Deepthroating (2)

Tips I found courtesy of the erstwhile "Cruise Director" at MH if you want to improve ur head giving skills

When you give head, your bedroom should sound like half-price day at the liposuction center, not visitor's day at the cough-a-torium.

The best way to make sure the Buick goes all the way into the garage is to train your throat to relax. Here's how:

Step One: Figure out your trigger point. Start by touching the tip of your tongue with your finger. Keep advancing to the point where you first begin to gag. That's your trigger point.

Step 2: Touch the trigger point with a cool object. Cold numbs the throat a bit, so try a popsicle with a condom on it (in case a piece breaks off into your windpipe) or a soft dildo that's been in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Do NOT use a banana. The abrasive ends are not throat-friendly. Anyway, touch your trigger point. Yes, you're going to gag, so just do it for a few seconds. After a few days, you'll gag less and less. Like I did with every new story about Britney Spears. After a while, your trigger point retreats. Now you've got a new starting point. Repeat the process. Keep moving the trigger point further and further back.

Eventually you'll be able to touch the back of your throat. Don't rush and don't get discouraged. This isn't something you can do in a couple of days. Plan on a month. Once your trigger point goes past your uvula it's time to practice with a live penis. Whether you want to do "Ordinary Oral" or Big Boy BJs (Deep Throating) the steps are the same:

A. Line up your throat and your mouth to form a straight line. Your throat and mouth naturally form an "L"-shaped angle. Unless his dick is shaped like an isosceles triangle, it ain't going in very far. Get on your back with your head hanging off the edge of the bed and you'll get into proper alignment.

B. Open Wide & Say "Ahhhhh." Pretend your doctor is about to use the tongue depressor on you. Say "Ahhh" and your mouth will be ready for the other half of that religious affirmation: "Men."

Warning: Deep Throating completely blocks your windpipe. You won't be able to breathe through your mouth OR your nose. Make sure your partner knows to pull back frequently so you can breathe. Otherwise, you'll go from dying for dick to dying from it.

Published by njbibrit
8 years ago
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DavieLeigh 1 month ago
I love being on my back with balls in my face and cock down my throat.