A New Arrangement
See comments for the photo inspiration... I dont know how to add it here... :-)
She lay on the bed, bound and nude, waiting for the men who would come and pick her up. For the last two years she had been taken to a bordello one week a month to earn "extra money". At first it was exciting... she loved the slutty feeling she got from working as a whore... and it was only a week a month. At the end of the week, she was always brought back home, safe, sound and exhausted. But the two years had become very long.... the memories of countless men looking into her eyes and countless cocks inside her body was beginning to take its toll. Now, instead of fucking them like a little wild a****l, she just spread her legs and let them use her and satisfy their lust inside her. She knew she should stop, but she was in very deep now and didn't know if anyone would let her stop. She had gone from being the hot slut wife whore to being just a pussy that was rented and sold. It dawned on her that she was a slave... a sex slave belonging to her husband and the men who rented her body by the minute.
While she lay there - a thousand thoughts running through her head - her husband walked into the room with the two Latino men who would put her in the trunk of their car and take her away to work the bordello just on the other side of the border... they always wanted a piece of her first, though, and a piece when they brought her back... a "shipping and handling charge" they always called it... and then her hubby and they would laugh at the joke. She waited for the men to roll her over and use her... they never untied her. that would take too long.
She heard her husband talking to her from a million miles away.... "baby...baby? ... do you hear me... listen, I need to tell you something." He stood by her head and she tilted her eyes up to look at him.
"I worked out a new deal today with Manuel, in honor of your two year anniversary. Manuel has told me how popular you've become. He wanted to lease you permanently, but I would miss fucking you, too ... so I worked out a three weeks on, one week off at home arrangement... What do you think?"
She looked up at him blankly and without emotion... she knew now that she was nothing more than a sex slave.
From far away, she heard him say..."good then, its settled... I'll see you in three weeks. Now give the boys a good time before you go..."
He bent down and gave her nipple a pinch before walking out of the room. She closed her eyes and felt hands roll her over...
The months went by -- three weeks on / one week off... three weeks on / one week off. The weeks of her service became a big blur. She was in such great demand in Mexico that her normal eight to ten hour shifts had been extended to sixteen hours or more. She wasnt in continual use, of course... some days were heavier than others... but she was kept in the little room assigned to her for her full sixteen hour shift, then allowed to return to her tiny personal bedroom for her off hours. Sometimes, even in her off hours, though, she knew she may be called upon to service a client who had requested her by name. She laughed at the irony... her name... they had even changed her name. It used to be Janet... now they had changed it to "Betty" because it was easier for the Mexican men to say... when they pronounced her real name, it came out sounding like "Yah-nate". So they had changed it to Betty... even her husband called her Betty now when they brought her home for her week off.
This week she was at home for her week off... it was Thursday and she knew she didnt have many more days before she would be returned. Her husband had promised her a nice dinner at a restaurant tonight (if she was a good girl) and she was looking forward to it. He kept her nude around the house now... except when he wanted her to wear her working platforms. But last night he had come home with a pretty dress and new heels and lingerie. She couldnt wait to put them on and look at herself in the mirror before they left for dinner. She laid back down on the bed, nude and in her platforms and rested... she wanted to be awake and bathed and have her hair made up and her makeup perfect, just like she used to do before she became a sexgirl. She needed a couple more hours of sleep before she would have the energy to do all that.
When she woke, she slipped out of bed and went to take a long, luxurious shower. She washed her hair and put a conditioner in it. While the conditioner set, she shaved her legs and pussy and underarms and soaped her body up a second time to make herself squeaky clean. Once she was clean, she put her head under the flow of water, letting it run down her back and through the crack of her ass... it felt so good to be this clean. The tiny rivulets ran down between her legs and tickled her pussy lips, exciting her and giving her a small amount of sexual edge. She wanted to have this edge when she was with her husband tonight... she wanted him to appreciate her and want to keep her at home more often. She had accepted the fact of her sexual slavery a long time ago, but she just wanted a bit more alone time with him at home.
