Aunt Anne and Her Friends Ch. 05

If you haven't already, you should read at least chapter 1 for the context and introduction to this.

Thanks for the positive feedback so far...


My body was aching slightly and sweetly, and Caroline, Jack and I headed downstairs. Lucy, Aunt Anne and Bill were already there. Aunt Anne was still wearing her short, white doctor's coat but Lucy was now wearing a floral print satin robe that reached her mid-thighs. As we entered the room she crossed her leg in a slightly contrived way that caused it to rise higher up her lean thighs. Then after a moment or two she tugged the hem towards her knee as if her thigh flash had been unintentional. Bill, her husband, was wearing a tee shirt and chinos. He smiled as Caroline, Jack and I sat down.

The die had been removed from the table, and we all helped ourselves to a drink or two, though as I mentioned earlier, the alcohol was in fairly short supply. I smiled to myself as I recalled my initial reaction a couple of hours earlier -- that the lack of booze must mean a long, boring evening!

As before, the talk was inane and contained no reference to the swinging that had been taking place. Aunt Anne made only intermittent and fleeting eye contact with me. However, when she did, we exchanged smiles. She also asked if I would mind if we spent the night at Bill and Lucy's. She pointed out that Caroline and Jack were doing so, and that it would mean that she could have another drink or two without worrying about driving.

I blushed and said that I didn't mind at all.

Several of us began to yawn, and after twenty minutes or so Caroline and Jack drifted off upstairs. They made a point of announcing that Lucy had invited them to sleep in the back bedroom. Bill looked at me in a friendly way.

"I don't know whether the rules have been explained to you, James. A closed bedroom door means 'Do not disturb' -- whoever is in there wants to sleep, or else er... just doesn't want to be disturbed."

He raised his eyebrows suggestively. Lucy tittered. Aunt Anne blushed.

"An open bedroom door is an invitation to others to come and join whoever is in there," he continued. "Lucy and I will sleep in our usual room -- the master bedroom. There are two single bedrooms upstairs and this sofa here makes into a bed as well, er... if need be."

"Any preference, Anne?" he asked.

Aunt Anne smiled back. I glanced at her small breasts that were just discernible under the slightly stiff white fabric of the doctor's coat, and her long legs below its hem. They were bare and well toned rather than slender, partly a result of her horse riding.

"Oh I think I'll have the front single room," she said softly. She smiled at me briefly, then looked away. Her dark-blond hair was fastened up at the back of her head.

"James?" Lucy enquired.

"I... I think I'll take the other bedroom," I replied. A single room seemed a bad omen, and the idea of sleeping on the sofa that made into a double bed seemed more hopeful. But equally I didn't want to risk being overlooked downstairs if there were going to be some forays between rooms.

"That's settled then," Lucy announced, her eyes bright with excitement. "I'll show you your room, then..." she added, smiling at me.

She uncrossed her leg and I found my gaze drawn to the shadowed v-shape between her bare, slender thighs and her dressing-robe hem, though I could not see inside it. She stood up and her modest breasts gave a little surge under the floral-print satin. I saw my aunt -- and Bill -- follow my gaze, and I felt ashamed to have been caught ogling Lucy so obviously.

Bill smiled as she led me out of the lounge and up the stairs. It was impossible to avoid looking at her lovely bum through the shiny satin as she went ahead of me. As we drew level with the lounge door, Bill smiled encouragingly. I gazed back at the sensual movement of his wife's buttocks just inches from my face and hands.

When Lucy turned at the top of the stairs I could see inside her loose neckline. Her breast was pale and alluring, and although I couldn't see her pierced nipple I could picture it. Somehow the partial view was more arousing than if I could see it completely bared. With a delicious shudder it occurred to me that there may be another opportunity to feast my hands and mouth on it again in the night ahead.

We passed the bedroom that Caroline and Jack were using. With another shudder and a twinge in my trousers I saw that the door had been left invitingly ajar, though no sound came from behind it. Almost next to it was the door to the "room with a view", Lucy and Bill's room where Lucy and I had enjoyed sex while my dad's sister and Jack had been doing the same in the adjacent room. A fleeting vision came to me of my aunt's naked little breasts and pink, cone-like nipples that I had spied through the "secret" peep-hole in the wall between the rooms.

