless their dark little hearts. But a girl doesn't want to get preggers before she even gets out of high school, so you either give him a handy or a blowy. It's a fact of life if you want to keep a boyfriend, and most girls do want to please her guy, so you go for it. It's fun after all, and it's about as natural as anything else to do with becoming a woman.

This is my herstory. A lot of other girls have almost the same story. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I started paying attention to produce at the grocery store at an early age. No parent wants to give their sweet little angel a vibrator for Christmas, so we gotta make do with whatever's available. I always did love bananas and they are so very versatile in addition to being healthy for you. Practicing giving a BJ is about as important to a young girl as practicing kissing boys with a BFF.

I first started by peeling the banana. If you go too far and get into a jam you can just bite down and swallow it. Bananas are so forgiving when they're peeled. More advanced girls can go for the unpeeled ones, although I'd be careful with the end. It can be kinda scratchy. Later on you can go for the English cucumbers. They're thinner than the regular kind and they don't have the little itchy things on the peel. Eech! Cucumbers can be used for other things, too. Use your imagination. Just rub off the itchy things. Some squashes can be useful, too, if you find one with the right shape. As for the ā€œother things,ā€ there is always a hair brush, a fat pen, even a broom handle. Electric tooth brushes can be useful sometimes if you're careful and even the tub faucet has been known to make a girl feel girly. I've seen scenes of girls doing the gear shift knob in a sports car, but that's another story for more advanced students of the Other. When a girl wants to do ā€œother thingsā€ there isn't a thing a parent can do about it. We'll find a way.

Anyway, you don't want to hear about practicing giving Bjs or playing around. You want to hear about the real thing. I sucked my first cock at the age of 16. I wasn't allowed to date until then and the guys I was most familiar with, most of them, didn't have access to cars until then. Test time!

Well, the first thing a self respecting girl will do when the going gets serious is to offer to give a handy. That's a good time to get to know the object in question. His thingy. His pride and joy. His cock. Don't suck it yet. Make him work for it. After all, if you want more than one or two dates with this guy you got to draw things out. Guys are NOT known for being faithful. Not then and not later when you're married to one. I know.

I didn't give a handy then, though. I was giving handies behind the bushes back in the eighth grade. Ya gotta be careful, though when you give handies or blowies either one cause guys are known to brag to their friends. I know. Plays hades with a girl's self esteem. That is if you care about being called a slut or worse. I did at first, but then I figured what the heck. Words are words and I never did have to worry about having boy friends. They were stumbling over each other to get my attention.

Anyway, I gave my first blowie the first time I went on a car date. He took me to a Dog n Suds where we had dogs and suds. Then we went to the local lake where we parked, and after an intense make-out session I did the deed. Had him blubbering and promising his undying love for me, too, I did. Guys love, love LOVE to get their penises sucked! It's one of their favorite things. I'm sure of it, and that's my final answer. Well, after I sucked his penis he came in my mouth. And then, and THEN I swallowed my first load of cum. It was a little salty, but I liked it! That's the other thing guys love. Show it to him. Ham it up just like in the fuck films, sluts! Your BMF just gave you his seed! Show it to him and then make a big production of swallowing it. It doesn't taste evil, for god's sake. Gargling it is optional. Congratulations, you nasty girl! You just became his favorite star! From now until you break up with him YOU are the one he'll think about when he spanks his monkey.

I went out with that guy for almost 3 months and I'm the one who broke it off. My BFF told me she had heard that he was telling all his friends that I sucked his wienie. Well, that was the end of him! From then on I told every guy I dated that IF, and that's a big IF (not really) we ever got to that point he'd better bygod not say anything to his friends or he was off head for ever!

I do love to give head, though. It's not only a big thrill for me but I doubt if there's a man alive that would refuse a blow job. When you have his penis in your hand and your mouth open for it you have power over him! You have his undivided attention and he will do insane and impossible things for you! He'll promise to, anyway.

OK, so after that I had three more boyfriends in high school. One at a time, of course. All three of them promised they wouldn't blab our little secret and all three of them got blowies. One of them even got my V card after the senior prom. Hey, ya gotta do it some time! I sure as H. E. double L. was NOT gonna get cum on my dress! Sometimes some spills out of your mouth. That happens. So what's a girl to do? I took it off. Then one thing led to another and he had a condom. Yada yada yada. BOOM! I got on the pill after that.

Giving up the V card wasn't bad at all. I'd paved the way for him years earlier with a cucumber. News flash: real cocks are better than cucumbers.

Anyway, we're talking about blow jobs. Why do people call them ā€œjobs,ā€ anyway? It isn't something that's a chore! I truly enjoy giving head. I've talked to some of my close friends and they all agree that they like going down on a guy, too. So if it's a slutty thing I wasn't the only slut in my high school. When I was a senior there were even freshmen who were having lipstick parties! Look it up. I'm embarrassed to even talk about it.

Although I did do a guy in the men's room of a nightclub when I was in college before I met the guy I later married. It was on a dare. He told me he had a dick bigger than I could take and I bet him he didn't. The girlfriend I was with acted as a witness along with the guy who was with him. I told him I could deep throat him and he lost. I was kinda buzzed at the time. Don't ever get buzzed. You COULD do something you'll regret later.

I didn't regret it and I still don't. In fact I think it was funny now that I look back on it. I've done one or two other things that I regret just a wee little bit, but we won't go into those right now. I'm a cocksucker, OK? I admit it and I'm proud of it. Most girls are with the right fellow. As the old saying goes, ā€œSometimes you feel like a slut, sometimes you don't.ā€
Published by Gena12
8 years ago
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mastersergeant95b 8 years ago
nothing wrong with all of that at all.. so long as you know what kind of woman you truly are w/o judgement, all is good. You still know that you're a lady, a good woman, and a decent person, so sucking some cock along the way is not going to change anything. Never be embarrassed or ashamed of what you do or don't do; slut indeed