Betty went into her dressing room and sat in front of her makeup table and began to fix her hair, making it fuller and sexier with her curling iron, putting on foundation and dark eye shadow, liner and finally a sexy plum color lipstick to make her lips look inviting. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror and saw the woman she used to be... Janet... hotwife... sexgirl for her hubby. She understood perfectly why he had made her into a whore and sex slave... "I would have done the same thing to me, too!" She laughed at her reflection in the mirror, then went to slip into her lingerie and heels. Her husband would be home soon and she wanted him to see her like this before she had to put on the pretty dress for dinner.
When he came home, she met him in the door in a sexy garter belt and stockings, ankle strap heels and a half cup bra. She handed him a drink and took his jacket from him to hang it in his closet. When she returned, he was sitting on the couch, drinking his mixed drink and starting off into the distance. She laid her body on the couch and put her head in his lap, looking up at him for now, and took his free hand and put it on her breast. He cupped her breast in his palm, massaging it and rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She put her fingers over his and squeezed her nipple harder, then put her arms down by her side and moaned for him as he enjoyed himself. He finished his drink and set the cold glass down on her mons... "bring me another, baby, and then we'll go to dinner." She got up from his lap and made him another cold drink.. a strong gin and tonic with a twist of lemon peel, just as he liked... then resumed her spot and placed the fresh drink on her stomach for when he was ready to pick it up. He watched the little trickles of condensation run down the glass and onto her stomach for a minute, then picked up it and brought it to his lips, letting the cool liquid wash into his mouth and down his throat.He put his hand back on her breast and resumed playing with her nipple. She continued to moan for him and squirm a little... exactly the way she knew he enjoyed.
She was feeling very good... sitting with her man as he drank his evening cocktail, enjoying the feel of his hands on her, enjoying being his pretty, sexy wife. Finally he finished his drink and put it back on her stomach. "Take my glass to the kitchen, baby, then go and put on your dress and we'll go... I have reservations at 8:00." She was happy... she thought that maybe he'd forgotten about taking her out for dinner, so she hurried to take his glass into the kitchen and wash it and put it away. She already had her dress on a hanger in the dressing room and she slipped into it and did a last minute makeup check in the mirror, then hurried out to meet him again in the living room. The dress wasnt slutty, but it was sexy... a pretty caramel color wrap dress with a soft, deeply cut shawl collar and a sexy little wrap in the front that showed the inside of her right thigh as she walked... and the top of her dark coffee colored stocking. She knew she was going to show as much of herself off tonight as he would enjoy. The soft jersey knit fabric was clingy and she saw in the mirror how nicely it followed the contours of her shapely ass.. especially without panties.
He gave her an admiring little pat on the bottom and pulled the top of her dress open to get a quick look at her nipple... "yes, baby... its still there!" Her laugh was infectious and they left the house arm in arm, happy and laughing together. He even opened her door for her and helped her into his black Suburban. She loved this car, mostly the luxurious black leather seats, and had ridden home so many dark nights in it, nude, the window tint keeping anyone from seeing just what she was doing to herself for his pleasure. When they got to the restaurant, he pulled up to the valet parking and an attendant came around and opened her door. She slipped out of the tall seat, letting the hem of her dress slide up her legs far enough to give the attendant, and a couple waiting for their car, a full view of her stockings and garter straps.Her husband came around to her side of the car and she took his arm and they went into the restaurant. They were shown to a very nice, out of the way, corner table... a round booth with a white full length table cloth. She scooched around the leather bench to sit in the middle and her husband slid himself in beside her. While they waited for their drink order, he put his hand on her leg and pulled aside the wrapped skirt to expose her stocking top to his view. She quietly reached down and pulled aside the other side of the skirt to expose both of her legs to him. The outer folds of her pussy were just barely visible and she put his hand to them. They sat there with her legs and intimate parts exposed for his pleasure as the waiter came and took their food order.
