Another day
Well not had a good past few days , so this morning decided to get dressed nothing spectacular ,just tan tights , pantie girdle , black knee length faux leather skirt big wool top roll neck top , little lipstick no foundation just the casual look, One does not have to go the whole hog so to speak to feel femminine all the time sometimes one has to be ones self as i am today . only differrence is that as normal butt plug is well and truly in and wearing my cage as normal ,why do we do what we do i can't say but i feel that as Zoe i am being true to myself regardless what society thinks and i do not care . I spend more time as Zoe than i do as my male part so to me being dressed and made up is as natural to me as a woman as cleaning ones teeth every morning . But society calls us all sorts for daring to be different from the norm , what is normal anyway? and who really cares ,f one was 100% gay no one would give a thought to it , not that some would speak about you behind your back but come out as a crossdresser / transvestite and one would get shunned as if we were all perverts , but what amazes me is the the amount of so called straights than love to have sex with crossdressers / transvestites that still consider themselves straight always amazes me and a lot of them are married to and they call us weird what a strange world we live in, at least we are honest about who we are even the ones in the closet are the true heroes so difficult for them to be open as i am as they have so much to lose , i've been there the shame the disgust now i have become who i am a male who prefers to dress as a woman and at the end of the day i am who i am just because i wear lingerie and make up and does not at end of the day mean i am no less of a man just different makes me a softer person and happy for at end of it all i harm no one so am i wrong for being different or more honest than some
8 years ago