Through Lucy and Bill's open door I saw the bed where Lucy and I had indulged in sex, and it felt nasty yet delicious to think of her and her husband sleeping on it. I wondered if the door would remain open, beckoning to the rest of the houseguests.

Then it hit me.

I could not possibly sneak to either room during the night or early morning even if the door was left ajar. I might walk in on my Aunt Anne, half-dressed or even naked -- or, worse still, actually engaging in sex. Although the idea was not without appeal, it was just too nasty a thing to risk. I would have to hope that Lucy or Caroline would creep into my room. A wild fantasy flashed through my mind of them both doing so...

The landing made another right turn past Bill and Lucy's room to run parallel with the front of the house. I glanced at the narrow, satin-clad back and shoulders before me as Lucy led me to the next door. Another door stood a couple of yards beyond it. I realised then that my room was sandwiched between Lucy and Bill's room, and Aunt Anne's.

My stomach gave a little churn as I imagined her creeping past my door -- which I would of course leave open in the hope of a visit from the petite Lucy or the busty Caroline -- to join one of the other couples along the landing. I imagined myself trying half-heartedly not to listen for the grunts and whimpers, the whispered endearments and encouragements from her lips as she endeavoured not to disturb me or awaken forbidden desire in me...

I felt shocked and disgusted with myself for entertaining such thoughts about my dad's sister. But my lustful thoughts were increasingly hard to fight down.

I followed Lucy into the single room. It wasn't particularly large, but neither was it tiny, measuring maybe about nine feet by twelve. The bed was only single. But spread loosely on the floor was a large, brown throw of the kind used for sofas, and spread on the bedcover was a lemon, deep pile bath towel. They may as well have been emblazoned with the message "You may use the floor or the bed but please don't stain the carpet or bedcover!"

My pyjama trousers lay folded on the bed (I never bother with pyjama shirts) and on the bedside chest of drawers lay my toothbrush, electric shaver and deodorant. Aunt Anne had evidently brought them, unbeknown to me, with the overnight stay as well as the swingers' party pre-planned.

Right next to these, my personal effects, lay some that definitely weren't mine but had been supplied by my aunt or by our hosts; a tub of wet wipes, a pack of condoms, a box of tissues and a can of air freshener. Although I have never patronised such a place, I almost felt as if I was in a brothel.

Lucy smiled and went to the door, but paused in the open doorway. She turned to face me and placed one foot several inches ahead of the other. Her deep purple, floral print robe slid open enough to expose part of her pale, creamy thigh. She licked her lip provocatively.

"Good night then James. I won't say 'sleep well' because I hope you won't get much chance to sleep! I hope to see you at some point! It... it's such a lovely change to have a younger man at one of our get-togethers!" she said softly, running her eyes over me. As she turned to go I watched the hem of her robe as it swung gently against the backs of her thighs.

I went to the bathroom and then got into bed. I made sure I left my door open a couple of inches. The chance of receiving a visit at least from Lucy seemed hopeful.

It took me an age to get to sleep as I re-lived my time with Lucy and with Caroline and her partner Jack. My mind strayed to my aunt, with her long sexy legs, her small breasts and puffy nipples. I allowed my imagination to wander a fair bit but tried to keep it in check. I really didn't want it to run away with me too far, afraid of where it might lead. Recalling the petite but raunchy Lucy and the gorgeous busty Caroline helped considerably. I stroked and shafted myself slowly but didn't bring myself off. I had hopes for the night ahead and wanted to save myself.

As I lay trying to doze off I heard the voices of Aunt Anne, Lucy and Bill in the hall downstairs, then their stifled footsteps on the stairs. I heard footsteps approaching, but Bill and Lucy whispered goodnight, and my aunt reciprocated. I heard the bathroom door close, and either Bill or Lucy entered their room, while another pair of footsteps got closer to my room. My heart was pounding but I half-closed my eyes, straining to see and hear. I had a brief view of my aunt stepping quietly past my door and to the single room adjoining mine.

