Make her sqirt on my dick

so I meet this older sexy lady about two weeks ago we were both at a stoplight and I looked over to my right and I was stuck cause she looked attractive as fuck so I knodded and she seem very interested and she told me to pull over when I got out I can see her looking at me through her rear view. I was confident cause I workout on the regular she knodded when she seen me again. And I knew it was on we exchange numbers and I Kept it pushin later that evening she invited me over for a drink receptive and wine talked and found the later that evening she invited me over for a drink we drank wine talked and I had to steal a kiss and when idea that she said she never been kissed like that Before. So I had to bounce if I have to go to work later on that night but made out with her like two weeks later and we had it at her house we begin to kiss and felt my dick and asked if she could see it she replied pull it out so I did being that she was older and have morals and values and refused to suck my dick so i just kiss her and gave her my dick to the point where she was cursing me out. She replied fuck you motherfucker that let me know I was doing what I was supposed to I had her ass cumming left and right I even picked her ass up and fucked her standing up she said she has never been picked up like that before and I said baby is the first everything. Funny shit next day she went to her coworkers that she got dick down and she never been picked up like that before
Published by Dstatus
8 years ago
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