Over dinner they laughed and made small talk. she flirted with him and kissed his fingertips. She had a wonderful meal of grilled salmon and perfectly steamed green vegetables. She didnt get any meals like this in Mexico.. usually only macaroni and cheese, a taco every now and then and the occasional hamburger that a regular client would bring her. so this meal was a real pleasure. He had ordered champagne and she drank more than she should have... the top of her dress was falling away from her chest and the waiter was enjoying the view. But she didnt care... she was here with her husband, she was his hotwife, and she was going to be a very good companion for him. Finally dinner and dessert and coffee and another bottle of champagne was finished... he husband paid the check and they were ready to go. She gave the waiter a very nice upskirt view as they slid out of the booth and he smiled at her. As she stood up, she made sure to "lose her balance" and fell into him, pressing her nice boobs into his chest. He let her stay there just a microsecond too long and then helped her regain her balance. She took her husband's arm and they walked out of the restaurant... no one except her husband and the nice waiter any wiser to the little show she had just put on.
The valet pulled the Suburban around and they got inside and began the drive home. "Baby... please take the long way," she asked. He smiled at her and said, "Sure, babe", as she untied the dress and slipped out of it. Her bra was next, but her husband asked her to keep her stocking and garters on for him. She laid her body sideways in the big leather seat and swung her legs over to put them in his lap. He slipped off her heels and threw them on the floor in the passenger side, then unzipped his trousers and took out his cock. As they drove she slowly gave him a sexy footjob in the sheer nylon stockings. When he was very hard, she rolled over and put her head in his lap, face down this time, and took him into her mouth. For the rest of the long drive home, she gave him a deep wet blowjob.
Eventually, after a very circuitous route they reached their house and he drove the Suburban into the garage... the automatic door closed behind them. She didnt move, but continued to slide him in and out of her mouth. He reached down and took her wrists in his hands and pulled them behind her back, Holding them together with one hand while he held her head in the other. For several minutes he fucked her mouth and she willingly took him deep into her throat.
As he took her mouth, her thoughts wandered... she came to the realization that she loved this... she loved being his sex object, she loved being A sex object... She loved being a sex slave for him... how many other women could say that they worked as a whore in a bordello for their husbands? She knew it was the fantasy life of many women -- and wives - but how many of them could actually say they had done it? She had done it... she was doing it... she was the wife that most men could only dream of having. At the end of the weekend, she would be returned to the bordello to fuck and suck and let men do things to her body. She would be put into a pair of heels and made to stand nude in the front entryway of the bordello to greet customers when she wasnt needed. She would mingle with the customers in the public rooms, she nude and they mostly drunk, allowing them to touch her and finger her and pull her nipples... until one of them would want to use her... then he would pay the old, topless woman at the desk and she would lead him into her cubicle and he would have her for 30 minutes.. .to do whatever he wanted. She would moan and call out, 'ayyyy, papi.. si... mas, mas, mas... me duele, me duele!! They always came very good for her.. she knew how to get inside their heads and arouse them. If they pulled her nipple, she arched her back for them... if they put their hand to her throat, she tilted her head back exposing her neck for them. If they came before their 30 minutes was up, she would roll over on her stomach and let them spank her. This was why she was in such high demand. She was their fantasy girl. She even had picked up a cheap wedding band that she wore... they would ask her if she was married and she would say yes... that she was her husband's whore and worked here for him. Some of them would come in and if they didnt know her name they would ask for "la esposa puta", meaning essentially, "the whore wife". For awhile she had given up on being a pleasing whore... she just laid there and let them fuck her. But after a few months of this general lassitude, she accepted her place in life and began to perfect her new "trade" and learned how to give the men what they wanted in a female body.
She heard her husband calling her name... "betty.. betty, baby"... she realized that he had stopped fucking her mouth ...and that as her thoughts wandered she must have dozed off. When she realized this, she started sucking him again and clasped her hands behind her back again...
"Baby... let's go inside now... I have something I want to say to you... c'mon, now... I know how much you like to do that, but let's go inside."
She stopped sucking him and moaned and pouted a little when he helped her to sit up in the seat. He got out of the car and came around to her side and helped her out. He picked up her clothes and heels and together they walked into the house. When they got into the kitchen he turned on the light and laughed when he saw her... "baby, go into the bedroom and fix your lipstick. You look like you spent the last hour sucking cock..." She laughed and quickly ran into the bedroom to fix herself for him. When she came back out, her hair was still tousled, but she had fixed her lipstick and touched up her face a little to make it presentable. She had also taken the time to heat a washcloth and wipe the stickiness from between her legs. She came to him and sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his shoulder.