I was on edge but despite my straining ears I heard nothing other than footsteps taking it in turn to visit the bathroom and each return to their respective bedrooms. I glanced at my watch. It was a little after twenty past midnight,

But I did not hear either Bill and Lucy's bedroom door, or my aunt's door close. Eventually, after it seemed that everyone else was remaining ensconced in their rooms, but each hoping to be disturbed, I drifted off to sleep.


I stirred and in the gloom wondered for a moment where I was. It soon came back to me though the previous evening had been so unprecedented and so intense that it hardly seemed real. As I looked around I realised I was not alone. A petite figure was in the doorway. It could only be one person. The room was dark and although it was impossible to make out any detail, Lucy's form was pale enough (though with alluring patches of shadow) to make out that she was naked.

She crept across the room. I tried to sit up and speak, but she raised her finger and, placing it over my lips hissed "Shhhh!" Her furtiveness made me feel aroused and guilty. It had been initially been embarrassing enough earlier on when I had accompanied her to her marital bed for sex with her husband's consent, but now I was unsure whether he knew or would be happy with her and I being together.

She brushed her lips across mine and chewed my lower lip with hers.

"Shhh!" she repeated, close to my ear. "Shhh! It's alright -- we're not breaking any rules. I just don't particularly want to disturb any of the others!"

Her finger found my nipple and played with it. I found her pierced nipple and tugged lightly on the gold hoop. Her nakedness was partly obscured by the darkness and the effect was mesmerising as I tried to discern it better. The dark patch of verdant hair between her thighs was very evident.

She took me by the hand and guided me to my feet. She kissed me. My manhood was beginning to stir and brushed her hip through my pyjama trousers. She slid her lithe hand inside the fly and her palm pressed my hardening length against her body. I felt her wedding ring on my swelling flesh.

"Let's go downstairs, love; it will be more private!" she whispered.

I felt almost as if I was still dreaming. The landing was not wide enough for us to walk side by side, and she reached her arm behind her and clasped my hand in hers against her back. We crept out of my room. I glanced at my aunt's door. It was closed.

I had no way of knowing whether this signified that she was sleeping, of course, or whether she had left her room to join someone else. Or... or, though it seemed unlikely given that there was only a single bed in there, there may be someone in there with her right now. A fleeting fantasy image burst on my mind: Caroline and Aunt Anne asleep on a throw on the floor, cradling each other in their arms as they slept. I blushed at the lewdness of my thoughts about my aunt, of whom I was genuinely fond, and to whom I had just days earlier begun to consider sexually.

Lucy led me softly past her own bedroom door. Brief recalled images of having sex with her in that very room filled my mind. The door was ajar but, although there was no light or sound emanating from it, I couldn't help wondering whether my aunt or Caroline had taken Lucy's place with her husband. My tautening erection gave a little twinge.

The same thoughts passed briefly through my mind as we sneaked past Caroline and Jack's slightly-open door in the gloom. The room was in silence. Were they both there, I wondered? Had one of them left their partner in search of another? Or was someone else in there with them? And might that someone be Aunt Anne?

Lucy's assurance about not breaking rules reassured me. I would genuinely have hated to think I was doing these things behind the back or against the wishes of any of the others. Being led, silently and tiptoeing, by the hand by a naked woman while her husband was presumably asleep added a new squishy element.

As we reached the stairs I rested my hand against the soft, smooth skin of her back. We both sniggered quietly a couple of times as a stair creaked. Her small hand in mine felt delicious and she squeezed it gently from time to time on our slow, tentative journey. Her wedding ring rubbed against my finger; it was another reminder of the forbidden nature of our rendezvous.

We reached the hall, and, being further from earshot now, crept more boldly to the door of the lounge. Lucy bent down just inside the doorway. Her lovely pale, rounded bum cheeks were thrust up towards me. With another pang of shame the sight reminded me that, just a couple of hours or so earlier, this married woman who was old enough to be my mother had introduced me to anal sex. I realised she was reaching for a switch on an electrical socket. She flicked it and a soft light came on. She stood up and turned to me. She put her mouth to my ear and whispered.

"I want to show you something, James. I don't think you'll have seen it before, but I'm sure you'll like it!" she breathed.

She led me by the hand into the lounge and closed the door behind us. I think I gasped with shock. I know I froze, rooted to the spot.

