Panties I have used

Well, moving on from where my fetish started...
I then joined the Army, so my naughty days were over :( or so I thought....
I got placed in the Officers mess, as a 6 month placement waiting on at meals working in the bar, performing early morning calls and serving in the Officers mess bar at evenings and weekends.
We had one female Officer, about 25-26 and was very attractive, I often tried looking down her cleavage or up her skirt..... and after a while I plucked up the courage when collecting coffee cups from the rooms once the officers had gone to the camp... I left her room till last (it was away from the men anyway and the corridor was long enough to give me at least 30 seconds clear once I entered.
I went straight to her top draw, dug under so not a regular often worn pair and stole her panties... My heart was racing as I hid them in the room we slept in on an evening shift as we did evening meal bar and coffee to the rooms.... later that evening after the bar closed I got them sniffed them played and wanked till i shot my load in them.... I stole another pair a few days later..... and wanked in them often.... till another lad working in there found my hiding place... (I was like who the fuck steals knickers... pervy twat)

I used to visit my brother and his wife, when they went out I would raid her panties and stockings and later in time my niece when she was 16-19...
After I was married I started wearing my wifes (she never knew) her sisters, and any friends we had visit us or we visited (overnight from different camps) I sised clean ones from drawers or suitcase if they visited us and left pre cum in the crotch and dirty ones from laundry basket I blew my load in them... I used my sisters eventually the one who started my fetish.... and my other sister in law........
I couldnt stop it, every time we visited anyones house I would use the toilet to go through the laundry to sniff lick and rub my cock into any panties and usually come in them.....
I have stolen from washing lines stolen from laundry baskets and at the laundrette when someone went to get a drink or paper, and from girls I have dated since my divorce stolen while in their place to keep for later...

I still wear panties nad love the feel of them against my cock. The purple ones are from a friend I met first night she showed me them as promised then went to the toilet took them off and gave them to me in my hand in front of other people, then inserted her fingers in her pussy and stuck them in my mouth... i loved it and after I left I licked and sniffed her warm moist panties mmmmmm

More stories to follow
Published by stockinglover
13 years ago
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petering52 3 years ago
Gusset sniffing tongue cleaning is a pastime , indeed strong urge for many. The first time my cock shot cum that hit the ceiling was stroking while tonguing a dirty gusset of panties worn by secretary so hot moist piss wet too, and strong flavour . Another time with panties from same source erected me and cum erupted without masturbation, so strong and sexual was the taste, acrid with wet pussy juice and she had obviously replaced panties after evening of fucking as gusset was in part sperm fallvoired.
welshpooldude 10 years ago
Very nice and hot
rushman1uk 13 years ago
NIce read