He stroked her hair out of her face... "baby... I want to talk to you about something important." She froze for a moment... she knew in her heart that he had sold her full time to the bordello and this was her last visit home. She would spend the rest of her life being fucked and sold from one whorehouse to another, probably to eventually end up like the topless old woman who took the men's money. She began to cry softly and held him tightly. She loved being his whore, but she wanted to be HIS.. not the property of a whorehouse... reduced to nothing more than a pussy to be bought and sold forever.
Her husband felt her body shaking with her quiet sobs. "What's the matter, Baby? What's wrong?"
"You're going to sell me, arent you? Im going to be working in the whorehouse forever... Im going to just be a piece of property like the other girls there... I wont be your pussy anymore, I'll just be A pussy."
He laughed a little... "I think you've misread the situation, baby... that's pretty much exactly the opposite of what I wanted to discuss with you..." Her sobs stopped, but she was confused... "what? I dont understand..."
"Im pulling you back home, baby... I had a talk with Manuel a couple of months ago and told him Im cancelling your lease at the end of this month. So when you came home this week, it was for good. I wanted to surprise you with the news... and I hope that it makes you happy.."
She threw her arms around him as tight as she could and he picked her up in his arms and took her into the bedroom and they made love for a very long time. When they were both satisfied and laying together, she rolled over and put her head on his shoulder.
"yes, Janet?"
"... would it be okay with you if I went back to one week a month? I dont think I can just give it up cold turkey. I have some good customers and I am good at my job. Im called "la esposa puta" and I have a lot of men asking for me by name. But most of all, Ive come to the realization that I love being your whore. Id love it if you would come down to the "club" and see me perform. I think it would even be very hot if you bought some time with me... not your wife.... just the whore they call esposa".
"Okay, baby... I'll call Manuel in the morning and set it up. You know, it's funny... when I spoke to him about it, this is exactly what he said you would do..."
They both laughed and fell asleep wrapped arm in arm.
She lay on the bed, bound and nude, waiting for the men who would come and pick her up. For the last two years she had been taken to a bordello one week a month to earn "extra money". At first it was exciting... she loved the slutty feeling she got from working as a whore... and it was only a week a month. At the end of the week, she was always brought back home, safe, sound and exhausted. But the two years had become very long.... the memories of countless men looking into her eyes and countless cocks inside her body was beginning to take its toll. Now, instead of fucking them like a little wild a****l, she just spread her legs and let them use her and satisfy their lust inside her. She knew she should stop, but she was in very deep now and didn't know if anyone would let her stop. She had gone from being the hot slut wife whore to being just a pussy that was rented and sold. It dawned on her that she was a slave... a sex slave belonging to her husband and the men who rented her body by the minute.
While she lay there - a thousand thoughts running through her head - her husband walked into the room with the two Latino men who would put her in the trunk of their car and take her away to work the bordello just on the other side of the border... they always wanted a piece of her first, though, and a piece when they brought her back... a "shipping and handling charge" they always called it... and then her hubby and they would laugh at the joke. She waited for the men to roll her over and use her... they never untied her. that would take too long.
She heard her husband talking to her from a million miles away.... "baby...baby? ... do you hear me... listen, I need to tell you something." He stood by her head and she tilted her eyes up to look at him.
"I worked out a new deal today with Manuel, in honor of your two year anniversary. Manuel has told me how popular you've become. He wanted to lease you permanently, but I would miss fucking you, too ... so I worked out a three weeks on, one week off at home arrangement... What do you think?"
She looked up at him blankly and without emotion... she knew now that she was nothing more than a sex slave.
From far away, she heard him say..."good then, its settled... I'll see you in three weeks. Now give the boys a good time before you go..."
He bent down and gave her nipple a pinch before walking out of the room. She closed her eyes and felt hands roll her over...