On the convertible sofa-bed, Aunt Anne -- my dad's sister -- was reclining facing us. She was smiling, but her expression was intense. I glanced at Lucy. Her eyes were wide open with excitement and she flicked her tongue over her lips. My eyes were dragged inexorably back to my aunt.

Lucy stepped up behind me. Her naked breasts pressed against the skin of my back as she whispered close to my ear.

"Look! Look at that! Feast your eyes on the naughty sight!"

My aunt had a white bed sheet drawn across her. But it was crumpled into a narrow strip and covered only her midriff. My hungry gaze roved all over her.

Her long, well-toned legs were folded to one side of her. Her crotch was hidden by her closed thighs but I could see the top of what I assumed to be a narrow strip of short-trimmed, pale hair.

A butterfly and flower image was tattooed to one side and a little higher than her stubble. Although not located anywhere too explicit, it was low enough down to seem a declaration of her sexuality. So did her short-trimmed pussy hair. Her breasts were mounted quite high and were small, A-cup I guessed. Each looked quite firm, and its smallness separated it from its twin.

My eyes were drawn to each fascinating nipple, the way that its tip and areola combined into a pink cone rather than a flat ring surrounding the point. I felt my erection press against my pyjama trousers. I felt very conspicuous and rude, sporting such obvious evidence of my lust for her in the well-lit room. I considered covering it with my hand, but given the view of herself that Aunt Anne was presenting to me, doing so seemed a bit pathetic -- and pointless.

I gazed into her face. Her dark-straw hair was slightly wavy and hung naturally and a little untidily around her face. The fingers of one hand played with it nervously. Her other arm trailed down to the floor. Her satin nightdress lay there crumpled and she was stroking it with her fingers. It looked like the very calf-length ivory nightdress she had been wearing when she caught me playing with myself to a porn DVD a few days earlier, and that had first awoken my desire for her.

I have always enjoyed seeing a woman's nakedness a little at a time rather than all at once. Seeing my aunt like this was, to me, more erotic than if she had been completely naked. Only her pussy was hidden from sight, and even that was only hidden by her closed thighs, not by the sheet. Somehow her pose had a hint of pseudo-innocence and naivety, almost as if she didn't realise that she was covering and baring the wrong parts of her body. And the whiteness of the sheet lent her an air of apparent virgin innocence.

The reality was quite the contrary, of course. She was doing all she could to seduce me, her own brother's son, to overcome any reluctance I might still have to yielding to her enticing charms. And it was the delicious contrast between her seemingly naive appearance and seductive intent that made it so arousing. I know that the eroticism of her pose may sound irrational; I'm just trying to express how potent it all seemed and, after the event, trying to rationalise why.

I tried to think of something to say, but failed. My feelings pulled me in conflicting directions and I was torn between heading for the door (before I did anything I might later regret) on the one hand, and taking her there and then on the other.

Instead of speaking, though, I simply gawped, speechless.

"What do you think, James, love?" Aunt Anne asked. "I know I've only got little tits, but... well, I was just wondering whether for completeness you might fancy... I mean, we've partnered everyone else but each other, haven't we?"

"I... oh, Auntie, I don't know what to say..." I mumbled. If Lucy had not been present my resolve would have caved in immediately. But her presence made it all seem doubly perverted, and I feared the reaction of the others if or when they found out, and my shame at their realisation of what had taken place.

To my shock I saw Lucy's hand appear in front of me and to my horror it went to the fly of my pyjamas. I tried to nudge it away but she giggled and tugged my manhood out.

"Don't be shy, James! Look, Anne, I think here's your answer as to what he thinks!" she said softly. She shook her hand up and down, making my erection wave up and down in greeting to my aunt. I felt Lucy's verdant bush against the back of my thigh. Her hairs felt dank as well as soft.

Lucy stepped in front of me, still holding my throbbing length. I gazed at her modest breasts and nipple-piercing, at her belly and at her hairy crotch. She changed hands, and tugged gently, in effect now leading me by my erection rather than by my hand, step by fateful step until we were standing by my aunt. She gazed up at me, then at my purple end peeping from Lucy's small hand. As I was standing and Aunt Anne was reclining on the sofa-bed, my tip was shockingly near her face.

"Oooh, James, you're so hard..." Aunt Anne muttered.

