Interracial Love: Will It Ever Be Accepted? (Pt.1)

Warning: This post is strictly MY own opinion. This post is NOT aimed at any certain race, religion, gender, or political party . This post is NOT meant to offend anyone's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. This post is NOT trying to push an agenda of any kind & is NOT meant to change anyone's political or religious beliefs. If you are sensitive to such topics as the one discussed in this post, please DO NOT READ THIS POST! PS: Please, DO NOT judge me based on this posted or you will be unfriended if we are friends & BLOCKED!

Interracial Love: Will It Ever Be Accepted?

We live in a country that claims to be & is very progressive, forward-thinking, & accepting. Most Americans reflect these same traits & values, but a lot of Americans do not. Gay marriage is legal in the US now, but many gay/lesbian couples still face hate, prejudice, & ignorance on a daily basis. However, We've come a very long way in accepting the LGBT community, though we still have a long way to go. Most would argue that homosexuality is still not common & their statistics can prove it, though if we count the ones in the closet, statistics may differ greatly & we would see that homosexuality is more common than some are willing to believe. Most religious beliefs flat out ban homosexuality & even go as far as to say things like, "My God & I hate gays." My point is, whether or not the reasoning is justified, a lot of circles have reasons for their beliefs on homosexuality, yet the acceptance for it grows & rightfully so, in my opinion. So my question is: why all the hate for interracial couples/porn?

You may be wondering, "What does this rant have to do with porn?" Well, I'll get to that soon, but first, I feel the need to explain myself & why I'm taking the time to post this now. I'm generally a quiet guy, I load galleries here & there, I comment on vids/galleries, and I favor vids/galleries, but I've been a member of Xhamster for 1656 days now (about 4 1/2 years) & I've never posted a blog before & I've never really let any of my 700+ friends know more about myself. I'm a 24 y/o African-American male from Alabama, born here, raised here, and still here. I'm heterosexual (but I am very bi-curious, as I have never done anything with guy, but would like to try) & I fully support the LGBT. Now, being a young black male from Alabama, you would probably think I'm a closed-minded, ignorant, southern, Christian homophobe. Well, you would've actually been right, because I was. I was raised to think like most young black people in the south are raised to think: gays are sinners & horrible people who should be ridiculed, and white people are terrible & they're all against us. As I grew up, I got my own mind & learned things for myself, and completely abandon those ideals. (Yes, black people can raise their k**s to be racist, too, and it's just as ignorant & wrong as white people, or any race, doing it.) Xhamster was actually a very big part of my acceptance towards the LGBT community & it helped me to discover the depth of my sexuality that I would have, otherwise, been very afraid to explore.

One day, when I was still very new to Xhamster, I was looking for "Big Wet Booty Vids" when I saw this vid: The vid blew my mind because I never even thought of men in a sexual way before, until I saw that vid. It's the first video of a guy that I ever favored. I didn't know what to do with the feeling I had. "Am I gay?," I kept thinking to myself. "No, liking one little video of a big booty guy doesn't make me gay," I told myself. So I decided to look for more big booty guy videos to see if I would like them & I found more that I liked. Two videos peaked my interest in frotting (something I had never even heard of) & they were these vids: ( & ( After seeing these vids, I considered myself bi-curious & I was happy to do so. I never knew how sexy I could find men, particularly white men. So I started looking for interracial gay vids & found this one: I would still love to try that. I've always had love for women though & I always will. As my profile reads, I don't care about race. I love white, black, Asian, Latina & every kind of woman on Earth. I have no favorites, I love them all equally.

Enough about me now, let's get back on topic. I love interracial couples of all kinds & I love interracial porn of all kinds. I view them a lot on this site, but one thing has always bothered me. When I view interracial porn, whether on Xhamster, Xvideos, or Pornhub, it seems that interracial porn almost always has more thumbs down votes than any other types of porn. Whether it's a black man with a white woman, or a white man with a black woman, Interracial porn is almost never at 100% thumbs up, like a lot porn. The only kind of Interracial porn that is almost always thumbs up is interracial lesbian porn. I know people have the right to click thumbs down on any video they want if there is something about it they don't like, that's why the option is there & there are a lot of other porn vids that have thumbs down on them as well. My point is that no matter what porn site you visit, Interracial porn will almost always be at a mid to low percentage. I'm sure it's not just because of white people or just because of black people of any gender, but because of both. There are some people out there that just do not accept interracial couples & that's cool. It's their opinion & they shouldn't have to explain their reasons to anyone, though I would wholeheartedly disagree.

So that leads me to the question: Will interracial dating/couples/relationships/lovers ever be accepted? The sad unfortunate truth? No, it won't & we shouldn't expect it to be anytime soon. I'll give proof & examples next time in part 2. Stay tuned because this is where it really gets juicy & where the truth of our nature will hurt.

Part 2 is coming soon.

Published by lil441000
8 years ago
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