The months went by -- three weeks on / one week off... three weeks on / one week off. The weeks of her service became a big blur. She was in such great demand in Mexico that her normal eight to ten hour shifts had been extended to sixteen hours or more. She wasnt in continual use, of course... some days were heavier than others... but she was kept in the little room assigned to her for her full sixteen hour shift, then allowed to return to her tiny personal bedroom for her off hours. Sometimes, even in her off hours, though, she knew she may be called upon to service a client who had requested her by name. She laughed at the irony... her name... they had even changed her name. It used to be Janet... now they had changed it to "Betty" because it was easier for the Mexican men to say... when they pronounced her real name, it came out sounding like "Yah-nate". So they had changed it to Betty... even her husband called her Betty now when they brought her home for her week off.
This week she was at home for her week off... it was Thursday and she knew she didnt have many more days before she would be returned. Her husband had promised her a nice dinner at a restaurant tonight (if she was a good girl) and she was looking forward to it. He kept her nude around the house now... except when he wanted her to wear her working platforms. But last night he had come home with a pretty dress and new heels and lingerie. She couldnt wait to put them on and look at herself in the mirror before they left for dinner. She laid back down on the bed, nude and in her platforms and rested... she wanted to be awake and bathed and have her hair made up and her makeup perfect, just like she used to do before she became a sexgirl. She needed a couple more hours of sleep before she would have the energy to do all that.
When she woke, she slipped out of bed and went to take a long, luxurious shower. She washed her hair and put a conditioner in it. While the conditioner set, she shaved her legs and pussy and underarms and soaped her body up a second time to make herself squeaky clean. Once she was clean, she put her head under the flow of water, letting it run down her back and through the crack of her ass... it felt so good to be this clean. The tiny rivulets ran down between her legs and tickled her pussy lips, exciting her and giving her a small amount of sexual edge. She wanted to have this edge when she was with her husband tonight... she wanted him to appreciate her and want to keep her at home more often. She had accepted the fact of her sexual slavery a long time ago, but she just wanted a bit more alone time with him at home.
Betty went into her dressing room and sat in front of her makeup table and began to fix her hair, making it fuller and sexier with her curling iron, putting on foundation and dark eye shadow, liner and finally a sexy plum color lipstick to make her lips look inviting. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror and saw the woman she used to be... Janet... hotwife... sexgirl for her hubby. She understood perfectly why he had made her into a whore and sex slave... "I would have done the same thing to me, too!" She laughed at her reflection in the mirror, then went to slip into her lingerie and heels. Her husband would be home soon and she wanted him to see her like this before she had to put on the pretty dress for dinner.
When he came home, she met him in the door in a sexy garter belt and stockings, ankle strap heels and a half cup bra. She handed him a drink and took his jacket from him to hang it in his closet. When she returned, he was sitting on the couch, drinking his mixed drink and starting off into the distance. She laid her body on the couch and put her head in his lap, looking up at him for now, and took his free hand and put it on her breast. He cupped her breast in his palm, massaging it and rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She put her fingers over his and squeezed her nipple harder, then put her arms down by her side and moaned for him as he enjoyed himself. He finished his drink and set the cold glass down on her mons... "bring me another, baby, and then we'll go to dinner." She got up from his lap and made him another cold drink.. a strong gin and tonic with a twist of lemon peel, just as he liked... then resumed her spot and placed the fresh drink on her stomach for when he was ready to pick it up. He watched the little trickles of condensation run down the glass and onto her stomach for a minute, then picked up it and brought it to his lips, letting the cool liquid wash into his mouth and down his throat.He put his hand back on her breast and resumed playing with her nipple. She continued to moan for him and squirm a little... exactly the way she knew he enjoyed.
She was feeling very good... sitting with her man as he drank his evening cocktail, enjoying the feel of his hands on her, enjoying being his pretty, sexy wife. Finally he finished his drink and put it back on her stomach. "Take my glass to the kitchen, baby, then go and put on your dress and we'll go... I have reservations at 8:00." She was happy... she thought that maybe he'd forgotten about taking her out for dinner, so she hurried to take his glass into the kitchen and wash it and put it away. She already had her dress on a hanger in the dressing room and she slipped into it and did a last minute makeup check in the mirror, then hurried out to meet him again in the living room. The dress wasnt slutty, but it was sexy... a pretty caramel color wrap dress with a soft, deeply cut shawl collar and a sexy little wrap in the front that showed the inside of her right thigh as she walked... and the top of her dark coffee colored stocking. She knew she was going to show as much of herself off tonight as he would enjoy. The soft jersey knit fabric was clingy and she saw in the mirror how nicely it followed the contours of her shapely ass.. especially without panties.
