Have i changed
Well have i changed i think in a way i have , well i no longer wear any male underpants all totally female , and each morning now (well i have done for the past year nearly ) i always wear a bra , do my nails and wear my jewellerry every morning , lately i have every morning if i am not going out i usually wear a skirt and blouse ,but lately i have taken to putting opaque tights and pantie girdle on and wearing a pair of ladies jeans, it depends on how i feel if i do my make up but if i am wearing a dress or a skirt i usually always put my make up on , to me it just feels right so i n many ways i have changed getting more adventurous with my make up trying new styles , i have even gotten to the stage of thinking of myself more in the female as zoe rather than as my male self . in fact i am living my life more as a female than a male in many many ways , considering reasignment , but that mainly depends on my health issues , but i am going on female hormones again so my boobs will get bigger lovely ( oh no i may have to buy more bra's )but that is for health reasons (not transitioning ) but wearing a bra all day to me is as natural as cleaning one's teeth , and besides i do have a 38b bust already (thank you hormones ) but they only grew due to the treatment i am on ( a side effect of the treatment lucky me ) i am in many ways becoming more female in a lot of my attitudes and manners even though i still do have a strong male side , hard to say that when your totally en femme and try to be convincing to ones self mm , rather hard saying to one self as i am a male sitting in a nice blouse and skirt totally made up, nails painted a lovely pink and a pair of 38's staring at you in a half cup balconnette bra , with a nice pair of stockings on whilst you finish of your make up in the morning so how doi feel about it ? well i think that i am happy as i am at this moment in time i shall have to see how it goes but as a male happy as zoe totally ecstatic every day
8 years ago