To my acute embarrassment, a tiny seep of pre-cum appeared and dribbled onto Lucy's hand. Lucy laughed.

"He's dribbling, too, Anne!" she chuckled softly. I saw my aunt's eyes rest on my knob. Her expression was intense. I blushed as she studied me.

Aunt Anne's hand left her nightdress that lay on the floor, and slid slowly up my thigh. I watched it -- the hand of my dad's sister -- gliding up my leg, softly stroking it through my pyjama trousers. I watched helplessly as it rose higher. She gave my hard balls a little tickle with her long fingers through the thin cotton. Then, to my delight and shock, I watched and felt her fingertip stroking my naked taut pole below Lucy's gently clasping hand.

"Mmmm, James -- is it the thought and sight of me that made you such a big boy, hmmm?" my aunt purred. I was too embarrassed and ashamed to reply, and simply nodded.

I looked down at my aunt's stroking finger and Lucy's gently pulsing squeezing hand on my erection.

Lucy let go of it, but Aunt Anne continued to caress and tease me with her finger. Lucy stepped beside me.

"I think you should fondle your auntie's lovely little tits, don't you?" Lucy whispered. "You KNOW you want to -- and you know she's longing to feel your hand exploring them..."

Lucy took my hand and guided it towards my aunt's gorgeous little breasts. I summoned what will power I could and tensed my arm in resistance. Nevertheless I was staring at those enticing nipples, and the very subtle rise and fall of the, surrounding slight mounds of flesh.

Then I saw Aunt Anne's hand rise, too. She took Lucy's forearm and helped her to drag my hand to herself. My resistance had been weak. Now it was over.

I watched their joint hands bring my fingers to my aunt's lovely little breast. Lucy let go and my aunt drew my fingertips back and forth over her puffy nipples. They were firm, and her small breast yielded minimally. I swept my gaze over her long, strong looking legs. The top of her pale strip of pussy hair drew my eye, too, dipping down between her closed thighs. The white crumpled sheet lay uselessly across her stomach. I gazed into her face. Her blonde, shoulder-length hair was slightly dishevelled and she was gazing eagerly into my face.

"Ohhh, yes, James, that feels so good!" she whimpered. "Kiss me, love! Kiss me..."

To hear my aunt asking me to kiss her, and with such passion in her voice, sent a shiver through me, though I hesitated for a moment. Inexplicably I was more reluctant to kiss her on the mouth than to touch and kiss her elsewhere. I suppose that it suggested something more than sexual attraction, and it seemed somehow more illicit even than to have sex with her.

I glanced at Lucy. She drew her lower lip under her top one.

"Go on -- you heard your auntie -- kiss her! She wants you to -- look into her eyes and see how badly she wants you!" Lucy whispered so as not to disturb anyone else.

I kneaded each of Aunt Anne's little breasts, sweeping across her bony breastbone from one small, rounded, cone-tipped mound to the other, and stooped forward. She craned her neck towards me and pursed her soft-looking lips in anticipation.

"Do it James! Kiss me! Kiss Aunt Anne!" she gasped.

I kneaded her breasts and my lips met hers. We kissed briefly, tentatively. I felt her shudder with illicit delight and I too felt a little quiver run along my spine for the same reason. Our mouths met and we kissed for a few moments before parting again. We continued like this for several delicious minutes. Each time we kissed, we did so more boldly, more passionately, and each pause was briefer than the last. Our tongues met and probed and flickered against each other's. Aunt Anne sighed and whimpered softly repeatedly, though not continuously or artificially. The ardour of our kisses convinced me her whimpers were genuine.

I was longing to enter her but made myself stall, knowing that the intensity of my physical and psychological arousal would prevent me from lasting long once I did so.

Lucy slid her hand inside my pyjama trousers and squeezed my bum cheeks. With her other hand she kneaded her own modest breasts. I only glanced, though, then my eyes fastened once more upon my aunt. I stood up to allow my gaze to roam all over the taboo territory of her body before me.

She ran her hand down between her little breasts -- it could barely be described as a cleft -- to the crumpled sheet that covered her midriff. She ran her hand along the top, creased edge, then along the bottom edge. Then, gazing intently at my equally intense expression, she slowly pulled the covering away. I gave a low gasp. Even though practically speaking she had been naked already, it seemed that in a deliberate act she was baring herself for me and in response to my appreciative and forbidden lust.