He gave her an admiring little pat on the bottom and pulled the top of her dress open to get a quick look at her nipple... "yes, baby... its still there!" Her laugh was infectious and they left the house arm in arm, happy and laughing together. He even opened her door for her and helped her into his black Suburban. She loved this car, mostly the luxurious black leather seats, and had ridden home so many dark nights in it, nude, the window tint keeping anyone from seeing just what she was doing to herself for his pleasure. When they got to the restaurant, he pulled up to the valet parking and an attendant came around and opened her door. She slipped out of the tall seat, letting the hem of her dress slide up her legs far enough to give the attendant, and a couple waiting for their car, a full view of her stockings and garter straps.Her husband came around to her side of the car and she took his arm and they went into the restaurant. They were shown to a very nice, out of the way, corner table... a round booth with a white full length table cloth. She scooched around the leather bench to sit in the middle and her husband slid himself in beside her. While they waited for their drink order, he put his hand on her leg and pulled aside the wrapped skirt to expose her stocking top to his view. She quietly reached down and pulled aside the other side of the skirt to expose both of her legs to him. The outer folds of her pussy were just barely visible and she put his hand to them. They sat there with her legs and intimate parts exposed for his pleasure as the waiter came and took their food order.
Over dinner they laughed and made small talk. she flirted with him and kissed his fingertips. She had a wonderful meal of grilled salmon and perfectly steamed green vegetables. She didnt get any meals like this in Mexico.. usually only macaroni and cheese, a taco every now and then and the occasional hamburger that a regular client would bring her. so this meal was a real pleasure. He had ordered champagne and she drank more than she should have... the top of her dress was falling away from her chest and the waiter was enjoying the view. But she didnt care... she was here with her husband, she was his hotwife, and she was going to be a very good companion for him. Finally dinner and dessert and coffee and another bottle of champagne was finished... he husband paid the check and they were ready to go. She gave the waiter a very nice upskirt view as they slid out of the booth and he smiled at her. As she stood up, she made sure to "lose her balance" and fell into him, pressing her nice boobs into his chest. He let her stay there just a microsecond too long and then helped her regain her balance. She took her husband's arm and they walked out of the restaurant... no one except her husband and the nice waiter any wiser to the little show she had just put on.
The valet pulled the Suburban around and they got inside and began the drive home. "Baby... please take the long way," she asked. He smiled at her and said, "Sure, babe", as she untied the dress and slipped out of it. Her bra was next, but her husband asked her to keep her stocking and garters on for him. She laid her body sideways in the big leather seat and swung her legs over to put them in his lap. He slipped off her heels and threw them on the floor in the passenger side, then unzipped his trousers and took out his cock. As they drove she slowly gave him a sexy footjob in the sheer nylon stockings. When he was very hard, she rolled over and put her head in his lap, face down this time, and took him into her mouth. For the rest of the long drive home, she gave him a deep wet blowjob.
Eventually, after a very circuitous route they reached their house and he drove the Suburban into the garage... the automatic door closed behind them. She didnt move, but continued to slide him in and out of her mouth. He reached down and took her wrists in his hands and pulled them behind her back, Holding them together with one hand while he held her head in the other. For several minutes he fucked her mouth and she willingly took him deep into her throat.
