One of My favorites with an ex.

She got home earlier than I thought. I still had to run a few errands so I had to leave her for a while. I told her that I had been chatting with a few people and I think that might have been a mistake She told me to go take a shower and get ready for her. What that really means is to shave my womanhood and get ready for her. When I came back into the office, she had blown up the king sized mattress. She told me to have a seat and wait for her while she keeps looking on line. I did not notice the duffel bag on the other side of her chair at first. When she had finished reading our chats she asked me or rather told me that I was going to get my wish. She got up and told me that she had brought home a surprise for me. That makes me scared sometimes. She asked if I really wanted to be domed by two girls and I told her it would not be the first time she has had help. Got a smack on the ass for that one. She reached down and grabbed her duffel and told me to sit on the edge of the mattress and hold out my hands. Then she took out a box from it and handed it to me to open. An inflatable butt plug. I have never had one of those. She grabbed my left arm and told me to make a fist. Then she started wrapping my hand up so my fingers would be of no use. She stopped just above the wrist and then did the same to the other hand. She then went to my feet and started to wrap my left foot. She had it completely wrapped to just past my ankle. Then the right foot got the same treatment. She asked me "arms front, back or sides" so I told her sides. She asked if I had any questions or needs as it was going to be a while before I was able to go anywhere. Saying no, she pulled out our panel gag and placed in in my mouth with a soft kiss. She then blindfolded me and told me to sit on the mattress. She started just below my neck and wrapped me to just above my breast. The next thing I know she had pulled out the clover clamps and attached them. Then she would the plastic around each breast, making the claps flat. She had me wrapped to my waist and asked if I was willing to try my new toy. It was not really a question. We have used plugs in the past so I just nodded and was told to get on my knees and place my head on the mattress ass up. It felt kind of strange going in but it was comfortable at the same time. When she started to pump it, it got really strange. I do not know how many times she did it but I have not felt that full in a very long time. She then had me roll over on my back and spread my legs. She started rubbing me and then I could fell lube on my front side. She inserted the vibrating egg in me but left it off. She asked me if I was comfortable and all I could do was just grunt and try to grin. Then she placed my legs together and starting again at my feet, she wrapped them completely up a second time but together. She did not stop wrapping till she go to just below my groan and then went back down my legs. I thought she was finished with me but then she had me raise my butt as high as I could and finished wrapping me off trapping the toys in me. She then made sure that I was still ok and moved me to the middle of the mattress. The next thing I knew she was tying a rope around my ankles and under the mattress. then she did the same to my upper body just under my breast. She told me she didn't want me falling off. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I thought she was going to get started with me. I was wrong. I felt her getting off the mattress and hear her going back to the desk chair. I could only whine and try to move my body to fell the toys move. The only problem was that was short lived and I could hear her giggling at me. She asked if I liked it and OMG I did. That butt plug was something else. She teased me for what seemed like hours. Bringing me close but never letting me have what I most wanted. I was dripping wet, in more ways than one. She finally came over to me and removed the panel gag. She asked if I want a drink and saying yes she gave me some water with a straw. Once She made sure that I was still ok, She asked if I was willing to go on. Of course I was. I was tight, warm and enjoying all of it. Other than the frustration between my legs.
Published by modoc121
8 years ago
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jaygomez1958 7 years ago
wow looking forward to more
auggiedog 8 years ago
sounds hot
lordtid 8 years ago
Awesome story, what a joy when the other one discover one of our fetish we haven't talk about and she is totally dealing with it ! Thanks for sharing this story