The presence of other people upstairs and the need to be as quiet as we could so as not to have our shame discovered made it doubly illicit. Lucy's presence in the room with us made it trebly so.

I stared at the long, sexy legs of my dad's sister, and at the little triangle formed by her closed thighs and her abdomen. She moved her closed thighs from side to side a bit, and I glanced from them to her eager face, then back. Then, slowly, she parted her thighs just briefly and just a little, then closed them again. I gave a groan of approval and of disappointment at the brevity and partial nature of the view.

Lucy gave a low chuckle.

"Oh Anne, you teasing bitch! You know he's dying to see it!" she murmured. "Show him! Show your nephew!"

Her reference to our relationship brought the shamefulness of it flooding through my mind, but there was no going back now. My aunt rolled onto her side facing me. She ran her fingertips in light, seductive, self caressing movements up and down her side and over her stomach, then around her little breasts and awesome nipples. She moved her closed legs back and forth, drawing her knees up a little and back again. I stared at the butterfly tattoo and at the top of her pale, close-cropped hairs, silently willing her to open her legs once more.

"Keep watching!" Lucy hissed. "She's going to show you! Any minute your auntie's going to show you her cunt!"

Her lewd language had aroused me earlier. Now, her applying it to my aunt embarrassed and annoyed me a little. But Aunt Anne didn't seem to mind.

Then... she showed me.

Still on her side she stared at me as she raised one well-toned thigh and angled it slowly up and away from her other. My hungry gaze followed up her fleshy inner thigh as she bared more of it until it was shamefully revealed in its entirety to me, her brother's son! I gazed at her inscrutable expression, then back over her nakedness.

Her labia were completely shaved and, as I had guessed, her pale, stubbly hair was simply a short, narrow strip that stopped just above her hood. I had a brief image in my mind of her bending over, her breasts so small that they barely hung down, swishing a razor in the washbasin or bath and watching herself as she shaved herself soft and smooth...

"Stroke it, James!" my aunt murmured. "Stroke my pussy..."

I hesitated, than saw Lucy's hand take mine and lead it slowly, tantalisingly slowly, to its illicit and keenly desired prize. She held it just above my aunt's pale, pouting mound. I noticed that my hand was shaking with suppressed excitement. Then I watched as Lucy lowered my fingertips to the protruding pink lips of my own aunt.

I groaned as they made contact with the moist, spongy flesh. Aunt Anne gave a gasp and Lucy grunted a long, low, affirmative and approving "MMMMNNHHH!"

I stroked and teased, rubbing my finger from side to side as well as dragging it up and down along Aunt Anne's slit. Her outer lips were slick and wrapped around my teasing finger.

I shuffled onto the sofa-bed beside her, and Aunt Anne slid to one side to make more room. It reassured me that she was truly welcoming my naughty advances. We kissed deeply, our lips moulding and chewing each other's and our tongues seeking and snaking against each other. I glanced up at Lucy. She was tugging gently on her nipple piercing stretching and shaking her breast.

Returning my attention to my aunt, I braced myself on one elbow and played with her little breast and big nipple, then I bent my neck and drew it into my mouth, chewing the taut cone and taking her entire breast into my mouth. I sucked on it greedily. Aunt Anne cooed with delight.

With my other hand I stroked and rubbed her swollen lips and her hood. I found her hard, sticky button and rubbed it. My aunt gasped. I heard a movement and saw Lucy pull up a low stool close to my aunt and I. I watched her, intrigued, as I continued to pleasure Aunt Anne's pussy and breast. Aunt Anne watched her, too.

Lucy sat on the stool with her knees drawn up but her thighs splayed open. Amidst her dark, silken pubes her pussy lips were puffy and slightly crinkly. She leaned back a little and braced her left hand on the floor behind her. Her right hand dipped down between her thighs and over her dark, verdant bush. And she began to stroke and to rub herself. Her breathing was slightly irregular.