As he took her mouth, her thoughts wandered... she came to the realization that she loved this... she loved being his sex object, she loved being A sex object... She loved being a sex slave for him... how many other women could say that they worked as a whore in a bordello for their husbands? She knew it was the fantasy life of many women -- and wives - but how many of them could actually say they had done it? She had done it... she was doing it... she was the wife that most men could only dream of having. At the end of the weekend, she would be returned to the bordello to fuck and suck and let men do things to her body. She would be put into a pair of heels and made to stand nude in the front entryway of the bordello to greet customers when she wasnt needed. She would mingle with the customers in the public rooms, she nude and they mostly drunk, allowing them to touch her and finger her and pull her nipples... until one of them would want to use her... then he would pay the old, topless woman at the desk and she would lead him into her cubicle and he would have her for 30 minutes.. .to do whatever he wanted. She would moan and call out, 'ayyyy, papi.. si... mas, mas, mas... me duele, me duele!! They always came very good for her.. she knew how to get inside their heads and arouse them. If they pulled her nipple, she arched her back for them... if they put their hand to her throat, she tilted her head back exposing her neck for them. If they came before their 30 minutes was up, she would roll over on her stomach and let them spank her. This was why she was in such high demand. She was their fantasy girl. She even had picked up a cheap wedding band that she wore... they would ask her if she was married and she would say yes... that she was her husband's whore and worked here for him. Some of them would come in and if they didnt know her name they would ask for "la esposa puta", meaning essentially, "the whore wife". For awhile she had given up on being a pleasing whore... she just laid there and let them fuck her. But after a few months of this general lassitude, she accepted her place in life and began to perfect her new "trade" and learned how to give the men what they wanted in a female body.
She heard her husband calling her name... "betty.. betty, baby"... she realized that he had stopped fucking her mouth ...and that as her thoughts wandered she must have dozed off. When she realized this, she started sucking him again and clasped her hands behind her back again...
"Baby... let's go inside now... I have something I want to say to you... c'mon, now... I know how much you like to do that, but let's go inside."
She stopped sucking him and moaned and pouted a little when he helped her to sit up in the seat. He got out of the car and came around to her side and helped her out. He picked up her clothes and heels and together they walked into the house. When they got into the kitchen he turned on the light and laughed when he saw her... "baby, go into the bedroom and fix your lipstick. You look like you spent the last hour sucking cock..." She laughed and quickly ran into the bedroom to fix herself for him. When she came back out, her hair was still tousled, but she had fixed her lipstick and touched up her face a little to make it presentable. She had also taken the time to heat a washcloth and wipe the stickiness from between her legs. She came to him and sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his shoulder.
He stroked her hair out of her face... "baby... I want to talk to you about something important." She froze for a moment... she knew in her heart that he had sold her full time to the bordello and this was her last visit home. She would spend the rest of her life being fucked and sold from one whorehouse to another, probably to eventually end up like the topless old woman who took the men's money. She began to cry softly and held him tightly. She loved being his whore, but she wanted to be HIS.. not the property of a whorehouse... reduced to nothing more than a pussy to be bought and sold forever.
Her husband felt her body shaking with her quiet sobs. "What's the matter, Baby? What's wrong?"
"You're going to sell me, arent you? Im going to be working in the whorehouse forever... Im going to just be a piece of property like the other girls there... I wont be your pussy anymore, I'll just be A pussy."
He laughed a little... "I think you've misread the situation, baby... that's pretty much exactly the opposite of what I wanted to discuss with you..." Her sobs stopped, but she was confused... "what? I dont understand..."
"Im pulling you back home, baby... I had a talk with Manuel a couple of months ago and told him Im cancelling your lease at the end of this month. So when you came home this week, it was for good. I wanted to surprise you with the news... and I hope that it makes you happy.."
She threw her arms around him as tight as she could and he picked her up in his arms and took her into the bedroom and they made love for a very long time. When they were both satisfied and laying together, she rolled over and put her head on his shoulder.
"yes, Janet?"
"... would it be okay with you if I went back to one week a month? I dont think I can just give it up cold turkey. I have some good customers and I am good at my job. Im called "la esposa puta" and I have a lot of men asking for me by name. But most of all, Ive come to the realization that I love being your whore. Id love it if you would come down to the "club" and see me perform. I think it would even be very hot if you bought some time with me... not your wife.... just the whore they call esposa".
"Okay, baby... I'll call Manuel in the morning and set it up. You know, it's funny... when I spoke to him about it, this is exactly what he said you would do..."
They both laughed and fell asleep wrapped arm in arm.
8 years ago
Also, a language fun fact: meanwhile esposa means wife, esposas means handcuffs.