She loves big cock

Bule I wonder how much u going to like me when I'm splitting you

open with my cock
21:03 Frederica Oh hon I would love more n more, ohh you will give

me multiple orgasm
21:04 Bule U will hate me when it doesn't fit and beg me to pull out
21:04 Bule But I will keep pushing
21:04 Frederica Ohh yesss you must keep pushing
21:04 Frederica Deeper baby
21:05 Bule Hon u say that now
21:05 Frederica Why?
21:06 Bule But when the time comes u will be asking me to stop
21:06 Frederica Honey I know it will be so much pain but it won't

make you to ask you to stop
21:06 Bule Ohon I looked again at the size of your pussy
21:07 Bule Soooo small
21:07 Frederica It's normal when the 1st time you have sex yes it

will be so much pain
21:07 Bule So cute
21:07 Frederica I know
21:07 Frederica But I still need u inside of me
21:07 Bule OMG
21:08 Frederica So all u need is push deeper sloooowly
Published by carlwood24
8 years ago
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