But although my aunt and I glanced at her repeatedly over the following few minutes, it was not Lucy who preoccupied us, and our glances were brief. Aunt Anne clasped me with her hands and caressed my back. I thrust gently against her firm thigh, conscious of my seeping tip against her soft skin. I raised myself and stopped for a few moments, then resumed, eager to prolong our pleasure for a little longer yet.

Lucy was gently thrusting her pelvis against her hand, sucking her breath in softly yet audibly.

"Put it in, James! Put it inside me and fuck me, love!" Aunt Anne whispered, though loud enough for our self-pleasuring spectator -- whose husband, for all I knew, was fast asleep and oblivious to it or who was possibly getting off on wondering whom she was with.

Apart from very mild expletives I had never heard my aunt use strong language. Now she was urging me to fuck her. It was unbelievably erotic and wanton. She reached under the sofa bed, seeking something.

"One of these though, love -- sorry!" she added, retrieving a condom and unwrapping it. "Sorry, love -- party rules!" she apologised.

It was a small price to pay. She sat up to slide it onto me, and her little breasts jutted out and gave almost a flicking movement rather than a substantial surge. It was a delightful sight.

She lay on her back and I raised myself, but before I could enter her, my aunt reached down and took my throbbing, condom-clad, pulsing erection. I stared at the sight of her fingers wrapped around it. My gaze ran up over her hand and up her arm to her shoulder, her lightly-lined neck, and up to her strained face. It was as if I needed the proof that it really was the hand of my aunt holding my manhood, and the pussy of my aunt that lay slick and eagerly awaiting me just inches from our consummation.

"I... I don't think... I may not last very long, Auntie!" I gasped.

She looked into my face tenderly but eagerly.

"That's a relief, because I don't think I will, either, love! Let's just do it!" she gasped.

Then she guided it into her warm, enveloping hole. She drew her knees up and dug her heels into the sofa-bed as I began to thrust and drive slowly into her. Our mouths met and we kissed pretty much continually and ardently, apart from the odd "Oh Auntie..." or "MMMhh, James!" Maybe we both felt that kissing prevented the embarrassment of spoken endearments, especially in Lucy's presence. Aunt Anne resumed caressing my back and my bum cheeks, and I teased her hard, sticky clit with one hand and her small breasts with the other.

I was acutely conscious of Lucy as she masturbated on the stool watching Aunt Lucy and I approaching the brink. Aunt Anne and I continued to glance at Lucy's wanton hand and pussy as we kissed. Very soon my climax, then my aunt's, gripped and shook us. Just a moment or two after Aunt Anne's orgasm subsided and we lay still in each other's arms, gently stroking and kissing in the sweet aftermath, I was conscious that Lucy's breathing was quickening and becoming shallower.

I looked across at her. So did Aunt Anne. Lucy was staring at us, but through half-closed eyes, and her face was pulled into a kind of grimace. Her modest but slightly flaccid breasts were bouncing and surging sensually as her hand and crotch rubbed against each other.

It was rather shocking to be witnessing her like this, and embarrassing to be doing so as I held my aunt in my arms. I had only ever seen such things in porn, and to see it for real and almost within touching distance seized my attention, though. I looked down at Aunt Anne's face and she smiled reassuringly, then looked back at her friend, bucking, jerking and panting softly on the stool a yard and a half from us.

When she was spent Lucy gave a long low "HMMMM! Oooh yes!" and gave a stifled chuckle of naughty satisfaction. Aunt Anne and I joined in.

Lucy walked over to where we were lying, and from behind the sofa-bed she picked up a folded sheet. I stared at her mature naked body. She smiled at us and loosely wrapped herself in the sheet. She passed me a box of tissues and the waste bin, and pointed to my dwindling erection. I wrapped the tissue around the condom and dropped it in the bin.

Lucy stepped over to the light switch and turned it off. I watched her sheet-wrapped outline pad back across the room in front of us to the other sofa and watched her lie down. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was my aunt snuggling up to me and drawing the sheet over our lightly-perspiring bodies.

Lucy half sat up and called softly across.

"Don't worry -- there's a travel alarm clock over here. I've set it in good time so you can be up and about before anyone else. Goodnight!"

I nuzzled my aunt's neck; then we kissed one final, lingering time, and drifted off.
Published by swapnil104
8 years ago
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